Vert.x SockJS Socket `.webUser()` is always null - vert.x

I'm following Vert.x 4's SockJS documentation and noticed that each SockJSSocket inside my handler has a .webSession() and a .webUser(). However, both these fields are empty aside from the .webSession().id()
I have an AuthHandler registered on the sub-router that this socket handler is on, but the SockJS Client in my frontend is not capable of sending credentials in the HTTP upgrade request.
How am I supposed to populate these fields for use?

I'm using the following straight-forward code to keep the session-like information available:
class SockJSBridge implements Handler<BridgeEvent> {
void handle( BridgeEvent event ) {
SockJSSocket socket = event.socket()
MultiMap headers = socket.headers()
switch( event.type() ){
def user = getUserFromJWTHeader event.rawMessage.headers.authorization
headers.add 'userId',
case SEND:
String userId = headers.get 'userId'
socket.write new JsonObject( address:userId, body:event.rawMessage?.body ).toBuffer()


Why does my Spring WebFlux controller return data on first request only?

I am working on a web application where the user's connection times out after a specific time (say 20 seconds). For long running requests I have to return a default message ("your request is under process") and then send an email to the user with the actual result.
I couldn't do this with spring web because I didn't know how to specify a timeout in the controller (with customized messages per request) and at the same time let other requests come through and be processed too. That's why I used spring web-flux which has a timeout operator for both Mono and Flux types.
To make the requested process run in a different thread, I have used Sinks. One to receive requests and one to publish the results. My problem is that the response sink can only return one result and subsequent calls to the URL returns an empty response. For example the first call to /reactive/getUser/123456789 returns the user object but subsequent calls return empty.
I'm not sure if the problem is with the Sink I have used or with how I am getting data from it. In the sample code I have used responseSink.asFlux().next() but I have also tried .single(), .toMono(), .take(1). to no avail. I get the same result.
class SampleController #Autowired constructor(private val externalService: ExternalService) {
private val requestSink = Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer<String>()
private val responseSink = Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer<AppUser>()
init {
.map { phoneNumber -> externalService.findByIdOrNull(phoneNumber) }
.doOnNext {
if (it != null) {
} else {
responseSink.tryEmitError(Throwable("didn't find a value for that phone number"))
fun getUser(#PathVariable phoneNumber: String): Mono<String> {
return responseSink.asFlux()
.map { it.toString() }
.timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(20), Mono.just("processing your request"))

MassTransit 3 How to send a message explicitly to the error queue

I'm using MassTransit with Reactive Extensions to stream messages from the queue in batches. Since the behaviour isn't the same as a normal consumer I need to be able to send a message to the error queue if it fails an x number of times.
I've looked through the MassTransit source code and posted on the google groups and can't find an anwser.
Is this available on the ConsumeContext interface? Or is this even possible?
Here is my code. I've removed some of it to make it simpler.
_busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
var host = cfg.Host(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost/"), h =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "customer_update_queue", e =>
var _observer = new ObservableObserver<ConsumeContext<Customer>>();
private void OnNext(IList<ConsumeContext<Customer>> messages)
foreach (var consumeContext in messages)
Console.WriteLine("Content: " + consumeContext.Message.Content);
if (consumeContext.Message.RetryCount > 3)
// I want to be able to send to the error queue
I've found a work around by using the RabbitMQ client mixed with MassTransit. Since I can't throw an exception when using an Observable and therefore no error queue is created. I create it manually using the RabbitMQ client like below.
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
factory.HostName = "localhost";
factory.UserName = "guest";
factory.Password = "guest";
using (IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection())
using (IModel model = connection.CreateModel())
string exchangeName = "customer_update_queue_error";
string queueName = "customer_update_queue_error";
string routingKey = "";
model.ExchangeDeclare(exchangeName, ExchangeType.Fanout);
model.QueueDeclare(queueName, false, false, false, null);
model.QueueBind(queueName, exchangeName, routingKey);
The send part is to send it directly to the message queue if it fails an x amount of times like so.
consumeContext.Send(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost/customer_update_queue_error"), consumeContext.Message);
Hopefully the batch feature will be implemented soon and I can use that instead.

