How to use PoWA at a backup database? - postgresql

I'm giving a try on PoWA, but I've got a little problem.
My Postgres database is running on AWS RDS.
PoWA needs HypoPG in order to suggest indexes.
But RDS doesn't support HypoPG extension. So I had to install PoWA at my backup database (outside RDS).
The problem is: PoWA isn't analyzing the restored database. It can't recognizes any data. If I execute some SQL queries manually it works though.
Is there something that I can be missing?
And, when I tried Ankane Dexter, I could show it the log files path (dumped at the backup database in parallel). Is there a way to do so in PoWA?


Backup/Restore with pgAdmin

I'm not sure that I actually have a problem, but I am confused. I wanted to move a PostgreSQL database from PythonAnywhere to an AWS RDS server. I connected to both servers with pgAdmin from my Windows PC (ssh tunnel with PuTTY). I then did a backup of the database from PythonAnywhere and then did a restore to a clean database on the RDS server.
The backup had no issues, but, while the restore seemed to run fine, pgAdmin showed the process "Failed". The database on the RDS server looks fine. I checked row counts on a few tables, and they matched what I had on PythonAnywhere. I don't see any messages in pgAdmin other than that the process failed. I don't see anything in the pgAdmin logs to indicate what might be wrong. Do I have a problem? Should I use a command line restore instead?
Thanks for any insights.
Using cli is a better way, the ide may not give full errors. pg_dump will work for you. Maybe you should build a EC2 for this job.

How to Backup Postgres Database on AWS and restore locally?

I'm working on trying to setup my local database with some mock data to work with. We have a development AWS account with a postgres database. I would like to create a backup of it, export it to my local computer, and restore to my local postgres database.
I've been trying to find how to do this online, but everything I'm finding is on how to backup to AWS and to restore back to AWS. I tried creating a snapshot and exporting it via S3 - but the snapshot doesn't produce a sql file to restore from like I was expecting.
If anyone can point me in the right direction I would very much appreciate it :)
I am afraid that the only chance you have is pg_dump/pg_restore.
Even if Amazon lets you get your hands on its file system backups, which I doubt, they may be of little use to you, since Amazon runs modified versions of PostgreSQL and you cannot be sure that the physical file format is identical to PostgreSQL.

Is there any way of of get backup of postgres db in docker container without generating sql file?

I am new in Docker, I want to get a backup for my postgress database running in docker. All solutions i saw are offering to generate a dump sql script and restore db with running this script. But i dont want to do this? Is it possible backup and restore by migrating binary files of the db?
You can build Postgres image from plain empty Postgres db image. In Dockerfile you add SQL script which runs on db initialization (docker-entrypoint-initdb.d). The SQL script contains dblink to your backed up db and commands create table my_table as select * from my_table#remotedb. After docker build you have image with backup of your original database tables.
I do something similar with Oracle with more complexity (copying only subset of original database, preserving indexes etc.). Oracle docker image differs from PG in some properties but I believe the rough idea is applicable. It is some time ago I worked with PG so I won't advise you how to migrate binary files (though I believe it would be possible too).

PostgreSQL Database Deployment

It is know fact that backup and restore is a slow in Postgres
I'd like to deploy database to PostgreSQL server as fast as posible (Like it is possible in MS SQL just file copy and attach).
So If I:
backup and restore schema only.
And than copy database oid folder (data files) in to the appropriate oid ?
Will it work?
of not what I also need to be consider.
No, that won't work.
A database backup and restore can never be faster than copying the files is. So stop the database, copy the complete cluster and start PostgreSQL again. It won't get any faster.

How to salvage data from Heroku Postgres

we are using Heroku Postgres with Ruby on Rails 3.2.
A few days before, we deleted important data by mistake using 'heroku run db:load' with misconfigured data.yml, that is, drop tables and the recreate tables with almost no data.
Backup data is only available 2 weeeks before, so we lost data of 2 weeks.
So We need to recover not by PG Backup/pg_dump but by postgresql's system data files.
I think, the only way to recover data is to restore data from xlog or archive file, but of course we don't have permission to be Super User/Replication Role to copy postgres database on heroku (or Amazon EC2) to local server.
Is there anyone who confronted such a case and resolved the problem?
Your only option is the backups provided by the PgBackups service (if you had that running). If not, Heroku support might have more options available.
At a minimum, you will have some data loss, but you can guarantee you won't do it again ;)