Not able to figure out what problem in my aggregation - mongodb

Here in provided aggregation pipeline, I need to compare a field which consists of previous date and time column called "HardStopDaysDate" with current date and time in mongo. I am using $$NOW itself here, but I am not able to see output, Can anyone please identify and help me what mistake I did.
"$match": {
"Date": {
"$lt": "$$NOW"
"Status": {
"$ne": "Completed"
"$or": [
"Verification": null
"Verification": {
"$ne": 1
If I remove "$$NOW" then I am able to see result. But this comparison have to be done must and need to show desired result.
Here, I have to compare "Date" with current date and time so I am using "$$NOW". The query is working fine but not able to see any records. The filtered records have to be displayed which records are less than "Date".
Giving Sample records how "Date" is there in db.
[{"Date":2022-02-18 21:27:00}]
Can anyone please help me on this to get records while comparing with "$$NOW"


Change data type from string to date while skipping missing data

The core collection (other collections in the DB refer back to this one) in my DB contains 3 fields with date information which at this point is formatted as strings like MM/DD/YYYY. Further, there are a range of documents for which this field contains missing data, i.e. "". I populated this collection by running the mongoimport command on a JSON file.
My goal is to convert these date-fields into actual ISODate data types, so as to allow filtering the collection by dates. Further, I want MongoDB to know that empty strings indicate missing values. I have read quite widely on this, leading me to try a bunch of things:
Trying a forEach statement - This worked, but only for the very first document.
element.startDate = ISODate(element.startDate);;
Using kind of a for-loop: this worked well, but stopped once it encountered a missing value (so it transformed about 11 values):
So, both of these approaches kind of worked - but I don't know how to apply them to the entire collection. Further, I'd be interested in performing this task in the most efficient way possible. However, I only want to do this once - data that will be added in the future should hopefully be correctly formatted at the import stage.
"$and": [
{ "startDate": { "$type": "string" } },
{ "startDate": { "$ne": "" } }
"$set": {
"startDate": {
"$dateFromString": {
"dateString": "$startDate",
"format": "%m/%d/%Y"
Filtering out empty string than doing the transformation will ignore documents that have empty string in date field.

MONGODB return min value for a field if falls within last year otherwise return min value for collection

I have a collection that consists of documents in this format:
By _id.player_id I am trying to return the min value of "score_differential" for records within the last year(_id.date_played), if no records in the last year then I want the min "score_differential" for the player in the collection.
I have tried lots of combinations but this is the closest I have got:-
Which returns the correct values but the problem is if a date is found within the year I get two records back, one with _id: false which has lowest in collection and one with _id: true which has lowest for year. My problem is that I only want one record back not two. Any help is much appreciated as I have spent days on this, relatively new to mongodb coming from mysql.
'$match': {
'_id.player_id': 11
}, {
'$group': {
'_id': {
'$min': [
'$gt': [
'$_id.date_played', {
'$dateFromParts': {
'year': {
'$subtract': [
'$year': new Date()
}, 1
'month': {
'$month': new Date()
'day': {
'$dayOfMonth': new Date()
'minWHI': {
'$min': '$score_differential'
] ```
Thx but I no longer need a solution to this, I actually use the above code in a $lookup stage in another query and as that returns an array I end up with just one document returned where I can test the matched field for the values I need, I was just confused as I was trying to test each part of the main query separately and in doing so getting two documents.

Mongodb Query to get only documents in specific days

In my mongodb table, I have 2 (relevant for this Q) columns: service, timestamp.
I want to query only rows with service=liveness and that those with timestamp of 12th Novermber 2020.
How can I do it, if timestamp field is of type Number (UNIX epoch number)..?
This is my query currently:
{ service: "liveness" }.
This is how the timestamp column looks like:
To query by two fields you only need this syntax:
"field1": yourField1Value,
"field2": yourField2Value
So, if your date is a Number instead of a Date you can try this query:
"service": "liveness",
"timestamp": 1600768437934
And should works. Example here.
Now, if the problem is parse 12th November 2020 to UNIX timestamp, then the easiest way is convert first the date in your app language.
Also, I don't know if I've missunderstood your question but, here is another query.
"$match": {
"service": "liveness",
"$project": {
"timestamp": {
"$toDate": "$timestamp"
"$match": {
"timestamp": {
"$gt": ISODate("1990-01-01"),
"$lt": ISODate("2060-01-01")
This query first match all documents with service as liveness, so the next stage is faster. Into $project the timestamp is parsed to Date so you can match again with your date.
Using $gt and $lt you can search by a whole day.
And also, if you can get the days into UNIX timestamp you can do this:
"service": "liveness",
"timestamp": {
"$gte": yourDay,
"$lt": nextrDay
Using $gte and $lt you ensure the query will find all values in the day.

Find data for specific date in mongodb

I wanted to find data for 2014-08-01 from MongoDB collection. Date in MongoDB is in ISO format.I wrote below query, but it gives me very huge number which i suspect is not the data for 1 day. Can some one let me know what is wrong with query.
sd is the key
db.history.count({sd:{$gte: new Date("2014-08-01")},sd:{$lt:new Date("2014-08-01")}})
Ranges can be specified using $gte and $lt in the same document portion:
db.history.count({ "sd": {
"$gte": new Date("2014-08-01"), "$lt": new Date("2014-08-02")
Otherwise the argument are considered to be separate and a logical "and" condition. But really since you are using the same "key" in your "sd" field, this is not allowed in a JSON/BSON document and violates the "unique" keys rule for hash structures in general. So one condition overwrites the other and only one is applied.
That is why your result is wrong. Use as shown above instead.
await model.find(
{ $gte: new Date(startDate), $lte: new Date(endDate) },
{ $gte: new Date(startDate), $lte: new Date(endDate).setDate(new Date(endDate).getDate() + 1) },
Please assign value to startDate and endDate. The above example will help to find different data from different date as well as the same date
for example if your trying to fetch data from '2020-06-22' to '2020-07-02' you will get data from this date range, other your are trying to fetch data on the same date this code will work that mechanism also
Thank you

MongoDB - Query Available Date Range with a Date Range for Hotel

I have an array of objects containing dates of when a hotel is available to book within Mongo. It looks something like this, using ISO Date formats as said here.
Here's what document looks like, trying to keep it short for the example.
available: [
Now, I need query two dates, check in date and check out date. If the dates are available, Mongo should return the document, otherwise it won't. Here are a few test cases:
2014-04-06 TO 2014-04-08 should NOT return.
2014-04-13 TO 2014-04-16 should NOT return.
2014-04-17 TO 2014-04-21 should return.
How would I go about forming this in to a Mongo query? Using $elemMatch looked like it would be a good start, but I don't know where to take it after that so all three examples I posted above work with the same query. Any help is appreciated.
"available": {
"$elemMatch": {
"start": { "$lte": new Date("2014-04-17") },
"end": { "$gte": new Date("2014-04-21") }
How about this command?
Well I actually hope your documents have real ISODates rather than what appears to be strings. When they do then the following query form matches as expected:
"available": {
"$elemMatch": {
"start": { "$gte": new Date("2014-04-17") },
"end": { "$gte": new Date("2014-04-21") }