unininstall PWA Manually - progressive-web-apps

The following code can be used to install the program in the PWA:
var fab = document.querySelector('#fab');
var deferredPrompt;
fab.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (deferredPrompt) {
deferredPrompt.userChoice.then(function (choice) {
if (choice.outcome === 'dismissed') {
console.log('installation was cancelled');
} else {
console.log('User Added To Home Screen');
deferredPrompt = null;
window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', function (event) {
console.log('beforeinstallprompt run .');
deferredPrompt = event;
return false;
now for Uninstall:
It can only be removed from the browser
Now my question is here:
Is it possible to create a code such as manual installation (mentioned above) that the user can uninstall the program without the need to use the browser tool?
Thank you all for your answers


How to stop functions when leaving the page in Ionic 4

I am working in my Ionic 4 app and I want to stop the functions when the page will leave.
This is my tab4.page.ts:
async getUserDetail(){
this.dataexists = false;
this.userActiveChallanges = [];
let me=this;
const loading = await this.loadingController.create({
message: '',
// duration: 2200,
translucent: true,
spinner: 'crescent',
showBackdrop: false,
cssClass: 'my-loading-class'
await loading.present();
this.storage.get('USERPROFILE').then(userObj => {
// console.log('User Profile :',userObj);
me.userprofile = userObj;
me.myapi.apiCall('userActiveChallenges/'+userObj.id,'GET','').subscribe((data) => {
// console.log(data);
if(me.response.status === 'success'){
if(me.response && me.response.data && me.response.data.length>0){
this.dataexists = true;
} else{
this.userActiveChallanges = '';
this.dataexists = true;
}, error => { loading.dismiss(); console.log(error); });
ionViewWillLeave() {
I want to stop this function when the page will leave because when I am not getting any response nor any error from the api the loader keeps running and when I move to the other page, it is showing there.
So, I want to stop the function when the page will leave.
Any help is much appreciated.
instead of local const loading, declare it as a property of your ts class (tab4).
now change your code and assign loader to it:
replace: const loading
Now inside ionViewWillLeave call:
ionViewWillLeave() {
if (this.loading) { this.loading.dismiss() }
Well, I don't know the function to stop your function, but to make something when you leave a page, you make it in IonViewDidLeave()

Skype web sdk audio service plugin not found

I am integrating Skype Web SDK audio service in my IONIC application. Everything works fine but I am not able to make a call. When I click on button to make a call following code gets call and I am getting Beep sound and then error about Pluginnotinstalled.
var conversation = application.conversationsManager.getConversation('tel:+XXXX');
conversation.selfParticipant.audio.state.when('Connected', function () {
console.log('Connected to audio call');
conversation.state.changed(function (newValue, reason, oldValue) {
console.log('Conversation state changed from', oldValue, 'to', newValue);
conversation.participants.added(function (participant) {
console.log('Participant:', participant.displayName(), 'has been added to the conversation');
conversation.audioService.start().then(function() {
console.log('The call has been started successfully');
}, function (error) {
console.log('An error occured starting the call', error);
When I run this code, I am getting error, Plugin not Installed. There's no description about what plugin they want.
An error occured starting the call
Error: PluginNotInstalled
Exception — skype-web-sdk.js:20782
(anonymous function) — skype-web-sdk.js:35814
exec2 — skype-web-sdk.js:21498
exec — skype-web-sdk.js:21478
dequeue — skype-web-sdk.js:21253
process — skype-web-sdk.js:21274
When I checked in details, The error is coming from below code of skype-web-sdk.js
function init(specs) {
tm && tm.record(Web.TelemetryEvent.PluginManager, {
action: 'init',
state: state()
if (state() == Media.PluginManager.State.Uninitialized) {
var id = '__mainPluginManager_' + guid().replace(/-/g, '_');
Media.log('PluginManager::init - id = ' + id);
language = (specs && specs.language) || "en-us";
isRtl = (specs && specs.rtl) || false;
var PluginObjectCtor_1 = (specs && specs.PluginObject) || Media.PluginObject;
tm = specs && specs.tm;
assert(!task || task.state() != 'pending');
task = new Task('Loading the media plugin.', {
cancel: function (reason) {
Media.log('PluginManager::init canceled ' + id);
tm && tm.monitor(task.promise, Web.TelemetryEvent.PluginManager, {
action: 'initPluginMgr',
state: state(),
id: id
isPluginInstalled.get().then(function (installed) {
if (!installed)
throw Exception('PluginNotInstalled');
pluginObj = PluginObjectCtor_1({
id: id,
managerId: '_'
pluginObj.event(onPluginObjectEvent, 'async');
Media.watch('pluginObject(' + id + ')::state', state);
Media.log('PluginManager::init - creating inner object');
try {
hide: true,
hookEvents: true
catch (err) {
if (task.state() == 'pending')
}).catch(function (err) {
if (task.state() == 'pending')
else {
// init has already been called and the plugin is either
// initializing or is already initialized; in either case
// we will return an existing promise
return task.promise;
Which browser are you using?
IE11 and Safari both need the Skype for Business Web App plugin which can ben found here: Getting started with Skype Web SDK development
Here you can find more information on how to check if the plugin is installed.

