Which Dynamics CRM Plugin Message to use for routing emails - plugins

which CRM message should I use when I want my plugin to fire when an existing email is routed manually to another queue (clicking on the ribbon button "Route"?


Grafana - send an email from custom panel plugin

I created a custom panel plugin (TypeScript + React) that get data from ElasticSearch to monitor our systems. The plugin with custom logic (based on data) shows the state of the systems. Now I would like to send an email to a SMS gateway (or even to voice gateway). That just means send an email to a specific email address with phone numbers in the subject and a body with a specific format.
As far as I know Grafana can send an email via alerts that are linked with some graph panel and some threshold. I don't have any of that.
Is there a way to send (trigger via code) an email when my panel logic detects an error/warning? Do I have to write the sending logic (in the panel) myself with some nodeJS lib (without grafana) or is there some other way?
From Grafana forum:
AFAIK there’s no official plugin support for sending emails, so I’m
afraid you’d need to implement it yourself.
So I plan to user nodeJS library nodemailer to send en email from the panel plugin.

Orchard cms workflow not showing send mail node

In Orchard CMS I am trying to send email after form is submitted, but there is no Send Email node in workflows. I added Messaging module and Email Messaging module
You also need to enable the Email Workflows Activities feature to be able to add Send Email node to your workflows.

send mail on update task in odoo project management tool?

Send mail when updates task in a project management tool or update the description of task that time I need to send email.
You can achieved this one functionality:
Put the One button in this task Form view "Send Mail Info Of Pad" and when user update the paid then after click this button then after send the mail the followers of this task or any other user send the mail.

Dynamics CRM 2011 - attach file to email before send

I have a pretty standard workflow in my Dynamics CRM 2011, which sends email when new entity is created. Now, before email is sent, I'd like to attach some attachments by plugin.
Is it possible to capture some before-send event on email activity, so I could create plugin that before email is sent, do some check on created message, attach files and send it?
Files fetched by web service from another system, they are not attachements of other entities in CRM.
CRM will create the email and then send it, as two separate actions. So you should be able to add code to a post-create plugin on the email entity which adds the attachment. Presumably your workflow will add some flag to the email so your plugin knows which attachment to add to which email.
There are two messages on Email entity: Send and SendFromTemplate. You should be able to create PreSend or PreSendFromTemplate plugins and attach files.

CRM plugin not firing for emails sent from console application

I have a plugin written that is registered for the DeliverIncoming message on the email entity in CRM. The plugin fires normally when emails arrive into a queue.
I also have a console application that connects to the CRM service, checks the followupby attribute of cases and depending on the date sends out a reminder/overdue notification.
The problem is that these emails aren't causing the plugin to fire. The email activities are created in CRM and the emails are sent and delivered without any issue but the plugin doesn't fire. I also tried registering the plugin against the Create message of the email entity and that doesn't fire either.
The emails are sent using the SendEmailFromTemplateRequest as the request object being passed into the CrmService.Execute() method
The plugin fires for all other instances of emails being delivered. The emails sent from the console application are the only ones experiencing this issue. Does anybody know why this would occur?
DeliverIncoming only fires for eMails routed into the CRM queues by the eMail Router. It will not fire on eMails you send from the CRM system.
Finding out what exact message a plugin needs to be registered against to fire on a certain action is sometimes a case of trial and error. Write a simple plugin that just logs the time and context.MessageName somewhere and register it against any message valid for the email entity. Then send an eMail through your application and have a look at what the plugin logged.
Turns out the plugin was firing, but when run from the console application it was throwing an exception when trying to log to a file it didn't have permission to. I had a break point on the second line, the first line was the logging line.