Is it possible to have a property containing generic protocol in Swift? - swift

Let's say I have a protocol
protocol MyProtocol {
associatedtype DoSmthValue
func doSmth(_ value: DoSmthValue) -> String
I also have another protocol:
protocol AnotherProtocol {
associatedtype T: MyProtocol
var items: [T] { get set }
and finally my class where I want to use it:
class MyClass: AnotherProtocol {
typealias T = MyProtocol // this code returns an error
var items = [T]
But this code returns me MyProtocol can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements which is fair enough. I would like to use it like typealias T = MyProtocol<String> which is not allowed in Swift. So is there a way?

AnotherProtocol has an associated value which must be some type that conforms to MyProtocol. A protocol cannot conform to protocols, including itself, so that type cannot be MyProtocol; it has to be a type conforming to MyProtocol.
var items, then, has to be an array of whatever that type is.
So, let's say you have a type conforming to MyProtocol which defines the associated type to be String:
struct Foo: MyProtocol {
func doSmth(_ value: String) -> String {
Then you can define MyClass as:
class MyClass: AnotherProtocol {
var items: [Foo]
init(_ items: [Foo]) { self.items = items }
Of course, if you don't want it to be specific to Foo, you can make it generic with respect to any type T that conforms to MyProtocol and has an associated type of String:
class MyClass<T: MyProtocol>: AnotherProtocol where T.DoSmthValue == String {
var items: [T]
init(_ items: [T]) { self.items = items }
let myClass = MyClass([Foo(), Foo(), Foo()])

New Dev's answer is exactly right about how to fix this, but it's also worth realizing why this set of protocols is requiring something that doesn't make sense.
Let's pretend your MyClass definition were legal. I could then write the following code:
for item in items {
// item is of pseudo-type "MyProtocol"
// (that's illegal, but we're pretending it's not)
item.doSmth(... what would go here? ...)
As written, DoSmthValue could require literally any type, and you'd have to provide it. But you don't know what it is (and you can't know what it is). There's no way to make use of this protocol; you can't generate the things it requires. So it's not meaningful for item to be of type MyProtocol. You need to go back to thinking about what you want the calling code to look like, and that will tell you what kinds of protocols you need. Starting with the protocols (especially if you're new to this) will typically get you in trouble.


Passing object conforming to AnyObject protocol into generic requiring AnyObject

Assuming this code:
protocol Test: AnyObject {}
class RealTest: Test {}
class Wrapper<A: AnyObject> {
weak var value: A?
init(_ value: A) {
self.value = value
let realTest = RealTest()
let wrapper = Wrapper(realTest)
the code above works and wrapper is created. However, when I change the realTest to:
let realTest: Test = RealTest()
I get the error message
Generic class 'Wrapper' requires that 'Test' be a class type
Is there a solution to this, as I need the AnyObject requirement and I only know the protocol the objects are conforming to?
Protocols do not conform to themselves (or to any protocol). Only concrete types can conform to a protocol.
If the only thing you need to know about this type is that it is a class (AnyObject), then you don't want a generic here, you just want to pass the protocol type itself (technically the "existential").
class Wrapper {
let value: AnyObject
init(_ value: AnyObject) {
self.value = value
If you need a generic here for some other reason, then the generic must be over a concrete type, not a protocol.

AnyObject and generics in Swift

This code fails to compile with Swift 5.1
import Foundation
protocol SomeClassProtocol: AnyObject {}
class SomeClass: SomeClassProtocol {}
class GenericClass<T:AnyObject> {
weak var t: T?
init(t: T) {
self.t = t
let test = GenericClass<SomeClassProtocol>(t: SomeClass())
The error is
'GenericClass' requires that 'SomeClassProtocol' be a class type
Does the compiler really need a class type here instead of a class-only protocol?
Yes. Though the syntax is the same (a colon), protocol inheritance is not the same thing as protocol conformance. Protocols do not conform to protocols; only types can conform to protocols. (AnyObject is not special in this regard; your question is good but the title isn't getting at the issue.)
In your example:
Your T needs to conform to AnyObject. SomeClassProtocol does not conform to AnyObject. But any types that conform to SomeClassProtocol will conform to AnyObject.
So you need to pick which of these you really want:
let test = GenericClass( t: SomeClass() )
(test is a GenericClass<SomeClass>.)
class Class {
weak var object: AnyObject?
init(object: AnyObject) {
self.object = object
Class( object: SomeClass() )
You do have the option of subclassing, if that would be useful.
class GenericClass<T: AnyObject>: Class {
var t: T? {
get { object as? T }
set { object = newValue }
Does the compiler really need a class type here instead of a class-only protocol?
Yes, it does. I think the problem is just understanding what this means:
class GenericClass<T:AnyObject>
That means: "To resolve GenericClass, the parameterized type T must be some type that is a class." Examples would be UIView, NSString, etc.
Okay, so:
let test = GenericClass<SomeClassProtocol>(t: SomeClass())
So, SomeClassProtocol is none of those; it isn't the name of a class. It's the name of a protocol.
A further difficulty may be understanding protocols as types. They are not really full-fledged types.
You don't need to specify T explicitly.
Change your code from this:
let test = GenericClass<SomeClassProtocol>(t: SomeClass())
To this:
let test = GenericClass(t: SomeClass())

