Inspect element support on flutter web apps - flutter

I have been trying to integrate a web based product tour/on-boarding plugin which will help a new user to understand the application without any external intervention. I cam across this plugin : which works well with html websites, I tried integrating this with flutter web app and it fails to detect any element as flutter doesnt support inspect using chrome for some reason.
Whenever I try to inspect a flutter web app it shows this:
It is almost impossible to inspect individual elements same as we can do on other web apps developed in angular or php.
Is there a way on flutter web to enable web inspect so that the plugin will be supported?

Inspect element works with HTML and CSS files. And flutter converts your dart code to JS, that's why we can't do inspect element.
And I don't think it is possible as of version 2.


How to Automate Flutter based Hybrid Web Application [duplicate]

enter image description here
I'm trying to inspect the elements but it not responding. can any suggest how to do automation testing in flutter web application.
suggest any other testing tool support the flutter web application testing.
I did not find any framework which supports flutter web automation but there is a workaround that we can enable accessibility by doing force click using JavaScript.
Run this script in browser console:
document.querySelector('flt-glass-pane').shadowRoot.querySelector('flt-semantics-placeholder').click({force: true});
Now you can identify all the elements using aria-label:

Is there a way to use Firebase Dynamic Links in Flutter Web Application?

I have a production flutter app and I am using firebase dynamic links in it, now I am trying to create a web version of my app but my dynamic links are not working on the web, it takes me to a page that says "Dynamic Link Not Found". The official firebase_dynamic_links package does not show 'Web' in the supported platforms section.
Is there any workaround for this situation?
Although I tried adding the ofl/ifl/afl parameters manually, but that didn't work either.

can we integrate PWA into flutter application like webview?

Is it possible to integrate PWA apps into flutter applications like displaying web applications through webview in flutter. Can we display the complete PWA app inside a flutter application?
When you create flutter web application it automatically creates a PWA and you can notice it will you launch the website on the phone.
And inside webview if you load a website it will load. In this case it does not matter whether it is PWA .
PWA a just extra functionality that creates a wrapper to install the app in different platform
Flutter supports deploying the web version as a PWA, the details are in their documentation, search for A Progressive Web Application built with Flutter

Iconic's ability to support complex web applications

Ionic was built with mobile in mind - creating a good mobile experience using web technologies. You start out with a web app, so there is the possibility to use it for all 3 platforms. However I’ve never seen anything that resembles a complex web application that uses iconic for both the web and mobile. Will it support the ability to use 3rd party controls such as complex grid controls that may only be used on the web and not in the mobile apps. I’m trying to decide if we use ionic just for mobile and have a completely separate code base for our web application. Any invites would be greatly appreciated!
Basically everything that works on the web also works on mobile devices built with Ionic.
Ionic creates a WebView where javascript code runs. you can use capacitor or cordova to manage native functionality.
So if you have web developers you can do anything you could do as "Mobile Web" but in an app.
Now you can also choose whether to use react, angular or vue.
For example using Ionic with react you can use the VirtualDom and develop exactly as if you were using react on the web.
Instead, using for example React Native you will be forced to use a set of react components (or write new ones) but you will not have the VirtualDom available.
However you can also integrate native code, which Ionic doesn't support.
There are a lot of articles online that cover the subject by comparing competitors:
From Ionic
So yes, you can use all javascript libraries!

Difference between react and ionic framework

I have read some docs and i do not really understand what are the differences between react and ionic frameworks.
Is one of them made from the other ?
I have to store local data. I suppose one of them is just web and javascript so data is only stored on server ? Or is it possible to do local storage with both of them.
Is it possible to host the app on a web server without having a "real" app ?
Hi I think that you are a little bit confused. I hope this clarify your doubts:
Ionic framework is a set of tools for create Hybrid apps using html/css and javascript, It is build using apache cordova and Angular 1. In the other hand you have React a library for build rich UX(User experience) web apps.
Ionic is not build on react. They are different purpose tools but you can use that together (Using IONIC 2).
In both cases you can use local storage, but if you want to store data in servers you have to build your own backend to provide data to the app They are front end oriented frameworks(no server side)
You can put Ionic code on a server it is simple JavaScript and HTML but this is not the purpose of the framework and if you do it, you loose the native apis of the device. In the case of React it is just a library and you can use it in an existing project using HTML and Javascript or build your app entirely with it.
You have a long road ahead, hope this help you.
Ionic is an HTML5 mobile app development framework targeted at building hybrid mobile apps. They are essentially small websites running in a browser shell in an app that have access to the native platform layer.
React Native is the next generation of React – a JavaScript code library developed by Facebook and Instagram, which was released on Github in 2013. React Native lets you build mobile apps using only JavaScript.
They have their own way of functioning, below are few points on their differences:
Ionic is a regular web app, written using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but it runs in a webview embedded in a native app instead of in a stand-alone mobile browser
React Native has a completely different architecture: instead of writing your UI using web technologies, it uses the React component model to render to native views.
Ionic is a Cordova based app that wrap current web app into a mobile application. It uses the android existing web view to render the app so the file size is quite small
Meanwhile react native create bridge between JavaScript and native component.
When it comes to memory usage, Ionic framework uses more than react native apps
The Ionic app is slower at loading videos because it needs to download from other server, while in react native, it caches the tiles so it loads faster.
When it comes to integration, react native can use every client based JavaScript modules from npm (node package manager) whereas Ionic uses only the Cordova-based code.
Ionic is a framework that creates an idea of writing code only once
React native is not a write once and run anywhere framework, but is popularly touted as a “learn once, write anywhere” framework
Ionic Framework app needs to use device features and APIs through Apache Cordova plugins.
With react native you can access any device component or API
Based on the points above, you can see the difference in their functionalities, so if you want to go for something that creates performant iOS and Android apps that feel at home on their respective platforms ten you can opt for React Native.
And, if you are targeted at building hybrid mobile apps, Ionic is the best choice!