How to exclude classes from compiling when using executing sbt docker:publishLocal? - scala

My build.sbt file has some configuration to use AkkaGrpcPlugin and DockerPlugin because I am publishing the image at docker hub.
lazy val akkaGrpcVersion = "1.0.2"
lazy val protobufVersion = "3.11.4"
enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging, JavaServerAppPackaging, AkkaGrpcPlugin, DockerPlugin)
akkaGrpcGeneratedLanguages := Seq(AkkaGrpc.Java)
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
dockerUsername := Some("felipeogutierrez")
The sbt compile and sbt run work just fine, but the command sbt docker:publishLocal is not working because it tries to find some classes created by the gRPC in the target directory.
[error] /home/felipe/workspace-idea/explore-akka/target/scala-2.12/
not found: type UnusedPrivateParameter
[error] UnusedPrivateParameter unused) {
[error] ^
these classes belong to the classes at package org.github.felipegutierrez.explore.akka.rpc.greeting and I would like to exclude them from the docker image when I am running sbt docker:publishLocal. I tried this solution but it didn't work. Or find some solution to make this work.

The problem was that I generated the Java files using AkkaGrpcPlugin and they were placed on the target directory of my project. So the docker compiler could not see it. I removed the AkkaGrpcPlugin and the akkaGrpcGeneratedLanguages := Seq(AkkaGrpc.Java) from the build.sbt and installed the protobuf compiler to generate the Java files by myself.
sudo apt install protobuf-compiler
protoc --java_out=main/java main/protobuf/helloworld.proto
Then the files are now generated on the src directory and Docker can see them. So, I don't have to exclude the files anymore in the build.sbt.


scala create and use local library

I am trying to create a local library which contains a class
object test {
def info(message: String): Unit = println(s"INFO: $message")
name := "MyProject"
version := "0.1"
organization := "MyCorp"
scalaVersion := "2.11.0"
sbtVersion := "0.13"
I ran sbt clean compile publishLocal and I see the jar in my local ivy2 directory. What I'm unsure about is how to now use that library in another project.
do I added libraryDependencies += "MyCorp"%"myproject_2.11"%"0.1"
to the second project's sbt, and I see it in the classPath when I print it out in the repl. The problem is when I try
import MyCorp.myproject
I get an error not found. I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but it's driving me nuts.
I ran sbt clean compile and I see the jar in my local ivy2 directory.
That's weird. sbt clean compile does not publish the artifact in the local repository. (Have you copied it manually there?) That should have been done with publishLocal command and the artifact should become available at {path_to_.ivy2}/local/MyCorp/MyProject/0.1/jars/MyProject.jar.
Now in your second project, it can be added as
libraryDependencies += "MyCorp" % "MyProject" % "0.1"
// or in libraryDependencies ++= Seq(...)
Please notice that the _2.11 suffix that you have used in the name depends on how the first project was built, whether its build was differentiated by Scala versions. If it was, the suffix would be usually present in the artifact .jar file name. And it is preferable to avoid including the suffix in the library dependency declaration, but rather use %% for built-in support.
After checking it, also try to restart the SBT CLI, because unfortunately sometimes changes in build.sbt are not taken into account on-the-fly.
I assume its mycorp.myproject.test , but I tried every possible combination. #Brian
Following the comments, I think that there still should be something misconfigured in the project and/or missing in the description.
Assuming there is a file {path/to/project}/src/main/scala/mycorp/myproject/Test.scala, with the following contents:
package mycorp.myproject
object Test {
def info(message: String): Unit = println(s"INFO: $message")
When the artifact is published, the .jar file should contain the folders mycorp/myproject with Test.class and Test$.class files.
After adding the .jar to the dependencies of the second project, importing Test into another class should look like:
package mycorp.myproject2
import mycorp.myproject.Test
object AnotherTest extends App {"hello")
I hope this helps.

sbt: set the base-directory of a remote RootProject

Disclaimer: I am new to sbt and Scala so I might be missing obvious things.
My objective here is to use the Scala compiler as a library from my main project. I was initially doing that by manually placing the scala jars in a libs directory in my project and then including that dir in my classpath. Note that at the time I wasn't using sbt. Now, I want to use sbt and also download the scala sources from github, build the scala jars and then build my project. I start by creating 2 directories: myProject and myProject/project. I then create the following 4 files:
The sbt version file:
// File 1: project/
The plugins file (not relevant to this question):
// File 2: project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-buildinfo" % "0.7.0")
The build.sbt file:
// File 3: build.sbt
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
organization := "me",
scalaVersion := "2.11.12",
version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
name := "a name"
lazy val ScalaDep = RootProject(uri(""))
My source file:
// File 4: Test.scala
object Test extends App {
println("Hello World !")
If I run sbt inside myProject then sbt will download the scala sources from github and then try to compile them. The problem is that the base-directory is still myProject. This means that if the scala sbt source files refer to something that is in the scala base-directory they won't find it. For example, the scala/project/VersionUtil.scala file tries to open the scala/ file that lies in the scala base-directory.
Question: How can I set sbt to download a github repo and then build it using that project's base-directory instead of mine's (by that I mean the base-directory of myProject in the above example) ??
Hope that makes sense.
I would really appreciate any feedback on this.
Thanks in advance !
In the Scala ecosystem you usually depend on binary artifacts (libraries) that are published in Maven or Ivy repositories. Virtually all Scala projects publish binaries, including the compiler. So all you have to do is add the line below to your project settings:
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % scalaVersion.value
dependsOn is used for dependencies between sub-projects in the same build.
For browsing sources you could use an IDE. IntelliJ IDEA can readily import Sbt projects and download/attach sources for library dependencies. Eclipse has an Sbt plugin that does the same. Ensime also, etc. Or just git clone the repository.

