Infinite loop stops - python-3.7

I have googled this a lot and I can only find answers that relate to conditions within the loop being met. I want this loop to run infinitely (Hence while 1==1) and I'm testing it at the moment by just leaving it running in Thonny. It runs for variable lengths of time and then just stops. It doesn't exit the program or stop running, it just behaves as if it's waiting for something but there's nothing that I can see that it's waiting for. The shell doesn't report any errors or report that it has stopped running, it simply stops printing the string in the fourth line print statement.
I am very new to python and Linux and I have no idea how to debug this problem or where to look for the stopping point. Even running it in debug mode doesn't render any helpful information. Has anyone got any suggestions please?
The only other thing that I have tried outside of what I have said is I have tried running it on a fresh install of Raspberry Pi OS on three different Raspberry Pi 4 Model B computers. It behaves exactly the same on all of them.
while 1==1:
cnt = 1
print('One = One loop ' + str( + ' CNT: ' + str(cnt))
while Decimal(target_temperature()) - Decimal(0.3) >= Decimal(actual_temperature()) and switch_state() == 'currently not running':
print('Before heating loop ' + str(
if cnt == 1:
if Decimal(target_temperature()) - Decimal(0.3) >= Decimal(actual_temperature()) and switch_state() == 'currently not running':
print('First heating loop ' + str(
log_db('On', str(target_temperature()), str(actual_temperature()))
log_db('Off', str(target_temperature()), str(actual_temperature()))
cnt = cnt + 1
if(cnt != 1):
if Decimal(target_temperature()) - Decimal(0.3) >= Decimal(actual_temperature()) and switch_state() == 'currently not running':
print('Second heating loop ' + str(
log_db('On', str(target_temperature()), str(actual_temperature()))
log_db('Off', str(target_temperature()), str(actual_temperature()))
except Exception as e:

Bearing in mind i don't know anything about python i will try to help.
1 - The first thing i would do is put the whole program in a try catch block. That wasy if anything bad happens you should be told about it
<all your code>
except Exception as e2:
print('The whole thing errored' + e2)
2 - The delays are in seconds? For testing i would change every sleep to (30) so you can see what is going on without getting too bored waiting, when you have it working then change the times back.
3 - I would add some more print('got here!') like where you have if(cnt == 1) add else print('first loop wasnt 1 it was ' + cnt)
4 - try and make the code easier for you to read, when it gets actually run it will be so optimized that it wont bear any relation to what you write. So write it in a way that is easiest for you
5 - You turn it on and then off, but if the off failed it would never be turned off, you should assume that it will go badly and that will be the day you get a big bill. Try and stop it if an error occurs by adding another check if actualTemp > targetTemp then turn it off?
6 - the http request might take ages, specify a time in seconds you are prepared to wait like , timeout=60
while 1==1:
targetTemp = Decimal(target_temperature())
actualTemp = Decimal(actual_temperature())
switchState = switch_state()
print('Doing it at ' + str( + ' target ' + str(targetTemp) + ' actual ' + str(actualTemp) + ' switch ' + switchState)
if targetTemp - Decimal(0.3) >= actualTemp and switchState == 'currently not running'
print('too cold turning it for a bit!')
requests.get('', timeout=60)
log_db('On', targetTemp , actualTemp)
else if actualTemp > targetTemp and switchState != 'currently not running'
print('too hot turning it off!')
requests.get('', timeout=60)
log_db('Off', targetTemp , actualTemp)
print('Not doing anything!')
except Exception as e1:
print('Loop errored -> ' + e1)
except Exception as e2:
print('Whole thing errored -> ' + e2)

Thanks Billy the Kid. You were right. Sometimes the devices that the loop uses via HTTPRequests just don't reapond (the two functions use HTTPRequests) and sometimes they create errors that aren't caught in the loop. Putting the whole thing in a try/catch oddly did identify that. Problem solved.


