How to download a whole soundcloud channel and/or playlist (all tracks from a channel would be better) with youtube-dl? - soundcloud

I'm well used to youtube-dl to do many things, but I never tried to download a whole soundcloud channel, at the best quality possible all at once. I can do it locally on ubuntu mate 20.04, but since self-update is not allowed on debian for some reason, I can also do it on my server through ssh, where my programs/apps are all well updated, if not by me, by the service providers themselves.

Soooo I basically go to the tracks tab, playlist, albums, liked, and copy all the links in a stack and copy and then just hit the yt -a and it grabs the clipboard then I folder all that music into one leaving the downloaded.txt in place and keep it moving. 9k in a week using this method 1 machine.
Now after create 7 layer network I get SSL cert issues LOL! back to linux.......
now I use yt-dlp tho


vscode installer download taking so long

I want to download vscode installer. I'm trying to get the download file from this link However, the download is taking so long and I tried it several times with no success. I strongly believe i don't have any problem with connection since I had checked all my internet connection by downloading atom installer, watching youtube, uploading video & send it via email. Could anyone help me with these.
Is the link obsolete/change?
I'm located in SEA region, is there something to do with region (maybe cdn or something, i'm just guessing)
Thank you

Can’t submit file for Facebook App Approval

I’ll set my outrage with the way this process works (to whom can I speak?) aside for the moment: we are attempting to provide FB with a link to our ~200 mb app for approval. We have been rejected 3 times because they are incapable of extracting our zip file (they request a zip for some unknown reason — it has minimal size impact).
Some detail: we are linking to the zip on our Dropbox. We have removed all punctuation from our app title (Pandamonium!.app becomes We have eliminated spaces from our source folder. I thought all these could be causing a problem with iOS-sim.
I’m not sure what is left to do, but I am hoping someone can present a clear set of instructions (NOT THEIR INSTRUCTIONS, WHICH I HAVE READ) they have followed particularly if you have met similar snags or ANY ideas for resolution. All they send me is useless screenshots of their simulator unable to open the app which I have simulated and opened successfully daily with iOS-sim for the last week.
After a great deal of trial and error I found that using Facebook's command-line instructions was what was causing the issue. You should just compress your .app file in an ordinary fashion (right click and compress -- I used a Windows computer just to make sure everything was copasetic after reading about bizarre Mac .cbgz compression issues).
Regardless, in summary, I can now see why no one else has had an issue with this: it's because no one reads their instructions and rather just creates their .zip files in the ordinary way; unsurprisingly, you're better off using your common sense rather than listening to others.
Aside: ironically, after being told my use case was fine and the only issue was not being able to unzip, Facebook (India) has now told me they couldn't find my login button (which is gigantic, in multiple places, and clearly described in my instructions). This process is an absolute joke. I wish anyone going through this hell good luck.

Strange Robots.txt update problems

I have a strange robots.txt issue.
I update my robots file regularly without problem, until some days ago. Now, when I update the robots via a FTP folder it appears to update. If I view it from a browsers, I only see the old version. Even Google doesn't update it, after several days. From Google's search console I see this:
On the left you see what I see in my browser and what google sees. On the right you see the real file, like it appears in ftp. The last 5 lines are different.
If it matters, I use Google's DNS servers. When I change the DNS on my PC connection to my Internet Service Provider's DNS, I see the new robots file, but google still does not.
Had the same issue, as my robots.txt wouldn't show correctly to Google in days. It can take a while for Google to crawl your site and check your robots.txt - sometimes its done right away, sometimes it can take up to a few days. I would suggest you to wait for a while and check again. Maybe even try from a computer with a different network (or a mobile network).
I recommend that you try and upload (if you haven't already) your file to Google for faster crawling. Check out this link -
the problem was with the cloudflare cache.. Flushed it the problem was solved

Packaging a GWT app to run completely offline NOT installed via a "marketplace"

