What does 'System.ConfigItem.ObjectStatusEnum.Active' represent in SCOM - scom

I query the following SCOM endpoint: OperationsManager/data/objectInformation/<object id>
Among the response properties, I receive the following property:
<name>Object Status</name>
I want to know what this property represents. I am looking for a way to query the API to figure out if a given server is running or not (crashed/network disconnected etc) & wondering if this property represents this attribute.

It is not used in SCOM, its leftover from System Center Service Manager. Back in 2012 when they built Service Manager SCSM they used the code base from SCOM 2012. Then they merged the updated code SCSM back into SCOM (for some unknown reason) this created a bunch of useless properties and tables in the SCOM DB.
Many of these fields can still be updated manually with PowerShell but I would not recommend it.
Here is a link for more information. Using the Asset Status Property in SCOM
Here is how you can use the API to get server status. SCOM REST API to get Windows/Linux machine's availability (whether the server is running & reachable)?


Is it possibe to have multiple kerberos tickets on same machine?

I have a use case where I need to connect to 2 different DBS using 2 different accounts. And I am using Kerberos for authentication.
Is it possible to create multiple Kerberos tickets on same machine?
kinit account1#DOMAIN.COM (first ticket)
kinit account2#DOMAIN.COM (second ticket)
Whenever I do klist, I only see most recent ticket created. It doesn't show all the tickets.
Next, I have a job that needs to first use ticket for account1 (for connection to DB1) and then use ticket for account2 (for DB2).
Is that possible? How do I tell in DB connection what ticket to use?
I'm assuming MIT Kerberos and linking to those docs.
Try klist -A to show all tickets in the ticket cache. If there is only one try switching your ccache type to DIR as described here:
DIR points to the storage location of the collection of the credential caches in FILE: format. It is most useful when dealing with multiple Kerberos realms and KDCs. For release 1.10 the directory must already exist. In post-1.10 releases the requirement is for parent directory to exist and the current process must have permissions to create the directory if it does not exist. See Collections of caches for details. New in release 1.10. The following residual forms are supported:
DIR::dirpath/filename - a single cache within the directory
Switching to a ccache of the latter type causes it to become the primary for the directory.
You do this by specifying the default ccache name as DIR:/path/to/cache on one of the ways described here.
The default credential cache name is determined by the following, in descending order of priority:
The KRB5CCNAME environment variable. For example, KRB5CCNAME=DIR:/mydir/.
The default_ccache_name profile variable in [libdefaults].
The hardcoded default, DEFCCNAME.

How to get version using EWS powershell

$Service = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion]::Exchange2013_SP1);
In the above line Exchange2013_SP1 is hardcoded. Using powershell how can I dynamically get the version when running the script?
In the Code provided, you are trying to create an instance of WebServices.Data.ExchangeService(something similar to this), specifying exchange version via ExchangeVersion Enum.
However - the query after that is about knowing how to obtain Exchange Version via PowerShell. Probably this is very well documented and googling shows many hits about checking Exchange Version:
If you make a request like Binding to the Inbox of a Mailbox in the response the build details of the CAS Server the processed the response is returned https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.exchange.webservices.data.exchangeservicebase.serverinfo(v=exchg.80).aspx and exposed via the ExchangeService Class this can be used to tell the CU that's been applied to the Target and is the most useful thing if you trying to track errors etc.
EWS Schema version (which is what you have hardcoded) and Server versions are two different things so I would suggest you read https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn741586(v=exchg.150).aspx . Autodiscover can be used to find the highest EWS Schema version of CAS server.

Get-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment lists machines I cannot see in the web interface

