Upserting nested fields with a dot(.) in key in MongoDB - mongodb

I have query in MongoDB for which I'm trying to upsert an inner nested attribute that contains a dot(.) in the key. E.g. a document might look something like: (below is a fictitious example just to highlight the constraint I'm facing.)
const person = {
name: 'Peter',
address: {
'NY.postalCode': 12345,
'CA.postalCode': 23456,
However, when I try to update one of the nested attribute in address with the below $set operation, I get an additional object NY under address and its subKey postalCode as a result, instead of the flattened attribute within address.
await Person.findByIdAndUpdate(id, {
$set: {
'address.NY.postalCode': 98765,
}, { new: true });
// Output
name: 'Peter',
address: {
'NY.postalCode': 12345,
'CA.postalCode': 23456,
NY: {
postalCode: 98765,
I've tried using the escape character for dot (\u002e), but get the same output. Also, I have seen some new features for setting fields but only in Mongo v5: However, we're using Mongo v4.2 and would not be able to upgrade until a while later.
Would like to check if there are any means to $set nested attributes in address that don't completely replace the address object? i.e. to be able to specifically upsert an inner attribute within address object?
For example, is it possible to use the aggregation framework to workaround this?
I've tried something like the below, but it didn't work - not sure if its something that I did wrong or its probably not possible to use the aggregation pipeline..
$match: {
_id: id,
$replaceRoot: { newRoot: {
$mergeObjects: [
'NY.postalCode': 98765,
} },

For your scenario, you need to achieve the update with aggregation pipeline.
Use $literal to escape the field name with dot.
Via $mergeObjects to merge current address object with { NY.postalCode': 98765 }.
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000")
$set: {
"address": {
$mergeObjects: [
$literal: {
"NY.postalCode": 98765
new: true
Demo # Mongo Playground


how to update the name of multiple objects to lowercase in mongodb?

i need to update the all user who have the rol user and change the nickName to lowercase, i try with this code
const users = await userModel.updateMany({ rol:'user' },
nickName: {
$toLower : "$nickName"
but is not working
In the future, please describe in what way your approach is not working. I went ahead and copied your example into this playground example and saw that your current approach resulted in the document being modified to include this field:
"nickName": {
"$toLower": "$nickName"
The problem here is that you are attempting to use the (aggregation) $set stage in your update (so that you can reference the existing $nickName field), but the update is using the $set (non-aggregation) modifier. If you wrap your second argument in square brackets (telling the database that you want to use an aggregation) then it should do what you want:
rol: "user"
$set: {
nickName: {
$toLower: "$nickName"
Playground demonstration here

Can't remove object in array using Mongoose

This has been extensively covered here, but none of the solutions seems to be working for me. I'm attempting to remove an object from an array using that object's id. Currently, my Schema is:
const scheduleSchema = new Schema({
_id: ObjectId
shifts: [
_id: Types.ObjectId,
name: String,
shift_start: Date,
shift_end: Date,
I've tried almost every variation of something like this:
{ _id: },
$pull: {
shifts: { _id: new Types.ObjectId( },
Database Format
Within these variations, the usual response I've gotten has been either an empty array or null.
I was able slightly find a way around this and accomplish the deletion by utilizing the main _id of the Schema (instead of the nested one:
{ _id: <main _id> },
{ $pull: { shifts: { _id: new Types.ObjectId(<nested _id>) } } },
{ new: true }
But I was hoping to figure out a way to do this by just using the nested _id. Any suggestions?
The problem you are having currently is you are using the same _id.
Using mongo, update method allows three objects: query, update and options.
query object is the object into collection which will be updated.
update is the action to do into the object (add, change value...).
options different options to add.
Then, assuming you have this collection:
"_id": 1,
"shifts": [
"_id": 2
"_id": 3
If you try to look for a document which _id is 2, obviously response will be empty (example).
Then, if none document has been found, none document will be updated.
What happens if we look for a document using shifts._id:2?
This tells mongo "search a document where shifts field has an object with _id equals to 2". This query works ok (example) but be careful, this returns the WHOLE document, not only the array which match the _id.
This not return:
"_id": 1,
"shifts": [
"_id": 2
Using this query mongo returns the ENTIRE document where exists a field called shifts that contains an object with an _id with value 2. This also include the whole array.
So, with tat, you know why find object works. Now adding this to an update query you can create the query:
This one to remove all shifts._id which are equal to 2.
"shifts._id": 2
$pull: {
shifts: {
_id: 2
Or this one to remove shifts._id if parent _id is equal to 1
"_id": 1
$pull: {
shifts: {
_id: 2

mongodb - how to insert a new key/value on each array's element if not present (with mongo query)

