In PySpark, there's the concept of coalesce(colA, colB, ...) which will, per row, take the first non-null value it encounters from those columns. However, I want coalesce(rowA, rowB, ...) i.e. the ability to, per column, take the first non-null value it encounters from those rows. I want to coalesce all rows within a group or window of rows.
For example, given the following dataset, I want to coalesce rows per category and ordered ascending by date.
| category| date| val1| val2|
| A| 2020-05-01| null| 1|
| A| 2020-05-02| 2| null|
| A| 2020-05-03| 3| null|
| B| 2020-05-01| null| null|
| B| 2020-05-02| 4| null|
| C| 2020-05-01| 5| 2|
| C| 2020-05-02| null| 3|
| D| 2020-05-01| null| 4|
What I should get as the output is...
| category| date| val1| val2|
| A| 2020-05-01| 2| 1|
| B| 2020-05-01| 4| null|
| C| 2020-05-01| 5| 2|
| D| 2020-05-01| null| 4|
First, I'll give the answer. Then, I'll point out the important bits.
from pyspark.sql import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, dense_rank, first
df = ... # dataframe from question description
window = (
window_unbounded = (
.rangeBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing)
cols_to_merge = [col for col in df.columns if col not in ["category", "date"]]
merged_cols = [first(col, True).over(window_unbounded).alias(col) for col in cols_to_merge]
df_merged = (
.select([col("category"), col("date")] + merged_cols)
.withColumn("rank_col", dense_rank().over(window))
.filter(col("rank_col") == 1)
The row-wise analogue to coalesce is the aggregation function first. Specifically, we use first with ignorenulls = True so that we find the first non-null value.
When we use first, we have to be careful about the ordering of the rows it's applied to. Because groupBy doesn't allow us to maintain order within the groups, we use a Window.
The window itself must be unbounded on both ends rather than the default unbounded preceding to current row, else we'll end up with the first aggregation potentially running on subsets of our groups.
After we aggregate over the window, we alias the column back to its original name to keep the column names consistent.
We use a single select statement of cols rather than a for loop with df.withColumn(col, ...) because the select statement greatly reduces the query plan depth. Should you use the looped withColumn, you might hit a stack overflow error if you have too many columns.
Finally, we run a dense_rank over our window --- this time using the window with the default range --- and filter to only the first ranked rows. We use dense rank here, but we could use any ranking function, whatever fits our needs.
I'm trying to translate the below pandas code to PySpark. But I'm having trouble with these two points:
But there is index in Spark DataFrame?
How can I group in level=0 like that?
I didn't find anything good in the documentation. If you have a hint, I'll be really grateful!
df.set_index('var1', inplace=True)
df['varGrouped'] = df.groupby(level=0)['var2'].min()
pandas_df.groupby(level=0) would group the pandas_df by the first index field (in case of multiindex data). Since there is only 1 index field based on the provided code, your code is a simple group by the var1 field. The same can be replicated in pyspark with a groupBy() and taking the min of var2.
However, the aggregation result is stored in a new column within the same dataframe. So, the number of rows don't depreciate. This can be replicated by using min window function.
import pyspark.sql.functions as func
from pyspark.sql.window import Window as wd
data_sdf. \
withColumn('grouped_var', func.min('var2').over(wd.partitionBy('var1')))
withColumn helps you add/replace columns.
Here's an example using sample data.
# +---+---+
# | a| b|
# +---+---+
# | 1| 2|
# | 1| 3|
# | 2| 5|
# | 2| 4|
# +---+---+
data_sdf. \
withColumn('grouped_res', func.min('b').over(wd.partitionBy('a'))). \
# +---+---+-----------+
# | a| b|grouped_res|
# +---+---+-----------+
# | 1| 2| 2|
# | 1| 3| 2|
# | 2| 5| 4|
# | 2| 4| 4|
# +---+---+-----------+
But there is index in Spark DataFrame?
i think the index in pandas doesn't exist in spark since spark is not designed to do row level manipulation.
How can I group in level=0 like that?
instead of group by level, you group directly by the columns which identifies the granularity level.
how to add a column where value of new column is searched from the dataframe:
A B newCol
1 a a
2 b null
3 c null
4 d b
5 e null
6 f null
7 g null
8 h null
9 i c
The value in this case in newCol is based on sqrt of value in A. It is based on lookup in the current dataframe though not the same row.
df[newCol] = df[sqrt(df[A])]
The sqr/sqrt is just an example - the lookup could be based on value in column B or something else. I added the sqrt example to eliminate the lead/lag answers. x
There may be no positional relationship between current element and what is being looked up.
Instead of sqrt which creates a float column, you can calculate square of column A and create a look up data frame from it and then merge it against the original data frame:
lookup = df.withColumn('A', (df.A ** 2).cast('int')).withColumnRenamed('B', 'newCol')
df.join(lookup, on=['A'], how='left').show()
| A| B|newCol|
| 7| g| null|
| 6| f| null|
| 9| i| c|
| 5| e| null|
| 1| a| a|
| 3| c| null|
| 8| h| null|
| 2| b| null|
| 4| d| b|
Or without type casting:
lookup = df.withColumn('A', df.A * df.A).withColumnRenamed('B', 'newCol')
df.join(lookup, on=['A'], how='left').show()
I wish to groupby a column and then find the max of another column. Lastly, show all the columns based on this condition. However, when I used my codes, it only show 2 columns and not all of it.