Specialize generic function requirement on protocol inheritance

I have some protocol hierarchies on my code where I have protocols defining the objects I use and protocols defining functions to use with this objects.
The object protocols are inherited by other object protocols that add more functionality to the original protocols and so are the functions that use them. The problem is that I can't find a way to specialize the function to take only the inherited parameter.
Here's some code to clarify what I'm trying to do:
protocol A {
var foo: String { get set }
protocol B: A {
var bar: String { get set }
struct Test: B {
var foo: String = "foo"
var bar: String = "bar"
protocol UseAProtocol {
static func use<T: A>(_ obj: T)
protocol UseBProtocol: UseAProtocol {
extension UseBProtocol {
//If I change the requirement to <T: B> this won't conform to `UseAProtocol`.
static func use<T: A>(_ obj: T) {
// print( - Since obj does not conform to `B` I can't access ".bar" here without a forced casting.
struct Manager: UseBProtocol {
What I want to do is make the use function on the UseBProtocol only accept objects that conform to B. B inherits from A, but when I change from <T:A> to <T:B> I got an error saying that Manager does not conform to UseAProtocol and I have to change it back to <T:A>.
I know I can do this using associatedtype and where clauses on the inherit protocols - that's what I use today - but I wanted to move the generic requirement to the method so I could group all of them together under the same struct (I have a lot of this hierarchies and by using associatedtype I must use one struct by hierarchy). When the Conditional Conformances came to Swift this would be possible with associatedtype, but until them...
I could also use as! to force the casting from A to B on the UseBProtocol implementation, but that's a really bad solution and the error would be throw only at runtime.
Is there any way to achieve what I'm looking for?
It seems like what you are actually looking for is an associatedType in UseAProtocol rather than making the use function generic.
By declaring an associated type in UseAProtocol and changing the function signature of use to static func use(_ obj: ProtocolType) your code compiles fine and you can access both foo and bar from Manager.
protocol AProtocol {
var foo: String { get set }
protocol BProtocol: AProtocol {
var bar: String { get set }
struct Test: BProtocol {
var foo: String = "foo"
var bar: String = "bar"
protocol UseAProtocol {
associatedtype ProtocolType
static func use(_ obj: ProtocolType)
protocol UseBProtocol: UseAProtocol {
extension UseBProtocol {
static func use(_ obj: BProtocol) {
struct Manager: UseBProtocol {
Manager.use(Test()) //prints both "foo" and "bar"

Protocol extensions on Structs causes compile error 'Self' constrained to non-protocol type

I'm attempting to apply a constrained protocol extension to a struct (Swift 2.0) and receiving the following compiler error:
type 'Self' constrained to non-protocol type 'Foo'
struct Foo: MyProtocol {
let myVar: String
init(myVar: String) {
self.myVar = myVar
protocol MyProtocol {
func bar()
extension MyProtocol where Self: Foo {
func bar() {
let foo = Foo(myVar: "Hello, Protocol")
I can fix this error by changing struct Foo to class Foo but I don't understand why this works. Why can't I do a where Self: constrained protocol a struct?
This is an expected behaviour considering struct are not meant to be inherited which : notation stands for.
The correct way to achieve what you described would be something like equality sign like:
extension MyProtocol where Self == Foo {
func bar() {
But this doesn't compile for some stupid reason like:
Same-type requirement makes generic parameter Self non-generic
For what it's worth, you can achieve the same result with the following:
protocol FooProtocol {
var myVar: String { get }
struct Foo: FooProtocol, MyProtocol {
let myVar: String
protocol MyProtocol {}
extension MyProtocol where Self: FooProtocol {
func bar() {
where FooProtocol is fake protocol which only Foo should extend.
Many third-party libraries that try to extend standard library's struct types (eg. Optional) makes use of workaround like the above.
I just ran into this problem too. Although I too would like a better understanding of why this is so, the Swift language reference (the guide says nothing about this) has the following from the Generic Parameters section:
Where Clauses
You can specify additional requirements on type parameters and their
associated types by including a where clause after the generic
parameter list. A where clause consists of the where keyword, followed
by a comma-separated list of one or more requirements.
The requirements in a where clause specify that a type parameter
inherits from a class or conforms to a protocol or protocol
composition. Although the where clause provides syntactic sugar for
expressing simple constraints on type parameters (for instance, T:
Comparable is equivalent to T where T: Comparable and so on), you can
use it to provide more complex constraints on type parameters and
their associated types. For instance, you can express the constraints
that a generic type T inherits from a class C and conforms to a
protocol P as <T where T: C, T: P>.
So 'Self' cannot be a struct or emum it seems, which is a shame. Presumably there is a language design reason for this. The compiler error message could certainly be clearer though.
As Foo is an existing type, you could simply extend it this way:
struct Foo { // <== remove MyProtocol
let myVar: String
init(myVar: String) {
self.myVar = myVar
// extending the type
extension Foo: MyProtocol {
func bar() {
From The Swift Programming Language (Swift 2.2):
If you define an extension to add new functionality to an existing type, the new functionality will be available on all existing instances of that type, even if they were created before the extension was defined.