Updating my current script which modifies multiple lines into a single one

My current script copies text like this with a shortcut:
:WiltedFlower: aetheryxflower ─ 4
:Alcohol: alcohol ─ 3,709
:Ant: ant ─ 11,924
:Apple: apple ─ 15
:ArmpitHair: armpithair ─ 2
and pastes it modified into a single line
Pls trade 4 aetheryxflower 3 alcohol 11 ant 15 apple 2 armpithair <#id>
As you can see there are already two little problems, the first one is that it copies only the number/s before a comma if one existed instead of ignoring it. The second is that I always need to also copy before hitting the hotkey and start re/start the script, I've thought of modifying the script so that it uses the already selected text instead of the copied one so that I can bind it with a single hotkey.
That is my current script, it would be cool if anyone can also tell me what they used and why exactly, so that I also get better with ahk
list =
While pos := RegExMatch(Clipboard, "(\w*) ─ (\d*)", m, pos ? pos + StrLen(m) : 1)
list .= m2 " " m1 " "
Clipboard := "", Clipboard := "Pls trade " list " <#951737931159187457>"
ClipWait, 0
If ErrorLevel
MsgBox, 48, Error, An error occurred while waiting for the clipboard.
If the pattern of your copied text dont change, you can use something like this:
list =
a := StrSplit(StrReplace(Clipboard, "`r"), "`n")
Loop,% a.Count() {
b := StrSplit( a[A_Index], ": " )
c := StrSplit( b[2], " - " )
list .= Trim( c[2] ) " " Trim( c[1] ) " "
Clipboard := "Pls trade " list " <#951737931159187457>"]
ToolTip % Clipboard ; just for debug
With your example text, the output will be:
Pls trade aetheryxflower ─ 4 alcohol ─ 3,709 ant ─ 11,924 apple ─ 15 armpithair ─ 2 <#951737931159187457>
And this will run EVERY TIME your clipboard changes, to avoid this, you can add at the top of the script #IfWinActive, WinTitle or #IfWinExist, WinTitle depending of your need.
The answer given would solve the problem, assuming that it never changes pattern as Diesson mentions.
I did the explanation of the code you provided with comments in the code below:
list = ; initalize a blank variable
; regexMatch(Haystack, regexNeedle, OutputVar, startPos)
; just for frame of reference in explanation of regexMatch
While ; loop while 'pos' <> 0
pos := RegExMatch(Clipboard ; Haystack is the string to be searched,
in this case the Clipboard
, "(\w*) ─ (\d*)" ; regex needle in this case "capture word characters
(a-z OR A-Z OR 0-9 OR _) any number of times, space dash space
then capture any number of digits (0-9)"
, m ; output var array base name, ie first capture will be in m1
second m2 and so on.
, pos ? pos + StrLen(m) : 1) ; starting position for search
"? :"used in this way is called a ternary operator, what is saying
is "if pos<>0 then length of string+pos is start position, otherwise
start at 1". Based on the docs, this shouldn't actually work well
since 'm' in this case should be left blank
list .= m2 " " m1 " " ; append the results to the 'list' variable
followed with a space
Clipboard := "" ; clear the clipboard.
Clipboard := "Pls trade " list " <#951737931159187457>"
ClipWait, 0 ; wait zero seconds for the clipboard to change
If ErrorLevel ; if waiting zero seconds for the clipboard to change
doesn't work, give error msg to user.
MsgBox, 48, Error, An error occurred while waiting for the clipboard.
Frankly this code is what I would call quick and dirty, and seems unlikely to work well all the time.

08:10:58.779 ServerScriptService.TimerScript:17: attempt to concatenate Instance with string - Server - TimerScript:17?

Im trying to make it so that it prints out the topplayer's name but it output prints the error on the title.
Heres the code:
local highest = 0
local mostvote = 0
while true do
local TopPlayer
local TopCash = 0
for i, plr in ipairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
local kills = plr.leaderstats.Kills.Value
if kills >= TopCash then
TopPlayer = plr
TopCash = kills
print(TopPlayer.." Got the most kills so "..TopPlayer.Team.." wins!")
for i, plr in ipairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
local kills = plr.leaderstats.Kills.Value
kills.Value = 0
print(TopPlayer.." Got the most kills so "..TopPlayer.Team.." wins!")
The error tells you what's happening : you've got an Instance of something and you're trying to add a string to it, and it doesn't know what to do with it.
TopPlayer is a Player instance, and you probably want to print out their name. So instead of using the Player instance directly, you should probably use their Name or their DisplayName in the message. Similarly, TopPlayer.Team is a Team instance, and you should probably print its Name as well.
print(TopPlayer.Name .." got the most kills so " .. TopPlayer.Team.Name .. " wins!")

