Why does my Spring WebFlux controller return data on first request only? - reactive-programming

I am working on a web application where the user's connection times out after a specific time (say 20 seconds). For long running requests I have to return a default message ("your request is under process") and then send an email to the user with the actual result.
I couldn't do this with spring web because I didn't know how to specify a timeout in the controller (with customized messages per request) and at the same time let other requests come through and be processed too. That's why I used spring web-flux which has a timeout operator for both Mono and Flux types.
To make the requested process run in a different thread, I have used Sinks. One to receive requests and one to publish the results. My problem is that the response sink can only return one result and subsequent calls to the URL returns an empty response. For example the first call to /reactive/getUser/123456789 returns the user object but subsequent calls return empty.
I'm not sure if the problem is with the Sink I have used or with how I am getting data from it. In the sample code I have used responseSink.asFlux().next() but I have also tried .single(), .toMono(), .take(1). to no avail. I get the same result.
class SampleController #Autowired constructor(private val externalService: ExternalService) {
private val requestSink = Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer<String>()
private val responseSink = Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer<AppUser>()
init {
.map { phoneNumber -> externalService.findByIdOrNull(phoneNumber) }
.doOnNext {
if (it != null) {
} else {
responseSink.tryEmitError(Throwable("didn't find a value for that phone number"))
fun getUser(#PathVariable phoneNumber: String): Mono<String> {
return responseSink.asFlux()
.map { it.toString() }
.timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(20), Mono.just("processing your request"))


Vertx - threads are stuck while sending response back to client

I'm using vertx-4.2.6 to build a proxy service which takes requests from clients (for ex: browser, standalone apps etc), invoke a single thirdparty server, gets the response and send the same response back to client who initiated the request.
In this process, I'm using shared Webclient across multiple requests, i'm getting response from thirdparty quickly (mostly in milli seconds) but sometimes the response is not returned back to client and stucks at ctx.end(response).
Whenever i restart my proxy server, it serves requests sometimes without any issues but time goes on, lets say by EOD, for new requests client seeing 503 error -service unavailable I'm using one MainVerticle with 10 instances. I'm not using any worker threads.
Below is the pseudo code:
DeploymentOptions depOptions = new DeploymentOptions();
vertx.deployVerticle(MainVerticle.class.getName(), depOptions);
.handler(new HttpRequestHandler(vertx));
public class HttpRequestHandler implements Handler<RoutingContext> {
private final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger( HttpRequestHandler.class );
private WebClient webClient;
public HttpRequestHandler(Vertx vertx) {
private WebClient createWebClient(Vertx vertx) {
WebClientOptions options=new WebClientOptions();
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create(vertx,options);
return webClient;
public void handle(RoutingContext ctx) {
ctx.request().bodyHandler(bh -> {
StopWatch sw=StopWatch.createStarted();
LOGGER.info("invoking CL end point with the given request details...");
* Invoking actual target
webClient.request(ctx.request().method(),target_port,target_host, "someURL")
.onSuccess(clResponse -> {
LOGGER.info("CL response statuscode: {}, headers: {}",clResponse.statusCode(),clResponse.headers());
LOGGER.trace("response body from CL: {}",clResponse.body());
LOGGER.info("Timetaken: {}ms",sw.getTime()); //prints in milliseconds
LOGGER.info("sending response back to client...."); //stuck here
* prepare the final response and return to client..
if(clResponse.body()!=null) {
}else {
LOGGER.info("response SENT back to client...!!"); //not getting this log for certain requests and gives 503 - service unavailable to clients after 5 seconds..
}).onFailure(err -> {
LOGGER.error("Failed while invoking CL server:",err);
if(err.getCause() instanceof java.net.ConnectException) {
}else {
Im suspecting issue might be due to shared webclient. But i'm not sure. I'm new to Vertx and i'm not getting any clue what's going wrong. Please suggest if there are any options to be set on WebClientOptions to avoid this issue.

