MixedRealityToolkit spectator cannot use the “copy&customize” fuction - unity3d

when I hit the “copy&customize” button, it cannot create a duplicate file, this error also happens when I try to use the “clone” button. my unity version is 2020.3.29f1, and my MRTK version is 2.7.0. I will really appreciate it if somebody could help me to solve this problem.


swift playground can't find any type

I'm new to swift playground, and I tried to create a instance of Type like Scene or Graphic. But every time I try it keep saying cannot find 'Scene' in scope or cannot find 'Graphic' in scope.
What I am missing here?
If you're using Xcode 12.5 beta, try to enable import App types from the right menu (you can open the right menu using the top right corner button). I think that should solve the problem, but i could be wrong.
Also read this answer by Vitali

Rebuilding UE4 Plugin

so idk how to fix this issues, any ideas?
(I`m trying to rebuild plugin from Unreal 4.24.3 version to Unreal 4.26)enter image description here
when clicking on error shows this line
It's telling you that method now accepts a reference parameter rather than a pointer parameter.
const TArray<uint8>* uncompressedRGBA;
TArray<uint8> uncompressedRGBA;

Unity WebGL Mobile browser workaround and keyboard input fix?

Hey everyone so I read that unity doesn't really support mobile browsers for WebGL games. im using 2020.1.4.And sure enough, the game gets a bit distorted by not being scaled properly. it's like the camera is bigger so it shows on the screen that blue color. I tried some things, setting width and height to auto or removing config.devicePixelRatio = 1; as suggested by a friend but nope! still looks horrible! And if that wasn't enough the keyboard doesn't show up when clicking on form fields. i tried this one
which displayed an error when pressed on and this one
https://github.com/dantasulisses/WebMobileInputFix which just didn't even compile!
Any ideas, please?
I did my research and tried every plugin I could find. I used Unity 2020.3.28f1 and tested both on Android-phone and iPhone.Here is my report.
These plugins don't work:
This plugin works, but you should use different settings for IOS and Android on same input field game object. If you use "prompt", it works for IOS only, and "overlay" works for Android only. Look for documentation in page:
And this plugin works best at the moment. Yes, it is a bit ugly though, but it works.
And there is a fix for Unity 2021 for it:
There's a keyboard that overlays, when using it you just need to tap the notification to access it and then click the "back" button to hide it https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fishstix.gameboard
I made this project that simply recreates a keyboard using buttons in unity.
I implemented it in a WebGL build successfully.
I would recommend using the native js window.prompt() fields as of writing. They have great cross-platform support, allow for extra features like special characters, emojis, copy and paste etc. and are pretty easy to set up. Once (or honestly if ever) Unity adds their own reliable implementation you can easily remove this lightweight implementation.
Create a .jslib file that has a function opening a window.prompt(description, currentText)
Return the result at the end of that function back to a unity object with a recipient script
Make a derivation from Unity's event system overwriting the OnApplicationFocus(bool focus) function (leaving it empty), to fix a sneaky Chrome Android bug.
That's it. The result should look something like in this demo: https://pop.demo.neoludic.games
If you want to save some development time on a feature that really should just be native in Unity, you can also check out my plugin based on the method above. https://neoludic-games.itch.io/pop-input
I also need to enable mobile virtual keyboard for running webgl on mobile device.
I've tried the code from your mentioned url. It gives you some idea on how to do
it, but the code are totally buggy and unusable. Now I am trying to implement it
by myself.

NSTableview reloadDataForRowIndexes sounds in mac

I am developing an app for Mac, I am getting a weird issue. When ever i reload a row and for a particular column when the reload code executes i am getting a sound output from my mac.
Below is the code
myTableView.reloadDataForRowIndexes(myTableView.selectedRowIndexes, columnIndexes: NSIndexSet.init(index: myTableView.columnWithIdentifier("source")))
I have a column with identifier "source", When ever i try to reload and after the execution of the above line i am getting sound in my mac.
I am using Xcode 7.3, OSX 10.11.6
Have you tried setting a breakpoint on NSBeep()? My gues would be that the table, or some other code trigger by the update is sending an error message.
Finally i found the issue. I debugged the code in depth and found the root cause.
Sound is coming when ever i am calling below code, here sourceTextField is a NSTextField. I commented this code and every thing is working fine.(i can directly give the value to text field like sourceTextField.stringValue.)
Thanks to all of you who made some time to write a comment/ post a message, Sorry for bothering you all guys.

Unity - Deprecated EditorApplication

I just have updated my Unity to 5.3.1 and it seems like EditorApplication class is already deprecated. The Unity suggests me to use instead the EditorSceneManager.OpenScene but looks like it's not returning of type bool anymore. Therefore causing my game to stop compiling.
Any help about this?
Usually due to deprecated code unity itself offers some changes in your code you can make a backup and try that if unity informs you of it ,but if you want to know if it has been loaded or not you can use its return value which is a struct of type Scene.
SceneManagement.Scene newScene = EditorSceneManager.OpenScene("myScene");
if(newScene.isLoaded) {
//do something
There is another method also named IsVaild You Can try that too.
further doc :
It's hard to help you without any information on what you actually want to do... This link may help though, it's about upgrading to Unity 5.3.