I would like to update each elements (object) in an array of a company.
Here my actual data :
_id: ObjectId("60d31024860ce0400b586111")
name: 1.pdf
url: "https://someurl"
createdAt: 2021-06-23T10:42:44.594+00:00
name: 2.pdf
url: "https://someurl"
name: 3.pdf
url: "https://someurl"
I would like to add a defined date on each object (in contracts) that has no "updatedAt" key.
Here what I tried :
db.companies.update({ _id: ObjectId("60d31024860ce0400b586111"),"contracts.createdAt": { $exists: false } },{ $set: { "contracts.$.createdAt": "test" } })
but I got this error :
"The positional operator did not find the match needed from the query."
I have also tried this and it works, but I don't wanna query by file name. I just wanna add "createdAt" on each elements found that has no "createdAt"
db.companies.update({ "": "2.pdf" },{ $set: { "contracts.$.createdAt": "atest" } })
I think you need to use the filtered position operator:
$ - updates the first matched array element
$[] - updates all the matched elements with a specific condition
The specific condition is mentioned in the arrayFilters key.
{ },
{ $set: { "contracts.$[element].createdAt" : "atest"} },
{ multi: true,
arrayFilters: [ { "element.createdAt": { $exists: false } } ]
multi - true is to apply the operation on all the matching documents.
Also notice, how the first query parameter is empty, which means the query runs for all documents. I used it based on the second query you wrote but you can also add in an ObjectID query there.

I need to extract data in the form of key-value pairs from a collection of records and merge them into their parent record in mongoDB

Below I have a structure for supporting custom picklist fields (in this example) within my sails.js application. The general idea is we support a collection of custom picklist values on any model within the app and the customer can have total control of the configuration of the custom field.
I went with this relationship model as using a simple json field lacks robustness when it comes to updating each individual custom picklist value. If I allow a customer to change "Internal" to "External" I need to update all records that have the value "Internal" recorded against that custom picklist with the new value.
This way - when I update the "value" field of CustomPicklistValue wherever that record is referenced via ID it will use the new value.
Now the problem comes when I need to integrate this model into my existing report engine...
$match: {
createdAt: {
$gte: rangeEndDate,
$lte: rangeStartDate
$project: {
total: $projectAggregation
$group: {
_id: {
total: {
[`$${aggrAttrFunc}`]: "$total"
cursor: {
batchSize: 100
Here is the main part of a method for retrieving and aggregating any models stored in my mongodb instance. A user can specify a whole range of things including but not limited to the model, field specific date ranges and filters such as "where certificate status equals expired" etc.
So I'm now presented with this data structure:
id: '5e5fb732a9422a001146509f',
customPicklistValues: [
id: '5e4e904f16ab94bff1a324a0',
value: 'Internal',
fieldName: 'Business Group',
customPicklist: '109c7a1a9d00b664f2ee7827'
id: '5e4e904f16ab94bff1a324a4',
value: 'Slack',
fieldName: 'Application',
customPicklist: '109c5a1a9d00b664f2ee7827'
And for the life of me can't work out if there's any way I can essentially pull out fieldName and value for each of the populated records as key-value pairs and add each to the parent record before running my match clause...
I think I need to use lookup to initially populate the customPicklistValues and then merge them somehow?
Any help appreciated.
#whoami has suggested I use $addFields. There was a fair amount I needed to do before $addFields to populate the linked records (due to how Waterline via sails.js handles saving Mongo ObjectIDs in related collections as strings), you can see my steps in compass here:
Final step would be to edit this or add a stage to it to actually be able to support a key:value pair like Business Group: "Finance" in this example.
You can try these stages after your $lookup stage :
$addFields: {
$arrayToObject: {
$map: {
input: '$customPicklistValues',
in: { k: '$$this.fieldName', v: '$$this.value' }
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: { $mergeObjects: ['$customPicklistValues', '$$ROOT'] } } },
{ $project: { customPicklistValues: 0 } }
Test : MongoDB-Playground

MongoDB Regex $and $or Search Query

I am trying to construct a query that will accept multiple fields that can be searched over using regex for partial field matching that also has a hard constraint on other fields.
Collection: "Projects"
Required Information: { propertyId: "abc", clientId: "xyz" }
Fields to be Searched: name,,
Currently, I have a query like this, but if there are no results it returns all the results, which isn't helpful.
'$and': [
{ propertyId: '7sHGCHT4ns6z9j6BC' },
{ clientId: 'xyz' },
{ '$or':
{ name: /HVAC/gi },
{ '': /HVAC/gi },
{ '': /HVAC/gi }
If anyone has any insight into this it would be much appreciated.
Example Document:
_id: "abc",
propertyId: "7sHGCHT4ns6z9j6BC",
clientId: "xyz"
name: "16.000.001",
serviceType: {
_id: "asdf",
name: "HVAC"
manager: {
_id: "dfgh",
name: "Patrick Lewis",
The expected result is to only find documents where propertyId = 7sHGCHT4ns6z9j6BC AND one at least one of the following keys: name,, or match an inputted string, in this case, it's HVAC and if none of the regex fields match, then return nothing.
The issue was with MongoDB, after restarting it, everything worked.
Try following script:
{name: /HVAC/i},
{"": /HVAC/i},
{"": /HVAC/i}
Query above will return a document or documents if and only if propertyId matches and either of name, or matches desired regex.