mongodb find and update one with multiple conditions - mongodb

roomId: "id",
user1:"user1's work"
I'm trying to query mongodb with multiple conditions, that roomId has to match, and questions must be q1, and in q1 there must be a user1.
Here's what I've tried so far. Using and operator, but doesn't seems to work.For now I'm using find, as I read in the docs that updateMany has the same query selector as find.
const result = await collection.find({
$and: [
roomId: roomId,
questions: {
currentQuestion: {
My schema:
roomId: "id",
user1:"user1's work",
userN: "userN's work"
My expected input , (roomId, currentQuestion, userName) for query conditions,"userWork" to be inserted to what's under userName (user1 - userN).
Expected output, that the user's work gets updated with "userWork", under the right room, right currentQuestion and the right user.

You need this query I think:
"roomId": "id",
"questions.q1.user1": {
$exists: true
This query find a roomId which match your 'id' and then, check if exists the element questions.q1.user1.
Mongo playground example here
PS: You said update but... what do you want to update?
Assuming your schema is like
roomId: "id",
questions: {
q1: {
user1: "user1's work",
currentQuestion: "currentQuestion1"
Then, the query to update the currentQuestion field whose match the id and has existing questions.q1.user1 is this:
"roomId": "id",
"questions.q1.user1": {
$exists: true
"$set": {
"questions.q1.currentQuestion": "new question"
Example here
Note that if currentQuestion is one level up, you only have to modify $set object.
If you are not asking for this, please provide a complete schema, example input and expected output.


Upserting nested fields with a dot(.) in key in MongoDB

I have query in MongoDB for which I'm trying to upsert an inner nested attribute that contains a dot(.) in the key. E.g. a document might look something like: (below is a fictitious example just to highlight the constraint I'm facing.)
const person = {
name: 'Peter',
address: {
'NY.postalCode': 12345,
'CA.postalCode': 23456,
However, when I try to update one of the nested attribute in address with the below $set operation, I get an additional object NY under address and its subKey postalCode as a result, instead of the flattened attribute within address.
await Person.findByIdAndUpdate(id, {
$set: {
'address.NY.postalCode': 98765,
}, { new: true });
// Output
name: 'Peter',
address: {
'NY.postalCode': 12345,
'CA.postalCode': 23456,
NY: {
postalCode: 98765,
I've tried using the escape character for dot (\u002e), but get the same output. Also, I have seen some new features for setting fields but only in Mongo v5: However, we're using Mongo v4.2 and would not be able to upgrade until a while later.
Would like to check if there are any means to $set nested attributes in address that don't completely replace the address object? i.e. to be able to specifically upsert an inner attribute within address object?
For example, is it possible to use the aggregation framework to workaround this?
I've tried something like the below, but it didn't work - not sure if its something that I did wrong or its probably not possible to use the aggregation pipeline..
$match: {
_id: id,
$replaceRoot: { newRoot: {
$mergeObjects: [
'NY.postalCode': 98765,
} },
For your scenario, you need to achieve the update with aggregation pipeline.
Use $literal to escape the field name with dot.
Via $mergeObjects to merge current address object with { NY.postalCode': 98765 }.
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000")
$set: {
"address": {
$mergeObjects: [
$literal: {
"NY.postalCode": 98765
new: true
Demo # Mongo Playground

how to update the name of multiple objects to lowercase in mongodb?

i need to update the all user who have the rol user and change the nickName to lowercase, i try with this code
const users = await userModel.updateMany({ rol:'user' },
nickName: {
$toLower : "$nickName"
but is not working
In the future, please describe in what way your approach is not working. I went ahead and copied your example into this playground example and saw that your current approach resulted in the document being modified to include this field:
"nickName": {
"$toLower": "$nickName"
The problem here is that you are attempting to use the (aggregation) $set stage in your update (so that you can reference the existing $nickName field), but the update is using the $set (non-aggregation) modifier. If you wrap your second argument in square brackets (telling the database that you want to use an aggregation) then it should do what you want:
rol: "user"
$set: {
nickName: {
$toLower: "$nickName"
Playground demonstration here

