Autofac RegisterAssemblyTypes tries to resolve all public types - autofac

Quick question: I've been using autofac with core in a project and I've noticed that it tries to resolve all types during configuration after updating it to the latest nuget package (going from Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection 5.0.1 to 7.0.2). Btw, here's the code that was being used to register the types:
Until now, I wasn't seeing this behavior. The problem with this new approach is that it will try to resolve types that will never be injected through DI. For instance, it complains about public classes that don't have public constructors event though those classes will never be created through DI.
Can someone point me to when this change happened?
Does this mean that now I must filter the types I need explicitly?

This is nothing new.
You can filter those out with something like below:
.Where(type => type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public).Any())


Can't map property String to JAXBElement<String> using MapStruct

so I was playing a bit with Mapstruct, reading the reference Documentation for the Version 1.1.0.Final, and arrived at the point:
implicit type conversions
where is defined the following statement:
Between JAXBElement < T> and T
I tried that, but the error what I received was:
Can't map property "java.lang.String xmlElement" "javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<java.lang.String> xmlElement".
Consider to declare/implement a mapping method:
javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<java.lang.String> map(java.lang.String value)".
I know thisi is the same thread asCan't map property when using MapStruct but since then Mapstruct released a new version.
Am I doing something wrong or this feature really is missing?
Thank you.
Mapping from JAXBElement<T> to T works out of the box. For the reverse you need to make sure that the ObjectFactory(ies) are in the Mapper#uses, MapStruct uses those methods to create the types.
You can also have a look at this integration test.
In case this happens on Java 9 or higher and you use implementation of type JAXBElement from maven library (in my case'javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api') make sure it is on the classpath of the annotation processor - this resolved the issue for me.
If your JAXBElement was generated by a wsdl client generator (eg. xjc) you need to provide the corresponding ObjectFactory.class generated by the client generator:
#Mapper(uses = ObjectFactory.class)
public interface OrderMapper {
Order orderEntityToExternalOrder(OrderEntity orderEntity);
MapStruct 1.0.0.Beta1 is out with JAXB support, custom factories, decorators and more

Entity Framework inheritance over different assemblies

I'm quite new to Entity Framework, but the more I worked with it, the more I actually liked it. But now my passion is at risk, as I'm struggeling with an issue that already made me crush my head against the wall.
The problem is the following:
I'm using Entity Framework 5.0 with code-first approach plus inheritance for my business models represented by Table Per Hierarchy. At first I had all of my entity types, that were supposed to be mapped, in the same assembly as my DbContext (which worked fine for both TPH and TPT). But as they also contain logic that is dependent on other assemblies, this turned out as no good approach since it caused circular dependencies because those assemblies also need to have knowledge of the Data Access Layer, which in turn has to have knowledge of the entity types that it is supposed to map).
I solved this issue by introducing a CommonObjects project, where I now keep all of my abstract classes and stripped out the concrete descendents (containing the logic, etc.) of those base classes into the specific projects, which are responsible for them.
(see: Circular Dependency Solution)
It compiled and everything seemed to fit the way I imagined it.
But now it turned out that Entity Framework seems to struggle with the derivates being in a different assembly than the base classes.
During runtime, when trying to access the DbContext the first time, the compiler threw an InvalidOperationException saying:
The abstract type 'Foo.Bar.AbstractClass' has no mapped descendents
and so cannot be mapped. Either remove 'Foo.Bar.AbstractClass' from
the model or add one or more types deriving from
'Foo.Bar.AbstractClass' to the model.
So EF is obviously not able to find the descendents, as it only knows the base classes (which are in the CommonObjects project), but the descendents are in a different assembly.
DbSet<AbstractClass> AbstractClasses { get; set; }
According to this question:
Entity Framework Code First and Multiple Assemblies
I tried to add the following code to the constructor of my derived DbContext:
But that did not work for me. While debugging and watching the MetadataWorkspace the method "LoadFromAssembly" did obviously not have any effect on the MetadataWorkspace and its items (no types were loaded from assembly Foo1).
What am I missing here?
Thanks for your answers in advance.
EDIT: This only barely works and isn't worth it, and doesn't work at all if you're using CodeFirst.
I have encountered the same issue with code first. I tried your method of reflection. This seems a bit wonky, but you can trick EF into being okay with your set up with an internal class.
internal class ClassToMakeEFHappy : AbstractClass {}
I just created that in the same file as my AbstractClass definition and it did the trick.

