How to add google tag manager in flutter app? - flutter

I'm trying to use Google Tag Manager in flutter application. Is there any plugin or package which helps to write GTM code in flutter?

I had the same issue a month ago.
I added the GTM dependencies as I would do with a normal android app.
It doesn't matter if it is a Flutter app, you will have an app/android folder in your project in which you can add graddle dependencies.
This is a screenshot of my app/android folder and the .build.graddle file with the gtm dependency added (and also other google analytics ones).
I recommend to follow this steps for android and this for iOS.

If you want to add Google Tag Manager in flutter web project just navigate to web folder in your project and open index.html file. Then copy any paste the required code snippets from Google Tag Manager web container and paste them accordingly that index.html file. Follow this link to get read the full documentation of adding Google Tag Manger to web project.


How to use flutter plugin, that I created, in my flutter app as local plugin

I have created a flutter plugin for android and ios and I want to use that plugin in my flutter app locally. I don't want to upload it to but to use it locally in my flutter app. I searched a bit and I found that I can use external packages locally but I didn't find anything about a plugin. These are directories under my plugin package all_pdf_tools:
Out of these which directory do I need to move to my flutter app directory and then how should I declare it to use it in my pubspec.yaml and then how can I use my plugin's methods in the flutter app.
Thank you.
Make sure that your Flutter app and plugin are in sibling folders.
The add a dependency in pubspec.yaml of your Flutter app:
path: ../all_pdf_tools
This tells your Flutter project to look for your plugin at the relative path, rather than in pub or a local git repo.
(If you look in all_pdf_tools/example/pubspec.yaml you'll see this is how the example app refers to its plugin by using path: ../)

Issues while deploying flutter website to server

I am new to flutter development. I want to deploy flutter website to my own hosting server. For that i have done following steps.
1. Go to the root folder of your project and do a build in release mode
 flutter build web
The next step is to deploy that folder and host it on server. But when i perform above step the folder is generated inside build folder, but source tree is not showing me build folder while commiting, What could be the issue here, I want to commit that folder to the branch.
I am going to use apache web server for flutter web deployment. will this server work with flutter website?
Update: If anyone has similar question apache worked with flutter website
The build folder is usually in .gitignore that's why you don't see any changes after building it. After running the flutter build web, a web folder is created at build, this is the folder you need to upload at the public_html of your server. If you don't see at all the web folder after building, try a flutter clean && flutter pub get and rebuild it again.

Flutter - Bundle assets with web plugin

I'm adding web support to a Flutter plugin which doesn't follow the federated style. I have followed this link and created a new project for the web plugin.
I need to bundle some JavaScript files with my plugin. I tried placing them on the lib/ folder and referencing them from the generated HTML (using dart:html) as packages/my_plugin/jsfile.js.
This works perfectly fine on debug builds, but it doesn't on release builds.
What I'm doing wrong?
Thank you.

nopcommerce 4.2 payment methods missing

I have NopCommerce source code and I cannot see any payment methods which used to come default with nopcommerce. It says download from Marketplace but I cant find PayPal Standard plugin on the marketplace
In the root plugin folder I can see the plugin Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandard which has some files. I believe this is a source code of the plugin. Then I can also see an empty folder of Payments.PayPalStandard
I can see the plugin in action on the demo nopcommerce site so I believe it is still relevant and available.
Am I missing something? Where can I find the plugin and how can I install it on my application
Please download no source code from github.
Refer this link for download deployed code.
It's not possible that any payment plugin not there into plugin folder.
So please dowload from given link and check there are many payment plugins inbuilt.
Currently I have downoad nopCommerce_4.20_NoSource_SelfContained.rar and checked Payments.PayPalStandard is there.
\Plugins is a Visual Studio solution folder that contains plugin projects. Physically it's located in the root of your solution. But plugins DLLs are automatically copied in \Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\ directory which is used for already deployed plugins because the build output paths of all plugins are set to ..\..\Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\{Group}.{Name}\. This allows plugins to contain some external files, such as static content (CSS or JS files) without having to copy files between projects to be able to run the project.
You need to build the project Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandard, to publish the binary files in the output directory of \Presentation\Nop.Web project. Then run the project and complete the installation process of the plug-in in the administrative panel.

How to bootstrap UI5 resources without CDN in Eclipse?

I'm doing a walkthrough for SAPUI5.
The code src="/resources/sap-ui-core.js" doesn't work, because I can't find this directory in my project.
When using a CDN URL, it works fine. But I don't want to use CDN for my application.
So how can I get and import the sap-ui-core.js file into my project so that it is saved on my computer locally?
I'm working with Eclipse btw. and installed the SAPUI5 Tools for Eclipse.
The SAPUI5-Plugin for eclipse includes the SAPUI5 library files.
If you start the App using "Run as..."->"Web App Preview" on your index.html, eclipse starts a jetty http server which serves the SAPUI5 library at /resources.
As long as you don't close the preview window in eclipse you can use any browser to debug your application at the url you find in that preview window.
Check that the dependencies are correct in your project, because the general dependency file such as sap.m may be missing in the project file.