Read full collection through spark mongo connector with sequential disk access? - mongodb

I want to read a full MongoDB collection into Spark using the Mongo Spark connector (Scala API) as efficiently as possible in terms of disk I/O.
After reading the connector docs and code, I understand that the partitioners are all designed to compute the minimum and maximum boundaries of an indexed field. My understanding is (and my tests using explain show) that each cursor will scan the index for document keys within the computed boundaries and then fetch the corresponding documents.
My concern is that this index-scan approach will result in random disk reads, and ultimately more I/Ops then necessary. In my case, the problem is accentuated because the collection is larger than available RAM (I know that's not recommended). Wouldn't it be orders of magnitudes faster to use a natural order cursor to read the documents as they are stored on disk? How can I accomplish this?


What are the production best practices to store a large number of document when using MongoDB?

I am in need of storing applications transaction logs. Decided to use MongoDB. Every day there are almost 200000+- data is storing in single node MongoDB.
We have some reports and operation(if something happened then do something) depending on those logs. So, need to find documents matching different criteria. If going on that pace, is it vulnerable? Will it be slow to execute query?
Any suggestions to make it efficient to use MongoDB?
By the way, those data are in single collection. And MongoDB server version: 4.2.6
mongo collections can grow to be many terabytes without much issue. to be able to query that data in a speedy manner, you will have to analyze your queries and create indexes for the fields that are used in those queries.
indexes are not free though. they will take both diskspace and use up RAM, because for indexes to be useful, they need to fit entirely in RAM.
in most cases, if indexes and collections grow beyond what your hardware can handle, you will have to archive/evict old data and trim down the collections.
if your queries need to include that evicted data in order to generate your reports, you will have to have another collection for summarized values/data of the evicted records which you will have to combine with present data when generating the reports.
alternatively sharding can help with big data but there are some limitations on queries you can do with sharded collections.

