Unable to access #EnvironmentObject from a child view constructed with a function - swift

I'm trying to pass an EnvironmentObject to child views but am having no luck with the following code.
struct ContentView: View {
enum MyViews: Int, CaseIterable {
case introView
case viewOne
case viewTwo
var activeView: AnyView {
switch self.rawValue {
case 0: return AnyView(IntroView())
case 1: return AnyView(ViewOne())
case 2: return AnyView(ViewTwo())
default: return AnyView(IntroView())
#State var pageIndex = 0
func content() -> MyViews? {
let newPage = MyViews.init(rawValue: pageIndex)
return newPage
var body: some View {
Group {
content()?.activeView // Problem appears to lie here
If I replace content()?.activeView with a simple view e.g. TestView() then I'm able to successfully print out the userData variable in TestView(). But as it stands, I get a crash when trying to access userData in ViewOne(), even when ViewOne is identical to TestView().
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

The problem is that you need to pass your EnvironmentObject manually via init() to your viewModel. It won't be injected automatically. Here is a approach how to do it
func getActiveView(userData: UserData) -> AnyView {
switch self.rawValue {
case 0: return AnyView(IntroView(userData: userData))
case 1: return AnyView(ViewOne())
default: return AnyView(IntroView(userData: userData))
In your View of ContentView call the function and pass the userData
ZStack {
.getActiveView(userData: userData)
IntroView and ViewModel take userData as parameter
class AListViewModel: ObservableObject {
var userData: UserData
init(userData: UserData) {
self.userData = userData
func myFunc(){
print("myVar: \(userData.myVar)")
struct IntroView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var userData: UserData
#ObservedObject var someListVM : AListViewModel
init(userData: UserData) {
someListVM = AListViewModel(userData: userData)


Enum in viewmodel is not triggering refresh in SwiftUI

I've got a ViewModel which conforms the ObservableObject protocol.
This ViewModel holds a enum variable.
class DeviceViewModel:ObservableObject {
enum ConnectionState: Equatable, CaseIterable {
case NoConnected
case Connected
#Published var connectionState: ConnectionState = .NoConnected
I also got a simple view that it will change the text depending of that enum:
struct ContentView: View {
let viewModel: DeviceViewModel
var body: some View {
if viewModel.connectionState != .NoConnected {
} else {
Text("No connected")
I've noticed that if the enum connectionState changes it won't trigger the view to refresh.
To test this I've added a init method in the ViewModel with the following asyncAfter:
init() {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5) { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else {
self.connectionState = .Connected
print("self.connectionState: \(self.connectionState)")
Any idea what I'm missing?
The view needs to observe the changes in order to refresh:
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject let viewModel: DeviceViewModel
Use #StateObject to declare your viewModel.
struct ContentView: View {
#StateObject var viewModel = DeviceViewModel()
var body: some View {
if viewModel.connectionState != .NoConnected {
} else {
Text("No connected")

Updating a #State property from within a SwiftUI View

I have an AsyncContentView that handles the loading of data when the view appears and handles the switching of a loading view and the content (Taken from here swiftbysundell):
struct AsyncContentView<P:Parsable, Source:Loader<P>, Content: View>: View {
#ObservedObject private var source: Source
private var content: (P.ReturnType) -> Content
init?(source: Source, reloadAfter reloadTime:UInt64 = 0, #ViewBuilder content: #escaping (P.ReturnType) -> Content) {
self.source = source
self.content = content
func loadInfo() {
Task {
await source.loadData()
var body: some View {
switch source.state {
case .idle:
return AnyView(Color.clear.onAppear(perform: loadInfo))
case .loading:
return AnyView(ProgressView("Loading..."))
case .loaded(let output):
return AnyView(content(output))
For completeness, here's the Parsable protocol:
protocol Parsable: ObservableObject {
associatedtype ReturnType
var result: ReturnType { get }
And the LoadingState and Loader
enum LoadingState<Value> {
case idle
case loading
case loaded(Value)
class Loader<P:Parsable>: ObservableObject {
#Published public var state: LoadingState<P.ReturnType> = .idle
func loadData() async {
self.state = .loading
await Task.sleep(2_000_000_000)
self.state = .loaded(P().result)
Here is some dummy data I am using:
struct Interface: Hashable {
let name:String
struct Interfaces {
let interfaces: [Interface] = [
Interface(name: "test1"),
Interface(name: "test2"),
Interface(name: "test3")
var selectedInterface: Interface { interfaces.randomElement()! }
Now I put it all together like this which does it's job. It processes the async function which shows the loading view for 2 seconds, then produces the content view using the supplied data:
struct ContentView: View {
class SomeParsableData: Parsable {
typealias ReturnType = Interfaces
required init() { }
var result = Interfaces()
#StateObject var pageLoader: Loader<SomeParsableData> = Loader()
#State private var selectedInterface: Interface?
var body: some View {
AsyncContentView(source: pageLoader) { result in
Picker(selection: $selectedInterface, label: Text("Selected radio")) {
ForEach(result.interfaces, id: \.self) {
Now the problem I am having, is this data contains which segment should be selected. In my real app, this is a web request to fetch data that includes which segment is selected.
So how can I have this view update the selectedInterface #state property?
If I simply add the line
self.selectedInterface = result.selectedInterface
into my AsyncContentView I get this error
Type '()' cannot conform to 'View'
You can do it in onAppear of generated content, but I suppose it is better to do it not directly but via binding (which is like a reference to state's external storage), like
var body: some View {
let selected = self.$selectedInterface
AsyncContentView(source: pageLoader) { result in
Picker(selection: selected, label: Text("Selected radio")) {
ForEach(result.interfaces, id: \.self) {
Text($0.name).tag(Optional($0)) // << here !!
.onAppear {
selected.wrappedValue = result.selectedInterface // << here !!

