Not getting console of vm in kubevirt - kubernetes

I installed k3s and kubevirt on Fedora33 Server. I create a virtual machine named cirros but while getting console of vm I am facing issue while I can connect with ssh.

KubeVirt gives you access to the graphical and serial console.
But in order for SSH to work you need to manually enable it inside the quest - or via cloud-init.


Use Google Authenticator 2FA in VS Code SSH with Google Compute Engine VM

My VS Code has a SSH-FS connection with my GCE VM and can view / edit files and folder structures directly from the sidebar of VS Code client app in my MacOS. In strengthening the security of my VM, I enabled 2FA to my VM instance by adding metadata of enable-oslogin-2fa=TRUE and enable-oslogin=TRUE. However, the VS Code SSH, which was working perfectly, now shows an error saying error while connecting to ssh fs all configured authentication methods failed. Is there a way to keep my 2FA setting for VM instance while maintaining automatic SSH connection for my VS Code app?
Source of Google 2FA
VS Code: Version: 1.52.1
Google Compute Engine VM Instance: Debian GNU/Linux 9.13 (stretch)

Following Kubernetes using Katacoda

I am trying to follow tutorial of Kubernetes but I am kinda lost on first steps when trying to use Katacoda... When I just try to open minikube dashboard I encounter error:
failed to open browser: exec: "xdg-open": executable file not found in $PATH
and dashboard itself remains unavailable when I try to open it through host 1.
Later steps like running hello-world work fine and I am able to run it locally using my own minikube instance but I am a bit confused with this issue. Can I debug it somehow to access dashboard during course? This is particularly confusing because I am a bit afraid that I might encounter same or similar issue during potential exam that also runs online...
Founder of Katacoda here. When running locally, then xdg provides the wrapper for opening processes on your local machine and installing the package would resolve the issue. As Katacoda runs everything within a sandbox, we cannot launch processes directly on your machine.
We have added an override for xdg-open that displays a friendly error message to users. They'll now be prompted to use the Preview Port link provided. The output is now:
$ minikube dashboard
* Verifying dashboard health ...
* Launching proxy ...
* Verifying proxy health ...
* Opening %s in your default browser...
Minikube Dashboard is not supported via the interactive terminal experience.
Please click the 'Preview Port 30000' link above to access the dashboard.
This will now exit. Please continue with the rest of the tutorial.
X failed to open browser: exit status 1
Looks like this command works:
apt install xdg-utils
I have been following the same tutorial in Katacoda and had the same issue.In my case, using these commands helpt me to solve the problem :
apt-get update
apt install xdg-utils

Connect to iDrac Virtual Console programmatically

I frequently connect to the virtual console provided by iDrac on many Dell servers which I manage. I'm looking for a way to connect to the virtual console programmatically, or whatever method that's faster than logging into the web interface manually and going through all the prompts.
Dell's racadm tool does not support this, apparently. iDrac is not set up with domain auth, just using a local account configured on iDrac. I would be connecting from a Windows machine, any browser.
Is there any way to automate this? Even partially?
I use a shell script for this, you can make a .bat file on Windows. See some simple instructions to start iDrac console from command line here

