Redshift: converting timestamp to date in specific time zone - amazon-redshift

Using psycopg to connect to a Redshift DB I am trying to group by date (in a specific time zone, given at query time). All date_times are stored without time zone (and correspond to UTC timestamps).
I have been trying the following:
SELECT DISTINCT DATE(TIME_ZONE(%(time_zone)s, date_time_dim.timestamp)) AS date,
SUM(meals.sugar_in_g) AS total_sugar
FROM meals
INNER JOIN date_time_dim
ON meals.created_at = date_time_dim.timestamp
WHERE meals.patient_id=%(patient_id)s
AND date_time_dim.timestamp >= %(utc_start_date_time)s
AND date_time_dim.timestamp <= %(utc_end_date_time)s
with the following query dictionary:
utc_start_date_time UTC-converted date time
utc_end_date_time UTC-converted date time
patient_id an integer
time_zone, a string, ex: 'US/Hawaii'
The goal being to have one entry for each date (in the given time zone).
What I tried gives me:
function time_zone("unknown", timestamp without time zone) does not exist
What am I missing ?
Edit: This is the same with CONVERT_TIME_ZONE, with and without source time_zone, with and without type casting time_zone to VARCHAR.

The function in Redshift to return a timestamp in a different timezone is TIMEZONE() not TIME_ZONE() - see


I have varchar column with "2022-11-30T17:30:00.000Z" format how can i transform it to timestamp with time zone column in postgres?

We are storing date time in "2022-11-30T17:30:00.000Z" format in var char column i know its totally wrong but I want to rectify the mistake and use the column as timestamp with time zone.
I Tried using column::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Calcutta' but still date and time is wrong as it does not considers +5:30 in my time zone.please suggest how can i transform the column or if i could use the same column.
select dtm from dashboard where (select dtm::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Calcutta')::date between '2022-11-30' and '2022-11-30' order by dtm;

How to extract data from DWH on a certain date? Is there the special pattern for this case in Postgres SQL?

Usually we use EXTRACT (FROM YEAR date_column) = 2000 (let it be 2000 year). Also we can add EXTRACT (MONTH FROM date_column) = 1 (let it be January). Also we can extract a day - EXTRACT (DAY FROM date_column) = 5 (let it 5). But is it possible to use the pattern for this data? How does it look like in Postgres SQL
Say we have the table Shipment, the columns - date_payment, quantity, sum.
I'd like to get the table that content all shipments for 01.01.2020
How to query this table with data format 'YYYY-MM-DD', not using EXTRACT-function?
If the date column is a date type then:
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE date_col = '2020-01-01';
If the column is timestamp or timestamptz then:
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE date_trunc('day', date_col) = '2020-01-01'
Beware that with timestamptz time zones come into play when doing the date_trunc. From here date_trunc:
When the input value is of type timestamp with time zone, the truncation is performed with respect to a particular time zone; for example, truncation to day produces a value that is midnight in that zone. By default, truncation is done with respect to the current TimeZone setting, but the optional time_zone argument can be provided to specify a different time zone. The time zone name can be specified in any of the ways described in Section 8.5.3.
For a timestamp value per the above link:
A time zone cannot be specified when processing timestamp without time zone or interval inputs. These are always taken at face value.

PostgreSQL how to convert date with timezone offset to UTC?

I have a PostgreSQL table with date field in the following format
and I want to convert it to UTC time.
I've looked around but found no way to do that with this specific time format. What am I missing?
timezone definition ( : The function timezone(zone, timestamp) is equivalent to the SQL-conforming construct timestamp AT TIME ZONE zone
SELECT timezone('UTC','2017-09-07T17:24:33+08:00');
if selecting from column,
with t as (
SELECT '2017-09-07T17:24:33+08:00' as tm
SELECT timezone('UTC',tm::timestamptz) as ts
from t;
I have a PostgreSQL table with date field in the following format: 2017-09-07T17:24:33+08:00
This is incorrect. Per Postgres documentation,
All timezone-aware dates and times are stored internally in UTC. They are converted to local time in the zone specified by the TimeZone configuration parameter before being displayed to the client.
To display a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE attribute (which, again, is stored internally in UTC) in a specific time zone, you have a few options:
By default, “They are converted to local time in the zone specified by the TimeZone configuration parameter before being displayed to the client.” This can be set in postgresql.conf, using the SQL command SET TIME ZONE, or using a number of other options.
Use the AT TIME ZONE construct.
So, in regards to your original question: You don't have to do anything to your timestamptz for Postgres to store it in UTC. To display your attribute in UTC, you can either change the TimeZone configuration paramter, or use the construct below:
SELECT dt_with_timezone AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' FROM my_table

Convert bigint data type to timestamp (and subsequently to date) in redshift

I need to convert the value stored in a bigint column to a date field. The first step of the conversion involves converting it to timestamp, and subsequently use the TRUNC method to convert this column to a date value.
However, my query is failing while converting the bigint value to timestamp.
The error that I'm getting is:-
Amazon Invalid operation: cannot cast type bigint to timestamp without time zone;
The query I'm trying for now is something like this:-
select ts::timestamp from events limit 1;
I was able to avoid the time zone error by using the method described in this thread:
My dates are based on epochs, and I was able to do the following:
(TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + contract_start_date * INTERVAL '1 Second ')
SELECT TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + {column of bigint}/1000 * INTERVAL '1 second' as adate FROM tbl
If you are starting with a POSIX timestamp, and trying to get a timezone aware datetime value, you will need to supply a timezone - even if you later want to truncate the time part away. I'm not familiar with redshift, but perhaps there is a way to specify you mean UTC.

postgres query with current_date is not working

Below is my query in postgres
select dns_time,update_time from dns_lookup where update_time=current_date;
Here update_time is of type timestamp with time zone.
I have tried this one also.
select dns_time,update_time from dns_lookup where update_time like current_date;
Then also getting no results.
I have records with current_date values.But it is not showing me any records.How to compare timestamp with time zone value with current_date.please help me
Thank you.
First: LIKE on a date or timestamp column does not make any sense.
A timestamp contains a time part so a comparison with a plain date won't work. You need to remove the time from the timestamp by casting it to a date:
where cast(update_time as date) = current_date;
Note that this will void the usage of an index on update_time. If that is a problem you can create a function based index on that expression.
You might be trying to compare a timestamp field with the Date field.
Try casting timestamp to Date
select dns_time,update_time from dns_lookup where update_time::Date=current_date;
Hope this helps.