Im getting these errors when Im trying to run Flutter from Visual Studio Code - flutter

Fix for this?
I have installed Android Studio SDK and I have an AVD file installed so whats the fix?

Install flutter and dart plugin for android studio
android studio
try to run emulator or connect to real device via USB (make sure you enable developer mode enable in real device)


setup nox (or genymotion )as android emulator for vscode flutter

for some reason, I don't want to install android studio(one of them is I don't have enough space for now) but instead, I want to work with vscode and nox(or genymotion). and my question is: Is it possible to connect vscode and an (android and ios) emulator to see the result? in other words, I want to connect the nox as an emulator to vscode and see the result inside of it.
Android studio take too much space and even my computer also become hot when open Android studio. But what I did I installed Android studio and Android emulator but I don't use Android studio rather I use VScode.
So as far as I know you need Android studio to install emulator then you can use VScode with it.
Finally, I found out how I can connect Genymotion to the VS Code(without Installing Android Studio).in total SDK manager wasn't installed on my laptop, so at first, I installed it. and then
Platform Tools (ADB & Fastboot)
Install Platform
Add System Image
Install Build Tools
but wait I just name the steps I've done. you can follow this article on this link to get more details.
and finally, instead of installing an emulator, I used Genymotion with Flutter in VS Code, which you can follow in this article to get more information. Click here

run an emulator without android studio

I'm using flutter on visual studio code and my android studio emulator doesn't work.
Is there a way I can run an emulator on visual studio code without android studio's help?
on android studio press shift twice then write device manger choose it then run the emulator
if this doesn't work can you provide more info about the error you get from android studio
I recommend that you run "flutter doctor" in your VS Code Terminal to determine any issues with your Android Studio and/or emulator. Then update your question with any errors that occur or simply write out the error you are getting from Android Studio when trying to start your emulator.
However, you won't have to use an emulator that is on Android Studio if you simply turn on Developer Mode/Options on your personal Android Device, then turn on "USB Debugging", this will allow you to run a version on your app on your phone as long as you have your phone connected to your computer through a USB cable.

VSCODE and Visual Studio Android Emulator

I am trying to connect visual studio android emulator with VSCode for flutter development, but cannot able to connect it. Is it possible to do so? If yes then how? I tried adding android-sdk path into registry, but didn't work. VSCode doesn't recognize the emulator.
Deleting preinstalled genymotion and android emulator resolved the connection issue.

How to setup flutter app in vscode in Ubuntu and set up emulator?

How to use flutter in VS Code in Ubuntu with emulator.
I am not able to connect to flutter.
Well I think you should use Android studio it is better than Visual Studio Code and if you want to get started, here is the link of installing android studio and flutter on ubuntu.
How To Install And Setup Flutter On Ubuntu 18.04.1
You could always install Android Studio just to create some emulators (kinda overkill). Or you can use android emulators like Genymotion

Visual Studio 2015 Cannot connect to Android Emulator

I have created a blank Android Native C++ project using Visual Studio 2015 Preview. When I click to run it on the emulator, the emulator will load but I always get the following error and cannot run the app on the emulator.
3>Starting emulator...
3>Error installing the package. The device '' is invalid or not running. Please switch to another device, or use the Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager to start a compatible emulator, or connect a compatible Android device.
3>The device is invalid or is not running.
Would this be because I have the Windows Phone emulator installed ? I havnt done anything except install Visual Studio 2015, create project, and run.
Short answer: you need to use "adb connect"
Long answer:
Visual Studio 2015 Android Emulator issue
This is not likely to be a result of having the Windows Phone Emulator installed. More likely is that there is a problem with the connection between the VS Android Emulator and Visual Studio. Repairing your VS and VS Emulator for Android installations by going to Control Panel > Programs and Features may resolve this.