SwiftUI can not return View on function - swift

I'm trying return View based selected menu item on function. But it throws error:
Protocol 'View' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements.
There my code:
enum MenuItem {
case Main
case Report
struct Menu: View {
#State var activeItem: MenuItem = .Main
private func getActiveView() -> View {
switch activeItem {
case .Main:
return DashboardView()
case .Report:
return ReportView()
var body: some View {
struct DashboardView: View {
var body: some View {
struct ReportView: View {
var body: some View {
Im new on SwiftUI. Any ideas how to return View?

SwiftUI 2
Here is a solution tested with Xcode 12b / iOS 14
struct Menu: View {
#State var activeItem: MenuItem = .Main
// make function ViewBuilder
private func getActiveView() -> some View {
switch activeItem {
case .Main:
DashboardView() // don't use 'return' as it disables ViewBuilder
case .Report:
var body: some View {

SwiftUI gives us a type-erased wrapper called AnyView that we can return.
Tested Solution:
struct Menu: View {
#State var activeItem: MenuItem = .Main
func getActiveView() -> some View {
switch activeItem {
case .Main:
return AnyView(DashboardView())
case .Report:
return AnyView(ReportView())
var body: some View {
Note: type-erased wrapper effectively forces Swift to forget about what specific
type is inside the AnyView, allowing them to look like they are the
same thing. This has a performance cost, though, so don’t use it
For more information you can refer to the this cool article: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/swiftui/how-to-return-different-view-types


SwiftUI 4 NavigationLink is invoking the link twice

I'm using the new NavigationLink in iOS 16 and hitting a problem where the target of the .navigationDestination is being called twice. Example code:
struct Content: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
ScrollView {
VStack {
ForEach(0..<10) { number in
NavigationLink(value: number) {
}.navigationDestination(for: Int.self) { value in
SubView(model: Model(value: value))
class Model: ObservableObject {
#Published var value: Int
init(value: Int) {
print("Init for value \(value)")
self.value = value
struct SubView: View {
#ObservedObject var model: Model
var body: some View {
When I touch one of the numbers in the Content view the init message in the model is shown twice, indicating that the class has been instantiated more than once. This is not a problem in a trivial example like this, but in my app the model does a network fetch and calculation so this is being done twice, which is more of an issue.
Any thoughts?
I think problem is caused by ObservableObject. It needs to store it's state. I think it's better to use StateObject. Please try that one for SubView. :)
struct SubView: View {
#StateObject private var model: Model
init(value: Int) {
self._model = StateObject(wrappedValue: Model(value: value))
var body: some View {

Nesting of several NavigationLink in a NavigationStack causes the loss of animation and breaks the backtracking

SwiftUI 4.0 introduces a new NavigationStack view.
Let's consider this simple structure.
struct Item: Identifiable, Hashable {
static let sample = [Item(), Item(), Item()]
let id = UUID()
When a NavigationLink is nested in another one, the navigation loses its animation and the backtracking takes directly to the root. Did I miss something, or is this a bug?
struct ItemDetailView: View {
let item: Item
var body: some View {
struct ItemListView: View {
var body: some View {
List(Item.sample) { item in
NavigationLink(item.id.uuidString, value: item)
struct ExploreView: View {
var body: some View {
List {
Section {
NavigationLink {
} label: {
.navigationDestination(for: Item.self) { item in
ItemDetailView(item: item)
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
Found the solution thanks to #Asperi's comment.
First, create a Hashable enum containing the destinations.
enum Destination: Hashable {
case items
var view: some View {
switch self {
case .items:
return ItemListView()
var title: LocalizedStringKey {
switch self {
case .items:
return "Items"
Next, use the new NavigationLink initializer.
NavigationLink(Destination.items.title, value: Destination.items)
And finally, add a new .navigationDestination modifier to catch all Destination values.
.navigationDestination(for: Destination.self) { destination in

SwiftUI: Why is onAppear executing twice? [duplicate]