# Normal way of creating dataframe in pyspark
sdataframe_temp = spark.createDataFrame([
['a', 'b', 'c']
sdataframe_temp2 = spark.createDataFrame([
['a', 'b', 'c']
# Concat two different pyspark dataframe
sdataframe_union_1_2 = sdataframe_temp.union(sdataframe_temp2)
sdataframe_union_1_2_g = sdataframe_union_1_2.groupby('a').agg({'b':'max'})
| a|max(b)|
| 5| 7|
| 2| 23|
| 4| 6|
Expected output:
| a|max(b)| c |
| 5| 7|6-8 |
| 2| 23|22-24|
| 4| 6|4-6 |
You can use a Window function to make it work:
Method 1: Using Window function
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
w = Window().partitionBy("a").orderBy(F.desc("b"))
.withColumn('max_val', F.row_number().over(w) == 1)
.where("max_val == True")
| a| b| c|
| 5| 7| 6-8|
| 2| 23|22-24|
| 4| 6| 4-6|
Window functions are useful when we want to attach a new column to the existing set of columns.
In this case, I tell Window function to groupby partitionBy('a') column and sort the column b in descending order F.desc(b). This make the first value in b in each group its max value.
Then we use F.row_number() to filter the max values where row number equals 1.
Finally, we drop the new column since it is not being used after filtering the data frame.
Method 2: Using groupby + inner join
f = sdataframe_union_1_2.groupby('a').agg(F.max('b').alias('b'))
sdataframe_union_1_2.join(f, on=['a','b'], how='inner').show()
| a| b| c|
| 2| 23|22-24|
| 5| 7| 6-8|
| 4| 6| 4-6|
| ID | Score| hits|
| 01| 100| Null|
| 02| Null| 80|
| 03| spark| 1|
| 04| 300| 1|
after casting Score to int and hits to float I get the below dataframe:
| ID | Score| hits|
| 01| 100| Null|
| 02| Null| 80.0|
| 03| Null| 1.0|
| 04| 300| 1.0|
Now I want to extract only the bad records , bad records mean that null produced after casting.
I want to do the operations only on existing dataframe. Please help me out if there is any build-in way to get the bad records after casting.
Please also consider this is sample dataframe. The solution should solve for any number of columns and any scenario.
I tried by separating the null records from both dataframes and compare them. Also i have thought of adding another column with number of nulls and then compare the both dataframes if number of nulls is grater in df2 than in df1 then those are bad one. But i think these solutions are pretty old school.
I would like to know the better way to resolve it.
You can use a custom function/udf to convert string to integer and map non integer values to specific number eg. -999999999.
Later you can filter on -999999999 to identify originally non integer records.
def udfInt(value):
if value is None:
return None
elif value.isdigit():
return int(value)
return -999999999
spark.udf.register('udfInt', udfInt)
"udfInt(Score) AS new_Score").show()
#| ID|Score|hits| new_Score|
#| 01| 100|null| 100|
#| 02| null| 80| null|
#| 03|spark| 1|-999999999|
#| 04| 300| 1| 300|
Filter on -999999999 to identify non integer (bad records)
df.selectExpr("*","udfInt(Score) AS new_Score").filter("new_score == -999999999").show()
#| ID|Score|hits| new_Score|
#| 03|spark| 1|-999999999|
The same way you can have customized udf for float conversion.
Related question: How to drop columns which have same values in all rows via pandas or spark dataframe?
So I have a pyspark dataframe, and I want to drop the columns where all values are the same in all rows while keeping other columns intact.
However the answers in the above question are only for pandas. Is there a solution for pyspark dataframe?
You can apply the countDistinct() aggregation function on each column to get count of distinct values per column. Column with count=1 means it has only 1 value in all rows.
# apply countDistinct on each column
col_counts = df.agg(*(countDistinct(col(c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns)).collect()[0].asDict()
# select the cols with count=1 in an array
cols_to_drop = [col for col in df.columns if col_counts[col] == 1 ]
# drop the selected column
You can use approx_count_distinct function (link) to count the number of distinct elements in a column. In case there is just one distinct, the remove the corresponding column.
Creating the DataFrame
from pyspark.sql.functions import approx_count_distinct
myValues = [(1,2,2,0),(2,2,2,0),(3,2,2,0),(4,2,2,0),(3,1,2,0)]
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(myValues,['value1','value2','value3','value4'])
| 1| 2| 2| 0|
| 2| 2| 2| 0|
| 3| 2| 2| 0|
| 4| 2| 2| 0|
| 3| 1| 2| 0|
Couting number of distinct elements and converting it into dictionary.[approx_count_distinct(x).alias("{0}".format(x)) for x in df.columns])
| 4| 2| 1| 1|
dict_of_columns = count_distinct_df.toPandas().to_dict(orient='list')
{'value1': [4], 'value2': [2], 'value3': [1], 'value4': [1]}
#Storing those keys in the list which have just 1 distinct key.
distinct_columns=[k for k,v in dict_of_columns.items() if v == [1]]
['value3', 'value4']
Drop the columns having distinct values
| 1| 2|
| 2| 2|
| 3| 2|
| 4| 2|
| 3| 1|