How to automatically create walls of a given height with collisions on the edges of auto generated AR plane in Unity? - unity3d

I am working on an application that uses horizontal surfaces in AR. I don't have much experience with Unity but I was able to create automatically generated planes with which objects can collide (example: a falling and rolling dice). Unfortunately, sometimes such objects fall outside the plane area and fall into the void.
I would like to create something similar to invisible walls around the detected plane to keep the objects inside the plane.
Plane configuration i am currently using:
Edges of plane are marked with red line.

I think the term for what you are trying to do is geo-fencing. The easiest example is to put a square around the area your objects are contained where you have four conditions, one for each edge, like if objectX >= edgeX then objectX = edgeX and so forth. To do that in Unity you would probably have to mess with that C# language.


Hide parts of mesh overlapping another mesh in Unity

I have thoses two meshes:
In my game, I put the hat on the hair at runtime:
As you can see, as expected, the hair is visible outise the hat part.
How can I achieve this in Unity (what kind of mask shader should I use?):
I've tryed to make a depth mask but it hides every meshes in my scene. I just want to hide the hair, not others meshes.
And what if I have two player having the same case? Would player mask hide player 2 hair? How can I avoid that?
What I would do:
write a C# code that gets the pivot position (bottom part of the hat) and its up vector every frame.
build a plane with these values. The up vector would be the normal vector of the plane and a plane can be defined by a point and a normal vector.
I would pass the equation of the plane to the shader (via Material.SetFloat or Material.SetVector) and evaluate if the world positions of the hair vertices are in the correct or in the wrong side of the plane.

Random spawn avoiding colliders

I am working on a 2D game with colleagues that is basically a fighting game on a vertical map with platforms. Right now I am spawning items on the map for player to gather, but I was wondering how could I do that while checking that I'm not in one of the platform's collider to avoid spawning the item in?
You should take a look at the overlap functions from Physics2D (for example here). Just generate a drop position and pass it to this function, if it returns null then the position is free. If you get unexpected results make sure to set the layer mask to the same as the platforms or whatever objects you don't want to intersect with.

How Does Unity Assign Pivot Point Location on Script Generated Meshes

I have tried to find any information on how the Unity assigns pivot points to object but all I keep finding is threads on how to move pivot points and that it can't be done. I am creating a 2D game with a background that is randomly created with meshes that are wrapped in empty GameObjects. These objects are organically shaped but they have a property that returns a rectangle that bounds the object so that they can be placed in a way that they are not overlapping. The trouble is that the algorithm assumes that the pivot point is going to be the center of the object. What I would like to know is how does Unity decide where the pivot point will be set to so that I can predict how much I will need to move my mesh inside the parent object so that the pivot point will be in the center of the bounding rectangle.
Possible fix:
Try create the meshes during runtime and see if it always places the pivot points at a certain corner or at least relatively speaking the same location.
If it does that you would know where the pivot point is and could take it into account in your code, if you also know the size of the mesh you spawn.
So I think most general and correct answer that I can come up with is that unity assigns the pivot point to the center of the GameObject that you apply the Mesh to. The local coordinates of the vertices of the mesh depending on how you create them mighht place your mesh so that its logical center is not the same as the that of the empty GameObject that it is attached to. What I did to fix the issue was to make a vector from local point (0,0,0) to the center of bounding rectangle and translate the vertices I use to make my mesh by that vector inverted. It wasn't perfect but by far close enough to ensure that I won't have any overlapping meshes.

Tile Grid Data storage for 3D Space in Unity

This question is (mostly) game engine independent but I have been unable to find a good answer.
I'm creating a turn-based tile game in 3D space using Unity. The levels will have slopes, occasional non-planar geometry, depressions, tunnels, stairs etc. Each level is static/handcrafted so tiles should never move. I need a good way to keep track of tile-specific variables for static levels and i'd like to verify if my approaches make sense.
My ideas are:
Create 2 Meshes - 1 is the complex game world, the second is a reference mesh overlay that will have minimal geometry; it will not be rendered and will only be used for the tiles. I would then Overlay the two and use the 2nd mesh as a grid reference.
Hard-code the tiles for each level. While tedious it will work as a brute force approach. I would, however, like to avoid this since it's not very easy to deal with visually.
Workaround approach - Convert the 3d to 2D textures and only use 1 mesh.
"Project" a plane down onto the level and record height/slope to minimize complexity. Also not ideal.
Create individual tile objects for each tile manually (non-rendered). Easiest solution i could think of.
Now for the Unity3D specific question:
Does unity allow selecting and assigning individual Verts/Triangles/Squares of a mesh and adding componenets, scripts, or variables to those selections; for example, selecting 1 square in the 10x10 unity plane and telling unity the square of that plane now has a new boolean attached to it? This question mostly refers to idea #1 above, where i would use a reference mesh for positional and variable information that were directly assigned to the mesh. I have a feeling that if i do choose to have a reference mesh, i'd need to have the tiles be individual objects, snap them in place using the reference, then attach relevant scripts to those tiles.
I have found a ton of excellent resources (like on tile generation (mostly procedural), i'm a bit stuck on the basics due to being new to unity and im not looking for procedural design.

Unity3D: Letting a BoxCollider2D collide with the floor 'earlier'?

I'm making a 2D game in Unity which behaves like Castle Crashers, where the player can move around forwards and backwards like in a sidescroller, but also up and down, kind of like a topdown game - but it's still a 'sidescroller'.
In Unity I'm using Rigidbody2Ds and Boxcollider2Ds for physics.
However, when wanting to simulate things like dropping items, creating gibs or any other object that needs to fall to the 'floor', this gets tricky.
The objects that need to fall to the floor don't know where the floor is, so they'll fall forever.
Can Boxcollider2Ds be set to collide with an individual infinite x-axis?
Object A should collide with the red axis and Object B should collide with the blue axis.
Is this possible?
You could use layers. And in project settings -> Physics2DSettings set them not to collide with each other. There is a hard limit of 32 layers and first 8 are used by system (you can still use them for this) this leaves you with 24 discreet layers - change layer of your objects when they change their position on Y axis. The gameplay might feel awful.
Use 3D physics. tilt your camera 45 degrees on X axis, set projection to ortho, and draw 2D sprites on top of invisible 3D physics objects - then you will have real 2D plane to walk and jump on.
Don't use box2d at all: write your own - simple physics library, you need it only for jumping and falling, right ?