scala create and use local library - scala

I am trying to create a local library which contains a class
object test {
def info(message: String): Unit = println(s"INFO: $message")
name := "MyProject"
version := "0.1"
organization := "MyCorp"
scalaVersion := "2.11.0"
sbtVersion := "0.13"
I ran sbt clean compile publishLocal and I see the jar in my local ivy2 directory. What I'm unsure about is how to now use that library in another project.
do I added libraryDependencies += "MyCorp"%"myproject_2.11"%"0.1"
to the second project's sbt, and I see it in the classPath when I print it out in the repl. The problem is when I try
import MyCorp.myproject
I get an error not found. I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but it's driving me nuts.

I ran sbt clean compile and I see the jar in my local ivy2 directory.
That's weird. sbt clean compile does not publish the artifact in the local repository. (Have you copied it manually there?) That should have been done with publishLocal command and the artifact should become available at {path_to_.ivy2}/local/MyCorp/MyProject/0.1/jars/MyProject.jar.
Now in your second project, it can be added as
libraryDependencies += "MyCorp" % "MyProject" % "0.1"
// or in libraryDependencies ++= Seq(...)
Please notice that the _2.11 suffix that you have used in the name depends on how the first project was built, whether its build was differentiated by Scala versions. If it was, the suffix would be usually present in the artifact .jar file name. And it is preferable to avoid including the suffix in the library dependency declaration, but rather use %% for built-in support.
After checking it, also try to restart the SBT CLI, because unfortunately sometimes changes in build.sbt are not taken into account on-the-fly.
I assume its mycorp.myproject.test , but I tried every possible combination. #Brian
Following the comments, I think that there still should be something misconfigured in the project and/or missing in the description.
Assuming there is a file {path/to/project}/src/main/scala/mycorp/myproject/Test.scala, with the following contents:
package mycorp.myproject
object Test {
def info(message: String): Unit = println(s"INFO: $message")
When the artifact is published, the .jar file should contain the folders mycorp/myproject with Test.class and Test$.class files.
After adding the .jar to the dependencies of the second project, importing Test into another class should look like:
package mycorp.myproject2
import mycorp.myproject.Test
object AnotherTest extends App {"hello")
I hope this helps.


sbt: set the base-directory of a remote RootProject

Disclaimer: I am new to sbt and Scala so I might be missing obvious things.
My objective here is to use the Scala compiler as a library from my main project. I was initially doing that by manually placing the scala jars in a libs directory in my project and then including that dir in my classpath. Note that at the time I wasn't using sbt. Now, I want to use sbt and also download the scala sources from github, build the scala jars and then build my project. I start by creating 2 directories: myProject and myProject/project. I then create the following 4 files:
The sbt version file:
// File 1: project/
The plugins file (not relevant to this question):
// File 2: project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-buildinfo" % "0.7.0")
The build.sbt file:
// File 3: build.sbt
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
organization := "me",
scalaVersion := "2.11.12",
version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
name := "a name"
lazy val ScalaDep = RootProject(uri(""))
My source file:
// File 4: Test.scala
object Test extends App {
println("Hello World !")
If I run sbt inside myProject then sbt will download the scala sources from github and then try to compile them. The problem is that the base-directory is still myProject. This means that if the scala sbt source files refer to something that is in the scala base-directory they won't find it. For example, the scala/project/VersionUtil.scala file tries to open the scala/ file that lies in the scala base-directory.
Question: How can I set sbt to download a github repo and then build it using that project's base-directory instead of mine's (by that I mean the base-directory of myProject in the above example) ??
Hope that makes sense.
I would really appreciate any feedback on this.
Thanks in advance !
In the Scala ecosystem you usually depend on binary artifacts (libraries) that are published in Maven or Ivy repositories. Virtually all Scala projects publish binaries, including the compiler. So all you have to do is add the line below to your project settings:
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % scalaVersion.value
dependsOn is used for dependencies between sub-projects in the same build.
For browsing sources you could use an IDE. IntelliJ IDEA can readily import Sbt projects and download/attach sources for library dependencies. Eclipse has an Sbt plugin that does the same. Ensime also, etc. Or just git clone the repository.

After migrating library to scalajs, publish-local does not work

Following the hints of the post explaining the basics of migrating to scalajs and this page about cross-compilations, I decided to add cross compilation to my standalone dependency-free scala library by doing the following changes:
I added a file project/plugins.sbt with the content
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js" % "sbt-scalajs" % "0.6.16")
I added scalaVersion in ThisBuild := "2.11.8" in build.sbt because else just scalaVersion was using 2.10
I also added in the build.sbt the following content to ensure that I can keep the same directory structure, since I don't have any particular files for the JVM or for Javascript:
lazy val root =".")).
aggregate(fooJS, fooJVM).
publish := {},
publishLocal := {}
lazy val foo = crossProject.crossType(CrossType.Pure).in(file(".")).
settings(version := "0.1").
// Add JVM-specific settings here
// Add JS-specific settings here
lazy val fooJVM = foo.jvm
lazy val fooJS = foo.js
But now, after I published the project locally using sbt publish-local the projects depending on this library do not work anymore, i.e. they don't see the classes that this library was offering and raise errors.
I looked into .ivy2/local/.../foo/0.1/jars and the JAR went from 1MB to 1KB, so the errors make sense.
However, how can I make sure the JVM jar file is compiled correctly?
Further informations
The jar time does not change anymore, it looks like there had been some miscompilation. I deleted the .ivy2 cache, but now sbt publish-local always finishes with success but does not regenerate the files.
Ok I found the solution myself.
I needed to remove the publishLocal := {} from the build, and now all the projects depending on my library work fine.