Apache CloudStack: No templates showing when adding instance

I have setup the apache cloudstack on CentOS 6.8 machine following quick installation guide. The management server and KVM are setup on the same machine. The management server is running without problems. I was able to add zone, pod, cluster, primary and secondary storage from the web interface. But when I tried to add an instance it is not showing any templates in the second stage as you can see in the screenshot
However, I am able to see two templates under Templates link in web UI.
But when I select the template and navigate to Zone tab, I see Timeout waiting for response from storage host and Ready field shows no.
When I check the management server logs, it seems there is an error when cloudstack tries to mount secondary storage for use. The below segment from cloudstack-management.log file describes this error.
2017-03-09 23:26:43,207 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] (AgentManager-Handler-
14:null) (logid:) Seq 2-7686800138991304712: Processing: { Ans: , MgmtId:
279278805450918, via: 2, Ver: v1, Flags: 10, [{"":
GetRootDir for nfs:// failed due to Unable to mount at /mnt/SecStorage/6e26529d-c659-3053-8acb-
817a77b6cfc6 due to mount.nfs: Connection timed out\n\tat\n\tat\n\tat
n\tat\n","wait":0}}] }
Can anyone please guide me how to resolve this issue? I have been trying to figure it out for some hours now and don't know how to proceed further.
Edit 1: Please note that my LAN address was which I assume is not /24 address. I tried to give CentOs a static IP by making the following settings in ifcg-eth0 file
But doing this would stop my internet. As a workaround, I reverted these changes and installed all the packages first. Then I changed the IP to static by the same configuration settings as above and ran the cloudstack management. Everything worked fine untill I bumped into this template thing. Please help me figure out what might have went wrong
I know I'm late, but for people trying out in the future, here it goes:
I hope you have successfully added a host as mentioned in Quick Install Guide before you changed your IP to static as it autoconfigures VLANs for different traffic and creates two bridges - generally with names 'cloud' or 'cloudbr'. Cloudstack uses the Secondary Storage System VM for doing all the storage-related operations in each Zone and Cluster. What seems to be the problem is that secondary storage system vm (SSVM) is not able to communicate with the management server at port 8250. If not, try manually mounting the NFS server's mount points in the SSVM shell. You can ssh into the SSVM using the below command:
ssh -i /var/cloudstack/management/.ssh/id_rsa -p 3922 root#<Private or Link local Ip address of SSVM>
I suggest you run the /usr/local/cloud/systemvm/ after doing ssh into the secondary storage system VM (assuming it is running) and has it's private, public and link local IP address. If that doesn't help you much, take a look at the secondary storage troubleshooting docs at Cloudstack.
I would further recommend, if anyone in future runs into similar issues, check if the SSVM is running and is in "Up" state in the System VMs section of Infrastructure tab and that you are able to open up a console session of it from the browser. If that is working go on to run the script mentioned above which systematically checks each and every point of operation that SSVM executes. Even if console session cannot be opened up, you can still ssh using the link local IP address of SSVM which can be accessed by opening up details of SSVM and than execute the script. If it says, it cannot communicate with Management Server at port 8250, I recommend you check the iptables rules of management server and make sure all traffic is allowed at port 8250. A custom command to check the same is nc -v <mngmnt-server-ip> 8250. You can do a simple search and learn how to add port 8250 in your iptables rules if that is not opened. Next, you mentioned you used CentOS 6.8, so it probably uses older versions of nfs, so execute exportfs -a in your NFS server to make sure all the NFS shares are properly exported and there are no errors. I would recommend that you wait for the downloading status of CentOS 5.5 no GUI kvm template to be complete and its Ready status shown as 'Yes' before you start importing your own templates and ISOs to execute on VMs. Finally, if your script shows everything is good and the download still does not start, you can run the command: service cloud restart and actually check if the service has gotten a PID using service cloud status as the older versions of system vm templates sometimes need us to manually start the cloud service using service cloud start even after the restart command. Restarting the cloud service in SSVM triggers the restart of downloading of all remaining templates and ISOs. Side note: the system VMs uses a Debian kernel if you want to do some more troubleshooting. Hope this helps.

Jenkins windows slave service does not interact with desktop

I have followed this guide to install a jenkins slave on windows 8 as a service:
I need to run a job that interact with the desktop (run an application that opens a browser etc.). So after I have installed the slave as a service (running jnlp downloaded from the master) I have changed the service "Log on" to "Allow to interact with display".
For some reason its only possible to enable this for the "Local System account" even though its recommended to run the service as a specified user, eg. jenkins.
But nothing happens when I execute the job, the browser is not opened. If I instead stop the service and just launch the slave through the jnlp file the job runs fine - the browser is opened.
Anybody had any luck interacting with the desktop when running a jenkins windows slave as a service?
Services run since Vista in Session 0 and the first user is now in Session 1. So you can't interact any longer. This is called Session 0 Isolation.
Microsoft explains this here and here. You have to use 2nd Program which uses IPC to communicate to the Service.
I had lots of issues running Jenkins in Windows using the service.
Instead I now disable the service and run it from CMD.
So open CMD.
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins
java -Xrs -Xmx256m -Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -jar
jenkins.war --httpPort=9091
To resolve it, first create Windows auto-logon as I explain here:
Then create a startup batch for Jenkins agent (place it in Jenkins directory). This will launch agent console on desktop, and should allow Jenkins to interact with Windows GUI:
java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://{Your Jenkins Server}:8080/computer/{Your Jenkins Node}/slave-agent.jnlp
(slave.jar can be download from http://{Your Jenkins Server}:8080/jnlpJars/slave.jar)
If you're getting black screenshots (when using Selenium or Sikuli, for example), create a batch file that disconnects Remote Desktop, instead of closing the RDP session with the regular X button:
%windir%\system32\tscon.exe %SESSIONNAME% /dest:console
Consider running the Java slave server directly at startup and then using something to monitor and restart should the server go down (e.g., Kiwi Restarter).
Please check the services (# TestNode) make sure the "Interactive Services Detection" service is STARTED, by default the startup type is set to Manual, you may like to set it to automatic as well.
After service started, when you run your test in the Test Node, you will see something like the below:
Click on it and choose view the message
You will see the activities happen there. Hope this helps :D
Note: If login with other account and cannot view the Interative Services Detection prompt, restart the service again.
My Jenkins Service runs as user "jenkins" and all I did was to create Desktop folders in: C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\desktop and if 64 bit Windows also in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\desktop - then it runs perfectly.
Make sure that Desktop folders are created as such:
Presence of those can sometimes be mandatory while running some Java software as a Service.