Passing validation exceptions from Camel to CXF SOAP service

I have a problem that i cannot solve for some time already, plus i'm new to apache camel and it does not help.
My simple app exposes SOAP web service using CXF (with jetty as http engine) then soap request are passed to akka actors using camel.
I want to validate SOAP request on the road to actor and check if it contains certain headers and content values. I do not want to use CXF interceptor. Problem is, that what ever happens in camel (exception, fault message return) is not propagate to cxf. I always get SUCCESS 202 as a response and information about validation exception in logs.
This is my simple app:
class RequestActor extends Actor with WithLogger {
def receive = {
case CamelMessage(body: Request, headers) =>"Received Request $body [$headers]")
case msg: CamelMessage =>
logger.error(s"unknown message ${msg.body}")
class CustomRouteBuilder(endpointUrl: String, serviceClassPath: String, system: ActorSystem)
extends RouteBuilder {
def configure {
val requestActor = system.actorOf(Props[RequestActor])
.process(new Processor {
override def process(exchange: Exchange): Unit = {
val message = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
val envelope = message.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();
val body = message.getSOAPBody();
val fault = body.addFault();
fault.setFaultString("Unexpected server error.");
val detail = fault.addDetail();
val entryName = envelope.createName("message");
val entry = detail.addDetailEntry(entryName);
entry.addTextNode("The server is not able to complete the request. Internal error.");"Returning $message")
object Init extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("superman")
val camel = CamelExtension(system)
val camelContext = camel.context
val producerTemplate = camel.template
val endpointClassPath = classOf[Service].getName
val endpointUrl = "http://localhost:1234/endpoint"
camel.context.addRoutes(new CustomRouteBuilder(endpointUrl, endpointClassPath, system))
When i run app i see log from"Returning $message") so i'm sure route invokes processor, also actor is not invoked therefore lines:
do their job. But still my SOAP service returns 202 SUCCESS instead of fault information.
I'm not sure is what you are looking for, but I processed Exceptions for CXF endpoint differently. I had to return HTTP-500 with custom details in the SOAPFault (like validation error messages etc.), so...
Keep exception unhandled by Camel to pass it to CXF .onException(classOf[PredicateValidationException]).handled(false)
Create org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault object with all needed details out of Exception. (Not SOAP Fault). It allows to set custom detail element, custom FaultCode element, message.
finally replace Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT property with that cxfFault exchange.setProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, cxfFault)
Resulting message from CXF Endpoint is a HTTP-500 with SOAPFault in the body with details I set in cxfFault
Camel is only looking at the in-portion of the exchange but you are modifying the out-portion.
Try changing

unicast in Play framework and SSE (scala): how do i know which stream to send to?

