Create new document if there is not document with same name mongoose - mongodb

var userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
username: { type: String},
email: String,
password: String,
tasks: [String]
I want to create a new user document only if there is no another user with the same name.
What the best way to do that?
this is my implementation currently :'/', async function(req, res, next) {
use let user= await User.findOne({ name:})
if (user) {
if ( == {
// return new Error("User exists!"));
User.create(req.body, function (err, newuser) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
Another question about mongoDB collections:
Should I open new collection ( and schema) for 'task' property?
It has only 1 field - the task itself in type string.

Your current implementation is the way to go, you find the user, if none is found, you create a new one.
I refactored your code a little bit, here's how it would look like:'/', async function (req, res, next) {
try {
const user = await User.findOne({ name: });
if (user) {
return res.json(user);
const newUser = await User.create(req.body);
return res.json(newUser);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
As to your second question, if you're sure that the task will always be a simple string and you won't need more data in there, it's better to keep it embedded within the document.
It's likely that you'll need to extend functionalities for tasks, and add more data such as a status, deadline, maybe subtasks, in which case it's better to separate it in a different collection.
This series of articles is probably a good place to quickly learn a rule of thumb on how to design your schemas.


How to retrieve currentUser data with Vue.js, AWS Amplify, and MongoDB

I am attempting to build a Vue.js App that synthesizes properties of AWS, MongoDB, and Express. I built an authentication page for the app using aws-amplify and aws-amplify-vue. After logging into the app, metadata containing the username for the logged in AWS user is passed into data object property like so:
async beforeCreate() {
let name = await Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser() = name.username
} is then added to MongoDB via Axios:
async addName() {
let uri = 'http://localhost:4000/messages/add';
await, {
I also have a getName() method that I am using to retrieve that data from MongoDB:
async getData () {
let uri = 'http://localhost:4000/messages';
this.axios.get(uri).then(response => {
this.userData =;
This method, however, returns data for ALL users. I want to reconfigure this method to ONLY return data for .currentAuthenticatedUser(). In my previous experience with Firebase, I would set up my .getData() method with something like:
let ref = db.collection('users')
let snapshot = await ref.where('user_id', '==', firebase.auth().currentUser.uid).get() order to return currentUser information on the condition that 'user_id' in the collection matches the currently logged-in Firebase user.
To achieve this with MongoDB, I attempted to configure the above method like so:
async getData () {
let uri = 'http://localhost:4000/messages';
let snapshot = await uri.where('name', '==',;
this.axios.get(snapshot).then(response => {
this.userData =;
My thought here was to try and return current user data by comparing 'name' in the MongoDB collection with the logged-in user stored in I understand that this might not work because the .where() method is probably unique to Firebase. Any recommendations on how to configure this .getData() to return ONLY data associated with the currentAuthenticatedUser? Thanks!
const express = require('express');
const postRoutes = express.Router();
// Require Post model in our routes module
let Post = require('./post.model');
// Defined store route
postRoutes.route('/add').post(function (req, res) {
let post = new Post(req.body);
.then(() => {
res.status(200).json({'business': 'business in added successfully'});
.catch(() => {
res.status(400).send("unable to save to database");
// Defined get data(index or listing) route
postRoutes.route('/').get(function (req, res) {
Post.find(function(err, posts){
else {
module.exports = postRoutes;
It is not possible to apply a where clause to a uri AFAIK. What you should do is adding a where clause to the actual query you are making in your backend and, to do that, send the username you want to filter the query with through a query parameter like this: /messages?name=JohnDoe.
So basically if you are using a Node/Express backend, as you suggested, and using Mongoose as the ODM for MongoDB your request would probably be looking something like this:
const Users = require('../models/users.model');
Users.find({}, function (e, users) {
if (e) {
return res.status(500).json({
'error': e
'data': users
What you should do is getting the username query parameter through req.query and add it to the options in the first parameter of the find function.
const Users = require('../models/users.model');
let params = {},
name =;
if (name) { = name
Users.find(params, function (e, users) {
if (e) {
return res.status(500).json({
'error': e
'data': users.slice
That way if you point to /messages?name=John you will get the users with "John" as their name.
If your backend is configured in the following way
postRoutes.route('/').get(function (req, res) {
Post.find(function(err, posts){
else {
what you should do is get the query parameters from inside the get method
postRoutes.route('/').get(function (req, res) {
let params = {},
name =
if (name) { = name
Post.find(params, function(err, posts){
else {

