Using an array variable in WHERE NOT IN -like clause - postgresql

I have declared an array variable as
select array(select "account_id" from [some where clause]) as negateArray;
Note that I return a single column. Now I need to use it in another WHERE-clause that should mean: do NOT include data if account_id matches any of found in negateArray.
I write something like
select * from [some other where clause] WHERE (account_id NOT IN ANY(negateArray));
but I am getting a syntax error. What would be the correct way to write the condition for PostgreSQL?

In order to let the optimizer do its best - convert the not in condition to left [outer] join. Here is an equivalent SQL-only version rewrite:
select t2.*
from outer_table t2
left join (select account_id from inner_table where [some where clause on inner_table]) t1
on t2.account_id = t1.account_id
where [some other where clause on outer_table]
AND t1.account_id IS NULL;
t1.account_id IS NULL does the not in job.
Equivalent but shorter (and probably more efficient) using [inner] join and inverted condition:
select t2.*
from outer_table t2
join (select account_id from inner_table where NOT [some where clause on inner_table]) t1
on t2.account_id = t1.account_id
where [some other where clause on outer_table];

If you want to use variables, then you need to do this using procedure/function.
First, define variable as negateArray int[]
Then try:
select array(select "account_id" from [some where clause]) INTO negateArray;
and then:
select * from [some other where clause] WHERE (account_id <> ANY(negateArray));
For "pure" SQL, you don't need variable, just use query like this:
select * from [some other where clause] -- your second query
WHERE account_id NOT IN(
select "account_id" from [some where clause] -- your first query


PostgreSQL group by all fields

I have a query like this:
sum(table2.amount) as totalamount
FROM table1
join table2 on table1.key = table2.key
GROUP BY table1.*;
I got the error: column "table1.key" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function.
Are there any way to group "all" field?
There is no shortcut syntax for grouping by all columns, but it's probably not necessary in the described case. If the key column is a primary key, it's enough when you use it:
GROUP BY table1.key;
You have to specify all the column names in group by that are selected and are not part of aggregate function ( SUM/COUNT etc)
select c1,c2,c4,sum(c3) FROM totalamount
group by c1,c2,c4;
A shortcut to avoid writing the columns again in group by would be to specify them as numbers.
select c1,c2,c4,sum(c3) FROM t
group by 1,2,3;
I found another way to solve, not perfect but maybe it's useful:
SELECT string_agg(column_name::character varying, ',') as columns
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = 'your_schema'
AND table_name = 'your_table
Then apply this select result to main query like this:
$columns = $result[0]["columns"];
sum(table2.amount) as totalamount
FROM table1
join table2 on table1.key = table2.key
GROUP BY $columns;

MariaDB - order by with more selects

I have this SQL:
select * from `posts`
where `posts`.`deleted_at` is null
and `expire_at` >= '2017-03-26 21:23:42.000000'
and (
select count(distinct from `tags`
inner join `post_tag` on `tags`.`id` = `post_tag`.`tag_id`
where `post_tag`.`post_id` = `posts`.`id`
and (`tags`.`tag` like 'PHP' or `tags`.`tag` like 'pop' or `tags`.`tag` like 'UI')
) >= 1
Is it possible order the results by number of tags in posts?
Maybe add there alias?
Any information can help me.
Convert your correlated subquery into a join:
select p.*
from posts p
join (
select pt.post_id,
count(distinct as tag_count
from tags t
inner join post_tag pt on = pt.tag_id
where t.tag in ('PHP', 'pop', 'UI')
group by pt.post_id
) pt on = pt.post_id
where p.deleted_at is null
and p.expire_at >= '2017-03-26 21:23:42.000000'
order by pt.tag_count desc;
Also, note that I changed the bunch of like and or to single IN because you are not matching any pattern i.e. there is no % in the string. So, better using single IN instead.
Also, if you have defined your table names, column names etc keeping keywords etc in mind, you shouldn't have the need to use the backticks. They make reading a query difficult.

