What is the purpose of Flux::sampleTimeout method in the project-reactor API? - reactive-programming

The Java docs say the following:
Emit the last value from this Flux only if there were no new values emitted during the time window provided by a publisher for that particular last value.
However I found the above description confusing. I read in gitter chat that its similar to debounce in RxJava. Can someone please illustrate it with an example? I could not find this anywhere after doing a thorough search.

sampleTimeout lets you associate a companion Flux X' to each incoming value x in the source. If X' completes before the next value is emitted in the source, then value x is emitted. If not, x is dropped.
The same processing is applied to subsequent values.
Think of it as splitting the original sequence into windows delimited by the start and completion of each companion flux. If two windows overlap, the value that triggered the first one is dropped.
On the other side, you have sample(Duration) which only deals with a single companion Flux. It splits the sequence into windows that are contiguous, at a regular time period, and drops all but the last element emitted during a particular window.
(edit): about your use case
If I understand correctly, it looks like you have a processing of varying length that you want to schedule periodically, but you also don't want to consider values for which processing takes more than one period?
If so, it sounds like you want to 1) isolate your processing in its own thread using publishOn and 2) simply need sample(Duration) for the second part of the requirement (the delay allocated to a task is not changing).
Something like this:
List<Long> passed =
//regular scheduling:
//this is only to show that processing is indeed started regularly
//this is to isolate the blocking processing
//blocking processing itself
.map(tuple -> {
long l = tuple.getT2();
int sleep = l % 2 == 0 || l % 5 == 0 ? 100 : 210;
System.out.println(tuple.getT1() + "ms later - " + tuple.getT2() + ": sleeping for " + sleep + "ms");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return l;
//this is where we say "drop if too long"
//the rest is to make it finite and print the processed values that passed
Which outputs:
205ms later - 0: sleeping for 100ms
201ms later - 1: sleeping for 210ms
200ms later - 2: sleeping for 100ms
199ms later - 3: sleeping for 210ms
201ms later - 4: sleeping for 100ms
200ms later - 5: sleeping for 100ms
201ms later - 6: sleeping for 100ms
196ms later - 7: sleeping for 210ms
204ms later - 8: sleeping for 100ms
198ms later - 9: sleeping for 210ms
201ms later - 10: sleeping for 100ms
196ms later - 11: sleeping for 210ms
200ms later - 12: sleeping for 100ms
202ms later - 13: sleeping for 210ms
202ms later - 14: sleeping for 100ms
200ms later - 15: sleeping for 100ms
[0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15]
So the blocking processing is triggered approximately every 200ms, and only values that where processed within 200ms are kept.


Saving synchronised 7T fMRI Triggers received via USB connected NNL SyncBox, on every TR and Task Response Keypress (PsychoPy)

I would like to get synchronised timings and number of triggers for each single pulse sent by the 7T MRI scanner together with each single SPACEBAR keypress as a participant’s response when particular letters (A, B, C, X, Y) are presented on the screen, also the stimulus start time with each corresponding trigger.
So far I have added a “Waiting for scanner” routine where I get the first pulse via USB connected NNL Synbox saved in the .csv data file but I want to save each single pulse (TR) and timings. Triggers are automatically emulated as letter ‘s’ sent by the NNL Synbox.
# Code component: Creat routine "Wait for Scanner"
text_wait = visual.TextStim(win=win, name='text_wait',
text='Waiting for scanner...',
pos=(0, 0), height=0.8, wrapWidth=None, ori=0,
color='white', colorSpace='rgb', opacity=1,
#Set first MR Trigger
mr_trigger_number = [] # list for triggers
mr_trigger_time = [] # list for time of each trigger
ScannerKeyboard = keyboard.Keyboard() # set keyboard
count_mr_trigger = 0 # counts amount of MR scanner trigger, starts with zero
start_trigger = ScannerKeyboard.getKeys(keyList=['s'], waitRelease = False) # experiment starts with MR Scanner "s"
# Draw waiting Screen until "s" is sent from NNL Syncbox
while len(start_trigger) == 0: # if no trigger was sent show:
text_wait.draw() # Text "Waiting for scanner"
start_trigger = ScannerKeyboard.getKeys(keyList=['s'], waitRelease = False) # show text_wait until one "s" was received
# Get timing information and store trigger number
onset = core.getTime() # get Onset time of trigger
count_mr_trigger = count_mr_trigger + 1 # count MR Scanner trigger, add "1!
# Save time and number of MR Trigger
thisExp.addData('MR_trigger_time',onset) # save trigger time of onset
And also I used the following code component in > Each Frame tab of 2 trials conditions to save the stimuli onset timings when a pulse 's' is received. This works fine but stimulus start time > stimulus_start_time = globalClock.getTime() - mr_trigger_time is saved based on first pulse only as I am unable to save each pulse timings.
#save stimulus onset time for two types of trial conditions
if trials.thisN == 0 and frameN == 0:
loop_start_time = globalClock.getTime() - mr_trigger_time
elif frameN == 1:
stimulus_start_time = globalClock.getTime() - mr_trigger_time
# store the data:
thisExp.addData('stimulus_start_time', stimulus_start_time)
if trials_2.thisN == 0 and frameN == 0:
loop_start_time = globalClock.getTime() - mr_trigger_time
elif frameN == 1:
stimulus_start_time = globalClock.getTime() - mr_trigger_time
# store the data:
thisExp.addData('stimulus_start_time', stimulus_start_time)
However, I want to record and save timings of each trigger pulse when a SPACEBAR response is pressed on a target letter (stimulus) by a participant, to compare the timings with accuracy and reaction times of the task with each corresponding trigger timings.
I would really appreciate your valuable suggestions on how to work around this, as I am quite new to the PsychoPy. I also posted to the PsychoPy forum but haven't got any update so far.
Thanks in advance!