problems registering types with structuremap for generic repository

My source is at
I want to create a generic repository that I can reference in different projects. Most generic repository implementations that I've seen make that difficult. I stumbled across and found that it would work great for what I have in mind. Each of my projects can have a context defined in it, then I just need to reference a generic repository project or dll and pass in the context and I'm ready to go.
The only thing I'm trying to get my head around is how do I wire structuremap since there are a few nested dependencies that need to get resolved. Unfortunately, the blog doesn't really address how to implement dependency injection with the generic repository. I tried to tinker around with the implementation (see above referenced git hub repo), but I'm doing something wrong while configuring structure map.
The dependencies work out like this:
the repository takes a context in the constructor, and the context in turn gets a connection string. The constructor parameters are all interfaces which match the default convention of IType maps to Type. My assumption is that since I have auto registration, all I need to do is explicitly define the registration for the context to tell structuremap that it should get the connection string from the app.config, I should be good to go.
However, structuremap is not able to work out the registrations like I thought it would:
StructureMap Exception Code: 202
No Default Instance defined for PluginFamily Generic_Repository_Test.IGenericRepository`1
[[ViewModel.Customer, ViewModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]],
Generic Repository Test, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
The registration code
//This is commented out since it should not be necessary.
//I tried to put this in for grins
//and see if it would resolve the issue but it doesn't.
//For<IGenericRepository<Customer>>().Use<GenericRepository<CustomerContext, Customer>>();
//I've tried moving scan to the top but it didn't make a difference
Scan(x =>
The problem did in fact turn out to be a configuration issue.
The issue was that the app.settings connectionstring setting was returning null, I'm not sure why that happens but I hardcoded the connection string just for grins. Will figure that issue out later.
With that resolved, I still had to manually configure the repo and the context, since another error popped up.
With that resolved, it looks like structuremap was trying to resolve itself, so I had to add a namespace exclusion.
The completed code looks like this:
public class DependencyRegistry : Registry
public DependencyRegistry()
.Is(#"Data Source=(localdb)\Projects;Initial Catalog=EventStorage;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False");
For<IGenericRepository<Customer>>().Use<GenericRepository<ICustomerContext, Customer>>();
Scan(x =>

Have to register every class before the autofac container can resolve?

let's say this scenario:
public class B {};
public class C
public C(B b){}
To resolve C from Autofac container, I have to register both B and C to container.
But, today I used Unity, it seems I just need to register B to container, then C can be resolved.
So Autofac can't do as Unity do?
With out-of-the-box Autofac it is expected that every type you want to use is registered with the container, either directly using the Register... methods or in bulk using RegisterAssemblyTypes. But there are other options too, take a look at Nicholas article about resolving everything. So yes, Autofac can do what Unity does, but you'll have to enable it.
Update: actually, the "resolve anything" feature is built-in now, and you can do the following:
var cb = new ContainerBuilder();
cb.RegisterSource(new AnyConcreteTypeNotAlreadyRegisteredSource());
return cb.Build();
With the AnyConcreteTypeNotAlreadyRegisteredSource you can actually resolve both C and B without registering any of them.
Note that the lifetime of services resolved by AnyConcreteTypeNotAlreadyRegisteredSource will be "per dependency scope".
Note: this topic over at the Autofac discussion group is related.

Windsor Container: How to specify a public property should not be filled by the container?

When Instantiating a class, Windsor by default treats all public properties of the class as optional dependencies and tries to satisfy them. In my case, this creates a rather complicated circular dependency which causes my application to hang.
How can I explicitly tell Castle Windsor that it should not be trying to satisfy a public property? I assume there must be an attribute to that extent. I can't find it however so please let me know the appropriate namespace/assembly.
If there is any way to do this without attributes (such as Xml Configuration or configuration via code) that would be preferable since the specific library where this is happening has to date not needed a dependency on castle.
You can use the Castle.Core.DoNotWireAttribute attribute to stop a property from being wired up by the IoC container (this is in the Castle.Core assembly, which means your library only needs to take a dependency on the lightweight Castle.Core assembly - if for example you want to use the code without an inversion of control container altogether, or in a different IoC container).
I don't believe there's any way to prevent wiring from occurring in the Xml configuration, but it would be reasonably easy to add support for this - if I had to do this I would probably:
Introduce some kind of attribute on the property declaration in the xml: <myprop wire="false" />
Inherit from PropertiesDependenciesModelInspector, overriding the InspectProperties method to apply some additional logic to identifying which properties should be added as dependencies to the components model (inspecting the model.Configuration for the wire="false" attribute/value pair).
Inherit from DefaultComponentModelBuilder and override the InitializeContributors to include your replacement PropertiesDependenciesModelInspector - or just remove the existing properties contributor and add your own at run time via the AddContributor/RemoveContributor methods.
Replace the ComponentModelBuilder service instance assigned to the kernel of your container.
Another approach which could work for you is to just manually remove the dependencies from the model before any instances of the service are requested ie.
kernel.GetHandler(typeof(MyComponent)).ComponentModel.Dependencies.RemoveAll(d => d.DependencyKey == "PropertyThatShouldNotBeWired");
YMMV with that approach though - especially if you have startable services or other facilities which may be eagerly instantiating your component after it's registered.
I created a facility to help with this:
I do not know which version of Castle you guys were using at that time, but none of the solution mentioned were working. Plus, there is a lot of dead links.
With castle 3.1, here the solution I came up with (thanks to some castle source code digging):
.Properties( propertyInfo => propertyInfo.PropertyType != typeof(MyOtherType)));
The 'Properties' function adds a property filter used by castle when constructing the ComponentModel. In my case, all properties dependency will be satisfied except the property type 'MyOtherType'.
Maybe it will be helpful for someone. In Windsor 4.1 there is PropertiesIgnore method during registration.
Component.For<Role>().LifestyleTransient().PropertiesIgnore((model, propertyInfo) => true)
This can be achieved by the following code:
var container = new WindsorContainer();
// We don't want to inject properties, only ctors
var propInjector = container.Kernel.ComponentModelBuilder
Source Castle Windsor Documentation
Posted this on the google groups forum too here: