In Bayesian simulation, why use fixed value for the parameters, which has a prior, in the model? - simulation

When simulating a Bayesian model, are we supposed to treat the parameters as a random variable (a prior), but not use a fixed value?
For example, we have a Bayesian linear model y=x\beta+\epsilon. When simulating it, literature usually: 1. set regression coefficients at fixed values, e.g. (0,3,-2,1,0,...); 2. simulate the predictors many times; 3. simulate the error term, usually standard normal; 4. generate the response.
If the regression coefficients have a prior (assume they have exchangeable priors), and thus we have posterior distributions, why would we simulate only one set of regression coefficients values? This sounds like the posterior has a distribution, meaning that we don't believe in any fixed value, while the truth indeed is fixed value. Even the posterior mean is supposed to converge to the OLS estimate under good setups, but this still feels difficult to understand.


Strange behavior of linear regression in PyTorch

I am facing a peculiar problem and I was wondering if there is an explanation. I am trying to run a linear regression problem and test different optimization methods and two of them have a strange outcome when comparing to each other. I build a data set that satisfies y=2x+5 and I add a random noise to that.
from import TensorDataset,DataLoader
def fit(nepoch, model1, F_loss, opt):
for epoch in range(nepoch):
for i,j in train:
predict = model1(i)
loss = F_loss(predict, j)
When i compare the results of the following commands:
fit(500000, model1, F_loss, opt1)
fit(500000, model1, F_loss, opt2)
In the last epoch for opt1:loss=2.86,weight=2.02,bias=4.46
In the last epoch for opt2:loss=3.47,weight=2.02,bias=4.68
These results do not make sense to me, shouldn't opt2 have a smaller loss than opt1 since the weight and bias it finds is closer to the real value? opt2's method finds weights and biases to be closer to the real value (they are respectively 2 and 5). Am i doing something wrong?
This has to do with the fact that you are drawing the training samples themselves from a random distribution.
By doing so, you inherently randomized the ground truth to some extent. Sure, you will get values that are inherently distributed around 2x+5, but you do not guarantee that 2x+5 will also be the best fit to this data distribution.
It could thus happen that you accidentally end up with values that deviate quite significantly from the original function, and, since you use a mean squared error, these values get weighted quite significantly.
In expectation (i.e., for the number of samples going towards infinity), you will likely get closer and closer to the expected parameters.
A way to verify this would be to plot your training samples against the parameter set, as well as the (ideal) underlying function.
Also note that Linear Regression does have a direct solution - something that is very uncommon in Machine Learning - meaning you can directly calculate an optimal solution, e.g., with sklearn's function

Matlab fitcsvm Feature Coefficients

I'm running a series of SVM classifiers for a binary classification problem, and am getting very nice results as far as classification accuracy.
The next step of my analysis is to understand how the different features contribute to the classification. According to the documentation, Matlab's fitcsvm function returns a class, SVMModel, which has a field called "Beta", defined as:
Numeric vector of trained classifier coefficients from the primal linear problem. Beta has length equal to the number of predictors (i.e., size(SVMModel.X,2)).
I'm not quite sure how to interpret these values. I assume higher values represent a greater contribution of a given feature to the support vector? What do negative weights mean? Are these weights somehow analogous to beta parameters in a linear regression model?
Thanks for any help and suggestions.
----UPDATE 3/5/15----
In looking closer at the equations describing the linear SVM, I'm pretty sure Beta must correspond to w in the primal form.
The only other parameter is b, which is just the offset.
Given that, and given this explanation, it seems that taking the square or absolute value of the coefficients provides a metric of relative importance of each feature.
As I understand it, this interpretation only holds for the linear binary SVM problem.
Does that all seem reasonable to people?
Intuitively, one can think of the absolute value of a feature weight as a measure of it's importance. However, this is not true in the general case because the weights symbolize how much a marginal change in the feature value would affect the output, which means that it is dependent on the feature's scale. For instance, if we have a feature for "age" that is measured in years, but than we change it to months, the corresponding coefficient will be divided by 12, but clearly,it doesn't mean that the age is less important now!
The solution is to scale the data (which is usually a good practice anyway).
If the data is scaled your intuition is correct and in fact, there is a feature selection method that does just that: choosing the features with the highest absolute weight. See
Note that this is correct only to linear SVM.