How to change quantum in xv6? [duplicate]

Right now it seems that on every click tick, the running process is preempted and forced to yield the processor, I have thoroughly investigated the code-base and the only relevant part of the code to process preemption is below (in trap.c):
// Force process to give up CPU on clock tick.
// If interrupts were on while locks held, would need to check nlock.
if(myproc() && myproc() -> state == RUNNING && tf -> trapno == T_IRQ0 + IRQ_TIMER)
I guess that timing is specified in T_IRQ0 + IRQ_TIMER, but I can't figure out how these two can be modified, these two are specified in trap.h:
#define T_IRQ0 32 // IRQ 0 corresponds to int T_IRQ
#define IRQ_TIMER 0
I wonder how I can change the default RR scheduling time-slice (which is right now 1 clock tick, fir example make it 10 clock-tick)?
If you want a process to be executed more time than the others, you can allow it more timeslices, *without` changing the timeslice duration.
To do so, you can add some extra_slice and current_slice in struct proc and modify the TIMER trap handler this way:
if(myproc() && myproc()->state == RUNNING &&
tf->trapno == T_IRQ0+IRQ_TIMER)
int current = myproc()->current_slice;
if ( current )
myproc()->current_slice = current - 1;
Then you just have to create a syscall to set extra_slice and modify the scheduler function to reset current_slice to extra_slice at process wakeup:
// Switch to chosen process. It is the process's job
// to release ptable.lock and then reacquire it
// before jumping back to us.
c->proc = p;
p->state = RUNNING;
p->current_slice = p->extra_slice
You can read lapic.c file:
// The timer repeatedly counts down at bus frequency
// from lapic[TICR] and then issues an interrupt.
// If xv6 cared more about precise timekeeping,
// TICR would be calibrated using an external time source.
lapicw(TDCR, X1);
lapicw(TICR, 10000000);
So, if you want the timer interrupt to be more spaced, change the TICR value:
lapicw(TICR, 10000000); //10 000 000
can become
lapicw(TICR, 100000000); //100 000 000
Warning, TICR references a 32bits unsigned counter, do not go over 4 294 967 295 (0xFFFFFFFF)

How to modify process preemption policies (like RR time-slices) in XV6?

Right now it seems that on every click tick, the running process is preempted and forced to yield the processor, I have thoroughly investigated the code-base and the only relevant part of the code to process preemption is below (in trap.c):
// Force process to give up CPU on clock tick.
// If interrupts were on while locks held, would need to check nlock.
if(myproc() && myproc() -> state == RUNNING && tf -> trapno == T_IRQ0 + IRQ_TIMER)
I guess that timing is specified in T_IRQ0 + IRQ_TIMER, but I can't figure out how these two can be modified, these two are specified in trap.h:
#define T_IRQ0 32 // IRQ 0 corresponds to int T_IRQ
#define IRQ_TIMER 0
I wonder how I can change the default RR scheduling time-slice (which is right now 1 clock tick, fir example make it 10 clock-tick)?
If you want a process to be executed more time than the others, you can allow it more timeslices, *without` changing the timeslice duration.
To do so, you can add some extra_slice and current_slice in struct proc and modify the TIMER trap handler this way:
if(myproc() && myproc()->state == RUNNING &&
tf->trapno == T_IRQ0+IRQ_TIMER)
int current = myproc()->current_slice;
if ( current )
myproc()->current_slice = current - 1;
Then you just have to create a syscall to set extra_slice and modify the scheduler function to reset current_slice to extra_slice at process wakeup:
// Switch to chosen process. It is the process's job
// to release ptable.lock and then reacquire it
// before jumping back to us.
c->proc = p;
p->state = RUNNING;
p->current_slice = p->extra_slice
You can read lapic.c file:
// The timer repeatedly counts down at bus frequency
// from lapic[TICR] and then issues an interrupt.
// If xv6 cared more about precise timekeeping,
// TICR would be calibrated using an external time source.
lapicw(TDCR, X1);
lapicw(TICR, 10000000);
So, if you want the timer interrupt to be more spaced, change the TICR value:
lapicw(TICR, 10000000); //10 000 000
can become
lapicw(TICR, 100000000); //100 000 000
Warning, TICR references a 32bits unsigned counter, do not go over 4 294 967 295 (0xFFFFFFFF)

Marathon backoff - is it really exponential?