How to stop sending to kafka topic when control goes to catch block Functional kafka spring

could you please advise , how can I stop sending to my 3rd kafka topic, when the control reaches the catch block, currently the message is sent to both error topic as well as the topic to which it should send in case of normal processing. A snippet of code is as below:
public class Abc {
private final StreamBridge streamBridge;
public Abc (StreamBridge streamBridge)
this.streamBridge = streamBridge;
public Function<KStream<String, KafkaClass>, KStream<String,KafkaClass>> hiProcess() {
return input -> input.map((key,value) -> {
KafkaClass stream = processFunction();
catch(Exception e) {
Message<KakfaClass> mess = MessageBuilder.withPayload(value).build();
streamBridge.send("errProcess-out-0". mess);
return new KeyValue<>(key, stream);
This can be implemented using the following pattern:
KafkaClass stream;
return input -> input
.branch((k, v) -> {
try {
stream = processFunction();
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
Message<KakfaClass> mess = MessageBuilder.withPayload(value).build();
streamBridge.send("errProcess-out-0". mess);
return false;
(k, v) -> true)[0]
.map((k, v) -> new KeyValue<>(k, stream));
Here, we are using the branching feature (API) of KStream to split your input into two paths - normal flow and the one causing the errors. This is accomplished by providing two filters to the branch method call. The first filter is the normal flow in which you call the processFunction method and get a response back. If we don't get an exception, the filter returns true, and the result of the branch operation is captured in the first element of the output array [0] which is processed downstream in the map operation in which it sends the final result to the outbound topic.
On the other hand, if it throws an exception, it sends whatever is necessary to the error topic using StreamBridge and the filter returns false. Since the downstream map operation is only performed on the first element of the array from branching [0], nothing will be sent outbound. When the first filter returns false, it goes to the second filter which always returns true. This is a no-op filter where the results are completely ignored.
One downside of this particular implementation is that you need to store the response from processFunction in an instance field and then mutate on each incoming KStream record so that you can access its value in the final map method where you send the output. However, for this particular use case, this may not be an issue.

Why am I occasionally getting a InvalidStateStoreException PARTITIONS_REVOKED, not RUNNING when retrieving a store to query it?

I am accessing a state store to query it and have had to wrap the store() statement with a try/catch block to retry it because sometimes I am getting this exception:
org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.InvalidStateStoreException: Cannot get state store customers-store because the stream thread is PARTITIONS_REVOKED, not RUNNING
at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.StreamThreadStateStoreProvider.stores(StreamThreadStateStoreProvider.java:49)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.QueryableStoreProvider.getStore(QueryableStoreProvider.java:57)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.KafkaStreams.store(KafkaStreams.java:1053)
at com.codependent.kafkastreams.customer.service.CustomerService.getCustomer(CustomerService.kt:75)
at com.codependent.kafkastreams.customer.service.CustomerServiceKt.main(CustomerService.kt:108)
This is the code used to retrieve the store (the full code is on a github repo):
fun getCustomer(id: String): Customer? {
var keyValueStore: ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<String, Customer>? = null
while(keyValueStore == null) {
try {
keyValueStore = streams.store(CUSTOMERS_STORE, QueryableStoreTypes.keyValueStore<String, Customer>())
} catch (ex: InvalidStateStoreException) {
val customer = keyValueStore.get(id)
return customer
And this is the main program:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val customerService = CustomerService("main", "localhost:9092")
customerService.createCustomer(Customer("53", "Joey"))
val customer = customerService.getCustomer("53")
The exception happens randomly running the program several times, after the previous executions finish. Note: I don't do anything to the executing Kafka cluster and use its default config.
At the time you are accessing the store, the Kafka Streams application is going through a rebalance, and state stores aren't accessible at that time. You want to make sure you only query the stores when the application state is RUNNING and not REBALANCING.
What you could do is check the state of the application before attempting to read from the store like this:
if(streams.state() == State.RUNNING) {
keyValueStore = streams.store(...);
val customer = keyValueStore.get(id);
return customer;
There is also a KafkaStreams.setStateListener method you can use to register a KafkStreams.StateListener implementation. The StateListener.onChange method is called each time the application changes its state.

How to do Async Http Call with Apache Beam (Java)?