Matlab: Help in running toolbox for Kalman filter

I have AR(1) model with data samples $N=500$ that is driven by a random input sequence x. THe observation y is corrupted with measurement noise $v$ of zero mean. The model is
y(t) = 0.195y(t-1) + x(t) + v(t) where x(t) is generated as randn(). I am unsure how to represent this as a state space model and how to estimate the parameters $a$ and the states. I tried the state space representation would be
d(t) = \mathbf{a^T} d(t) + x(t)
y(t) = \mathbf{h^T}d(t) + sigma*v(t)
sigma =2.
I cannot understand how to perform parameter and state estimation. Using the toolbox mentioned below, I checked the Equations of KF to be matching with those in textbooks. However, the approach for parameter estimation is different. I will appreciate a recommendation for the implementation procedure.
Implementation 1:
I am following the implementation here : Learning Kalman Filter. This implementation does not use Expectation Maximization to estimate the parameters of AR model and it finds out the Covariance of the process noise. In my case, I don't have a process noise, but an input $x$.
Implementation 2: Kalman Filter by Kevin Murphy is another toolbox which uses EM for parameter estimation of AR model. Now, it is confusing since both the implementations uses different approach for parameter estimation.
I am having a tough time figuring out the correct approach, the state space model representation and the code. Shall appreciate recommendations on how to proceed.
I ran the first implementation for the KalmanARSquareRoot technique and the result is completely different. There is Exponential Moving Average Smoothing being performed and a MA filer of length 30 being used. The toolbox runs fine if I run the Demo examples. But on changing the model, the result is extremely poor. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Do I need to change the equations of KF for my time series?
In the second implementation, I cannot figure out what and where to change the Equations.
In general, if I have to use these tools, then do I need to change the KF equations for every time series model? How do I write the Equations myself if these toolboxes are inappropriate for all the time series model - AR, MA, ARMA?
I only have a bit of experience with Kalman Filters, so take this with a grain of salt.
It seems you shouldn't need to change the equations at all. Working with the second package (learn_kalman), you can create an A0 matrix of size [length(d(t)) length(d(t))]. C0 is the same, and in your case the initial state probably makes sense to be the Identity matrix (unlike your A0. All you need to do is choose a good initial condition.
However, I took a look at your system (plotted an example) and it seems noise dominates your system. KF is an optimal estimator but I have not known it to reject that much noise. It only guarantees a reduced covariance...which means that if your system is mostly dominated by noise, you will calculate a bad model that estimates your system given the noise!
Try plotting [d f] where d is the initial data and f is calculated using the regressive formula f(t) = C * A * f(t-1) :
f(t) = A * f(t-1)
; y(t) = C * f(t)
That is, pretend as if there is no noise but using the estimated AR model. You will see that it rejects all the noise and 'technically' models the system well (since the only unique behaviour is at the very beginning).
For example, if you have a system with A = 0.195, Q=R=0.l then you will converge to an A = 0.2207 but it still isn't good enough. Here the problem is that your initial state is so low, that within a few steps of data and you are essentially at 0 accounting for noise. Naturally KF can converge to a LOT of model solutions that are similar. Any noise will throw off even the best initial condition.
If you increase the resolution of your data in some way (e.g. larger initial condition, more refined timesteps) you will see a good fit. Ex, changing your initial condition to 110 and you'll find the two curves similar, though the model is still fairly different.
I am not aware of any approach to model your data well. If the noise variance is in fact 1 and your system converges to 0 that quickly, it seems doomed to not be effectively modelled since you just don't capture any unique behaviour in the dataset.