MongoDB - Update One Field or Another

I'm pretty new to MongoDB so this might be my inexperience with it. I'm trying to do an upsert that when a record is found it will update multiple fields based on multiple conditions.
I have the following record in a collection:
modelId: "5e68c7eaa0887971ea6ef54c",
versionId: 999,
timeStamp: "1/1/2020",
oldValue: 'Blue',
newValue: 'Red'
I'm trying to satisfy the following conditions with a single upsert statement in order to avoid making multiple trips to the DB (based on the query that a document matching the modelId and versionId is found:
If timeStamp of new record is before (lt) the existing document then update oldValue
If timeStamp of new record is after (gt) the existing document then update newValue
If matching records is not found insert the new record.
In psuedo code terms I'm trying to do this with the upsert statement:
existingRecord = item in collection matching modelId and versionId
if(existingRecord = null)
//insert newRecord
if(newRecord.timeStamp < existingRecord.timeStamp)
existingRecord.oldValue = newRecord.oldValue
existingRecord.timeStamp = newRecord.timeStamp
else if(newRecord.timeStamp > existingRecord.timeStamp)
existingRecord.newValue = newRecord.newValue
existingRecord.timeStamp = newRecord.timeStamp
I've seen the possibility to do an upsert based on the condition of a date, something like:
db.collection.update( {, date: { $ } }, {$set : { o }}, {upsert:true} );
I don't know how to expand that to be able to update either the oldValue or the newValue based on the timeStamp value.
I'm planning on having a good amount of records inserted into the collection every day, estimate around 1MM, I'd hate to have to do a find() and then an update() for each record.
I'm using Mongo 4.0 and would appreciate any advice.
Well, in version 4.0, you are not allowed to use the conditions in the update query. Hence, you end up firing two queries instead.
db.collection.update({condition}, { $set: { o } }, { multi: true ,upsert:true });
db.collection.update({!condition}, { $set: { n } }, { multi: true ,upsert:true });
However, in version 4.2, added db.collection.update pipeline, in which the aggregation is allowed.
And, it contains only the following aggregation stages:
$addFields and its alias $set
$project and its alias $unset
$replaceRoot and its alias $replaceWith.
Hope this will help :)
I have added the $set stage to update the document. It will update the if timestamp condition is true else it will not update. and applies the same for other condition.
I have used the long value of timestamp you can use according to you case.
modelId: "5e68c7eaa0887971ea6ef54c",
versionId: 999,

How to add ObjectId property to each object of an array

I am have manually created an object in a Mongo collection:
"messages": [
"message":"test message"
....other properties
I would like to add an _id:ObjectId() to each item of my messages array and for each document in the collection.
I tried:
collection.update({}, {
$set: {
'messages.$._id': ObjectId(),
}, { multi: true }
but this is not working. The Id is getting added when I add new ones going through Mongoose, but these were manually entered into mongo. Any help is appreciated.
Your syntax is correct, but in order to use the $ positional operator the array field must appear as part of the query document, check in documentation.
Try this:
db.collection.update({messages: {$exists: true }},
{$set: { 'messages.$._id': ObjectId() } },
{multi: true}

Mongoose query where value is not null

Looking to do the following query:
enterDate : oneMonthAgo
confirmed : true
.where('pincode.length > 0')
.exec (err,entrants)->
Am I doing the where clause properly? I want to select documents where pincode is not null.
You should be able to do this like (as you're using the query api):
... which will result in a mongo query resembling:
entrants.find({ pincode: { $ne: null } })
A few links that might help:
The mongoose query api
The docs for mongo query operators
selects the documents where the value of the field is not equal to
the specified value. This includes documents that do not contain the
User.find({ "username": { "$ne": 'admin' } })
$nin selects the documents where:
the field value is not in the specified array or the field does not exist.
User.find({ "groups": { "$nin": ['admin', 'user'] } })
I ended up here and my issue was that I was querying for
{$not: {email: /}}
instead of
{email: {$not: /}}
Ok guys I found a possible solution to this problem. I realized that joins do not exists in Mongo, that's why first you need to query the user's ids with the role you like, and after that do another query to the profiles document, something like this:
const exclude: string = '-_id -created_at -gallery -wallet -MaxRequestersPerBooking -active -__v';
// Get the _ids of users with the role equal to role.
await User.find({role: role}, {_id: 1, role: 1, name: 1}, function(err, docs) {
// Map the docs into an array of just the _ids
var ids = { return doc._id; });
// Get the profiles whose users are in that set.
Profile.find({user: {$in: ids}}, function(err, profiles) {
// docs contains your answer
code: 200,
profiles: profiles,
page: page
path: 'user',
select: '-password -verified -_id -__v'
// group: { role: "$role"}
total count the documents where the value of the field is not equal to the specified value.
async function getRegisterUser() {
return Login.count({"role": { $ne: 'Super Admin' }}, (err, totResUser) => {
if (err) {
return err;
return totResUser;
Hello guys I am stucked with this. I've a Document Profile who has a reference to User,and I've tried to list the profiles where user ref is not null (because I already filtered by rol during the population), but
after googleing a few hours I cannot figure out how to get this. I
have this query:
const profiles = await Profile.find({ user: {$exists: true, $ne: null }})
.sort( {_id: -1} )
.skip( skip )
path: 'user',
match: { role: {$eq: customer}},
select: '-password -verified -_id -__v'
And I get this result, how can I remove from the results the user:null colletions? . I meant, I dont want to get the profile when user is null (the role does not match).
"code": 200,
"profiles": [
"description": null,
"province": "West Midlands",
"country": "UK",
"postal_code": "83000",
"user": null
"description": null,
"province": "Madrid",
"country": "Spain",
"postal_code": "43000",
"user": {
"role": "customer",
"name": "pedrita",
"email": "",
"created_at": "2020-06-05T11:05:36.450Z"
"page": 1
Thanks in advance.