how to handle promise properly in working with mongodb? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I access previous promise results in a .then() chain?
(17 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am creating user creation page using mongodb and node. After getting name, email and password, I tried to hash password and save then into mongodb. I could have followed the best practice by using async and await. However I wanted to understand Promise more. So, I tried the following, but at some point I got stuck. Here, used bcrypt for stroing password safely, the steps are 1) bcrypt.getSalt 2) bcrypt.hash 3) create user with new password 4) save it to mongodb. If you look at the following codes, the steps are implemented with those steps. But, when saving user into mongodb, user is out of scope. My question here is how to implement them in the right way with Promise. Could you give me some good example for it? I am beginner programmer, so just want to learn this from expert. so I came to post this."/", (req, res, next) => {
.then(salt => {
console.log(`Salt: ${salt}`);
return bcrypt.hash(req.body.password, salt);
.then(hash => {
console.log(`Hash: ${hash}`);
return new User({
password: hash
.then(user => {
console.log(`User: ${user}`);
return User.findOne({ email: }).exec();
.then(function(err, found_user) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
if (found_user) {
console.log("found user");
} else { {
if (err) {
return next(err);
.catch(err => console.error(err.message));
Why do you need to pass new User? It is not an async operation in mongoose. It just creates a new instance of your model. You can just refactor your code into something shorter like this:"/", (req, res, next) =>
User.findOne({ email: }).exec().then(user => {
if(user) {
console.log("found user")
} else {
return bcrypt
.then(salt => bcrypt.hash(req.body.password, salt))
.then(hash => {
var user = new User({
password: hash
}).then(user => {
// user is saved do whats next
}).catch(err => console.error(err.message));

how to delete password field from user object in passport

I need to create the session with user object via passport js, but in this part of a code, I can add only all user object, or :
passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {
done(null, ** or user** );
My object :
var userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
local: {
email: String,
password: String,
passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {
//Also i tried to delete object field here
//( delete user.local.password ) ,
//but it didn't help
done(null, );
Can someone help me with that?
That's what serializeUser and deserializeUser are for.
These two functions are the opposite of each other!
serializeUser you should put the in the session, and deserializeUser is to get the whole user data. (e.g from the database for example).
passport.serializeUser(function (user, cb) {
passport.deserializeUser(function (id, cb) {
// here you can find by Id, or do any query you want.
User.findById(id, function(err, user) {
// here you can change to user object (removing the password), before pass it the cb function
cb(err, user);
Hope it helps you!

Rollback Transaction for Multiple Models in Waterline ODM in Sails (For Mongo DB )

I am using Sails and Waterline ORM with Mongo Database .
I have two models User and Profile with One to One relationship.
Below is the code I've written for Transaction with Rollback logic. I think there can be a much better logic than this as the current logic is very clumsy.
Questions :
Does Waterline or Sails provide any functionality for Rollback purpose?
Is there any better way of doing this ?
User.create(newUser).then(function (data) {
var newProfile = {
user: data._id
return Profile.create(newProfile);
}).then(function (profileData) {"Profile Data " + JSON.stringify(profileData));
// Update the user with Profile Info
User.update(newUser._id, {profile: profileData._id}).then(function (updatedUser) {
return updatedUser;
}, function (err) {
// TODO Rollback logic if the User Updation Fails
}, function (err) {
sails.log.error("Failed to Create Profile for the User . Deleting the created User");
var criteria = {
User.destroy(criteria).then(function (user) {
sails.log.error("Deleted the Created User " + JSON.stringify(user));
throw new Error("ERROR CREATING User");
}, function (err) {
sails.log.error("ERROR DELETING USER");
throw new Error("ERROR DELETING USER", err);
To question 1 : no.
I would be tempted to do something like this:
callback(null, data);
callback(err, null, null); // don't need to rollback anything
function(data, callback){
user: data._id
callback(null, data, profile)
callback(err, data._id, null); // only need user's id
function(userData, profileData, callback){
User.update(userData._id, {profile: profileData._id})
callback(null, updatedUser);
callback(err, userData._id, profileData._id); // can roll back both
], function(err, userData, profileData){
if(err) {
// do rollback, userData is user's ID, profileData is profile id
// if either one is undefined, then it doesn't exist
} else {
// userData is user object from the last update, return it!
I don't know if it is better, but it seems more readable, and it handles the errors for any of the three writing phases.

Node Express Trouble returning object to view from query

I'm trying to:
Pass user's ID to a model query, that should return the user record from mongo.
Render this user object to my view so I can use its fields.
I'm not quite sure what's going wrong - the query function finds the correct user and I can console.dir to see all the fields. When I try to return it to my view with res.render I get nothing:
Here's my route:
app.get('/account', function(req, res) {
res.render('account', {title: 'Your Account', username:, user:account.check( });
And my query function:
exports.check = function(userId) {
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://', function(err, db) {
if(err) throw err;
var collection = db.collection('test');
collection.findOne({userId : userId}, function(err, user) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("account.check logging found user to console: ");
return user;
Again, this shows the proper entry
Finally my view:
<h1>Account Page</h1>
<p>Why, Hello, there <b> {{username}} </b> </p><br/>
<p>You came from {{user.provider}}</p>
Go Home ~ Log Out
Any held would be most appreciated!
The MongoDB findOne function is asynchronous (it takes a callback as an argument). This means that your check function also needs to be asynchronous and take a callback as an argument (or return a promise).
Then you should call res.render() inside the callback you pass to query on success.
app.get('/account', function(req, res) {
account.check(, function(error, user) {
if (error) {
// do something smart like res.status(500).end()
res.render('account', {title: 'Your Account', username:, user:user });
And the check function should be something like:
exports.check = function(userId, callback) {
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://', function(err, db) {
if(err) {
var collection = db.collection('test');
collection.findOne({userId : userId}, function(err, user) {
if(err) {
console.log("account.check logging found user to console: ");
callback(null, user);
Of course if you don't need to do any additional processing, you can just pass your the callback argument as the callback to collection.findOne(). I just kept it this way because it was closer to what you were doing initially.