protocol associated type typealias assignment compile error

Following code:
protocol SomeProtocol {
typealias SomeType = Int // used typealias-assignment
func someFunc(someVar: SomeType)
class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {
func someFunc(someVar: SomeType) {
gives compile-time error:
Use of undeclared type 'SomeType'
Adding, say typealias SomeType = Double, to the SomeClass resolves the error.
The question is, what's the point of typealias-assignment part (which is optional btw) of protocol associated type declaration though?
In this case the assignment of Int to the typealias is equal to no assignment because it gets overridden by your conforming type:
// this declaration is equal since you HAVE TO provide the type for SomeType
protocol SomeProtocol {
typealias SomeType
func someFunc(someVar: SomeType)
Such an assignment provides a default type for SomeType which gets overridden by your implementation in SomeClass, but it is especially useful for protocol extensions:
protocol Returnable {
typealias T = Int // T is by default of type Int
func returnValue(value: T) -> T
extension Returnable {
func returnValue(value: T) -> T {
return value
struct AStruct: Returnable {}
AStruct().returnValue(3) // default signature: Int -> Int
You get the function for free only by conforming to the protocol without specifying the type of T. If you want to set your own type write typealias T = String // or any other type in the struct body.
Some additional notes about the provided code example
You solved the problem because you made it explicit which type the parameter has. Swift also infers your used type:
class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {
func someFunc(someVar: Double) {
So SomeType of the protocol is inferred to be Double.
Another example where you can see that SomeType in the class declaration doesn't refer to to the protocol:
class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {
typealias Some = Int
func someFunc(someVar: Some) {
// check the type of SomeType of the protocol
// dynamicType returns the current type and SomeType is a property of it
SomeClass().dynamicType.SomeType.self // Int.Type
// SomeType gets inferred form the function signature
However if you do something like that:
protocol SomeProtocol {
typealias SomeType: SomeProtocol
func someFunc(someVar: SomeType)
SomeType has to be of type SomeProtocol which can be used for more explicit abstraction and more static code whereas this:
protocol SomeProtocol {
func someFunc(someVar: SomeProtocol)
would be dynamically dispatched.
There is some great information in the documentation on "associated types" in protocols.
Their use is abundant throughout the standard library, for an example reference the SequenceType protocol, which declares a typealias for Generator (and specifies that it conforms to GeneratorType). This allows the protocol declaration to refer to that aliased type.
In your case, where you used typealias SomeType = Int, perhaps what you meant was "I want SomeType to be constrained to Integer-like behavior because my protocol methods will depend on that constraint" - in which case, you may want to use typealias SomeType: IntegerType in your protocol, and then in your class go on to assign a type to that alias which conforms to IntegerType.
After opening a bug w/ Apple on this and having had extensive discussion around it, I have come to an understanding of what the base issue is at the heart of this:
when conforming to a protocol, you cannot directly refer to an associated type that was declared only within that protocol
(note, however, that when extending a protocol the associated type is available, as you would expect)
So in your initial code example:
protocol SomeProtocol {
typealias SomeType = Int
func someFunc(someVar: SomeType)
class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {
func someFunc(someVar: SomeType) { // use of undeclared type "SomeType"
...the error re: "use of undeclared type" is correct, your class SomeClass has not declared the type SomeType
However, an extension to SomeProtocol has access to the associated type, and can refer to it when providing an implementation:
(note that this requires using a where clause in order to define the requirement on the associated type)
protocol SomeProtocol {
typealias SomeType = Int
func someFunc(someVar: SomeType)
extension SomeProtocol where SomeType == Int {
func someFunc(someVar: SomeType) {
print("1 + \(someVar) = \(1 + someVar)")
class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {}
SomeClass().someFunc(3) // => "1 + 3 = 4"
There is great article that actually gives you answer for your question. I suggest everyone to read it to get into type-aliases and some more advanced stuff that comes up when you use it.
Citation from website:
Conceptually, there is no generic protocols in Swift. But by using
typealias we can declare a required alias for another type.