Theres a few questions similar to this, so I'll try to be clear as possible.
We have an existing, fairly large and complex, GWT webgame I have been asked to make work offline. It has to be offline in pretty much the strictest sense.
Imagine we have been told to make it work off a CD Rom.
So installation is allowed, but we cant expect the users to go to a Chrome/Firefox store and install it from there. It would need to be off the disc.
Likewise, altering of the browsers start-up flags would be unreasonable to expect of users.
Ideally, it would be nice if they just clicked a HTML file for the start page and it opened in their browsers of choice.
We successfully got it working this way in Firefox by adding;
"<add-linker name='xsiframe' />"
To our gwt.xml settings. This seems to solve any security issues FF has with local file access.
However, this does not solve the problem for Chrome.
The main game starts up, but various file requests are blocked due to security issues like these;
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///E:/Game%20projects/[Thorn]%20Game/ThornGame/text/ Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.MyApplication-0.js:34053 com_google_gwt_http_client_RequestBuilder_$doSend__Lcom_google_gwt_http_client_RequestBuilder_2Ljava_lang_String_2Lcom_google_gwt_http_client_RequestCallback_2Lcom_google_gwt_http_client_Request_2 MyApplication-0.js:34053
Now I was aware same origin policy issues might popup as during development we often tested locally using flags in chrome to bi-pass them.
Thing I dont know how to get around them when we cant use startup flags.
Obviously in the example given its just the .properties file GWT uses to get some language related text. I could dump that inline in one way or another.
However, its only one of many,many,many files being blocked.
The whole game was made to run off *.txt game scripts on the sever - to allow easy updating by non-coders. Really the actual GWT code is just an "engine" and all the XMLHttpRequested files supply the actual "game".
These files are of various types; csv, txt, ntlist, jam.
The last two being custom extensions for what are really just txt files.
All these files are blocked by chromes security. It seems from what I can make out only images are allowed to be accessed locally.
Having all these files compiled in would just be impossible, as they are not fixed in number (ie, one central .txt file determains various scene .txt files which in turn determain various object files and directory's...).
Putting all this into a bundle would be nightmare to create and maintain.
So in essence I need some way to supply a offline version of a GWT project that can access a large number of various files in its subdirectories without security issues.
So far all I can think of is;
A) Theres something I can tell chrome via html or gwt that allows these files to be read in Chrome like FF can. (I suspect this isn't possible).
An alternative to XMLHttpRequest maybe?
B) I need to somehow package a game+a webbrowser in a executable package that has permission to access files in its directory's. ( ? ?? ).
C) I need to package and have the user run a full webserver that can then deliver all these files in a XMLHttp accessible way.
D) Bit of a funny one...we cant tell the user to add flags to browser start up...but Maybe I could write a game installer which just detects if they have Chrome or Firefox. It then opens up the games html in their browser with the correct flags for them? This would open up security issues if they browse elsewhere with that instance though, so Id presumably need other flags to disable the url bar if that's possible.
I am happy to make various changes to our code to achieve any of this - but as mentioned above theres no way to determain all the files needing to be accessed at compile time.
And finally, of course, it all has to be as easy as possible for the end user.
Ideally just clicking a html file, or installing something no more complex then a standard windows program.
Thanks for reading this rather long explanation, any pointers and ideas would be very welcome. I especially will appreciate multiple different options or feedback from anyone that's done this.
I accepted the suggestion to use Chromiumembedded below.
This works and does what I need (and much much more)
To help others that might want to use it, I specifically made two critical changes to the example project;
Because CEF needs a absolute path to the web apps local html, I wrote a c++ function to get the directory the .exe was launched from. This was a platform specific implementation, so if supporting a few OS's (which CEF does) be sure to write dedicated code for each.
Because my webapp will make use of local files, I enabled the Chrome flag for this by changing the browser settings;
browser_settings.file_access_from_file_urls = STATE_ENABLED;
These two changes were enough to get my app working, but it is obviously the bare minimum to make a application. Hopefully my finding will help others.
I'd suggest going the wrapper route. That is, provide a minimal browser implementation that opens your files directly. Options are Chromium Embedded[1]. If the nature of the application absolutely requires the files to be served as non-file urls then bundle a minimal webserver, have the on-disk executable start the server and open the bundled browser with whatever startup arguments you want.

Setting up Eclipse with dropbox [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Sharing Eclipse directory on Dropbox between Windows and Mac OS X
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I know some one has asked similar question, but the answer is not what i am looking for.
Here is my situation: I have two computers, one is window 7, the other one is Macbook air.
When I am in school, I use the air to write code and I want write my code at home on window 7.
any genius come up with a solution that I don't have to import the project every time taking
advantage of dropbox? providing detailed solution is the best. just wanna make it clear, I
am using Eclipse just for Java.
Another way to make this easy for you , with the use of rapidsvn see the information on above link.enter link description here
I used to have the same "problem" but there is a simple solution.Create a folder in DropBox as your project path, While in school, you can just import it directly from the folder, and work on it.When ever you save, it get saved in the DropBox folder.But remember, while importing, do not select the copy project into workspace option.Also remember to close eclipse on one computer before opening the project in another. shows how you can set the workspace to a different location. You would just select a folder in Dropbox instead of on a usb stick like the guide shows.
When syncing with Dropbox, beware of syncing conflicts if you are trying to use Eclipse on both computers at the same time or Dropbox hasn't yet finished synced all the changes.
It shouldn't matter that there's source code in some directory that happens to be tied to Dropbox, so upload that particular folder to Dropbox.
However. There is much pain ahead of you if you elect to go that route.
Cloud-based file hosting services aren't the same as a revision system, which can be used to not only keep track of all of your source code files, but also give you history into what you've changed.
The best part about this is - there's a plethora of them to choose from, including but not limited to GitHub and Bitbucket. Further, they all can be pushed to, and subsequently, pulled from, just about anywhere.