Rebuilding UE4 Plugin - plugins

so idk how to fix this issues, any ideas?
(I`m trying to rebuild plugin from Unreal 4.24.3 version to Unreal 4.26)enter image description here
when clicking on error shows this line

It's telling you that method now accepts a reference parameter rather than a pointer parameter.
const TArray<uint8>* uncompressedRGBA;
TArray<uint8> uncompressedRGBA;


MixedRealityToolkit spectator cannot use the “copy&customize” fuction

when I hit the “copy&customize” button, it cannot create a duplicate file, this error also happens when I try to use the “clone” button. my unity version is 2020.3.29f1, and my MRTK version is 2.7.0. I will really appreciate it if somebody could help me to solve this problem.

Adobe XD to flutter all widgets not exporting

Recently, I downloaded a UI Kit. I am trying to convert this UI kit into flutter via xd to flutter plugin.
I have downloaded the plugin and trying to export all the widgets. I have given the proper path but it is not exporting at all, even it is not showing any error or something.
It's the 'prototype interactions' check box you have selected in settings. I just removed all the check boxes to get it working. That should at least get you moving. Just had the same issue.
first select the path folder you want to export the dart file then click export all widgets you can get all widgets dart files

Fancybox Conflict issue

I have quick view pop up which uses jquery.fancybox.pack.js and a slider with image gallery popup which uses a jquery.fancybox.js
There is a script error in console as "TypeError: $.fancybox.getInstance is not a function" and also there is an issue with slider image gallery poopup(opening first image only on every image click)
I tried to solve the script error by removing jquery.fancybox.js file initialized in local.xml file. Now the script error is solved. But my slider with image gallery popup will not work.
When I initialized both jquery file in local.xml, got an error as "Error: fancyBox already initialized".
What could be the reason for this. How can I solve the issue with slider image gallery pop up.
Are these files(jquery.fancybox.pack.js and jquery.fancybox.js) same?
Please help.
Sounds like you are mixing different versions of fancyBox.
jquery.fancybox.pack.js is packed version of jquery.fancybox.js and it was shipped with v1 and v2.
V3 now has minified version (jquery.fancybox.min.js) and only v3 contains getInstance method.

Image zooming issue on Ionic

I am trying to implement image zooming for image in Ionic app.
It has been implemented here
and works flawlessly on the original project created with Ionic V 1.0.0 but doesn't seem to work all that good in Ionic V 1.3.0.
On V 1.1.0 this
($ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('scrollHandle' +
logs a json like this
But in V 1.3.0 it logs it as
Also on chrome it shows warning like this:
Delegate for handle "scrollHandle0" could not find a corresponding
element with delegate-handle="scrollHandle0"! getScrollPosition() was
not called! Possible cause: If you are calling getScrollPosition()
immediately, and your element with delegate-handle="scrollHandle0" is
a child of your controller, then your element may not be compiled yet.
Put a $timeout around your call to getScrollPosition() and try again.
This is still working on devices (tested both on iOS and Android) but not smooth at all. It is very laggy.
Any thoughts or workarounds?
So the issue had nothing to do with Ionic version which I realised after more debugging. It was due to
In my usecase I was not using ng-repeat so was using
But this was not working and causing the above mentioned issues. So fix was to add 0 as index with it. In my case this solved it.
In other cases use case may be different so but if using ng-repeat this would work
and if not this should do the trick

Unity - Deprecated EditorApplication

I just have updated my Unity to 5.3.1 and it seems like EditorApplication class is already deprecated. The Unity suggests me to use instead the EditorSceneManager.OpenScene but looks like it's not returning of type bool anymore. Therefore causing my game to stop compiling.
Any help about this?
Usually due to deprecated code unity itself offers some changes in your code you can make a backup and try that if unity informs you of it ,but if you want to know if it has been loaded or not you can use its return value which is a struct of type Scene.
SceneManagement.Scene newScene = EditorSceneManager.OpenScene("myScene");
if(newScene.isLoaded) {
//do something
There is another method also named IsVaild You Can try that too.
further doc :
It's hard to help you without any information on what you actually want to do... This link may help though, it's about upgrading to Unity 5.3.