Paypal monthly recurring - paypal

I need an auto monthly recurring tick yes on PayPal donation. Please help me with this.
Check out this image

You can check an option to make monthly recurring when setting up the donate button on, check the image below.

For a monthly recurring PayPal payment that is always recurring, you can create a Subscribe button -- and change its image to be "Donate" or any other image you wish.
With a normal donate flow, if you want the donations to be monthly, ask your donors to check the box during checkout. The box is there for them to make the decision.


How do I set up monthly contribitions in Paypal

I am a novice when it comes to coding buttons in Paypal. We are a non profit ORG and we currently have the "donate now" button for a 1 time contribution. I want to change this to allow for a monthly (reoccurring) contribution amount. What button/API do I use and can you share some sample code?
I am also not sure how this process would work. Does the person that wants to contribute on a monthly basis (ex: $10/month) need to have their own paypal account? Or, does our paypal business account store the persons credit card info and would know to bill the person monthly? Our current donate button doesn't require the person to have a paypay account. They just enter their credict card info at the time of the 1 time donation. But it does allow them to log on to paypal if they do have an account. Any info would be helpful....
I recommend you to use PayPal standard subscription button.
For sample code, click here
By default, the buyers either have a PayPal account or have to create a PayPal account to buy your subscription plan.
But you could contact & request to PayPal Customer support team to enable Enhanced Recurring Payments for your PayPal business account.
With ERP, the buyers could buy a subscription either using PayPal account or direct credit card without PayPal account.

Paypal Buy Now button is forcing clients to have a Paypal account

I'm trying to create a Paypal Buy Now button. I want clients to be able to pay with their debit/credit card in case they don't have a Paypal account.
I'm able to achieve this only if I set an amount higher then USD 33.
For example if the amount is higher then $33 I get a Pay with a Debit or credit card button
If I set the amount under $33 I get a Create an Account button
Do you know why is happening this?
Payments Standard is based on browser cookies. It doesn't have anything to do with the amount. If you want to force the Credit/Debit card option at all times you'll need to switch to the Express Checkout APIs instead of PayPal Standard buttons. It will allow you to set parameters so that the guest checkout experience is always available regardless of any browser cookies / cache.

PayPal recurring payments: How to show transaction details in checkout page

I have setup recurring payments in Paypal for my website using REST API. For one time payment, I know how to display transaction details by providing values for item_list (as in However I don't know what values we should provide so that recurring payment profile will be shown on checkout page as well. Right now the only information shown is subscription agreement description.
How to add subscription details like recurring payment amount, initial payment amount etc to the checkout page? Thanks a million!
how about creating a custom checkout page? using the landing_page_type with Billing value can make it work with much more then just recurring payments display...
I have the exact same problem. This is how I deal with it for the moment:
I set the pricing information as string text into the description field of Agreement.
The down side is:
A maximum of 127 characters is allowed in the description field.
No format, no line break, just plain text.
But it is better than nothing.

Paypal - how to restrict receiving payments only from debit and credit cards with indian address

I'm trying to use a Paypal "Pay Now" button on my website here:
When I click the "pay now" button on the right side, it takes me to a paypal page where there are options to enter details about the debit or credit card.
Is there a way on this page, by which I can only allow users who have an address in India to make a payment here. The website where this "Pay Now" button has been setup has certain legal restriction due to which it can accept payments only from Indian debit and credit cards. Hence, in the country drop-down field I would like to give only India as an option.
Is this possible?
Will greatly appreciate any inputs that can be provided!
Thank you.
Since user fills the card information on PayPal's payment page, you can not check if the details are of India or outside. However you should be able to achieve this by asking PayPal to do this check (if you have customization allowed in your agreement.)
One approach would be to ask the user's country before redirecting to paypal payment page. But there is a chance that user will select India on your page and United States on PayPal's page.

Paypal - Recurring Donations URL

Paypal makes it really easy to create a donate URL. A donor can enter a custom $ amount or use a fixed one. We'll use the custom amount, since it's more flexible. Is there anyway to allow the donor to enter a custom amount, and have PayPal display a checkbox for example to allow this amount to be a recurring monthly donation via a URL?
We checked out the "subscribe" button, but it only returns a form, not a URL, and didn't see anywhere to let the donor choose the amount.
Basically, this should be an optional field in the donate URL. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
You'll need to use standard subscription buttons or the Recurring Payments API. Either way you could setup your page so the user chooses those options on your site prior to being sent over to PayPal.
use cmd=_donations. Paypal will prompt for an amount and whether it is recurring.
PayPal now has recurring donations, for mobile checkout, by default. See this blog post.