Protractor & Cucumberjs after hook doesn't work as expected

I have written a basic after hook in cucumberjs for some reason , it is not working as expected.It is supposed to attached screenshot and write browser console log , when scenario fails. But it attaches the screen shot after the feature in html report and prints the browser console log at after in between the second scenarioenter image description here.Any clue what's wrong??
this.After(function(scenario, callback) {
if (scenario.isFailed()) {
global.browser.takeScreenshot().then(function(base64png) {
var decodedImage = new Buffer(base64png,'base64').toString('binary');
scenario.attach(decodedImage, 'image/png');
global.browser.manage().logs().get('browser').then(function (browserlog){
browserlog.forEach(function (log) {
if (log.level.value > 900) {
} else {
According to the cucumberjs github page https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-js#attachments
Images and other binary data can be attached using a stream.Readable. In that case, passing a callback to attach() becomes mandatory:
You could split the single after hook into two separate hooks:
this.After(function(scenario, next) {
browser.takeScreenshot().then(function(png) {
var decodedImage = new Buffer(png, 'base64').toString('binary');
scenario.attach(decodedImage, 'image/png', next);
}, function(err) {
this.After(function(scenario, next) {
global.browser.manage().logs().get('browser').then(function (browserlog){
browserlog.forEach(function (log) {
if (log.level.value > 900) {

Video.js player add chromecast button?

I have tried numerous ways of adding a cast button to video.js player but cannot do this for the life of me. Can anyone help?
I'm using the hellovideo cms for videos and need plugins added but have no idea about jquery etc.. so please if anyone can help?
There is a really nice plugin for this: https://github.com/kim-company/videojs-chromecast
Just follow the setup instructions (adding the js and css to your page).
I tried kim-company/videojs-chromecast. It only works with an older version of videojs, I used 5.4.6. It's quite buggy. Another I tried was benjipott/video.js-chromecast, which claims to work with newer videojs, but I didn't like it at all. So I gave up on videojs, I always found the native HTML5 video player more reliable and easier to work with (videojs just wraps this anyway). For the chromecast stuff, I provide a nearby button that links to chromecast.link, where I wrote a full web chromecast sender app. Pass the video and poster URL in the fragment, per this example:
I recently answered this question, you can check it out here: How to implement chromecast support for html5 player for more information
var session = null;
$( document ).ready(function(){
var loadCastInterval = setInterval(function(){
if (chrome.cast.isAvailable) {
console.log('Cast has loaded.');
} else {
}, 1000);
function initializeCastApi() {
var applicationID = chrome.cast.media.DEFAULT_MEDIA_RECEIVER_APP_ID;
var sessionRequest = new chrome.cast.SessionRequest(applicationID);
var apiConfig = new chrome.cast.ApiConfig(sessionRequest,
chrome.cast.initialize(apiConfig, onInitSuccess, onInitError);
function sessionListener(e) {
session = e;
console.log('New session');
if (session.media.length != 0) {
console.log('Found ' + session.media.length + ' sessions.');
function receiverListener(e) {
if( e === 'available' ) {
console.log("Chromecast was found on the network.");
else {
console.log("There are no Chromecasts available.");
function onInitSuccess() {
console.log("Initialization succeeded");
function onInitError() {
console.log("Initialization failed");
function launchApp() {
console.log("Launching the Chromecast App...");
chrome.cast.requestSession(onRequestSessionSuccess, onLaunchError);
function onRequestSessionSuccess(e) {
console.log("Successfully created session: " + e.sessionId);
session = e;
function onLaunchError() {
console.log("Error connecting to the Chromecast.");
function onRequestSessionSuccess(e) {
console.log("Successfully created session: " + e.sessionId);
session = e;
function loadMedia() {
if (!session) {
console.log("No session.");
var videoSrc = document.getElementById("myVideo").src;
var mediaInfo = new chrome.cast.media.MediaInfo(videoSrc);
mediaInfo.contentType = 'video/mp4';
var request = new chrome.cast.media.LoadRequest(mediaInfo);
request.autoplay = true;
session.loadMedia(request, onLoadSuccess, onLoadError);
function onLoadSuccess() {
console.log('Successfully loaded video.');
function onLoadError() {
console.log('Failed to load video.');
function stopApp() {
session.stop(onStopAppSuccess, onStopAppError);
function onStopAppSuccess() {
console.log('Successfully stopped app.');
function onStopAppError() {
console.log('Error stopping app.');

Tinymce auto spellcheck, without clicking button

Is it possible to set turn the default spell checker on by default. Without clicking the button in the toolbar each time?
I am using the default browser spell checker functionality in the browser.
setup: function (ed) {
ed.addCommand('mceSpellCheckRuntime', function() {
t = ed.plugins.spellchecker;
if (t.mceSpellCheckRuntimeTimer) {
t.mceSpellCheckRuntimeTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
t._sendRPC('checkWords', [t.selectedLang, t._getWords()], function(r) {
if (r.length > 0) {
t.active = 1;
}, 3000); //3 seconds
ed.pasteAsPlainText = true;
ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
Its quiet possible........:)
Try the below code.......
ed.onInit.add(function(ed, e) {
setTimeout(function () {
tinyMCE.activeEditor.controlManager.setActive('spellchecker', true); tinymce.execCommand('mceSpellCheck', true);
}, 1);
Nope, this is not possible due to the fact that there are so many possibilities of using a spellchecker in tinymce. The user may however define on which events the spellchecker should check (that's what you already did).
Working solution for TinyMCE 3
Create a helper function to improve UX:
function delay(fn, ms) {
let timer = 0
return function(...args) {
timer = setTimeout(fn.bind(this, ...args), ms || 0)
Register a new command within TinyMCE Spell Checker plugin:
ed.addCommand('mceSpellCheckAuto', function() {
if (t.active) {
t._sendRPC('checkWords', [t.selectedLang, t._getWords()], function(r) {
if (r.length > 0) {
Call your new command from a keyPress event:
ed.onKeyPress.add(delay(function() {
tinymce.execCommand('mceSpellCheckAuto', true);
}, 500));