An initialization warning in Dymola - modelica

In my model, I got confused that why the initial conditions are NOT fully specified.
Here are the code and screenshot:
model WithAlgebraicLoop_Right
extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
Real x;
Real y(start=1, fixed=true);
Boolean cond;
cond = x > 0.5;
when pre(cond) then
y = 1*time;
end when;
x = sin(y*10*time);
end WithAlgebraicLoop_Right;
I think that during the initialization, x could be calculated from y, so cond could be calculated from x, so why doesn't Dymola do as I think?

Sure, discrete-time variable cond can be calucated according to the given equations. However, its pre-value for the event iteration at initialization is not known and must be set, either by setting a fixed start value or by an initial equation, whatever you prefer.
model WithAlgebraicLoop_Right1
Real x;
Real y(start=1, fixed=true);
Boolean cond(start=false, fixed=true);
cond = x > 0.5;
when pre(cond) then
y = 1*time;
end when;
x = sin(y*10*time);
end WithAlgebraicLoop_Right1;
model WithAlgebraicLoop_Right2
Real x;
Real y(start=1, fixed=true);
Boolean cond;
initial equation
pre(cond) = false;
cond = x > 0.5;
when pre(cond) then
y = 1*time;
end when;
x = sin(y*10*time);
end WithAlgebraicLoop_Right2;


Continuous variable used in clocked when clause is automatically discretized

model test
import Modelica.Constants.pi;
Real f;
discrete Real g;
Clock clk=Clock(0.1);
f = sin(pi*time);
when Clock(0.1) then
if f >= 0 then
g = (sin(pi*time)) - 0.1;
g = (sin(pi*time)) + 0.1;
end if;
end when;
end test;
f is assigned as a continuous function. I want to sample the value of g depended on f, but f also be changed to a discrete value. Is there anything wrong ?
The clock partitioning sees f as being used directly inside the when Clock and thus f is also seen as a clocked variable.
Use sample(f) if that is not desired:
model test
import Modelica.Constants.pi;
Real f;
discrete Real g;
Clock clk=Clock(0.1);
f = sin(pi*time);
when Clock(0.1) then
if sample(f) >= 0 then
g = (sin(pi*time)) - 0.1;
g = (sin(pi*time)) + 0.1;
end if;
end when;
end test;
See also: Failure to handle clock inference in Dymola

How to use matlab to quickly judge whether a function is convex?

For example, FX = x ^ 2 + sin (x)
Just for curiosity, I don't want to use the CVX toolbox to do this.
You can check this within some interval [a,b] by checking if the second derivative is nonnegative. For this you have to define a vector of x-values, find the numerical second derivative and check whether it is not too negative:
a = 0;
b = 1;
margin = 1e-5;
point_count = 100;
f=#(x) x.^2 + sin(x);
x = linspace(a, b, point_count)
is_convex = all(diff(x, 2) > -margin);
Since this is a numerical test, you need to adjust the parameter to the properties of the function, that is if the function does wild things on a small scale we might not be able to pick it up. E.g. with the parameters above the test will falsely report the function f=#(x)sin(99.5*2*pi*x-3) as convex.
syms x real
syms f(x) d(x) d1(x)
f = x^2 + sin(x)
d = diff(f,x,2)==0
d1 = diff(f,x,2)
expSolution = solve(d, x)
if size(expSolution,1) == 0
if eval(subs(d1,x,0))>0
disp("condition 1- the graph is concave upward");
disp("condition 2 - the graph is concave download");
disp("condition 3 -- not certain")

How to solve for the upper limit of an integral using Newton's method?