Input PCollection is http requests, which is a bounded dataset. I want to make async http call (Java) in a ParDo , parse response and put results into output PCollection. My code is below. Getting exception as following.
I cound't figure out the reason. need a guide....
java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't add element ValueInGlobalWindow{value=streaming.mapserver.backfill.EnrichedPoint#2c59e, pane=PaneInfo.NO_FIRING} to committed bundle in PCollection Call Map Server With Rate Throttle/ParMultiDo(ProcessRequests).output [PCollection]
public class ProcessRequestsFn extends DoFn<PreparedRequest,EnrichedPoint> {
private static AsyncHttpClient _HttpClientAsync;
private static ExecutorService _ExecutorService;
AsyncHttpClientConfig cg = config()
.addRequestFilter(new RateLimitedThrottleRequestFilter(100,1000))
_HttpClientAsync = asyncHttpClient(cg);
_ExecutorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
PreparedRequest request = c.element();
if(request == null)
.thenApply(response -> { if(response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_OK){
return response.getResponseBody();
} return null; } )
List<EnrichedPoint> resList = new ArrayList<>();
/*some process logic here*/
System.out.printf("%d enriched points back\n", result.length());
return resList;
.thenAccept(resList -> {
for (EnrichedPoint enrichedPoint : resList) {
return null;
The Scio library implements a DoFn which deals with asynchronous operations. The BaseAsyncDoFn might provide you the handling you need. Since you're dealing with CompletableFuture also take a look at the JavaAsyncDoFn.
Please note that you necessarily don't need to use the Scio library, but you can take the main idea of the BaseAsyncDoFn since it's independent of the rest of the Scio library.
The issue that your hitting is that your outputting outside the context of a processElement or finishBundle call.
You'll want to gather all your outputs in memory and output them eagerly during future processElement calls and at the end within finishBundle by blocking till all your calls finish.

Rxjava User-Retry observable with .cache operator?

i've an observable that I create with the following code.
Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<ReturnType>() {
public void call(Subscriber<? super ReturnType> subscriber) {
try {
if (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
performRequest() will perform a long running task as you might expect.
Now, since i might be launching the same Observable twice or more in a very short amount of time, I decided to write such transformer:
protected Observable.Transformer<ReturnType, ReturnType> attachToRunningTaskIfAvailable() {
return origObservable -> {
synchronized (mapOfRunningTasks) {
// If not in maps
if ( ! mapOfRunningTasks.containsKey(getCacheKey()) ) {
Timber.d("Cache miss for %s", getCacheKey());
.doOnTerminate(() -> {
Timber.d("Removed from tasks %s", getCacheKey());
synchronized (mapOfRunningTasks) {
} else {
Timber.d("Cache Hit for %s", getCacheKey());
return mapOfRunningTasks.get(getCacheKey());
Which basically puts the original .cache observable in a HashMap<String, Observable>.
This basically disallows multiple requests with the same getCacheKey() (Example login) to call performRequest() in parallel. Instead, if a second login request arrives while another is in progress, the second request observable gets "discarded" and the already-running will be used instead. => All the calls to onNext are going to be cached and sent to both subscribers actually hitting my backend only once.
Now, suppouse this code:
// Observable loginTask
public void doLogin(Observable<UserInfo> loginTask) {
(userInfo) -> {},
(throwable) -> {
if (userWantsToRetry()) {
Where loginTask was composed with the previous transformer. Well, when an error occurs (might be connectivity) and the userWantsToRetry() then i'll basically re-call the method with the same observable. Unfortunately that has been cached and I'll receive the same error without hitting performRequest() again since the sequence gets replayed.
Is there a way I could have both the "same requests grouping" behavior that the transformer provides me AND the retry button?
Your question has a lot going on and it's hard to put it into direct terms. I can make a couple recommendations though. Firstly your Observable.create can be simplified by using an Observable.defer(Func0<Observable<T>>). This will run the func every time a new subscriber is subscribed and catch and channel any exceptions to the subscriber's onError.
Observable.defer(() -> {
return Observable.just(performRequest());
Next, you can use observable.repeatWhen(Func1<Observable<Void>, Observable<?>>) to decide when you want to retry. Repeat operators will re-subscribe to the observable after an onComplete event. This particular overload will send an event to a subject when an onComplete event is received. The function you provide will receive this subject. Your function should call something like takeWhile(predicate) and onComplete when you do not want to retry again.
Observable.just(1,2,3).flatMap((Integer num) -> {
final AtomicInteger tryCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
return Observable.just(num)
.repeatWhen((Observable<? extends Void> notifications) ->
notifications.takeWhile((x) -> num == 2 && tryCount.incrementAndGet() != 3));
The above example shows that retries are aloud when the event is not 2 and up to a max of 22 retries. If you switch to a repeatWhen then the flatMap would contain your decision as to use a cached observable or the realWork observable. Hope this helps!