vscode installer download taking so long - visual-studio-code

I want to download vscode installer. I'm trying to get the download file from this link https://code.visualstudio.com/download. However, the download is taking so long and I tried it several times with no success. I strongly believe i don't have any problem with connection since I had checked all my internet connection by downloading atom installer, watching youtube, uploading video & send it via email. Could anyone help me with these.
Is the link obsolete/change?
I'm located in SEA region, is there something to do with region (maybe cdn or something, i'm just guessing)
Thank you


Download All AEM Logs with no SSH access

I'm trying to find a way for our devs to be able to download all AEM logs via the Sling or some other means. They do not have SSH access, so can't just jump on the server and download them.
The closest I've found is using /system/console/status-slinglogs and clicking the Download as Zip button. The problem is it only zips up the last 3 days, where as we need all logged days.
Does anyone know of a way to increase the number of days it includes? Or is the another way to do this?

How to download a whole soundcloud channel and/or playlist (all tracks from a channel would be better) with youtube-dl?

I'm well used to youtube-dl to do many things, but I never tried to download a whole soundcloud channel, at the best quality possible all at once. I can do it locally on ubuntu mate 20.04, but since self-update is not allowed on debian for some reason, I can also do it on my server through ssh, where my programs/apps are all well updated, if not by me, by the service providers themselves.
Soooo I basically go to the tracks tab, playlist, albums, liked, and copy all the links in a stack and copy and then just hit the yt -a and it grabs the clipboard then I folder all that music into one leaving the downloaded.txt in place and keep it moving. 9k in a week using this method 1 machine.
Now after create 7 layer network I get SSL cert issues LOL! back to linux.......
now I use yt-dlp tho

Can’t submit file for Facebook App Approval

I’ll set my outrage with the way this process works (to whom can I speak?) aside for the moment: we are attempting to provide FB with a link to our ~200 mb app for approval. We have been rejected 3 times because they are incapable of extracting our zip file (they request a zip for some unknown reason — it has minimal size impact).
Some detail: we are linking to the zip on our Dropbox. We have removed all punctuation from our app title (Pandamonium!.app becomes Pandamonium.app). We have eliminated spaces from our source folder. I thought all these could be causing a problem with iOS-sim.
I’m not sure what is left to do, but I am hoping someone can present a clear set of instructions (NOT THEIR INSTRUCTIONS, WHICH I HAVE READ) they have followed particularly if you have met similar snags or ANY ideas for resolution. All they send me is useless screenshots of their simulator unable to open the app which I have simulated and opened successfully daily with iOS-sim for the last week.
After a great deal of trial and error I found that using Facebook's command-line instructions was what was causing the issue. You should just compress your .app file in an ordinary fashion (right click and compress -- I used a Windows computer just to make sure everything was copasetic after reading about bizarre Mac .cbgz compression issues).
Regardless, in summary, I can now see why no one else has had an issue with this: it's because no one reads their instructions and rather just creates their .zip files in the ordinary way; unsurprisingly, you're better off using your common sense rather than listening to others.
Aside: ironically, after being told my use case was fine and the only issue was not being able to unzip, Facebook (India) has now told me they couldn't find my login button (which is gigantic, in multiple places, and clearly described in my instructions). This process is an absolute joke. I wish anyone going through this hell good luck.

Locate NetSuite Outlook integration plugin download link

We recently installed the Outlook bundle in NetSuite, however the link to actually download the addon for Outlook never displays. Any idea how to get this to show up?
The link should show up in the Settings portlet on your Home Screen.
Here are the direct links to the the download page and installer:
You said:
We attempted using these links after confirming we followed all setup steps correctly and still failed to see the downloads. Unfortunately still ran into an issue with .Net & VB Tools during install. Perhaps there is an issue with Win10?
Did Netsuite move your data center? If so then the link would be:
Replace the ? with your regional data center number. Worked for me.

Auto-upload on save

I'm delveloping a PHP web application on my local PC. Whenever I save a file it would be handy if Eclipse could upload the file to my web server via FTP. Is Eclipse able to do that?? I think Netbeans offers such an option. At the moment I do the upload manually which is very annoying...
Take a look at Eclipse Target Management (RSE). You can find a tutorial on getting started page.
A big downside is that the quality of RSE's error messages range from okay-if-ambiguous to downright horrible (IBM-style 3 chars + 4 digits with no text message) so it's best if you know whatever protocol you're using well enough to guess what the error is without really needing the message to explain it to you.
So, after a whole lot of tries, I finally found something that works!
What you need to install is Eclipse WebDAV and FTP Support. I have not found the eclipse update site, but this site has n archived version of it. This allows you to sychronize your code with an FTP site.
Then, to Automatically Upload On Save, you can use my Auto Hot Keys Script at:
Eclipse Synchronize Hotkeys