SwiftUI #Binding reloading on push/pop with different navigation items

I've got a very simple app example that has two views: a MasterView and a DetailView. The MasterView is presented inside a ContentView with a NavigationView:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
MasterView(viewModel: MasterViewModel())
leading: EditButton()
struct MasterView: View {
#ObservedObject private var viewModel: MasterViewModel
init(viewModel: MasterViewModel) {
self.viewModel = viewModel
var body: some View {
return DataStatusView(dataSource: self.$viewModel.result) { texts -> AnyView in
return AnyView(List {
ForEach(texts, id: \.self) { text in
destination: DetailView(viewModel: DetailViewModel(stringToDisplay: text))
) {
}.onAppear {
if case .waiting = self.viewModel.result {
struct DetailView: View {
#ObservedObject private var viewModel: DetailViewModel
init(viewModel: DetailViewModel) {
self.viewModel = viewModel
var body: some View {
self.showView().onAppear {
func showView() -> some View {
switch self.viewModel.result {
case .found(let s):
return AnyView(Text(s))
return AnyView(Color.red)
The DataStatusView is a simple view to manage some state:
public enum ResultState<T, E: Error> {
case waiting
case loading
case found(T)
case failed(E)
struct DataStatusView<Content, T>: View where Content: View {
#Binding private(set) var dataSource: ResultState<T, Error>
private let content: (T) -> Content
private let waitingContent: AnyView?
#inlinable init(dataSource: Binding<ResultState<T, Error>>,
waitingContent: AnyView? = nil,
#ViewBuilder content: #escaping (T) -> Content) {
self._dataSource = dataSource
self.waitingContent = waitingContent
self.content = content
var body: some View {
private func buildMainView() -> some View {
switch self.dataSource {
case .waiting:
return AnyView(Color.red)
case .loading:
return AnyView(Color.green)
case .found(let data):
return AnyView(self.content(data))
case .failed:
return AnyView(Color.yellow)
and the view models are a very simple "pretend to make a network call" vm:
final class MasterViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var result: ResultState<[String], Error> = .waiting
init() { }
func fetch() {
self.result = .loading
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.result = .found(["This", "is", "a", "test"])
final class DetailViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var result: ResultState<String, Error> = .waiting
private let stringToDisplay: String
init(stringToDisplay: String) {
self.stringToDisplay = stringToDisplay
func fetch() {
self.result = .loading
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.result = .found(self.stringToDisplay)
Now the problem I'm having is that every time I go from Master -> Detail view the block inside the DataStatusView is called. This is a problem because the "DetailView" is constantly re-created (and therefore its vm too, which causes the loading of the detail's data to fail).
This is happening because when I go from master -> detail the buttons in the navigation bar change (or at least that's the hypothesis). When I remove the lines:
leading: EditButton()
This works as "expected".
What is the "SwiftUI" way of dealing with this? A sample project that shows this issue is here: https://github.com/kerrmarin/swiftui-mvvm-master-detail

SwiftUI can not return View on function

I'm trying return View based selected menu item on function. But it throws error:
Protocol 'View' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements.
There my code:
enum MenuItem {
case Main
case Report
struct Menu: View {
#State var activeItem: MenuItem = .Main
private func getActiveView() -> View {
switch activeItem {
case .Main:
return DashboardView()
case .Report:
return ReportView()
var body: some View {
struct DashboardView: View {
var body: some View {
struct ReportView: View {
var body: some View {
Im new on SwiftUI. Any ideas how to return View?
SwiftUI 2
Here is a solution tested with Xcode 12b / iOS 14
struct Menu: View {
#State var activeItem: MenuItem = .Main
// make function ViewBuilder
private func getActiveView() -> some View {
switch activeItem {
case .Main:
DashboardView() // don't use 'return' as it disables ViewBuilder
case .Report:
var body: some View {
SwiftUI gives us a type-erased wrapper called AnyView that we can return.
Tested Solution:
struct Menu: View {
#State var activeItem: MenuItem = .Main
func getActiveView() -> some View {
switch activeItem {
case .Main:
return AnyView(DashboardView())
case .Report:
return AnyView(ReportView())
var body: some View {
Note: type-erased wrapper effectively forces Swift to forget about what specific
type is inside the AnyView, allowing them to look like they are the
same thing. This has a performance cost, though, so don’t use it
For more information you can refer to the this cool article: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/swiftui/how-to-return-different-view-types

Alternative to switch statement in SwiftUI ViewBuilder block?