One Class SVM using LibSVM in Matlab - Conceptual

Perhaps this is an easy question, but I want to make sure I understand the conceptual basis of the LibSVM implementation of one-class SVMs and if what I am doing is permissible.
I am using one class SVMs in this case for outlier detection and removal. This is used in the context of a greater time series prediction model as a data preprocessing step. That said, I have a Y vector (which is the quantity we are trying to predict and is continuous, not class labels) and an X matrix (continuous features used to predict). Since I want to detect outliers in the data early in the preprocessing step, I have yet to normalize or lag the X matrix for use in prediction, or for that matter detrend/remove noise/or otherwise process the Y vector (which is already scaled to within [-1,1]). My main question is whether it is correct to model the one class SVM like so (using libSVM):
svmod = svmtrain(ones(size(Y,1),1),Y,'-s 2 -t 2 -g 0.00001 -n 0.01');
[od,~,~] = svmpredict(ones(size(Y,1),1),Y,svmod);
The resulting model does yield performance somewhat in line with what I would expect (99% or so prediction accuracy, meaning 1% of the observations are outliers). But why I ask is because in other questions regarding one class SVMs, people appear to be using their X matrices where I use Y. Thanks for your help.
What you are doing here is nothing more than a fancy range check. If you are not willing to use X to find outliers in Y (even though you really should), it would be a lot simpler and better to just check the distribution of Y to find outliers instead of this improvised SVM solution (for example remove the upper and lower 0.5-percentiles from Y).
In reality, this is probably not even close to what you really want to do. With this setup you are rejecting Y values as outliers without considering any context (e.g. X). Why are you using RBF and how did you come up with that specific value for gamma? A kernel is total overkill for one-dimensional data.
Secondly, you are training and testing on the same data (Y). A kitten dies every time this happens. One-class SVM attempts to build a model which recognizes the training data, it should not be used on the same data it was built with. Please, think of the kittens.
Additionally, note that the nu parameter of one-class SVM controls the amount of outliers the classifier will accept. This is explained in the LIBSVM implementation document (page 4): It is proved that nu is an upper bound on the fraction of training errors and
a lower bound of the fraction of support vectors. In other words: your training options specifically state that up to 1% of the data can be rejected. For one-class SVM, replace can by should.
So when you say that the resulting model does yield performance somewhat in line with what I would expect ... ofcourse it does, by definition. Since you have set nu=0.01, 1% of the data is rejected by the model and thus flagged as an outlier.

Interpretation of MATLAB's NaiveBayses 'posterior' function

After we created a Naive Bayes classifier object nb (say, with multivariate multinomial (mvmn) distribution), we can call posterior function on testing data using nb object. This function has 3 output parameters:
[post,cpre,logp] = posterior(nb,test)
I understand how post is computed and the meaning of that, also cpre is the predicted class, based on the maximum over posterior probabilities for each class.
The question is about logp. It is clear how it is computed (logarithm of the PDF of each pattern in test), but I don't understand the meaning of this measure and how it can be used in the context of Naive Bayes procedure. Any light on this is very much appreciated.
The logp you are referring to is the log likelihood, which is one way to measure how good a model is fitting. We use log probabilities to prevent computers from underflowing on very small floating-point numbers, and also because adding is faster than multiplying.
If you learned your classifier several times with different starting points, you would get different results because the likelihood function is not log-concave, meaning there are local maxima that you would get stuck in. If you computed the likelihood of the posterior on your original data you would get the likelihood of the model. Although the likelihood gives you a good measure of how one set of parameters fits compared to another, you need to be careful that you're not overfitting.
In your case, you are computing the likelihood on some unobserved (test) data, which gives you an idea of how well your learned classifier is fitting on the data. If you were trying to learn this model based on the test set, you would pick the parameters based on the highest test likelihood; however in general when you're doing this it's better to use a validation set. What you are doing here is computing predictive likelihood.
Computing the log likelihood is not limited to Naive Bayes classifiers and can in fact be computed for any Bayesian model (gaussian mixture, latent dirichlet allocation, etc).