Timeseries storage in Mongodb

I have about 1000 sensors outputting data during the day. Each sensor outputs about 100,000 points per day. When I query the data I am only interested in getting data from a given sensor on a given day. I don t do any cross sensor queries. The timeseries are unevenly spaced and I need to keep the time resolution so I cannot do things like arrays of 1 point per second.
I plan to store data over many years. I wonder which scheme is the best:
each day/sensor pair corresponds to one collection, thus adding 1000 collections of about 100,000 documents each per day to my db
each sensor corresponds to a collection. I have a fixed number of 1000 collections that grow every day by about 100,000 documents each.
1 seems to intuitively be faster for querying. I am using mongoDb 3.4 which has no limit for the number of collections in a db.
2 seems cleaner but I am afraid the collections will become huge and that querying will gradually become slower as each collection grows
I am favoring 1 but I might be wrong. Any advice?
I followed the advice of
Instead of storing one document per measurement, I have a document containing 128 measurement,startDate,nextDate. It reduces the number of documents and thus the index size but I am still not sure how to organize the collections.
When I query data, I just want the data for a (date,sensor) pair, that is why I thought 1 might speed up the reads. I currently have about 20,000 collections in my DB and when I query the list of all collections, it takes ages which makes me think that it is not a good idea to have so many collections.
What do you think?
I would definitely recommend approach 2, for a number of reasons:
MongoDB's sharding is designed to cope with individual collections getting larger and larger, and copes well with splitting data within a collection across separate servers as required. It does not have the same ability to split data which exists in many collection across different servers.
MongoDB is designed to be able to efficiently query very large collections, even when the data is split across multiple servers, as long as you can pick a suitable shard key which matches your most common read queries. In your case, that would be sensor + date.
With approach 1, your application needs to do the fiddly job of knowing which collection to query, and (possibly) where that collection is to be found. Approach 2, with well-configured sharding, means that the mongos process does that hard work for you
Whilst MongoDB has no limit on collections I tried a similar approach to 2 but moved away from it to a single collection for all sensor values because it was more manageable.
Your planned data collection is significant. Have you considered ways to reduce the volume? In my system I compress same-value runs and only store changes, I can also reduce the volume by skipping co-linear midpoints and interpolating later when, say, I want to know what the value was at time 't'. Various different sensors may need different compression algorithms (e.g. a stepped sensor like a thermostat set-point vs one that represents a continuous quantity like a temperature). Having a single large collection also makes it easy to discard data when it does get too large.
If you can guarantee unique timestamps you may also be able to use the timestamp as the _id field.
When I query the data I m only interested in getting data from a
given sensor on a given day. I don t do any cross sensor queries.
But that's what exactly what Cassandra is good for!
See this article and this one.
Really, in one of our my projects we were stuck with legacy MongoDB and the scenario, similar to yours, with the except of new data amount per day was even lower.
We tried to change data structure, granulate data over multiple MongoDB collections, changed replica set configurations, etc.
But we were still disappointed as data increases, but performance degrades
with the unpredictable load and reading data request affects writing response much.
With Cassandra we had fast writes and data retrieving performance effect was visible with the naked eye. If you need complex data analysis and aggregation, you could always use Spark (Map-reduce) job.
Moreover, thinking about future, Cassandra provides straightforward scalability.
I believe that keeping something for legacy is good as long as it suits well, but if not, it's more effective to change the technology stack.
If I understand right, you plan to create collections on the fly, i.e. at 12 AM you will have new collections. I guess MongoDB is a wrong choice for this. If required in MongoDB there is no way you can query documents across collections, you will have to write complex mechanism to retrieve data. In my opinion, you should consider elasticsearch. Where you can create indices(Collections) like sensor-data-s1-3-14-2017. Here you could do a wildcard search across indices. (for eg: sensor-data-s1* or sensor-data-*). See here for wildcard search.
If you want to go with MongoDB my suggestion is to go with option 2 and shard the collections. While sharding, consider your query pattern so you could get optimal performance and that does not degrade over the period.
Approach #1 is not cool, key to speed up is divide (shard) and rule. What-if number of singal itself reaches 100000.
So place one signal in one collection and shard signals over nodes to speed up read. Multiple collections or signals can be on same node.
How this Will Assist
Usually for signal processing time-span is used like process signal for 3 days, in that case you can parallel read 3 nodes for the signal and do parallel apache spark processing.
Cross-Signal processing: typically most of signal processing algorithms uses same period for 2 or more signals for analysis like cross correlation and as these (2 or more signals) are parallel fetch it'll also be fast and ore-processing of individual signal can be parallelized.

Database for filtering XML documents

I would like to hear some suggestion on implementing database solution for below problem
1) There are 100 million XML documents saved to the database per
2) The database hold maximum 3 days of data
3) 1 million query request per day
4) The value through which the documents are filtered are stored in
a seperate table and mapped with the corresponding XMl document ID.
5) The documents are requested based on date range, documents
matching a list of ID's, Top 10 new documents, records that are new
after the previous request
Here is what I have done so far
1) Checked if I can use Redis, it is limited to few datatypes and
also cannot use multiple where conditions to filter the Hash in
Redis. Indexing based on date and lots of there fields. I am unable
to choose a right datastructure to store it on a hash
2) Investigated DynamoDB, its again a key vaue store where all the
filter conditions should be stored as one value. I am not sure if it
will be efficient querying a json document to filter the right XML
3) Investigated Cassandra and it looks like it may fit my
requirement but it has a limitation saying that the read operations
might be slow. Cassandra has an advantage of faster write operation
over changing data. This looks like the best possible solition used
so far.
Currently we are using SQL server and there is a performance problem and so looking for a better solution.
Please suggest, thanks.
It's not that reads in Cassandra might be slow, but it's hard to guarantee SLA for reads (usually they will be fast, but then, some of them slow).
Cassandra doesn't have search capabilities which you may need in the future (ordering, searching by many fields, ranked searching). You can probably achieve that with Cassandra, but with obviously greater amount of effort than with a database suited for searching operations.
I suggest you looking at Lucene/Elasticsearch. Let me quote the features of Lucene from their main website:
High-Performance Indexing
over 150GB/hour on modern hardware
small RAM requirements -- only 1MB heap
incremental indexing as fast as batch indexing
index size roughly 20-30% the size of text indexed
Powerful, Accurate and Efficient Search Algorithms
ranked searching -- best results returned first
many powerful query types: phrase queries, wildcard queries, proximity queries, range queries and more
fielded searching (e.g. title, author, contents)
sorting by any field
multiple-index searching with merged results
allows simultaneous update and searching
flexible faceting, highlighting, joins and result grouping
fast, memory-efficient and typo-tolerant suggesters
pluggable ranking models, including the Vector Space Model and Okapi BM25
configurable storage engine (codecs)