⚠️ 23 June 2020 Edit: From Xcode 12, both switch and if let statements will be supported in the ViewBuilder!
I’ve been trying to replicate an app of mine using SwiftUI. It has a RootViewController which, depending on an enum value, shows a different child view controller. As in SwiftUI we use views instead of view controllers, my code looks like this:
struct RootView : View {
#State var containedView: ContainedView = .home
var body: some View {
// custom header goes here
switch containedView {
case .home: HomeView()
case .categories: CategoriesView()
Unfortunately, I get a warning:
Closure containing control flow statement cannot be used with function builder ViewBuilder.
So, are there any alternatives to switch so I can replicate this behaviour?
⚠️ 23 June 2020 Edit: From Xcode 12, both switch and if let statements will be supported in the ViewBuilder!
Thanks for the answers, guys. I’ve found a solution on Apple’s Dev Forums.
It’s answered by Kiel Gillard. The solution is to extract the switch in a function as Lu_, Linus and Mo suggested, but we have to wrap the views in AnyView for it to work – like this:
struct RootView: View {
#State var containedViewType: ContainedViewType = .home
var body: some View {
VStack {
// custom header goes here
func containedView() -> AnyView {
switch containedViewType {
case .home: return AnyView(HomeView())
case .categories: return AnyView(CategoriesView())
Update: SwiftUI 2 now includes support for switch statements in function builders, https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/30174
Adding to Nikolai's answer, which got the switch compiling but not working with transitions, here's a version of his example that does support transitions.
struct RootView: View {
#State var containedViewType: ContainedViewType = .home
var body: some View {
VStack {
// custom header goes here
func containedView() -> some View {
switch containedViewType {
case .home: return AnyView(HomeView()).id("HomeView")
case .categories: return AnyView(CategoriesView()).id("CategoriesView")
Note the id(...) that has been added to each AnyView. This allows SwiftUI to identify the view within it's view hierarchy allowing it to apply the transition animations correctly.
It looks like you don't need to extract the switch statement into a separate function if you specify the return type of a ViewBuilder. For example:
Group { () -> Text in
switch status {
case .on:
return Text("On")
case .off:
return Text("Off")
Note: You can also return arbitrary view types if you wrap them in AnyView and specify that as the return type.
You must wrap your code in a View, such as VStack, or Group:
var body: some View {
Group {
switch containedView {
case .home: HomeView()
case .categories: CategoriesView()
or, adding return values should work:
var body: some View {
switch containedView {
case .home: return HomeView()
case .categories: return CategoriesView()
The best-practice way to solve this issue, however, would be to create a method that returns a view:
func nextView(for containedView: YourViewEnum) -> some AnyView {
switch containedView {
case .home: return HomeView()
case .categories: return CategoriesView()
var body: some View {
nextView(for: containedView)
You can use enum with #ViewBuilder as follow ...
Declear enum
enum Destination: CaseIterable, Identifiable {
case restaurants
case profile
var id: String { return title }
var title: String {
switch self {
case .restaurants: return "Restaurants"
case .profile: return "Profile"
Now in the View file
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var selectedDestination: Destination? = .restaurants
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
view(for: selectedDestination)
func view(for destination: Destination?) -> some View {
switch destination {
case .some(.restaurants):
case .some(.profile):
If you want to use the same case with the NavigationLink ... You can use it as follow
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var selectedDestination: Destination? = .restaurants
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
selection: $selectedDestination) { item in
NavigationLink(destination: view(for: selectedDestination),
tag: item,
selection: $selectedDestination) {
func view(for destination: Destination?) -> some View {
switch destination {
case .some(.restaurants):
case .some(.profile):
Providing default statement in the switch solved it for me:
struct RootView : View {
#State var containedView: ContainedView = .home
var body: some View {
// custom header goes here
switch containedView {
case .home: HomeView()
case .categories: CategoriesView()
default: EmptyView()
You can do with a wrapper View
struct MakeView: View {
let make: () -> AnyView
var body: some View {
struct UseMakeView: View {
let animal: Animal = .cat
var body: some View {
MakeView {
switch self.animal {
case .cat:
return Text("cat").erase()
case .dog:
return Text("dog").erase()
case .mouse:
return Text("mouse").erase()
For not using AnyView(). I will use a bunch of if statements and implement the protocols Equatable and CustomStringConvertible in my Enum for retrieving my associated values:
var body: some View {
ZStack {
.onAppear { self.viewModel.send(event: .onAppear) }
// You can use viewModel.state == .loading as well if your don't have
// associated values
if viewModel.state.description == "loading" {
} else if viewModel.state.description == "idle" {
} else if viewModel.state.description == "loaded" {
LoadedContentView(list: viewModel.state.value as! [AnimeItem])
} else if viewModel.state.description == "error" {
ErrorContentView(error: viewModel.state.value as! Error)
And I will separate my views using a struct:
struct ErrorContentView: View {
var error: Error
var body: some View {
VStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 100)