I'm trying to figure out Marathon's exponential backoff configuration. Here's the documentation:
The backoffSeconds and backoffFactor values are multiplied until they reach the maxLaunchDelaySeconds value. After they reach that value, Marathon waits maxLaunchDelaySeconds before repeating this cycle exponentially. For example, if backoffSeconds: 3, backoffFactor: 2, and maxLaunchDelaySeconds: 3600, there will be ten attempts to launch a failed task, each three seconds apart. After these ten attempts, Marathon will wait 3600 seconds before repeating this cycle.
The way I think of exponential backoff is that the wait periods should be:
3*2^0 = 3
3*2^1 = 6
3*2^2 = 12
3*2^3 = 24 and so on
so every time the app crashes, Marathon will wait a longer period of time before retrying. However, given the description above, Marathon's logic for waiting looks something like this:
int retryCount = 0;
while(backoffSeconds * (backoffFactor ^ retryCount) < maxLaunchDelaySeconds)
This matches the explanation in the documentation, since 3*2^x < 3600 for values of x fewer than or equal to 10. However, I really don't see how it can be called an exponential backoff, since the wait time is constant.
Is there a way to make Marathon wait progressively longer times with every restart of the app? Am I misunderstand the doc? Any help would be appreciated!
as far as I understand the code in the RateLimiter.scala, it is like you described, but then capped to the maxLaunchDelay waiting period. Let`s say maxLaunchDelay is one hour (3600s)
3*2^0 = 3
3*2^1 = 6
3*2^2 = 12
3*2^3 = 24
3*2^4 = 48
3*2^5 = 96
3*2^6 = 192
3*2^7 = 384
3*2^8 = 768
3*2^9 = 1536
3*2^10 = 3072
3*2^11 = 3600 (6144)
3*2^12 = 3600 (12288)
3*2^13 = 3600 (24576)
Which brings us a typically 2^n graph, see
You would get a bigger increase, if you would other backoffFactors,
for example backoff factor 10:
or backoff factor 20:
Additionally I saw a re-work of this topic, code review currently open here: https://phabricator.mesosphere.com/D1007
What do you think?

Twitter's Future.collect not working concurrently (Scala)

Coming from a node.js background, I am new to Scala and I tried using Twitter's Future.collect to perform some simple concurrent operations. But my code shows sequential behavior rather than concurrent behavior. What am I doing wrong?
Here's my code,
import com.twitter.util.Future
def waitForSeconds(seconds: Int, container:String): Future[String] = Future[String] {
println(container + ": done waiting for " + seconds + " seconds")
container + " :done waiting for " + seconds + " seconds"
def mainFunction:String = {
val allTasks = Future.collect(Seq(waitForSeconds(1, "All"), waitForSeconds(3, "All"), waitForSeconds(2, "All")))
val singleTask = waitForSeconds(1, "Single")
allTasks onSuccess { res =>
println("All tasks succeeded with result " + res)
singleTask onSuccess { res =>
println("Single task succeeded with result " + res)
"Function Complete"
and this is the output I get,
All: done waiting for 1 seconds
All: done waiting for 3 seconds
All: done waiting for 2 seconds
Single: done waiting for 1 seconds
All tasks succeeded with result ArraySeq(All :done waiting for 1 seconds, All :done waiting for 3 seconds, All :done waiting for 2 seconds)
Single task succeeded with result Single :done waiting for 1 seconds
Function Complete
The output I expect is,
All: done waiting for 1 seconds
Single: done waiting for 1 seconds
All: done waiting for 2 seconds
All: done waiting for 3 seconds
All tasks succeeded with result ArraySeq(All :done waiting for 1 seconds, All :done waiting for 3 seconds, All :done waiting for 2 seconds)
Single task succeeded with result Single :done waiting for 1 seconds
Function Complete
Twitter's futures are more explicit about where computations are executed than the Scala standard library futures. In particular, Future.apply will capture exceptions safely (like s.c.Future), but it doesn't say anything about which thread the computation will run in. In your case the computations are running in the main thread, which is why you're seeing the results you're seeing.
This approach has several advantages over the standard library's future API. For one thing it keeps method signatures simpler, since there's not an implicit ExecutionContext that has to be passed around everywhere. More importantly it makes it easier to avoid context switches (here's a classic explanation by Brian Degenhardt). In this respect Twitter's Future is more like Scalaz's Task, and has essentially the same performance benefits (described for example in this blog post).
The downside of being more explicit about where computations run is that you have to be more explicit about where computations run. In your case you could write something like this:
import com.twitter.util.{ Future, FuturePool }
val pool = FuturePool.unboundedPool
def waitForSeconds(seconds: Int, container:String): Future[String] = pool {
println(container + ": done waiting for " + seconds + " seconds")
container + " :done waiting for " + seconds + " seconds"
This won't produce exactly the output you're asking for ("Function complete" will be printed first, and allTasks and singleTask aren't sequenced with respect to each other), but it will run the tasks in parallel on separate threads.
(As a footnote: the FuturePool.unboundedPool in my example above is an easy way to create a future pool for a demo, and is often just fine, but it isn't appropriate for CPU-intensive computations—see the FuturePool API docs for other ways to create a future pool that will use an ExecutorService that you provide and can manage yourself.)