how does mongodb do a 42T drive per node

We had heard mongodb had one client with 42T per node and I am wondering more about this. I know cassandra has Bloomfilters that skipp hitting disk to find out which file a row might be in.
Does mongodb have something similar to bloomfilters?
IS mongodb using something similar to SSTables?
I did read mongodb does compaction just like cassandra, I would think this would be an awfully long process with a 42T node????
I guess I don't know what terms to search for as I research mongodb here(in cassandra they are called SSTables).
MongoDB does not support online compaction. In fact, data fragmentation is a current problem in systems with many doc updates. To prevent data fragmentation MongoDB tries to calculate an automated padding factor, minimizing the number of data moves.
The compact command blocks the entire database until it finished. Besides, MongoDB does not support dictionary compression, so field names takes space on every object stored. I guess the layout used by MongoDB is not any fancy data structure. It's simply composed of header (offset, length...), bson data and padding factor.
Since MongoDB is not a key/value or columnar database it doesn't use SSTables (efficient data structure for columnar layout). Every file created for the database is named "extent".
AFAIK, MongoDB doesn't use bloom filters.

Why it takes longer to full scan a table in MongoDB?

I have made a test with 10 M rows of data. Each row has 3 integer and 2 string columns. First I import this data to mongoDB which is a single shard. I do a simple "where" query with db.table.find() on a non-index columns. The query fetches a single row which takes roughly in 7 seconds.
On the same hardware I load the same data to a c# list which is in memory. I do a while loop to scan all 10M data and do a simple equal control to emulate where query. It takes only around 650 ms which is much more faster than MongoDB.
I have a 32 GB machine so mongodb is having no problem to memory map the table.
Why mongoDB is much slower? Is it because the mongoDB is keeping the data in a data structure which is hard to full scan or is it because memory mapping in not the same as keeping a data in a variable.
As Remon pointed out you are definitely comparing apples to oranges in this test.
To understand a bit more on what is happening behind the scenes in that table scan, read through the MongoDB internals here. (Look under the Storage model)
There is the concept of extents which represents a contiguous disk space.
Each extent points to a linked list of docs.
The doc contains the data in BSON format. So now you can imagine how we would retrieve data.
Now the beauty of having an index is aptly shown at the right top corner. MongoDB uses a BTree structure to navigate which is pretty fast.
Try changing your test to have some warm up runs and use an index.
UPDATE : I have done some testing as a part of my day job to compare the performance of JBoss Cache (an in memory Java Cache) with MongoDB as an application cache (queries against _id). The results are quite comparable.
Where to start..
First of all the test is completely apples and oranges. Loading a dataset into memory and doing a completely in-memory scan of it is in no way equal to a table scan on any database.
I'm also willing to bet you're doing your test on cold data and MongoDB performance improves dramatically as it swaps hot data into memory. Please note that MongoDB doesn't preemptively swap data into memory. It does so if, and only if, the data is accessed frequently (or at all, depending). Actually it's more accurate to say the OS does since MongoDB's storage engine is built on top of MMFs (memory mapped files).
So in short, your test isn't a good test and the way you're testing MongoDB isn't producing accurate results. You're testing a theoretical best case with your C# equivalent that on top of that is considerably less complex than the database code.