Do cross-partition queries break infinite CosmosDB horizontal scalability? - nosql

As I understand, when you perform a query that doesn't filter by one primary key, you perform a cross-partition query. For this to be executed, the query is sent to all physical partitions of your CDB collection, executed in parallel in each of them, and then returned.
As you scale to tens of thousands of requests per second, that means that each of the tens of thousands of requests is executed on each physical partition.
Does this mean that eventually each partition will reach its limit of requests per second it can serve, and horizontal scaling will no longer give any benefit? Because for every new physical partition CDB adds, it will need to serve all requests coming in, so it's not adding new throughout capacity, only storage.
The downstream implication being that even if at a small scale you're ok with incurring the increased RU cost for cross-partition queries, to truly be able to scale indefinitely your data model should ensure queries hit only one partition (possibly by denormalizing it).

Yes, cross partition queries will not allow a database like Cosmos DB (or any horizontally scalable database) to scale.
Databases like Cosmos DB provide unlimited scale because it scales horizontally. The objective for your partition strategy should be to answer your high volume queries with one, or at a minimum, a bounded set of partitions. The effort around partition strategy is to chose a property that is nearly always passed in queries. Denormalization is generally more a function of modeling data around requests. It has less to do with partitioning directly.
If you would like to learn more about partitioning and modeling with Cosmos DB I highly recommend watching this video. It presents the topics very well, Data modeling & partitioning: What every relational database dev needs to know


Where would a scaled relational DB fall in the CAP theorem?

If you have scaled SQL server with one DB for writes and multiple DBs for reads. Wouldn't there be a delay for data to be replicated from the write DB to the to other read databases? In which case isn't the data inconsistent?
So where would a scaled relational DB fall in the CAP theorem?
In relational DBs consistency means there wont be partial updates. For example if someone transfers money from one account to another and the whole thing is a part of one transaction, it wont happen that you take money out of one account but doesn't show up in another account.
In CAP theorem consistence means all the components see the same data. That consistency is different from consistency in ACID.
From what I know, relational DBs like SQL server are supposed to be CA (consistent and available). This would make sense if there is just one database. Because everyone would see the same data. But what if the SQL server is scaled with multiple databases? In that case would all databases still see the same data? If not, would it be consistent (in CAP theorem)?
My feeling is a scaled relational DB is AP (Available and partition tolerant) and not CA (Consistent and available).
I've read different definitions of consistency in regards to the CAP theorem.
Some definitions of consistency say that once some data is persisted in a system, all reads will read the most recently written data. In this definition, a replicated database (you call this "scaled" but I wouldn't use that term) has a risk of returning inconsistent data, if the replication is asynchronous.
To mitigate this risk, some systems make sure replication is synchronous, or as close to synchronous as they can implement. Galera, for example, sends transaction write sets to its replicas synchronously. If you try to read from the replica, and it detects that there are write sets pending but not yet applied, it can block your read until it has caught up with the pending write sets (this behavior is configurable). So you'll never read data that is out of date.
The cost of maintaining perfectly consistent reads over distributed systems in this manner is usually more expensive than users want. It will become a performance bottleneck in a system that has a high rate of updates. So for practical reasons, most projects accept that "replication lag" is a necessary compromise.
Other definitions of consistency are closer to atomicity, i.e. transactions will not be persisted in a partially-complete state. So all constraints will be satisfied when you read the data, whether you read the data before or after the transaction is applied. In this definition, it's quite easy to imagine the replica database instance remaining consistent, if it applies updates using the same transaction semantics used on the master. If you read data from the replica, you might read data that hasn't yet had the latest updates applied, but it will never be in an inconsistent state with respect to constraints.
There is nothing called a scaled RDBMS. We do have "RDBMS Clusters with shared storage": here can keep on adding nodes to achieve high availability of RDBMS.
In other words:
If you meant a "Distributed RDBMS" by mentioning "Scaled RDBMS" - it doesn't exist. You can have RDBMS on only one node. If you add another node, then that will be "another" RDBMS and it would NOT coalesce with the first one giving you a single view(unlike a typical NoSQL Database). Although, you can happily keep on adding storage nodes behind the RDBMS.