I want to write a program that makes use of Newtons Method:
To estimate the x of this integral:
Where X is the total distance.
I have functions to calculate the Time it takes to arrive at a certain distance by using the trapezoid method for numerical integration. Without using trapz.
function T = time_to_destination(x, route, n)
dx = 0:h:x;
y = (1./(velocity(dx,route)));
Xk = dx(2:end)-dx(1:end-1);
Yk = y(2:end)+y(1:end-1);
T = 0.5*sum(Xk.*Yk);
and it fetches its values for velocity, through ppval of a cubic spline interpolation between a set of data points. Where extrapolated values should not be fetcheable.
function [v] = velocity(x, route)
if all(x >= distance_km(1))==1 & all(x <= distance_km(end))==1
estimation = spline(distance_km, speed_kmph);
v = ppval(estimation, x);
error('Bad input, please choose a new value')
Plot of the velocity spline if that's interesting to you evaluated at:
dx= 1:0.1:65
Now I want to write a function that can solve for distance travelled after a certain given time, using newton's method without fzero / fsolve . But I have no idea how to solve for the upper bound of a integral.
According to the fundamental theorem of calculus I suppose the derivative of the integral is the function inside the integral, which is what I've tried to recreate as Time_to_destination / (1/velocity)
I added the constant I want to solve for to time to destination so its
(Time_to_destination - (input time)) / (1/velocity)
Not sure if I'm doing that right.
EDIT: Rewrote my code, works better now but my stopcondition for Newton Raphson doesnt seem to converge to zero. I also tried to implement the error from the trapezoid integration ( ET ) but not sure if I should bother implementing that yet. Also find the route file in the bottom.
Stop condition and error calculation of Newton's Method:
Error estimation of trapezoid:
Function x = distance(T, route)
dGuess1 = 50;
dDistance = T;
i = 1;
condition = inf;
while condition >= 1e-4 && 300 >= i
i = i + 1 ;
dGuess2 = dGuess1 - (((time_to_destination(dGuess1, route,n))-dDistance)/(1/(velocity(dGuess1, route))))
if i >= 2
ET =(time_to_destination(dGuess1, route, n/2) - time_to_destination(dGuess1, route, n))/3;
condition = abs(dGuess2 - dGuess1)+ abs(ET);
dGuess1 = dGuess2;
x = dGuess2
Route file:
Observe that the Newton-Raphson method determines the roots of the function. I.e. you need to have a function f(x) such that f(x)=0 at the desired solution.
In this case you can define f as
f(x) = Time(x) - t
where t is the desired time. Then by the second fundamental theorem of calculus
f'(x) = 1/Velocity(x)
With these functions defined the implementation becomes quite straightforward!
First, we define a simple Newton-Raphson function which takes anonymous functions as arguments (f and f') as well as an initial guess x0.
function x = newton_method(f, df, x0)
MAX_ITER = 100;
EPSILON = 1e-5;
x = x0;
fx = f(x);
iter = 0;
while abs(fx) > EPSILON && iter <= MAX_ITER
x = x - fx / df(x);
fx = f(x);
iter = iter + 1;
Then we can invoke our function as follows
t_given = 0.3; % e.g. we want to determine distance after 0.3 hours.
n = 180;
route = 'test.mat';
f = #(x) time_to_destination(x, route, n) - t_given;
df = #(x) 1/velocity(x, route);
distance_guess = 50;
distance = newton_method(f, df, distance_guess);
>> distance
distance = 25.5877
Also, I rewrote your time_to_destination and velocity functions as follows. This version of time_to_destination uses all the available data to make a more accurate estimate of the integral. Using these functions the method seems to converge faster.
function t = time_to_destination(x, d, v)
% x is scalar value of destination distance
% d and v are arrays containing measured distance and velocity
% Assumes d is strictly increasing and d(1) <= x <= d(end)
idx = d < x;
if ~any(idx)
t = 0;
v1 = interp1(d, v, x);
t = trapz([d(idx); x], 1./[v(idx); v1]);
function v = velocity(x, d, v)
v = interp1(d, v, x);
Using these new functions requires that the definitions of the anonymous functions are changed slightly.
t_given = 0.3; % e.g. we want to determine distance after 0.3 hours.
f = #(x) time_to_destination(x, distance_km, speed_kmph) - t_given;
df = #(x) 1/velocity(x, distance_km, speed_kmph);
distance_guess = 50;
distance = newton_method(f, df, distance_guess);
Because the integral is estimated more accurately the solution is slightly different
>> distance
distance = 25.7771
The updated stopping condition can be implemented as a slight modification to the newton_method function. We shouldn't expect the trapezoid rule error to go to zero so I omit that.
function x = newton_method(f, df, x0)
MAX_ITER = 100;
TOL = 1e-5;
x = x0;
iter = 0;
dx = inf;
while dx > TOL && iter <= MAX_ITER
x_prev = x;
x = x - f(x) / df(x);
dx = abs(x - x_prev);
iter = iter + 1;
To check our answer we can plot the time vs. distance and make sure our estimate falls on the curve.
distance = newton_method(f, df, distance_guess);
t = zeros(size(distance_km));
for idx = 1:numel(distance_km)
t(idx) = time_to_destination(distance_km(idx), distance_km, speed_kmph);
plot(t, distance_km); hold on;
plot([t(1) t(end)], [distance distance], 'r');
plot([t_given t_given], [distance_km(1) distance_km(end)], 'r');
axis tight;
One of the main issues with my code was that n was too low, the error of the trapezoidal sum, estimation of my integral, was too high for the newton raphson method to converge to a very small number.
Here was my final code for this problem:
function x = distance(T, route)
x = mean(distance_km);
i = 1;
tol= 5e-4;
fx = #(x) time_to_destination(x, route,n);
dfx = #(x) 1./velocity(x, route);
while condition > tol && i <= maxiter
i = i + 1 ;
Guess2 = x - ((fx(x) - T)/(dfx(x)))
condition = abs(Guess2 - x)
x = Guess2;

