I am confused with the independence assumption of Linear Regression
Should the features be independent or observations be independent ?
If observation be independent is the answer I struggle with interpreting that, does that mean observation 1 should have no effect on determining observation 10's target variable value?
When simulating a Bayesian model, are we supposed to treat the parameters as a random variable (a prior), but not use a fixed value?
For example, we have a Bayesian linear model y=x\beta+\epsilon. When simulating it, literature usually: 1. set regression coefficients at fixed values, e.g. (0,3,-2,1,0,...); 2. simulate the predictors many times; 3. simulate the error term, usually standard normal; 4. generate the response.
If the regression coefficients have a prior (assume they have exchangeable priors), and thus we have posterior distributions, why would we simulate only one set of regression coefficients values? This sounds like the posterior has a distribution, meaning that we don't believe in any fixed value, while the truth indeed is fixed value. Even the posterior mean is supposed to converge to the OLS estimate under good setups, but this still feels difficult to understand.
How process noise covariance and measurement noise covariance are helping better functioning of Kalman filter ?
Can someone explain intuitively without significant equations and math please.
Well, its difficult to explain mathematical things (like kalman filters) without mathematics, but here's my attempt:
There are two parts to a kalman filter, a time update part and a measurement part. In the time update part we estimate the state at the time of observation; in the measurement part we combine (via least squares) our 'predictions' (ie the estimate from the time update) with the measurements to get a new estimate of the state.
So far, no mention of noise. There are two sources of noise: one in the time update part (sometimes called process noise) and one in the measurement part (observation noise). In each case what we need is a measure of the 'size' of that noise, ie the covariance matrix. These are used when we combine the
predictions with the measurements. When we view our predictions as very uncertain (that is, they have a large covariance matrix) the combination will be closer to the measurements than to the predictions; on the other hand when we view our predictions as very good (small covariance) the combination will be closer to the predictions than to the measurements.
So you could look upon the process and observation noise covariances as saying how much to trust the (parts of) the predictions and observations. Increasing, say, the variance of a particular component of the predictions is to say: trust this prediction less; while increasing the variance of a particular measurement is to say: trust this measurement less. This is mostly an analogy but it can be made more precise. A simple case is when the covariance matrices are diagonal. In that case the cost, ie the contrinution to what we are trying to minimise, of a difference between an measurement and the computed value is te square of that difference, divided by the observations variance. So the higher an observations variance, the lower the cost.
Note that out of the measurement part we also get a new state covariance matrix; this is used (along with the process noise and the dynamics) in the next time update when we compute the predicted state covariance.
I think the question of why the covariance is the appropriate measure of the size of the noise is rather a deep one, as is why least squares is the appropriate way to combine the predictions and the measurements. The shallow answer is that kalman filtering and least squares have been found, over decades (centuries in the case of least squares), to work well in many application areas. In the case of kalman filtering I find the derivation of it from hidden markobv models (From Hidden Markov Models to Linear Dynamical Systems by T.Minka, though this is rather mathematical) convincing. In Hidden markov models we seek to find the (conditional) probability of the states given the measurements so far; Minka shows that if the measurements are linear functions of the states and the dynamics are linear and all probability distributions are Gaussian, then we get the kalman filter.
A few questions around constant variables and logistic regression -
Lets say I have a continuous variable, but has only 1 value across the whole data set. I know I should ideally eliminate the variable since it brings no predictive value. Instead of manually doing this for each feature, does Logistic Regression make the coefficient of such variables 0 automatically?
If I use such a variable (that has only one value) in Logistic Regression with L1 regularization, will the regularization force the coefficient to 0?
On similar lines, if I have a categorical variable for which I have 3 levels - first level spans say 60% of the data set, second spans across 35% and the 3rd level at 5%), and I split it into training and testing, there is a good chance that the third level may not end up in the test set, leading us a scenario where we have a variable that has one value in the test set and other in the training set. How do I handle such scenarios ? Does regularization take care of things like this automatically?
Regarding question 3)
If you want to be sure that both train and test set contain samples from each categorical variables, you can simply divide each subgroup into test and training set and then combine these again.
Regarding question 1) and 2)
The coefficent for a variable with variance zero should be zero, yes. However, whether such a coefficent "automatically" will be set to zero or be excluded from regression depends on the implementation.
