Ability to detect the filename of the currently downloaded file and cleanup of the downloaded file - testrigor

Ability to detect the filename of the currently downloaded file and cleanup of the downloaded file.
For downloaded file need ability to be able to grab the filename of the downloaded file as sometimes the filename can be dynamic.
Also need the ability to cleanup the downloaded file after the verifications are complete.


Deploy files in the localState folder during installation of a store app

I am building an app for windows store and I need some default and example data to be in the localstate folder (Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder) when the app run the first time.
The folder and files structure is a bit complex and I tryed to copy the files at the start of the application, but I can't manage that way.
Is it possible to have files being copied automatically from the installation folder to the localstate folder during the store app installation?
Unfortunately, customization of the app install process isn't currently supported. You have to do this as part of your first run processing.
One possibility is that you include the data in your package as a .ZIP or other compressed file and use an appropriate library to expand that file into a folder structure on startup. That could simplify your logic considerably. (I don't have a library to recommend; it's just an idea.)

how to properly handle a file upload in wicket

I have a file upload page that takes a file and parses it.
Order of Events
user uploads file
uploaded file gets copied
copied file gets it's encoding checked, with CPDetector
determined encoding from the copied file is used to parse the original uploaded file
FileNotFoundException on Solaris Test Server during BufferedReader creation.
copied file is deleted
uploaded file is parsed/verified
parsed data is saved to a database
uploaded file is deleted (I can't remember if I'm doing this or Tomcat is.)
The Whole process works on my Windows 7 workstation. As noted above it does not work on my Solaris Test Server. Something(I Suspect Tomcat) is deleting the uploaded file before I can finish parsing it.
I've watched the directory during the process and an uploaded file does indeed get created, but it lasts less than a second before being deleted. Also It's supposed to go into /opt/tomcat/ but seems be getting created in the /var/opt/csw/tomcat6/temp/ directory instead.
Thanks for any help
I realize it's probably bad form to answer my own question like this but I wanted to leave this here in-case it helps someone else.
The Problem turned out to be How I was accessing the files.
I had hard-coded file paths, for windows, and Database loaded ones for the test server.
I switched those to using System.getProperty("catalina.home")+"/temp/" + filename
I'm also copying the temp file a second time so I end up with:
Order of Events (changes are in bold)
user uploads file
uploaded file gets copied
copied file gets it's encoding checked, with CPDetector
uploaded file gets copied again to ensure a copy survives to be parsed
determined encoding from the copied file is used to parse the original uploaded file
copy used for encoding detection is deleted
copy for parse is parsed/verified
parsed data is saved to a database
parsed file is deleted.
uploaded file is deleted (I'm not sure if I'm doing this or Tomcat is.)

cURL ftp transfer scenario

I'm trying to automate uploading and downloading from an ftp site using cURL inside MAtlab, but I'm having difficulties. Essentially I want one computer continuously uploading new files to an ftp, yet since there is a disk quota on the ftp, I want another computer continuously downloading and removing those same files from the ftp.
Easy enough, but my problem arises from wanting to make sure that I don't download a file that is still being uploaded, thereby resulting in an incomplete file.
First off, is there a way in cURL to make it so that the file wouldn't be available for download from the ftp site until the entire file has been uploaded?
One way around this is that I could upload files to one directory, and once they are finished uploading, then I could transfer them to a "Finished" directory on the ftp site. Then the download program would only look for files inside that "Finished" directory. However, I don't know how to transfer files within an ftp site using cURL.
Is it possible to transfer files between directories on an ftp site using cURL without having to download the file first?
And if anyone else has better ideas on how to perform this task, I'd love to hear em!
You can upload the files using a special name and then rename it when done, and have the download client only download files with that special "upload completed" name style.
Or you move them between directories just as you say (which is essentially a rename as well, just changing the directory too).
With the command line curl, you can perform "raw" commands after the upload with the -Q option and you can even find a tiny example in the curl FAQ: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/faq.html#Can_I_use_curl_to_delete_rename

Why CGI.pm upload old revision of a file on successful new file upload?

I am using CGI.pm version 3.10 for file upload using Perl. I have a Perl script which uploads the file and one of my application keeps track of different revisions of the uploaded document with check-in check-out facility.
Re-creational steps:
I have done a checkout(download a file) using my application (which is web based uses apache).
Logout from current user session.
Login again with same credentials and then check-in (upload) a new file.
Upload successful
Perl upload script shows the correct uploaded data
New revision of the file created
Output is correct and expected except the one case which is the issue
The content of the newly uploaded file are same as the content of the last uploaded revision in DB.
I am using a temp folder for copying the new content and if I print the new content in upload script then it comes correct. I have no limit on CGI upload size. It seems somewhere in CGI environment it fails might be the version i am using. I am not using taint mode.
Can anybody helps me to understand what might be the possible reason?
Sounds like you're getting the old file name stuck in the file upload field. Not sure if that can happen for filefield but this is a feature for other field types.
Try adding the -nosticky pragma, eg, use CGI qw(-nosticky :all);. Another pragma to try is -private_tempfiles, which should prevent the user from "eavesdropping" even on their own uploads.
Of course, it could be that you need to localize (my) some variable or add -force to the filefield.
I found the issue. The reason was destination path of the copied file was not correct, this was because my application one of event maps the path of copied file to different directory and this path is storing in user session. This happens only when I run the event just before staring upload script. This was the reason that it was hard to catch. As upload script is designed to pick the new copied file from same path so it always end up uploading the same file in DB with another revision. The new copied file lying in new path.
Solved by mapping correct path before upload.

Using wildcards for filenames in powershell

I am having a lot of issues trying to automate downloading from an ftp site. I know the folder the file will be in, and I know that it will be a .zip file. However I do not know what the files will be named.
So I have code that works if I know the file name...for example:
$sourceuri = "ftp://myFtpSite/test/myZipFile.zip"
I would like to be able to use wildcards in this string so it will recongize any zip file. So I could write something like
$sourceuri = "ftp://myFtpSite/test/_.zip"
and it would download any zip file in that folder.
I know this question is ancient, but have you considered just using the console app ftp.exe? You can build a text file with commands (such as "mget *.zip" to retrieve all .zip files) and automate the process.
ftp -s:filename