Setting a module project in Scala as an sbt project?

I'd like to know how to convert a regular scala project into an sbt project. I've tried manually creating an sbt file on the root directory, correctly implemented, but Intellij still doesn't recognize this as a sbt project, i.e, it won't show me in the "View -> Tool Windows" the "SBT" option.
How should I go about this? What I'm actually attempting to do is to create an empty project with multiple (independent) modules.
From what I've gathered there seems to be no way to add a module directly with sbt support, am I right?
Here is an example of a multi-project build. The root project "aggregates" them all in case you want to compile them all together or package them all together, etc. The "coreLibrary" project depends on the code of "coreA" and "coreB".
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
name := "MultiProject"
lazy val root =".")).aggregate(coreA, coreB, coreLibrary)
lazy val coreA = Project("CoreA", file("core-a")).settings(
organization := "",
version := "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val coreB = Project("CoreB", file("core-b")).settings(
organization := "",
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.kafka" %% "kafka" % "0.8.2-beta",
version := "0.3-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val coreLibrary = Project("UberCore", file("core-main")).dependsOn(coreA, coreB).settings(
organization := "",
version := "0.2-SNAPSHOT"
You can (for example) compile each project from the command line:
>sbt CoreB/compile
Or you can do this interactively:
>project CoreB
I recommend you to use a single multiple-module SBT project. sbt is a great build tool for scala, you can do a lot of things with sbt, including checking out from the repository one module and built it.
project <helloProject>
Actually, this feature allows multiple people to work on the same project in parallel. Please take a look at this:

read application.conf from build.sbt

I found a lot of similar questions, but some of them are unanswered and others don't work for me.
My task is to read application.conf from build.sbt, to keep all configuration in a single place. But my build.sbt with code
import com.typesafe.config._
val conf = com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File("conf/application.conf")).resolve()
version := conf.getString("app.version")
don't compile with error
error: object typesafe is not a member of package com
How to fix this problem?
To make this work it is important to know that sbt projects have a recursive structure, so when you run sbt you actually start a project that has as root folder the project folder within your root project.
Given that, to fix your problem you need to add typesafe-config as a library dependency also for you sbt project; in order to do that add a build.sbt in the project folder of your root project and specify the dependency in there as you would normally do (i.e. libraryDependencies += ...).
Use this in your code
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
private val config = ConfigFactory.load()
and in your build.sbt file
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.3.0"

Using a custom sbt plugin

I've created a new scala project and written an AutoPlugin underneath it in a src/main/scala/com/company/plugin directory and a corresponding namespace. The plugin code is a cut and paste of HelloPlugin3 from [1], however I have changed the names.
Then, in a second sbt project I've updated the project/plugins.sbt file to include my new Hello World plugin. This second project has other 'business code' in. When I run sbt in that second project, the plugin is resolved and I've tested that by deleting the jar from underneath the ~/.ivy/local/... and then reloading the project and witnessing sbt complain that it can't find the plugin. When I publishLocal my plugin project again, that error goes away.
So I'm happy that the plugin is resolved and the jar file is not empty because I have checked its contents.
However, when I do an sbt> about my custom plugin isn't listed and the command I was expecting to be available isn't. ("[error] Not a valid command: hello"). But the other plugin I list in plugins.sbt (io.spray sbt-revolver) does appear in the output.
Both the plugin project and the second project have scalaVersion := "2.10.3" specified in their build.sbt files.
I'm using sbt 0.13.6. Interestingly, and perhaps related, is the sbt command plugins is not apparently valid in this project either, although it works just fine in the plugin project.
What extra step am I missing to make the command available to my second project? How do I check to see if I've got some particularly messed up sbt config happening?
For convenience, the plugin code is below, but as mentioned, it's a copy from the link underneath it.
import sbt._
import Keys._
object HelloPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
object autoImport {
val greeting = settingKey[String]("greeting")
import autoImport._
override def trigger = allRequirements
override lazy val buildSettings = Seq(
greeting := "Hi",
commands += helloCommand)
lazy val helloCommand =
Command.command("hello") { (state: State) =>
The build.sbt for the plugin project as as follows;
sbtPlugin := true
scalaVersion := "2.10.3"
organization := ""
name := "name"
version := "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
The only other file I've created in this project is the .scala file for the plugin itself.
The problem ended up being with the project/ of the project trying to use the plugin. This file set the sbt version to 0.13.1, which for some reason cases both my plugin and the sbt plugins command to not work.
Changing the value to 0.13.6 made all the problems go away.