How to create executable jar in scala which can run on jvm?

I am using scala version 2.11.4, I have tried various options like sbt-assembly, build artifact (Intellij Idea feature), sbt package. Unfortunately, none of them worked form me.
I attempted following things :
With sbt-assembly :
Created assembly.sbt file and added following line :
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.12.0")
build.sbt :
scalaVersion in ThisBuild := "2.11.4"
resolvers += Resolver.url("bintray-sbt-plugins", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) }
I got the following error
[warn] Note: Some unresolved dependencies have extra attributes. Check that these dependencies exist with the requested attributes.
[warn] com.eed3si9n:sbt-assembly:0.12.0 (sbtVersion=0.13, scalaVersion=2.11)
With 'build artifact' feature using Intellij Idea 15
Able to create a jar. However, not able to execute it. Was getting following error:
Invalid or corrupt jarfile
For this I tried the command : java -jar JAR_FILE
With sbt package :
Able to create JAR. However, not able to execute it. Was getting following error :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError scala/Function0
I was trying with the command :
java -cp scala-library.jar -jar JAR_FILE
I am able to create jar by switching to scala version 2.10.5 and then used sbt-assembly plugin. Slightly disappointed with the fact that there is no available solution to create executable jar with latest version of scala.
If you are using sbt-assembly plugin, the correct task to perform is called assembly. When using IntelliJ IDEA, sbt assembly needs to be performed from a command line, the IDE is still unable to perform such SBT tasks.
The resulting jar, which includes all dependencies, is usually called a fat jar - if you need some more searching, this is what to search for.
Since I can't comment yet, I'll use answer, but more of a question - I have been using sbt package extensively for exactly this. I cd into the directory that holds src/main/scala|java and running sbt package, and then pushing jar/war file to the desired destination, in my case jetty.
Can you explain exactly what you're doing, the output and details on the issue?

Setting javac options for SBT dependencies

I am having problems compiling a Java dependency loaded via GIT:
object ApplicationBuild extends Build {
lazy val project = Project("root", file(".")).dependsOn(RootProject(riakJavaClient))
lazy val riakJavaClient = uri("git://")
The error I am receiving from sbt compile is:
[info] Compiling 134 Java sources to /Users/lawrencewagerfield/.sbt/0.13/staging/da0e66c4764a467c8977/riak-java-client/target/scala-2.10/classes...
[error] /Users/lawrencewagerfield/.sbt/0.13/staging/da0e66c4764a467c8977/riak-java-client/src/main/java/com/basho/riak/client/cap/ error: unmappable character for encoding ASCII
[error] * Riak 0.12 introduced ???symbolic??? consistency options for R and W
SBT seems to be executing javac with an encoding that is incompatible with the source files in this dependency.
I have tried adding the following to build.sbt, but it is having no effect (error is the same):
javacOptions ++= Seq("-encoding", "UTF-16") // Note: I have tried with UTF-8 too
Does the above only apply to source files within my project? Any idea how to get pass this issue?
TL;DR How do I get my Java dependencies compiling with the correct encoding?
You are correct that the setting only applies to source files in your project. If the project part of the scope isn't specified, which is typical, it defaults to the enclosing project. To have a setting apply to another project, scope it to that project. For example,
javacOptions in riakJavaClient ++= Seq("-encoding", "UTF-8")
You can verify that your options are being used with last. For example,
sbt> last compile
To run commands like the above on a project from git, change to it using project (see help project for details).

Installing sbteclipse

i have problems top use sbteclipse
What I have done:
went to my global sbt folder.
created a plugins folder
created the file plugins.sbt with addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.1.0")
went to my eclipse project and created a build.sbt file
it contains:
name := "foo"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.9.2"
libraryDependencies += "" % "jna" % "3.4.0"
I am selecting the project folder in my cmd. and type sbt eclipse
But I always get the following error
[error] Not a valid command: eclipse (similar: help, alias)
[error] Not a valid project ID: eclipse
[error] Expected ':'
[error] Not a valid key: eclipse (similar: deliver, licenses, clean)
[error] eclipse
[error] ^
ps: I am using Windows. I am also using sbt 0.12
Your global sbt folder is at %USERPROFILE%\.sbt (C:\Users\<username>\.sbt most likely). So your plugins should be defined at %USERPROFILE%\.sbt\plugins\plugins.sbt
Failing this you can add it to your project directly. Add the file path is <project_root>\project\plugins.sbt. If the project directory doesn't exist you will need to create it.
I think that I might have found a solution. First, the default directory checked for plugins configuration is 'USER_HOME/.sbt/plugins' and NOT 'USER_HOME/.sbt/0.13/plugins'.
Secondly, the sbt version specified seems to matter. In 'PROJECT_HOME/project/', there's an 'sbt.version' property. If the version of sbt specified in this file is different from the actually installed version of sbt, there's likely to be an issue. I think I was affected more so by this because I'm using an Activator template and it already had 'sbt.version' specified in this '' file.
While nosing around, I came across this
"Support for plugin configuration in project/plugins/ has been removed. It was deprecated since 0.11.2" from sbt website at I still see a lot of guys pointing that it should be configured in 'PROJECT_HOME/projects/plugins.sbt'. I think this is very confusing.
I had similar a issue and answered to a similar question.
I tried "everything" and, eventually, I just had to update my sbt from 0.13.1 to 0.13.9.