Pass extra variable parameters to ode15s function (MATLAB)

I'm trying to solve a system of ordinary differential equations in MATLAB.
I have a simple equation:
dy = -k/M *x - c/M *y+ F/M.
This is defined in my ode function test2.m, dependant on the values X and t. I want to trig 'F' with a signal, generated by my custom function squaresignal.m. The output hereof, is the variable u, spanding from 0 to 1, as it is a smooth heaviside function. - Think square wave. The inputs in squaresignal.m, is t and f.
These values are to be used inside my function test2, in order to enable or disable variable 'F' with the value u==1 (enable). Disable for all other values.
My ode function test2.m reads:
function dX = test2(t ,X, u)
x = X (1) ;
y = X (2) ;
M = 10;
k = 50;
c = 10;
F = 300;
if u == 1
F = F;
F = 0,
dx = y ;
dy = -k/M *x - c/M *y+ F/M ;
dX = [ dx dy ]';
And my runscript reads:
clear all
tstart = 0;
tend = 10;
tsteps = 0.01;
tspan = [0 10];
t = [tstart:tsteps:tend];
f = 2;
u = squaresignal(t,f)
for ii = 1:length(u)
[t,X]=ode15s(#(t,X)test2(t,X,u(ii)),[tstart tend],[0 0],u);
figure (1);
figure (2);
However, the for-loop does not seem to do it's magic. I still only get F=0, instead of F=F, at times when u==1. And i know, that u is equal to one at some times, because the output of squaresignal.m is visible to me.
So the real question is this. How do i properly pass my variable u, to my function test2.m, and use it there to trig F? Is it possible that the squaresignal.m should be inside the odefunction test2.m instead?
Here's an example where I pass a variable coeff to the differential equation:
function [T,Q] = main()
t_span = [0 10];
q0 = [0.1; 0.2]; % initial state
ode_options = odeset(); % currently no options... You could add some here
coeff = 0.3; % The parameter we wish to pass to the differential eq.
[T,Q] = ode15s(#(t,q)diffeq(t,q,coeff),t_span,q0, ode_options);
function dq = diffeq(t,q,coeff)
% Preallocate vector dq
dq = zeros(length(q),1);
% Update dq:
dq(1) = q(2);
dq(2) = -coeff*sin(q(1));
Could this be the problem?
tstart = 0;
tend = 10;
tsteps = 0.01;
tspan = [0 10];
t = [tstart:tsteps:tend];
f = 2;
u = squaresignal(t,f)
Here you create a time vector t which has nothing to do with the time vector returned by the ODE solver! This means that at first we have t[2]=0.01 but once you ran your ODE solver, t[2] can be anything. So yes, if you want to load an external signal source depending on time, then you need to call your squaresignal.m from within the differential equation and pass the solver's current time t! Your code should look like this (note that I'm passing f now as an additional argument to the diffeq):
function dX = test2(t ,X, f)
x = X (1) ;
y = X (2) ;
M = 10;
k = 50;
c = 10;
F = 300;
u = squaresignal(t,f)
if u == 1
F = F;
F = 0,
dx = y ;
dy = -k/M *x - c/M *y+ F/M ;
dX = [ dx dy ]';
Note however that matlab's ODE solvers do not like at all what you're doing here. You are drastically (i.e. non-smoothly) changing the dynamics of your system. What you should do is to use one of the following:
a) events if you want to trigger some behaviour (like termination) depending on the integrated variable x or
b) If you want to trigger the behaviour based on the time t, you should segment your integration into different parts where the differential equation does not vary during one segment. You can then resume your integration by using the current state and time as x0 and t0 for the next run of ode15s. Of course this only works of you're external signal source u is something simple like a step funcion or square wave. In case of the square wave you would only integrate for a timespan during which the wave does not jump. And then exactly at the time of the jump you start another integration with altered differential equations.

