ibm cloud for integration Telemetry Enable - ibm-cloud

I am using ibm cloud pak for integration version 3.0.0.
I deployed an MQ instance into my Openshift Cluster.
when I check my new created instance information it says: "telemetry not supported"
But I want my instance to support MQTT protocol.
is there anything I am missing? what can I do? thanks

I think it's not installed by default, which means that to install it you will need to customise the container.
You will need to clone the IBM MQ Container -
and ask for MQTT to be installed by changing the line
export genmqpkg_incmqxr=0
export genmqpkg_incmqxr=1
in the file Then follow the build instructions to create the container image.


Connecting to my own Hyperledger Fabric instance

I am new to IBM Blockchain Platform VSCode Extension and using IBM Blockchain Platform Extension Version: 0.3.2 and Visual Studio Code version: 1.32.3.
In this extension there is a feature "Connecting to your own Hyperledger Fabric instance". I tried this by using the command "Add Gateway" in VSCode. I have provided connection profile, cert and private key. It successfully connected and showing only channel name under "FABRIC GATEWAYS". No peers are showing. But now my question is, how to install and initiate smart contract using the extension? Nothing is showing under "LOCAL FABRIC OPS" which was showing when I connect to pre-configured local fabric instance. Please help me to understand.
It's not possible to install chaincode or instantiate chaincode on an external network (ie one that isn't managed by the vscode plugin itself), although as you have already discovered you can connect a gateway to it to test your running chaincode. So you can perform an install/instantiate on your external network then use the plugin to interact with it.
If the network provided by the plugin isn't suitable for you to use for your local testing then I would suggest raising an issue at
describing why the in built network isn't suitable and what sort of inbuilt network would be suitable.

How to develop bluemix CAM

Is there any github source where IBM Cloud automation manager source code is there? Can I extend CAM's functionalities? Or should I extend terraform's capabilties instead?
IBM Cloud Automation Manager running on ICP platform has the ability to deploy bluemix templates built in. Use the "IBM Cloud" connection type to build your connection data, and then you can use the already included.
For details on the connection see
For details on what the IBM Cloud terraform provider can do check it's github here:

Why does IBM API Connect run differently in Bluemix than locally?

I just set up my local environment to use IBM API Connect and it gives me "extra options" to make the database. Now i'm using IBM API Connect inside IBM Bluemix and it doesn't have those "extra options" :/ I'd like to use it from IBM Bluemix to start migrating to the cloud, thanks in advance.
(I said this in a comment, but it should be an answer...)
The APIC Designer, which you run locally, helps define your models and connections, you then deploy that to Bluemix. You don't edit it on Bluemix itself.
The Local Developer toolkit gets installed on your computer for modeling and creating the api's through Strongloop or Kitura. After you have created your api's to run and publish them, bluemix publix cloud is used where you get a free developer portal and Node.js runtime environment for running your applications/micro-services.

Can Bluemix environment be replicated on developer laptops?

Can Bluemix environment with Liberty be replicated on developer laptops for offline development? Will I be able to run Bluemix local with Openstack on a quad core i5?
You can run Cloud Foundry in a VM on your laptop using bosh-lite. You could also install the open source Liberty buildpack into this local CF with the buildpack dependencies cached giving you an environment that could work offline.
The Bluemix services will not be available to you though, if you are offline, so the answer really depends on what services you need. You could reasonably set up some kind of local database but many of the services would just be unavailable.
I am not sure what exact your requirement is. IBM Liberty profile can be setup with Eclipse and you can create a server in local to test your java/JEE code. This is very simple, you need to install liberty plugin in Eclipse and create a server. See documentations in IBM web site.
See this url if it helps.. you can integrate BlueMix server to your Ecplise IDE

Can I host WSO2 CEP on Bluemix?

I want to run my WSO2 CEP on IBM Bluemix. Is it possible to host it as a Liberty application or any other option is available there ?
WSO2 CEP is a Java Web application including Tomcat as application server, so you may have to build it from source and push the war on Bluemix to try it working on liberty application server. Anyway between WSO2 CEP prerequisites there is Java Oracle jdk, and Bluemix is running on IBM jdk, so you could have some other problems.
So maybe it could be better to run it on a (group of) Bluemix Container: these are based on Docker containers, so you could create a custom docker image from the (really) several images available, and then you can push it to a Bluemix container on cloud.
Bluemix/Docker containers are fully portable so you can very easily create your one and take it everywhere and also make it scaling very simply on Bluemix cloud environment.
You can start from here