Trying to load an image after the view loads, the model object driving the view (see MovieDetail below) has a urlString. Because a SwiftUI View element has no life cycle methods (and there's not a view controller driving things) what is the best way to handle this?
The main issue I'm having is no matter which way I try to solve the problem (Binding an object or using a State variable), my View doesn't have the urlString until after it loads...
// movie object
struct Movie: Decodable, Identifiable {
let id: String
let title: String
let year: String
let type: String
var posterUrl: String
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "imdbID"
case title = "Title"
case year = "Year"
case type = "Type"
case posterUrl = "Poster"
// root content list view that navigates to the detail view
struct ContentView : View {
var movies: [Movie]
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(movies) { movie in
NavigationButton(destination: MovieDetail(movie: movie)) {
MovieRow(movie: movie)
.navigationBarTitle(Text("Star Wars Movies"))
// detail view that needs to make the asynchronous call
struct MovieDetail : View {
let movie: Movie
#State var imageObject = BoundImageObject()
var body: some View {
HStack(alignment: .top) {
VStack {
Image(uiImage: imageObject.image)
We can achieve this using view modifier.
Create ViewModifier:
struct ViewDidLoadModifier: ViewModifier {
#State private var didLoad = false
private let action: (() -> Void)?
init(perform action: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
self.action = action
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
content.onAppear {
if didLoad == false {
didLoad = true
Create View extension:
extension View {
func onLoad(perform action: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> some View {
modifier(ViewDidLoadModifier(perform: action))
Use like this:
struct SomeView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
}.onLoad {
I hope this is helpful. I found a blogpost that talks about doing stuff onAppear for a navigation view.
Idea would be that you bake your service into a BindableObject and subscribe to those updates in your view.
struct SearchView : View {
#State private var query: String = "Swift"
#EnvironmentObject var repoStore: ReposStore
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
TextField($query, placeholder: Text("type something..."), onCommit: fetch)
ForEach(repoStore.repos) { repo in
RepoRow(repo: repo)
}.onAppear(perform: fetch)
private func fetch() {
repoStore.fetch(matching: query)
import SwiftUI
import Combine
class ReposStore: BindableObject {
var repos: [Repo] = [] {
didSet {
var didChange = PassthroughSubject<ReposStore, Never>()
let service: GithubService
init(service: GithubService) {
self.service = service
func fetch(matching query: String) {
service.search(matching: query) { [weak self] result in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
switch result {
case .success(let repos): self?.repos = repos
case .failure: self?.repos = []
Credit to: Majid Jabrayilov
Fully updated for Xcode 11.2, Swift 5.0
I think the viewDidLoad() just equal to implement in the body closure.
SwiftUI gives us equivalents to UIKit’s viewDidAppear() and viewDidDisappear() in the form of onAppear() and onDisappear(). You can attach any code to these two events that you want, and SwiftUI will execute them when they occur.
As an example, this creates two views that use onAppear() and onDisappear() to print messages, with a navigation link to move between the two:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView()) {
Text("Hello World")
}.onAppear {
print("ContentView appeared!")
}.onDisappear {
print("ContentView disappeared!")
ref: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/swiftui/how-to-respond-to-view-lifecycle-events-onappear-and-ondisappear
I'm using init() instead. I think onApear() is not an alternative to viewDidLoad(). Because onApear is called when your view is being appeared. Since your view can be appear multiple times it conflicts with viewDidLoad which is called once.
Imagine having a TabView. By swiping through pages onApear() is being called multiple times. However viewDidLoad() is called just once.

How to pass view of different type to another view in SwiftUI?

So I have this TestView which accepts headerContent and bodyContent,
struct TestView<Content: View>: View {
var headerContent: (() -> Content)? = nil
let bodyContent: () -> Content
var body: some View {
VStack {
And I use it as,
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
TestView(headerContent: {
}) {
ScrollView {
But I get the following error,
Cannot convert value of type 'ScrollView<EmptyView>' to closure result type 'Text'
What am I missing?
You need to have two View generics, since headerContent and bodyContent are not the same.
Without this, you are saying there is some concrete type Content that conforms to View. However, both Text and ScrollView are different types, not the same.
struct TestView<HeaderContent: View, BodyContent: View>: View {
var headerContent: (() -> HeaderContent)? = nil
let bodyContent: () -> BodyContent
var body: some View {
VStack {

Alternative to switch statement in SwiftUI ViewBuilder block?