How to implement an guess correcting algorithm when solving a BVP with shooting method?

I have a boundary value problem (specified in the picture below) that is supposed to be solved with shooting method. Note that I am working with MATLAB when doing this question. I'm pretty sure that I have rewritten the differential equation from a 2nd order differential equation to a system of 1st order differential equations and also approximated the missed value for the derivative of this differential equation when x=0 using the secant method correctly, but you could verify this so you'll be sure.
I have done solving this BVP with shooting method and my codes currently for this problem is as follows:
clear, clf;
global I;
I = 0.1; %Strength of the electricity on the wire
L = 0.400; %The length of the wire
xStart = 0; %Start point
xSlut = L/2; %End point
yStart = 10; %Function value when x=0
err = 5e-10; %Error tolerance in calculations
g1 = 128; %First guess on y'(x) when x=0
g2 = 89; %Second guess on y'(x) when x=0
state = 0;
X = [];
Y = [];
[X,Y] = ode45(#calcWithSec,[xStart xSlut],[yStart g1]');
F1 = Y(end,2);
iter = 0;
h = 1;
currentY = Y;
while abs(h)>err && iter<100
[X,Y] = ode45(#calcWithSec,[xStart xSlut],[yStart g2]');
currentY = Y;
F2 = Y(end,2);
Fp = (g2-g1)/(F2-F1);
h = -F2*Fp;
g1 = g2;
g2 = g2 + h;
F1 = F2;
iter = iter + 1;
if iter == 100
disp('No convergence')
function fp = calcWithSec(x,y)
alpha = 0.01; %Constant
beta = 10^13; %Constant
global I;
fp = [y(2) alpha*(y(1)^4)-beta*(I^2)*10^(-8)*(1+y(1)/32.5)]';
My problem with this program is that for different given I's in the differential equation, I get strange curves that does not make any sense in physical meaning. For instance, the only "good" graph I get is when I=0.1. The graph to such differential equations is as follows:
But when I set I=0.2, then I get a graph that looks like this:
Again, in physical meaning and according to the given assignment, this should not happen since it gets hotter you closer you get to the middle of the mentioned wire. I want be able to calculate all I between 0.1 and 20, where I is the strength of the electricity.
I have a theory that it has something to do with my guessing values and therefore, my question is about if there is possible to implement an algorithm that forces the program to adjust the guessing values so I can get a graph that is "correct" in physical meaning? Or is it impossible to achieve this? If so, then explain why.
I have struggled with this assignment many days in row now, so all help I can get with this assignment is worth gold to me now.
Thank you all in advance for helping me out of this!