Lateral query syntax

I'm trying to get lateral to work in a Postgres 9.5.3 query.
select b_ci."IdOwner",
(select count(*) from "LNK_Stu_CI" lnk
where lnk."FK_CourseInstanceId" = b_ci."Id") as "EnrolledStudents",
from "Course" c
join "DBObjectBases" b_c on c."Id" = b_c."Id"
join "DBObjectBases" b_ci on b_ci."IdOwner" = b_c."Id"
join "CourseInstance" ci on ci."Id" = b_ci."Id",
lateral (select ci."MaximumPlaces" - "EnrolledStudents") x
I want the right-most column to be the result of "MaximumPlaces" - "EnrolledStudents" for that row but am struggling to get it to work. At the moment PG is complaining that "EnrolledStudents" does not exist - which is exactly the point of "lateral", isn't it?
select b_ci."IdOwner",
(select count(*) from "LNK_Stu_CI" lnk
where lnk."FK_CourseInstanceId" = b_ci."Id") as "EnrolledStudents",
lateral (select "MaximumPlaces" - "EnrolledStudents") as "x"
from "Course" c
join "DBObjectBases" b_c on c."Id" = b_c."Id"
join "DBObjectBases" b_ci on b_ci."IdOwner" = b_c."Id"
join "CourseInstance" ci on ci."Id" = b_ci."Id"
If I try inlining the lateral clause (shown above) in the select it gets upset too and gives me a syntax error - so where does it go?
You are missing the point with LATERAL. It can access columns in tables in the FROM clause, but not aliases defined in SELECT clause.
If you want to access alias defined in SELECT clause, you need to add another query level, either using a subquery in FROM clause (AKA derived table) or using a CTE (Common Table Expression). As CTE in PostgreSQL acts as an optimization fence, I strongly recommend going with subquery in this case, like:
-- get all columns on the inner query
-- get your new expression based on the ones defined in the inner query
t."MaximumPlaces" - t."EnrolledStudents" AS new_alias
from (
select b_ci."IdOwner",
(select count(*) from "LNK_Stu_CI" lnk
where lnk."FK_CourseInstanceId" = b_ci."Id") as "EnrolledStudents",
from "Course" c
join "DBObjectBases" b_c on c."Id" = b_c."Id"
join "DBObjectBases" b_ci on b_ci."IdOwner" = b_c."Id"
join "CourseInstance" ci on ci."Id" = b_ci."Id"
) t

TSQL, join to multiple fields of which one could be NULL

I have a simple query:
SELECT * FROM Products p
LEFT JOIN SomeTable st ON st.SomeId = p.SomeId AND st.SomeOtherId = p.SomeOtherId
So far so good.
But the first join to SomeId can be NULL, In that case the check should be IS NULL, and that's where the join fails. I tried to use a CASE, but can't get that to work also.
Am I missing something simple here?
From Undocumented Query Plans: Equality Comparisons.
FROM Products p
LEFT JOIN SomeTable st
ON st.SomeOtherId = p.SomeOtherId

Filter union result

I'm making select with a union.
SELECT * FROM table_1
SELECT * FROM table_2
Is it possible to filter query results by column values?
Yes, you can enclose your entire union inside another select:
select * from (
select * from table_1 union select * from table_2) as t
where t.column = 'y'
You have to introduce the alias for the table ("as t"). Also, if the data from the tables is disjoint, you might want to consider switching to UNION ALL - UNION by itself works to eliminate duplicates in the result set. This is frequently not necessary.
A simple to read solution is to use a CTE (common table expression). This takes the form:
WITH foobar AS (
SELECT foo, bar FROM table_1
SELECT foo, bar FROM table_2
Then you can refer to the CTE in subsequent queries by name, as if it were a normal table:
SELECT foo,bar FROM foobar WHERE foo = 'value'
CTEs are quite powerful, I recommend further reading here
One tip that you will not find in that MS article is; if you require more than one CTE put a comma between the expression statements. eg:
WITH foo AS (
SELECT thing FROM place WHERE field = 'Value'
bar AS (
SELECT otherthing FROM otherplace WHERE otherfield = 'Other Value'
If you want to filter the query based on some criteria then you could do this -
Select * from table_1 where table_1.col1 = <some value>
Select * from table_2 where table_2.col1 = <some value>
But, I would say if you want to filter result to find the common values then you can use joins instead
Select * from table_1 inner join table_2 on table_1.col1 = table_2.col1