Kafka vs. MongoDB for time series data

I'm contemplating on whether to use MongoDB or Kafka for a time series dataset.
At first sight obviously it makes sense to use Kafka since that's what it's built for. But I would also like some flexibility in querying, etc.
Which brought me to question: "Why not just use MongoDB to store the timestamped data and index them by timestamp?"
Naively thinking, this feels like it has the similar benefit of Kafka (in that it's indexed by time offset) but has more flexibility. But then again, I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why people use Kafka instead of MongoDB for this type of use case.
Could someone explain some of the reasons why one may want to use Kafka instead of MongoDB in this case?
I'll try to take this question as that you're trying to collect metrics over time
Yes, Kafka topics have configurable time retentions, and I doubt you're using topic compaction because your messages would likely be in the form of (time, value), so the time could not be repeated anyway.
Kafka also provides stream processing libraries so that you can find out averages, min/max, outliers&anamolies, top K, etc. values over windows of time.
However, while processing all that data is great and useful, your consumers would be stuck doing linear scans of this data, not easily able to query slices of it for any given time range. And that's where time indexes (not just a start index, but also an end) would help.
So, sure you can use Kafka to create a backlog of queued metrics and process/filter them over time, but I would suggest consuming that data into a proper database because I assume you'll want to be able to query it easier and potentially create some visualizations over that data.
With that architecture, you could have your highly available Kafka cluster holding onto data for some amount of time, while your downstream systems don't necessarily have to be online all the time in order to receive events. But once they are, they'd consume from the last available offset and pickup where they were before
Like the answers in the comments above - neither Kafka nor MongoDB are well suited as a time-series DB with flexible query capabilities, for the reasons that #Alex Blex explained well.
Depending on the requirements for processing speed vs. query flexibility vs. data size, I would do the following choices:
Cassandra [best processing speed, best/good data size limits, worst query flexibility]
TimescaleDB on top of PostgresDB [good processing speed, good/OK data size limits, good query flexibility]
ElasticSearch [good processing speed, worst data size limits, best query flexibility + visualization]
P.S. by "processing" here I mean both ingestion, partitioning and roll-ups where needed
P.P.S. I picked those options that are most widely used now, in my opinion, but there are dozens and dozens of other options and combinations, and many more selection criteria to use - would be interested to hear about other engineers' experiences!

Overhead of using many partitions in Postgres

In the following link, the creator of a tool I use (Airflow) suggests to create partitions for daily snapshots of dimension tables. I am wondering about the overhead of doing something like this in Postgres.
I am using the Postgres 10 built in partitioning for several tables, but mostly at a monthly or yearly level for facts. I never tried implementing a daily partition for dimensions before and it seems scary. It would simplify things though in several areas for me in case I need to rerun old tasks.
Simple. With dimension snapshots where a new partition is appended at
each ETL schedule. The dimension table becomes a collection of
dimension snapshots where each partition contains the full dimension
as-of a point in time. “But only a small percentage of the data
changes every day, that’s a lot of data duplication!”. That’s right,
though typically dimension tables are negligible in size in proportion
to facts. It’s also an elegant way to solve SCD-type problematic by
its simplicity and reproducibility. Now that storage and compute are
dirt cheap compared to engineering time, snapshoting dimensions make
sense in most cases.
While the traditional type-2 slowly changing dimension approach is
conceptually sound and may be more computationally efficient overall,
it’s cumbersome to manage. The processes around this approach, like
managing surrogate keys on dimensions and performing surrogate key
lookup when loading facts, are error-prone, full of mutations and
hardly reproducible.
I have worked with systems with different levels of partitioning.
Generally any partitioning is OK as long as you have check constrains on partitions which allow query planner to find adequate partitions for query. Or you will have to query specific partition directly for some special cases. Otherwise you will see sequential scans over all partitions even for simple queries.
Daily partitions are completely OK do not worry. And I worked event with data collector based on PG which needed to have partitions for every 5 minutes of data because it collected several TBs per day.
Number of partitions can become a bigger problem only when you have several thousands or dozens of thousands of partitions - with this amount of partitions everything goes to different level of problems.
You will have to set proper max_locks_per_transaction for example to be able to work with them. Because even simple select over parent table places SharedAccessLock over all partitions which is not exactly nice but PG inheritance works this way.
Plus higher planing time for query - in our data warehouse we sometimes see planning times for queries like several minutes and queries taking only seconds - which is a bit craped... But it is hard to do anything with it because current PG planner works this way.
But PROs still overweight CONs so I highly recommend to use any partitioning granularity you need.