Importing two text files to compare as lists sequentially

Student trying to compare two .txt files of string "answers" from a multiple choice test a,c,d,b, etc. I've found some information on different parts of the problems I'm having and found a possible way to get the comparisons I want, but the guide was meant for in script strings and not pulling a list from a file.
For the import of the two files and comparing them, I'm basing my code on my textbook and this video here: Video example
I've got the code up and running, but for some reason I'm only getting 0.0% match when I want to a 100.0% match, at least for the two text files I'm using with identical answer lists.
import difflib
answer_sheet = "TestAnswerList.txt"
student_sheet = "StudentAnswerList.txt"
ans_list = open(answer_sheet).readlines()
stu_list = open(student_sheet).readlines()
sequence = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk=None, a=ans_list, b=stu_list)
check_list = sequence.ratio()*100
check_list = round(check_list,1)
print(str(check_list) + "% match")
if check_list == 100:
print('This grade is Plus Ultra!')
elif check_list >= 75:
print('Good job, you pass!')
print('Please study harder for your next test.')
# not the crux of my issue, but will accept advice all the same
If I add in the close statement at the end for both of the text files, then I receive this error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File
"c:/Users/jaret/Documents/Ashford U/CPT 200/Python Code/Wk 5 Int Assg
- Tester", line 18, in
answer_sheet.close AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'close'
I had to re-look at how my files were being opened and realized that the syntax was for Python 2 not 3. I chose to go w/ basic open and later close to reduce any potential errors on my novice part.
import difflib
f1 = open('TestAnswerList.txt')
tst_ans = f1.readlines()
f2 = open('StudentAnswerList.txt')
stu_ans = f2.readlines()
sequence = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk=None, a=stu_ans, b=tst_ans)
check_list = sequence.ratio()*100
check_list = round(check_list,1)
print(str(check_list) + "% match") # Percentage correct
if check_list == 100:
print('This grade is Plus Ultra!')
elif check_list >= 75:
print('Good job, you pass!')
print('Please study harder for your next test.')
# Visual Answer match-up
print('Test Answers: ', tst_ans)
print('Student Answers:', stu_ans)

What is the purpose of Flux::sampleTimeout method in the project-reactor API?

The Java docs say the following:
Emit the last value from this Flux only if there were no new values emitted during the time window provided by a publisher for that particular last value.
However I found the above description confusing. I read in gitter chat that its similar to debounce in RxJava. Can someone please illustrate it with an example? I could not find this anywhere after doing a thorough search.
sampleTimeout lets you associate a companion Flux X' to each incoming value x in the source. If X' completes before the next value is emitted in the source, then value x is emitted. If not, x is dropped.
The same processing is applied to subsequent values.
Think of it as splitting the original sequence into windows delimited by the start and completion of each companion flux. If two windows overlap, the value that triggered the first one is dropped.
On the other side, you have sample(Duration) which only deals with a single companion Flux. It splits the sequence into windows that are contiguous, at a regular time period, and drops all but the last element emitted during a particular window.
(edit): about your use case
If I understand correctly, it looks like you have a processing of varying length that you want to schedule periodically, but you also don't want to consider values for which processing takes more than one period?
If so, it sounds like you want to 1) isolate your processing in its own thread using publishOn and 2) simply need sample(Duration) for the second part of the requirement (the delay allocated to a task is not changing).
Something like this:
List<Long> passed =
//regular scheduling:
//this is only to show that processing is indeed started regularly
//this is to isolate the blocking processing
//blocking processing itself
.map(tuple -> {
long l = tuple.getT2();
int sleep = l % 2 == 0 || l % 5 == 0 ? 100 : 210;
System.out.println(tuple.getT1() + "ms later - " + tuple.getT2() + ": sleeping for " + sleep + "ms");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return l;
//this is where we say "drop if too long"
//the rest is to make it finite and print the processed values that passed
Which outputs:
205ms later - 0: sleeping for 100ms
201ms later - 1: sleeping for 210ms
200ms later - 2: sleeping for 100ms
199ms later - 3: sleeping for 210ms
201ms later - 4: sleeping for 100ms
200ms later - 5: sleeping for 100ms
201ms later - 6: sleeping for 100ms
196ms later - 7: sleeping for 210ms
204ms later - 8: sleeping for 100ms
198ms later - 9: sleeping for 210ms
201ms later - 10: sleeping for 100ms
196ms later - 11: sleeping for 210ms
200ms later - 12: sleeping for 100ms
202ms later - 13: sleeping for 210ms
202ms later - 14: sleeping for 100ms
200ms later - 15: sleeping for 100ms
[0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15]
So the blocking processing is triggered approximately every 200ms, and only values that where processed within 200ms are kept.

Why is this block of code producing runtime error 91

This block of code is causing runtime error 91 or with block not set error
this code is for opening reports in crystal report in vb6
For DocCodeCount = 0 To cboDoctorsCode.ListCount - 1
strSqlStatement = "PFMS '" & cboControlCode.Text & "', '" & cboDoctorsCode.List(DocCodeCount) & "', '" & sCurrentUserName & "'"
strFilename = App.Path & "\Reports\ClaimsBillProc\PF MS.rpt"
newRpt.OpenReport vADOConnection, strSqlStatement, strFilename, strReportTitle, 3, False
Set newRpt = Nothing
When used in 1 time opening of report it runs fine but when it is used in this manner in the loop it causes error.
The answer is quite clear: You destroy your object within the loop.
This line is the obvious reason for your one time wonder:
Set newRpt = Nothing