Using wildcards for filenames in powershell - powershell

I am having a lot of issues trying to automate downloading from an ftp site. I know the folder the file will be in, and I know that it will be a .zip file. However I do not know what the files will be named.
So I have code that works if I know the file name...for example:
$sourceuri = "ftp://myFtpSite/test/"
I would like to be able to use wildcards in this string so it will recongize any zip file. So I could write something like
$sourceuri = "ftp://myFtpSite/test/"
and it would download any zip file in that folder.

I know this question is ancient, but have you considered just using the console app ftp.exe? You can build a text file with commands (such as "mget *.zip" to retrieve all .zip files) and automate the process.
ftp -s:filename


Count files in a ZIP file over SFTP using PowerShell

I am connecting to SFTP via host, port, username and password using PowerShell. I want to count the number of files in a particular zip folder without having to download the zip folder on my local machine and count. Please share the piece of logic that would do this. I looked into this but it seems a bit tricky when it comes to do this in a zip folder.
That's not an easy task to do. There's no API in SFTP to do that completely remotely. There are basically two solutions:
Use SFTP to download only the ZIP central directory (basically the listing that is placed at the very end of the ZIP file). And decode the directory locally. For C#, this is covered in my answer to List files inside ZIP file located on SFTP server in C#. Though as mentioned there, there's a bug in SSH.NET that requires a workaround with implementing an interface. While that's probably doable in PowerShell too, I've never done that.
If you have an SSH shell access to the server, use remote zip command to list the contents of the file. Or build another API (like a web service).
Btw, note that there's nothing like ZIP "folder". ZIP is an archive file. It's only Windows that call ZIP files "folders".

Download a WebFile only if the files newer that the one that exists

I'm struggling to find how I would be able to download a file that's accessible via a URL, but don't keep downloading it if the file on the URL is newer than the file in existence.
Using Power shell this command downloads the file, but it will just download it again regardless if it's there already.
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile C:\Temp\
I know the command line for copying local files with "XCOPY /D" to check for the date/time stamp but I am wondering if something similar can be done downloading a file from the internet?
Many thanks in Advance

Copy files from SFTP with CMD

We have a customer with their SFTP site, and I would like to copy files from specific folder, by using any automated process.
One of the example which I found, is, but I have not managed how to use it, for my purpose.
QUESTION: All I will need is not run script and the file should be copied from their directory to my local folder. Is it possible at all?
I found the way of using PSFTP(Putty) to connect to the server, but how to make it automatically, do not know.
I think its a good solution for your problem.
You have to install winscp and the code some files and it will do automaticaly. I used 3 or 4 times. Also you need the key for your SFTP to connect throught it.
Here a link to the guide step by step.
Here is a link to the scripting webpage
I recommend you to create an ini file to load all of the characteristics of your ftp connection and then execute an script over this.
It can be launched like that /ini=[your ini file] /script=[Your script file(what you want to do when it is connect)]
Hope this helps!.

How do i FTP upload directory in Powershell

I came across this post:
Upload files with FTP using PowerShell
But I'm looking how i can upload a directory with files in it to a FTP server.
Thanks in Advance
You should write a script that loop into directory and then upload files one by one. I don't remember that ftp command on windows can upload an entire directory.
You should find example here :

cURL ftp transfer scenario

I'm trying to automate uploading and downloading from an ftp site using cURL inside MAtlab, but I'm having difficulties. Essentially I want one computer continuously uploading new files to an ftp, yet since there is a disk quota on the ftp, I want another computer continuously downloading and removing those same files from the ftp.
Easy enough, but my problem arises from wanting to make sure that I don't download a file that is still being uploaded, thereby resulting in an incomplete file.
First off, is there a way in cURL to make it so that the file wouldn't be available for download from the ftp site until the entire file has been uploaded?
One way around this is that I could upload files to one directory, and once they are finished uploading, then I could transfer them to a "Finished" directory on the ftp site. Then the download program would only look for files inside that "Finished" directory. However, I don't know how to transfer files within an ftp site using cURL.
Is it possible to transfer files between directories on an ftp site using cURL without having to download the file first?
And if anyone else has better ideas on how to perform this task, I'd love to hear em!
You can upload the files using a special name and then rename it when done, and have the download client only download files with that special "upload completed" name style.
Or you move them between directories just as you say (which is essentially a rename as well, just changing the directory too).
With the command line curl, you can perform "raw" commands after the upload with the -Q option and you can even find a tiny example in the curl FAQ: