beforeinstallprompt does not work on console.log - progressive-web-apps

on on self.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', (e) => {
the console.log() does not work. anyone?

the answer is in below. but it is very important to put it in the main.js that runs service worker like sw.js. after regissteration of service worker
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
} else {
console.log('CLIENT: service worker is not supported.');
this code ----->
var deferredPrompt;
self.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', function (e) {
console.log('beforeinstallprompt Event fired');
deferredPrompt = e.originalEvent;
return false;


unininstall PWA Manually

The following code can be used to install the program in the PWA:
var fab = document.querySelector('#fab');
var deferredPrompt;
fab.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (deferredPrompt) {
deferredPrompt.userChoice.then(function (choice) {
if (choice.outcome === 'dismissed') {
console.log('installation was cancelled');
} else {
console.log('User Added To Home Screen');
deferredPrompt = null;
window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', function (event) {
console.log('beforeinstallprompt run .');
deferredPrompt = event;
return false;
now for Uninstall:
It can only be removed from the browser
Now my question is here:
Is it possible to create a code such as manual installation (mentioned above) that the user can uninstall the program without the need to use the browser tool?
Thank you all for your answers

Google Workbox Change Scope?

Here is my service worker:
// This is the "Offline page" service worker
const CACHE = "pwabuilder-page";
// TODO: replace the following with the correct offline fallback page i.e.: const offlineFallbackPage = "offline.html";
const offlineFallbackPage = "/error/404.html";
self.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
if ( && === "SKIP_WAITING") {
self.addEventListener('install', async (event) => {
.then((cache) => cache.add(offlineFallbackPage))
if (workbox.navigationPreload.isSupported()) {
self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
if (event.request.mode === 'navigate') {
event.respondWith((async () => {
try {
const preloadResp = await event.preloadResponse;
if (preloadResp) {
return preloadResp;
const networkResp = await fetch(event.request);
return networkResp;
} catch (error) {
const cache = await;
const cachedResp = await cache.match(offlineFallbackPage);
return cachedResp;
the service worker is stored at /src/pwa/sw.js
How can i allow the scope of the service worker to run at / instead of /src/pwa/ ?
i use a Dynamic JS loader to load all of my javascript files, when i try to load the PWA loader, it says "scope of /src/pwa/ error"
The maximal scope of a service worker is determined by the location of your service worker script file. You mention that your script is being served from /src/pwa/sw.js, so the maximal scope is /src/pwa/.
You need to register your service worker when it's hosted at /sw.js if you want the scope to be able to control all pages on your site.
There's more background at Understanding Service Worker scope

Protractor ignoring specs passed in a callback function

I'm running into an issue and need your help.
I have a list of products and I want to run some it blocks for each product.
The function getProducts is an asynchronous function. Here is my code.
jsonLoader = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
beforeAll(function(done) {
getProducts(function(loadedProducts) {
describe('product-maintenance', function() {
jsonLoader.then(function(products) {
productsList = products;
//productsList contains the desired products
_.forOwn(productsList, function(product) {
//execute it-blocks
it('some test', function() {
He is only executing the it 'some test' and simply ignoring the it blocks in the _.forOwn loop.
Thanks !!! :)
I solved this by using promises in the onPrepare function.
onPrepare: function() {
var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();
getProducts(function(products) {
if (!products) {
deferred.reject(new Error('An error occured while loading products'));
} else {
return deferred.promise;

Protractor & Cucumberjs after hook doesn't work as expected

I have written a basic after hook in cucumberjs for some reason , it is not working as expected.It is supposed to attached screenshot and write browser console log , when scenario fails. But it attaches the screen shot after the feature in html report and prints the browser console log at after in between the second scenarioenter image description here.Any clue what's wrong??
this.After(function(scenario, callback) {
if (scenario.isFailed()) {
global.browser.takeScreenshot().then(function(base64png) {
var decodedImage = new Buffer(base64png,'base64').toString('binary');
scenario.attach(decodedImage, 'image/png');
global.browser.manage().logs().get('browser').then(function (browserlog){
browserlog.forEach(function (log) {
if (log.level.value > 900) {
} else {
According to the cucumberjs github page
Images and other binary data can be attached using a stream.Readable. In that case, passing a callback to attach() becomes mandatory:
You could split the single after hook into two separate hooks:
this.After(function(scenario, next) {
browser.takeScreenshot().then(function(png) {
var decodedImage = new Buffer(png, 'base64').toString('binary');
scenario.attach(decodedImage, 'image/png', next);
}, function(err) {
this.After(function(scenario, next) {
global.browser.manage().logs().get('browser').then(function (browserlog){
browserlog.forEach(function (log) {
if (log.level.value > 900) {

How to catch a 401 (or other status error) in an angular service call?

Using $http I can catch errors like 401 easily:
$http({method: 'GET', url: 'http://localhost/Blog/posts/index.json'}).
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.posts = data;
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
if(status == 401)
alert('not auth.');
$scope.posts = {};
But how can I do something similar when using services instead. This is how my current service looks:
myModule.factory('Post', function($resource){
return $resource('http://localhost/Blog/posts/index.json', {}, {
index: {method:'GET', params:{}, isArray:true}
(Yes, I'm just learning angular).
SOLUTION (thanks to Nitish Kumar and all the contributors)
In the Post controller I was calling the service like this:
function PhoneListCtrl($scope, Post) {
$scope.posts = Post.query();
//PhoneListCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', 'Post'];
As suggested by the selected answer, now I'm calling it like this and it works:
function PhoneListCtrl($scope, Post) {
//When it works
$scope.posts = data;
//When it fails
//PhoneListCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', 'Post'];
in controller call Post like .
function success(data) {
$scope.posts = data;
function err(error) {
if(error.status == 401)
alert('not auth.');
$scope.posts = {};
Resources return promises just like http. Simply hook into the error resolution:
//successful things happen here
}, function(){
//errorful things happen here
AngularJS Failed Resource GET
$http is a service just like $resource is a service.
myModule.factory('Post', function($resource){
return $http({method: 'GET', url: 'http://localhost/Blog/posts/index.json'});
This will return the promise. You can also use a promise inside your factory and chain that so your factory (service) does all of the error handling for you.