Mongodb Query to get only documents in specific days - mongodb

In my mongodb table, I have 2 (relevant for this Q) columns: service, timestamp.
I want to query only rows with service=liveness and that those with timestamp of 12th Novermber 2020.
How can I do it, if timestamp field is of type Number (UNIX epoch number)..?
This is my query currently:
{ service: "liveness" }.
This is how the timestamp column looks like:

To query by two fields you only need this syntax:
"field1": yourField1Value,
"field2": yourField2Value
So, if your date is a Number instead of a Date you can try this query:
"service": "liveness",
"timestamp": 1600768437934
And should works. Example here.
Now, if the problem is parse 12th November 2020 to UNIX timestamp, then the easiest way is convert first the date in your app language.
Also, I don't know if I've missunderstood your question but, here is another query.
"$match": {
"service": "liveness",
"$project": {
"timestamp": {
"$toDate": "$timestamp"
"$match": {
"timestamp": {
"$gt": ISODate("1990-01-01"),
"$lt": ISODate("2060-01-01")
This query first match all documents with service as liveness, so the next stage is faster. Into $project the timestamp is parsed to Date so you can match again with your date.
Using $gt and $lt you can search by a whole day.
And also, if you can get the days into UNIX timestamp you can do this:
"service": "liveness",
"timestamp": {
"$gte": yourDay,
"$lt": nextrDay
Using $gte and $lt you ensure the query will find all values in the day.


Not able to figure out what problem in my aggregation

Here in provided aggregation pipeline, I need to compare a field which consists of previous date and time column called "HardStopDaysDate" with current date and time in mongo. I am using $$NOW itself here, but I am not able to see output, Can anyone please identify and help me what mistake I did.
"$match": {
"Date": {
"$lt": "$$NOW"
"Status": {
"$ne": "Completed"
"$or": [
"Verification": null
"Verification": {
"$ne": 1
If I remove "$$NOW" then I am able to see result. But this comparison have to be done must and need to show desired result.
Here, I have to compare "Date" with current date and time so I am using "$$NOW". The query is working fine but not able to see any records. The filtered records have to be displayed which records are less than "Date".
Giving Sample records how "Date" is there in db.
[{"Date":2022-02-18 21:27:00}]
Can anyone please help me on this to get records while comparing with "$$NOW"

MongoDB v5.0.5 query using hour only

First occasion experimenting with dates and times in MongoDB.
Currently, I have correctly inserted UTC dates into my documents:
"Value": 10
"DateTime": {
"$date": "2013-08-23T08:00:00.000Z"
I want to query the data to return all of the 'value' and datetime fields for all documents in which the hour is 08. I have gotten as far as:
Which returns the _id and "hour": 8 for all matching entries but I'm confused at how to proceed. It seems an unnecessarily complicated way to search and so I wonder if I am barking up the wrong tree here? Admittedly, I am somewhat out of my depth so some guidance would be appreciated.
You can try $expr expression operator to use aggregation operators ($hour) in query,
$expr to use aggregation operators
$hour will return an hour from the date
$eq to match hour and input hour 8
$expr: {
$eq: [
{ $hour: "$DateTime" },

MongoShell db query of string date is not working

I am trying to query my database on the date_recorded field, but the query give zero results. I'm using the MongoShell and have also tried it in Compass.
I've tried variations of $eq with ISODate and Date:
db.my_collection.find({ "date_recorded": { "$eq": new ISODate("2017-06-09T01:27:33.967Z") }}).count()
I have also tried variations of $gte with ISODate and Date:
db.my_collection.find({ "date_recorded": { "$gte": new Date("2017-06-09T01:27:33.967Z") }}).count()
Record is in the db, notice the highlighted field
Like #JohnnyHK said, the date_recorded is a string. To make a comparison, we either need to convert date_recorded to a date or compare is with a string.
The following queries can get us the expected output:
"date_recorded": {
new ISODate("2017-06-09T01:27:33.967Z")

MongoDB - Query Available Date Range with a Date Range for Hotel

I have an array of objects containing dates of when a hotel is available to book within Mongo. It looks something like this, using ISO Date formats as said here.
Here's what document looks like, trying to keep it short for the example.
available: [
Now, I need query two dates, check in date and check out date. If the dates are available, Mongo should return the document, otherwise it won't. Here are a few test cases:
2014-04-06 TO 2014-04-08 should NOT return.
2014-04-13 TO 2014-04-16 should NOT return.
2014-04-17 TO 2014-04-21 should return.
How would I go about forming this in to a Mongo query? Using $elemMatch looked like it would be a good start, but I don't know where to take it after that so all three examples I posted above work with the same query. Any help is appreciated.
"available": {
"$elemMatch": {
"start": { "$lte": new Date("2014-04-17") },
"end": { "$gte": new Date("2014-04-21") }
How about this command?
Well I actually hope your documents have real ISODates rather than what appears to be strings. When they do then the following query form matches as expected:
"available": {
"$elemMatch": {
"start": { "$gte": new Date("2014-04-17") },
"end": { "$gte": new Date("2014-04-21") }

Why are dates in match aggregate query being ignored?

I'm trying to run an aggregation statement in my mongo db. I have a document whose structure is (at least) as follows:
"_id": ObjectId,
"date": ISODate,
"keywordGroupId": NumberLong,
"ranking": NumberLong,
I would like to run an aggregation statement that aggregates the 'ranking' field for a given 'keywordGroupId' and a given 'date' interval.
I have been trying with the following aggregate command:
aggregate : "KeywordHistory",
pipeline : [
{ $match: { keywordGroupId: 75 , "$date": {$gte: ISODate("2013-01-01T00:00:00.0Z"), $lt: ISODate("2013-02-01T00:00:00.0Z")}} },
{ $group: { _id: { null }, count: { $sum: "$ranking" } } }
This command executes without errors and returns a result. If I try to change the value for the 'keywordGroupId' field, the command returns a different value, so I assume that the $match statement works for that field (NumberLong). Though, if I change the 'date' range and I specify a time interval for which I don't have any data in the database, it still returns a result (I would actually expect an empty result set). So I have to assume that the $match statement is ignoring the date interval specified.
Can anyone help me with this point?
Remove the $ prefix on the $date field of your $match:
{ $match: {
keywordGroupId: 75,
date: {$gte: ISODate("2013-01-01T00:00:00.0Z"), $lt: ISODate("2013-02-01T00:00:00.0Z")}
You only use the $ prefix when the field name is used in a value, not as a key.
Sometimes ISodate does not works . so in Case if you want to match date using only "one" date the best way is:---
ex:-- Let a schema be:---
var storeOrder = new Schema({
store_name:{type:String, required:true},
date :{type:Date ,default:moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD')},
orders : [{
vegetable : String,
quantity : Number,
now to aggregate by matching date :--
storeOrder.aggregate([$match:{date :new Date("2016-12-26T00:00:00.000Z")} ])
**It is must to use new Date("2016-12-26T00:00:00.000z") instead of Date("2016-12-26T00:00:00.000z") because Date(your_date) !== new Date(your_date).
The aggregate expects a Javascript Date Object and doesn't work otherwise.
new Date();
new Date(year, month, day);
Please note the month start with 0 and not 1 (Your January is 0 and December 11)