⚠️ 23 June 2020 Edit: From Xcode 12, both switch and if let statements will be supported in the ViewBuilder!
I’ve been trying to replicate an app of mine using SwiftUI. It has a RootViewController which, depending on an enum value, shows a different child view controller. As in SwiftUI we use views instead of view controllers, my code looks like this:
struct RootView : View {
#State var containedView: ContainedView = .home
var body: some View {
// custom header goes here
switch containedView {
case .home: HomeView()
case .categories: CategoriesView()
Unfortunately, I get a warning:
Closure containing control flow statement cannot be used with function builder ViewBuilder.
So, are there any alternatives to switch so I can replicate this behaviour?
⚠️ 23 June 2020 Edit: From Xcode 12, both switch and if let statements will be supported in the ViewBuilder!
Thanks for the answers, guys. I’ve found a solution on Apple’s Dev Forums.
It’s answered by Kiel Gillard. The solution is to extract the switch in a function as Lu_, Linus and Mo suggested, but we have to wrap the views in AnyView for it to work – like this:
struct RootView: View {
#State var containedViewType: ContainedViewType = .home
var body: some View {
VStack {
// custom header goes here
func containedView() -> AnyView {
switch containedViewType {
case .home: return AnyView(HomeView())
case .categories: return AnyView(CategoriesView())
Update: SwiftUI 2 now includes support for switch statements in function builders, https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/30174
Adding to Nikolai's answer, which got the switch compiling but not working with transitions, here's a version of his example that does support transitions.
struct RootView: View {
#State var containedViewType: ContainedViewType = .home
var body: some View {
VStack {
// custom header goes here
func containedView() -> some View {
switch containedViewType {
case .home: return AnyView(HomeView()).id("HomeView")
case .categories: return AnyView(CategoriesView()).id("CategoriesView")
Note the id(...) that has been added to each AnyView. This allows SwiftUI to identify the view within it's view hierarchy allowing it to apply the transition animations correctly.
It looks like you don't need to extract the switch statement into a separate function if you specify the return type of a ViewBuilder. For example:
Group { () -> Text in
switch status {
case .on:
return Text("On")
case .off:
return Text("Off")
Note: You can also return arbitrary view types if you wrap them in AnyView and specify that as the return type.
You must wrap your code in a View, such as VStack, or Group:
var body: some View {
Group {
switch containedView {
case .home: HomeView()
case .categories: CategoriesView()
or, adding return values should work:
var body: some View {
switch containedView {
case .home: return HomeView()
case .categories: return CategoriesView()
The best-practice way to solve this issue, however, would be to create a method that returns a view:
func nextView(for containedView: YourViewEnum) -> some AnyView {
switch containedView {
case .home: return HomeView()
case .categories: return CategoriesView()
var body: some View {
nextView(for: containedView)
You can use enum with #ViewBuilder as follow ...
Declear enum
enum Destination: CaseIterable, Identifiable {
case restaurants
case profile
var id: String { return title }
var title: String {
switch self {
case .restaurants: return "Restaurants"
case .profile: return "Profile"
Now in the View file
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var selectedDestination: Destination? = .restaurants
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
view(for: selectedDestination)
func view(for destination: Destination?) -> some View {
switch destination {
case .some(.restaurants):
case .some(.profile):
If you want to use the same case with the NavigationLink ... You can use it as follow
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var selectedDestination: Destination? = .restaurants
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
selection: $selectedDestination) { item in
NavigationLink(destination: view(for: selectedDestination),
tag: item,
selection: $selectedDestination) {
func view(for destination: Destination?) -> some View {
switch destination {
case .some(.restaurants):
case .some(.profile):
Providing default statement in the switch solved it for me:
struct RootView : View {
#State var containedView: ContainedView = .home
var body: some View {
// custom header goes here
switch containedView {
case .home: HomeView()
case .categories: CategoriesView()
default: EmptyView()
You can do with a wrapper View
struct MakeView: View {
let make: () -> AnyView
var body: some View {
struct UseMakeView: View {
let animal: Animal = .cat
var body: some View {
MakeView {
switch self.animal {
case .cat:
return Text("cat").erase()
case .dog:
return Text("dog").erase()
case .mouse:
return Text("mouse").erase()
For not using AnyView(). I will use a bunch of if statements and implement the protocols Equatable and CustomStringConvertible in my Enum for retrieving my associated values:
var body: some View {
ZStack {
.onAppear { self.viewModel.send(event: .onAppear) }
// You can use viewModel.state == .loading as well if your don't have
// associated values
if viewModel.state.description == "loading" {
} else if viewModel.state.description == "idle" {
} else if viewModel.state.description == "loaded" {
LoadedContentView(list: viewModel.state.value as! [AnimeItem])
} else if viewModel.state.description == "error" {
ErrorContentView(error: viewModel.state.value as! Error)
And I will separate my views using a struct:
struct ErrorContentView: View {
var error: Error
var body: some View {
VStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 100)