my app lists hosts, and the list is dynamic and changing. it is based on Akka actors and Server Sent Events.
when a new client connects, they need to get the current list to display. but, i don't want to push the list to all clients every time a new one connects. so, followed the realtime elastic search example and emulated unicast by creating an (Enumerator, Channel) per Connect() and giving it an UUID. when i need to broadcast i will map over all and update them, with the intent of being able to do unicast to clients (and there should be very few of those).
my problem is - how do i get the new client its UUID so it can use it? the flow i am looking for is:
- client asks for EventStream
- server creates a new (Enumerator, channel) with a UUID, and returns Enumerator and UUID to client
- client asks for table using uuid
- server pushes table only on channel corresponding to the uuid
so, how would the client know about the UUID? had it been web socket, sending the request should have had the desired result, as it would have reached its own channel. but in SSE the client -> server is done on a different channel. any solutions to that?
code snippets:
case class Connected(uuid: UUID, enumerator: Enumerator[ JsValue ] )
trait MyActor extends Actor{
var channelMap = new HashMap[UUID,(Enumerator[JsValue], Channel[JsValue])]
def connect() = {
val con = Concurrent.broadcast[JsValue]
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
channelMap += (uuid -> con)
Connected(uuid, con._1)
object HostsActor extends MyActor {
override def receive = {
case Connect => {
sender ! connect
object Actors {
def hostsStream = {
getStream(getActor("hosts", Props (HostsActor)))
def getActor(actorPath: String, actorProps : Props): Future[ActorRef] = {
/* some regular code to create a new actor if the path does not exist, or return the existing one else */
def getStream(far: Future[ActorRef]) = {
far flatMap {ar =>
(ar ? Connect).mapTo[Connected].map { stream =>
object AppController extends Controller {
def getHostsStream = Action.async {
Actors.hostsStream map { ac =>
** how do i use the UUID here?? **
Ok.feed(ac.enumerator &> EventSource()).as("text/event-stream")
I managed to solve it by asynchronously pushing the uuid after returning the channel, with some time in between:
override def receive = {
case Connect => {
val con = connect()
sender ! con
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(0.1 seconds){
JsObject (
Seq (
"uuid" -> JsString(con.uuid.toString)
this achieved its goal - the client got the UUID and was able to cache and use it to push a getHostsList to the server:
#stream = new EventSource("/streams/hosts")
#stream.addEventListener "message", (event) =>
data = JSON.parse(
if data.uuid
#uuid = data.uuid
type: 'POST',
url: "/streams/hosts/" + #uuid + "/sendlist"
success: (data) ->
console.log("sent hosts request to server successfully")
error: () ->
console.log("failed sending hosts request to server")
* *
* handle parsing hosts *
* *
* *
while this works, i must say i don't like it. introducing an artificial delay so the client can get the channel and start listening (i tried with no delay, and the client didn't get the uuid) is dangerous, as it might still miss if the system get busier, but making it too long hurts the reactivity aspect.
if anyone has a solution in which this can be done synchronically - having the uuid returned as part of the original eventSource request - i would be more than happy to demote my solution.

Play framework 2.2 single websocket messages dispatching

In play framework we can see websocket-chat application that shows us usage of Concurrent.broadcast to handle websocket messages.
But I want to use websockets to send messages to each connected websocket independently. Simpliest example is something like private messages, when user sends message like: {user: "First", to: "Second", message: "Hi"}.
I looked at object play.api.libs.iteratee.Concurrent, looks like most suitable there is Concurrent.unicast to do this. But when we have Concurrent.broadcast - we have channel where we can push messages. In case of Concurrent.unicast - we have just Enumerator.
So, how can I dispatch private messages between websockets with Play Framework 2.2 in Scala?
I found another way to archive the private messaging problem out from the source code of the play framework sample. By using a filtered enumerator for each user:
val filteredEnumerator = enumerator &> Enumeratee.filter[JsValue]( e => {
if ( (e \ "kind").as[String] == "talk") {
val isToAll = (e \ "recipient").as[String] == "all"
val isToRecipient = (e \ "recipient").as[String] == username
val isFromRecipient = (e \ "user").as[String] == username
isToAll || isToRecipient || isFromRecipient
} else {
sender ! Connected(filteredEnumerator)
So, the message is being passed to the enumerator if the kind is "talk" (we only want to filter the messages), recipient is "all", recipient is the username itself or if user is the username itself so the person sent the message also sees the message.
the reply in the Chat room application is sent to All users in the Room via:
// Send a Json event to all members
public void notifyAll(String kind, String user, String text) {
So if you would like to implement a private message then you will have to implement "notify" method that will send message only to one specific user. Say something like:
// Send a Json event to all members
public void notify(String kind, String user, String userTo, String text) {
for(WebSocket.Out<JsonNode> channel: members.values()) {
ObjectNode event = Json.newObject();
event.put("kind", kind);
event.put("user", user);
event.put("message", text);
ArrayNode m = event.putArray("members");