Cassandra as replacement to PostgreSQL

Is Cassandra with multiple nodes a good choice as replacement to single node PostgreSql? Data being stored is a time series. It is about tens of gigabytes already and is expected to grow. Database should be integrated into pipeline with apache spark as source and possibly result destination.
What is needed:
1) redundancy: one node failure shouldn't stop the system (all data should be available)
2) speed: more nodes - less time per single insert/select for one client
3) concurrency: more nodes - better speed for simultaneous inserts/selects from different clients
For your points:
1) This is a question which is up to you while choosing the keyspace replication factor RF and the consistency levels CL of your inserts and selects. To be available and consistent you need RF=3 on your and CL.QUORUM for both insert and select for hande loss of one node (for QUORUM you need RF/2+1 nodes online, 3/2+1=2 - integer division, with RF=5 you would neeed 5/2+1=3 nodes online, so you can handle loss of 2).
2) A single request will be handled by a single node as coordinator in your cluster. You do not gain much performance here with singe and synchronous requsts. If you issue any requests and use async you will split your requests across more nodes and gain performance.
3) With more clients you have the same effect - the coordinator will be picked at random (ok there is the TokenAwarePolicy which will pick a appropriate coordinator).
You've mentioned that you use time series data.
1. Naturally, you can vary the replication factor and consistency level. So yes, Cassandra would be good as a replacement.
2. The insert would be really fast as Cassandra writes memory first. So yes, Cassandra would be good as a replacement.
3. Cassandra has linear horizontal scalability. So yes, Cassandra would be good as a replacement.
The drawbacks are that Cassandra is a key-value storage. So you should model the table structure around the queries. And PostgreSQL as RDBMS is more flexible as support the whole set of SQL operations.
You can read more about some pros and cons of using Cassandra with time series data here and here.

MongoDB - Cluster of small/many or few/big nodes

Can it be said what is best in a general case (where the database size is really big): To have a MongoDB cluster consisting of a larger number of smaller blade servers, or a few, really fat, servers?
Given is that the shard key has a quite fine granularity, so splitting should not be a problem.
If there are no "golden bullet", what is the pros and cons with either setup?
Best in what aspect? From a financial point of view, I'd go for lots of cheap hardware :)
MongoDB has been built to easily scale across nodes, so why not take advantage of this? The reason you'd want just one or a few beefy servers for a SQL server is to minimize the spread of relational data across physical nodes. But since MongoDB uses documents, most of your related data is stored in a single document. This means that it's all stored at the same physical location and you don't have to do costly lookups on other nodes to reconstruct the 'complete picture' of your data.
Another thing to keep in mind is that map-reduce jobs can only run in parallel in a sharded environment. So if you plan to do a lot of map-reducing, more shards/servers will result in better performance.
What if your database outgrows your beefy servers? Are you going to invest in another beefy server that handles that small amount of extra growth? Or what if one of them crashes? With smaller and cheaper servers, you can scale up (or down) more gradually if the need arises. Also, the impact of a server crash is much smaller, as it will affect only a small portion of your data.
To summarize: a large cluster of smaller servers isn't a silver bullet, as managing such a cluster has its own challenges, but it is significantly cheaper and possibly faster as well if you're doing map-reduce.