PostgreSQL group by all fields - postgresql

I have a query like this:
sum(table2.amount) as totalamount
FROM table1
join table2 on table1.key = table2.key
GROUP BY table1.*;
I got the error: column "table1.key" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function.
Are there any way to group "all" field?

There is no shortcut syntax for grouping by all columns, but it's probably not necessary in the described case. If the key column is a primary key, it's enough when you use it:
GROUP BY table1.key;

You have to specify all the column names in group by that are selected and are not part of aggregate function ( SUM/COUNT etc)
select c1,c2,c4,sum(c3) FROM totalamount
group by c1,c2,c4;
A shortcut to avoid writing the columns again in group by would be to specify them as numbers.
select c1,c2,c4,sum(c3) FROM t
group by 1,2,3;

I found another way to solve, not perfect but maybe it's useful:
SELECT string_agg(column_name::character varying, ',') as columns
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = 'your_schema'
AND table_name = 'your_table
Then apply this select result to main query like this:
$columns = $result[0]["columns"];
sum(table2.amount) as totalamount
FROM table1
join table2 on table1.key = table2.key
GROUP BY $columns;


GROUP BY one column, then by another column

SELECT lkey, max(votecount) FROM VOTES
WHERE ekey = (SELECT ekey FROM Elections where electionid='NR2019')
Is there an easy way to get the pkey in this Statement?
Solution should look like this
INNER JOIN Elections e ON e.ekey = v.ekey
WHERE e.electionid = 'NR2019'
ORDER BY v.ikey, v.votecount DESC;
In plain English, the above query says to return the single record for each ikey value having the highest vote count.

How to make a Group By in PostgreSQL with only one field?

SELECT table1.field1, table2.field2
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.field1, table2.field1
GROUP BY table1.field1
MySQL: ✅ All right! 😁
PostgreSQL: ❌ You must put all Select fields in the Group By! 😭
How to make a Group By in PostgreSQL with only one field?
if table2.field2 value is alpha numeric then use MIN/MAX or table2.field2 is numeric then use any aggregate function as per need for avoiding to use table2.field2 column in GROUP BY clause.
SELECT table1.field1
, MAX(table2.field2) field2
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2
ON table1.field1 = table2.field1
GROUP BY table1.field1

Add Column in table with value partition by group

My table is somethingg like
_id text,
name text,
data_type int,
data_value int,
data_date timestamp -- insertion time
Now due to a system bug, many duplicate entries are created and I need to remove those duplicated and keep only unique entries excluding data_date because it is a system generated date.
My query to do that is something like:
USING ( SELECT _id, name, data_type, data_value, MIN(data_date) min_date
FROM table1
GROUP BY _id, name, data_type, data_value
HAVING count(data_date) > 1) B
WHERE A._id = B._id
AND A.data_type = B.data_type
AND A.data_value = B.data_value
AND A.data_date != B.min_date;
However this query works, having millions of records in the table, I want a faster way for it. My idea is to create a new column with value as partition by [_id, name, data_type, data_value] or columns which are in group by. However, I could not find the way to create such column.
I would appretiate if any one may suggest a way to create such column.
Edit 1:
There is another thing to add, I don't want to use CTE or subquery for updating this new column because it will be same as my existing query.
The best way is simply creating a new table without duplicated records:
SELECT _id, name, data_type, data_value, MIN(data_date) min_date
FROM table1
GROUP BY _id, name, data_type, data_value;
Alternatively, you can create a rank and then filter, but a subquery is needed.
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY your_variables ORDER BY data_date ASC) r
And then filter r=1.

How to avoid duplicates in the STRING_AGG function

My query is below:
STRING_AGG(sf.Naziv, ', ') as 'Ustrojstvena jedinica',
ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(200), (STRING_AGG(TRIM(p.Naziv), ', ')), 121), '')
as 'Partner',
from Ugovor as u
left join VezaUgovorPartner as vup
on vup.UgovorId = u.Id AND vup.IsDeleted = 'false'
left join [TEST_MaticniPodaci2].dbo.Partner as p
on p.PartnerID = vup.PartnerId
left join [dbo].[VezaUgovorUstrojstvenaJedinica] as vuu
on vuu.UgovorId = u.Id
left join [TEST_MaticniPodaci2].hcphs.SifZavod as sf
on sf.Id = vuu.UstrojstvenaJedinicaId
left join [dbo].[SifVrstaUgovora] as vu
on u.VrstaUgovoraId = vu.Id
group by u.Id, sf.Naziv
My problem is that I can have more sf.Naziv and also only one sf.Naziv so I have to check if there is one and then show only one result and if there is two or more to show more results. But for now the problem is when I have only one sf.Naziv, query returns two sf.Naziv with the same name because in first STRING_AGG i have more records about p.Naziv.
I have no idea how to implement DISTINCT into STRING_AGG function
Any other solutions are welcome, but I think it should work with DISTINCT function.
It looks like distinct won't work, so what you should do is put your whole query in a subquery, remove the duplicates there, then do STRING_AGG on the data that has no duplicates.
I like this format for distinct values:
(d is required but you can use any variable name there)
SELECT STRING_AGG(LoadNumber, ',') as LoadNumbers FROM (SELECT DISTINCT LoadNumber FROM [ASN]) d
A sample query to remove duplicates while using STRING_AGG().
WITH cte AS (
FROM activities
SELECT STRING_AGG(product, ',') products
FROM cte;
Or you can use the following query. The result is same -
SELECT STRING_AGG(product, ',') as products
from (
SELECT product
FROM Activities
GROUP BY product
) as _ ;

Firebird 2.5 Removing Rows with Duplicate Fields

I am trying to removing duplicate values which, for some reason, was imported in a specific Table.
There is no Primary Key in this table.
There is 27797 unique records.
Select distinct txdate, plunumber from itemaudit
Give me the correct records, but only displays the txdate, plunumber of course.
If it was possible to select all the fields but only select the distinct of txdate,plunumber I could export the values, delete the duplicated ones and re-import.
Or if its possible to delete the distinct values from the entire table.
If you select the distinct of all fields the value is incorrect.
To get all information on the duplicates, you simply need to query all information for the duplicate rows using a JOIN:
FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt, txdate, plunumber
FROM itemaudit
GROUP BY txdate, plunumber
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) a
INNER JOIN itemaudit b ON a.txdate = b.txdate AND a.plunumber = b.plunumber
DELETE FROM itemaudit t1
SELECT 1 FROM itemaudit t2
WHERE t1.txdate = t2.txdate and t1.plunumber = t2.plunumber