I'm tasked with automating the creation of Azure VM's, and naturally I do a number of more or less broken iterations of trying to deploy a VM image. As part of this, I automatically allocate serial hostnames, but there's a strange reason it's not working:
The code in the link above works very well, but the contents of my ResourceGroup is not as expected. Every time I deploy (successfully or not), a new entry is created in whatever list is returned by Get-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment; however, in the Azure web interface I can only see a few of these entries. If, for instance, I omit a parameter for the JSON file, Azure cannot even begin to deploy something -- but the hostname is somehow reserved anyway.
Where is this list? How can I clean up after broken deployments?
Currently, Get-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment returns:
although the web interface only lists:
Solved using the code $siblings = (Get-AzureRmResource).Name | Where-Object{$_ -match "^$hostname\d+$"}
(PS. If you have tips for better tags, please feel free to edit this question!)
If you create a VM in Azure Resource Management mode, it will have a deployment attached to it. In fact if you create any resource at all, it will have a resource deployment attached.
If you delete the resource you will still have the deployment record there, because you still deployed it at some stage. Consider deployments as part of the audit trail of what has happened within the account.
You can delete deployment records with Remove-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment but there is very little point, since deployments have no bearing upon the operation of Azure. There is no cost associated they are just historical records.
Querying deployments with Get-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment will yield you the following fields.
So you can know whether the deployment was successful via ProvisioningState know the templates you used with TemplateLink and TemplateLinkString and check the outputs of the deployment etc. This can be useful to figure out what template worked and what didn't.
If you want to see actual resources, that you are potentially being charged for, you can use Get-AzureRmResource
If you just want to retrieve a list of the names of VMs that exist within an Azure subscription, you can use

Query on DNS & connect to existing vm

In my current code base, when i create a VM, DNS name is being dynamically set as same as the instance name. For example, consider if my VM name is "anandInstance", DNS name of the name is being generated as "anandInstance.cloudapp.net". Is there a way to change the DNS name like "dns1.cloudapp.net" during the creation thru REST API??
"Connect to existing VM" , is it possible to achieve this option through REST call? In case "connect to existing.." option , we are getting a list of vms/services to choose and VM is getting created successfully. How to achieve the same using API.
In my current code base, when i create a VM, DNS name is being
dynamically set as same as the instance name. For example, consider if
my VM name is "anandInstance", DNS name of the name is being generated
as "anandInstance.cloudapp.net". Is there a way to change the DNS name
like "dns1.cloudapp.net" during the creation thru REST API??
I don't think it is possible. Imagine what a nightmare in the portal would become if you were able to do so? How would you link a Cloud Service (whatever.cloudapp.net) to an actual deployment (MyDemoVm123). However you can use your own domain and have CNAME records pointing to your "want-to-change-for-some-reason.cloudapp.net" (frankly I surely think that soon we will use even longer names)
"Connect to existing VM" , is it possible to achieve this option
through REST call?
Connection to a VM is essentially opening a RDP session. If it a windows VM, you can try using the Download RDP file API call. Once you get the file, just start it with "process.start". If it is linux VM, just start SSH client on port 22 (or one you have defined) from the Cloud Service DNS name you have.
From the azure portal,for stand alone machineoption, we are able to give the dns name with deafult cloudoneapp.net. How to do the same
through the rest api call.any specfic paramter is there to specify the
When you are using the REST API, you first create a Cloud Service (still named hosted service in the REST API) where your machine will be hosted. Here you give the name for that hosted service (the dns name with deafult cloudoneapp.net). Then you call the Create Virtual Machine Deployment API action.
In case "connect to existing.." option , we are getting a list of vms/services to choose and VM is getting created successfully. How to
achieve the same using API.
When you want to get list of all VMs, just get a list of all Hosted Services, then get properties of each and make a guess whether it is a VM or a Cloud Service (maybe by querying for Properties of each service). I don't see a direct access to the list of Virtual Machines. But as this feature being PREVIEW, things might change in the future.
Hope my answer is clear?

SSRS 2008 Web service

I need to get all on-demand reports name from report server
SSRS: Get list of all reports and parameters in a single web service call?
That link specify how to do it in sql server 2005 report server.
I have sql server 2008
i have tried
but it gives
"The path of the item 'wsdl' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash. (rsInvalidItemPath) Get Online Help"
But I am able to see
But I am not able to find the node where i get names of all reports
In short how can i get the name of all reports by consuming a service of SSRS 2008
Did you try using the ListChildren method in the ReportService2010 web service?
Your question was specific to using the SSRS web service interface, but you could also query the SSRS tables directly in sql:
[Path] [ReportPath],
Name [ReportName],
Type [ReportType],
[Description] [ReportDescription]
[Type] = 2 -- 1= Folder, 2= Report
I believe you do it in the same way as in the link you provided.
You can't access "" because such thing does not exist. There are 3 endpoints for SQL Server 2008 (I'll assume you have the R2 version) and they are mentioned here:
All you should do is generate ReportService2010 proxy using wsdl and proceed as in the link you provided.
Mention like
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = #"/EmployeeData";
# symbol as single / is treated as special character.