How to Automate Flutter based Hybrid Web Application [duplicate] - flutter

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I'm trying to inspect the elements but it not responding. can any suggest how to do automation testing in flutter web application.
suggest any other testing tool support the flutter web application testing.

I did not find any framework which supports flutter web automation but there is a workaround that we can enable accessibility by doing force click using JavaScript.
Run this script in browser console:
document.querySelector('flt-glass-pane').shadowRoot.querySelector('flt-semantics-placeholder').click({force: true});
Now you can identify all the elements using aria-label:


How to upload image in flutter Integration Test?

I have one image file that I need to upload it in Integration Test Flutter. I am not getting any help from Flutter : Integration Test documentation
I have created one folder
test_upload_files and added .png file in it and wrote the object identification of Upload Feature
then I have fetched the path of the file and tried to upload it but there are no predefined methods to upload.
I got stuck here, how to automate this Upload Functionality ?
and there is one more catch, need to enable location or camera which is from Native app, is there any solution to enable these services by default, like how we do it in Web applications using Browser Desired Capabilities?
By using flutter code can we interact with Native apps of apk and ios ?
See the Patrol project – it lets you interact with native permission dialogs, and basically everything, from within your Flutter integration test written in Dart.
This issue demonstrates how you'd upload a single file on Android.
Disclaimer: I'm the main developer of Patrol.

Is there a testing Framework for web-deployed Flutter applications?

I am wanting to automate and write tests for my Flutter deployed application.
I am able to test the client side of Flutter apps on mobile using Appium & Codecept.js with no issues. (Built a testing project in VScode and used the built APK)
I have tried Playwright, Puppeteer, WebDriver, and Selenium with no luck on the deployed code for web. Piercing through <flt-glass-pane/> is possible but super messy and doesnt seem like a stable way to go about it. I am hoping to achieve this in my separate codebase that is responsible for UI testing.
I am wondering if anyone had some solid suggestions on automating a Flutter web app from the client side (UI, and clicks etc).
From the research I have done, I have not found a clear solution. I am very interested in what you have used before that works or if you know the right direction I should head toward.

Are there unit tests in flutter?

Can we able to write the automation test cases by using flutter for web application
I need answer for we can able to write the automation test cases by using flutter for web application
Yes. goes over how Flutter does testing. That same link goes over some good CI tools to automate all of it.

Inspect element support on flutter web apps

I have been trying to integrate a web based product tour/on-boarding plugin which will help a new user to understand the application without any external intervention. I cam across this plugin : which works well with html websites, I tried integrating this with flutter web app and it fails to detect any element as flutter doesnt support inspect using chrome for some reason.
Whenever I try to inspect a flutter web app it shows this:
It is almost impossible to inspect individual elements same as we can do on other web apps developed in angular or php.
Is there a way on flutter web to enable web inspect so that the plugin will be supported?
Inspect element works with HTML and CSS files. And flutter converts your dart code to JS, that's why we can't do inspect element.
And I don't think it is possible as of version 2.

How can I create screen sharing mobile application using flutter?

I want to create a mobile application using flutter.
Is this possible if not then is there any native program or source then please provide that.