If you implement logistic regression yourself, you can post the code and we can discuss specifically.
I recommend you to find an implemented version of logistic regression and test it using toy data. Then you will have your answer, whether or not the coeffient will be set to zero (which i assume).
I'm running a series of SVM classifiers for a binary classification problem, and am getting very nice results as far as classification accuracy.
The next step of my analysis is to understand how the different features contribute to the classification. According to the documentation, Matlab's fitcsvm function returns a class, SVMModel, which has a field called "Beta", defined as:
Numeric vector of trained classifier coefficients from the primal linear problem. Beta has length equal to the number of predictors (i.e., size(SVMModel.X,2)).
I'm not quite sure how to interpret these values. I assume higher values represent a greater contribution of a given feature to the support vector? What do negative weights mean? Are these weights somehow analogous to beta parameters in a linear regression model?
Thanks for any help and suggestions.
----UPDATE 3/5/15----
In looking closer at the equations describing the linear SVM, I'm pretty sure Beta must correspond to w in the primal form.
The only other parameter is b, which is just the offset.
Given that, and given this explanation, it seems that taking the square or absolute value of the coefficients provides a metric of relative importance of each feature.
As I understand it, this interpretation only holds for the linear binary SVM problem.
Does that all seem reasonable to people?
Intuitively, one can think of the absolute value of a feature weight as a measure of it's importance. However, this is not true in the general case because the weights symbolize how much a marginal change in the feature value would affect the output, which means that it is dependent on the feature's scale. For instance, if we have a feature for "age" that is measured in years, but than we change it to months, the corresponding coefficient will be divided by 12, but clearly,it doesn't mean that the age is less important now!
The solution is to scale the data (which is usually a good practice anyway).
If the data is scaled your intuition is correct and in fact, there is a feature selection method that does just that: choosing the features with the highest absolute weight. See http://jmlr.csail.mit.edu/proceedings/papers/v3/chang08a/chang08a.pdf
Note that this is correct only to linear SVM.
I am using Perl to model a random variable (Y) which is the sum of some ~15-40k independent Bernoulli random variables (X_i), each with a different success probability (p_i). Formally, Y=Sum{X_i} where Pr(X_i=1)=p_i and Pr(X_i=0)=1-p_i.
I am interested in quickly answering queries such as Pr(Y<=k) (where k is given).
Currently, I use random simulations to answer such queries. I randomly draw each X_i according to its p_i, then sum all X_i values to get Y'. I repeat this process a few thousand times and return the fraction of times Pr(Y'<=k).
Obviously, this is not totally accurate, although accuracy greatly increases as the number of simulations I use increases.
Can you think of a reasonable way to get the exact probability?
First, I would avoid using the rand built-in for this purpose which is too dependent on the underlying C library implementation to be reliable (see, for example, my blog post pointing out that the range of rand on Windows has cardinality 32,768).
To use the Monte-Carlo approach, I would start with a known good random generator, such as Rand::MersenneTwister or just use one of Random.org's services and pre-compute a CDF for Y assuming Y is pretty stable. If each Y is only used once, pre-computing the CDF is obviously pointless.
To quote Wikipedia:
In probability theory and statistics, the Poisson binomial distribution is the discrete probability distribution of a sum of independent Bernoulli trials.
In other words, it is the probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of n independent yes/no experiments with success probabilities p1, …, pn. (emphasis mine)
Closed-Form Expression for the Poisson-Binomial Probability Density Function might be of interest. The article is behind a paywall:
and we discuss several of its advantages regarding computing speed and implementation and in simplifying analysis, with examples of the latter including the computation of moments and the development of new trigonometric identities for the binomial coefficient and the binomial cumulative distribution function (cdf).
As far as I recall, shouldn't this end up asymptotically as a normal distribution? See also this newsgroup thread: http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Sci/sci.stat.consult/2008-05/msg00146.html
If so, you can use Statistics::Distrib::Normal.
To obtain the exact solution you can exploit the fact that the probability distribution of the sum of two or more independent random variables is the convolution of their individual distributions. Convolution is a bit expensive but must be calculated only if the p_i change.
Once you have the probability distribution, you can easily obtain the CDF by calculating the cumulative sum of the probabilities.