Handling errors within a powershell workflow and a loop - powershell

I have got a Ps script which loops a list of servers, however the error handling is not behaving the way I would expect it to. The invoke-sqlcmd has been set to continue on error, this is deliberate because when looping through a list of servers, I dont want it to stop every time it encounters an error. On the other hand, I would like to know if there has been an error.
What I opted to do was to set the erroractionpreference to continue within the script, but the invoke-sqlcmd command set to stop. This works well outside of powershell workflows, but within a PS workflow its having undesired effects i.e If I run the powershell script from a console, I cannot see any errors if the error action is set to continue, If its set to stop then I can see the errors.
In the example below, I took out the try catch as it was masking errors.
Workflow RunDeployment
$file_list = #("deployment_1.sql","deployment_2.sql","deployment_3.sql","deployment_4.sql","deployment_5.sql")
$x = (1,"localhost\DEV2",3,1),(4,"localhost\DEV2",6,2),(3,"localhost\DEV2",4,3)
$k = 'serverid','servername','locationid','appid'
$h = #{}
For($i=0;$i -lt $x[0].length; $i++){
$x |
[array]$h.($k[$i]) += [string]$_[$i]
$folder = "C:\Temp\"
$database_name = "Test"
$all_server_ids = $h['serverid']
foreach -parallel ($server_id in $all_server_ids)
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
$severid = $h["serverid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$servername = $h["servername"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$locationid = $h["locationid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
foreach ($file in $file_list)
$release_file = "$folder$file"
write-output "The file is $release_file "
# try {
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$servername" -inputfile $folder$file -Database "$database_name" -Querytimeout 60 -OutputSqlErrors $true -ConnectionTimeout 10 -ErrorAction Stop -Errorvariable errorvalue
# write-output "-ServerInstance $servername -inputfile $folder$file -Database $database_name -Querytimeout 60 -OutputSqlErrors $true -ConnectionTimeout 10 -ErrorAction Stop -Errorvariable errorvalue"
# if ($errorvalue){
# write-output "Error encountered see $errorvalue" }
# }
# Catch{
# $error_message = $_.Exception.Message
# write-output $error_message
# write-output $error
# }


Loop get-mailbox cmdlet until no error returned

I have hybrid setup where shared mailboxes are getting created on-prem and synced through to Exchange Online in a span of couple of minutes.
My routine is to create a shared mailbox on-prem and then convert it, populate, enable messagecopy, etc. through Connect-ExchangeOnline.
I want to have a tiny script to check if it synced to EO or not.
I've tried several different ways and seemingly this one should work, but unfortunately it breaks after both success or error without attempting to run get-mailbox in 10 seconds as I expect it to.
Please review and advise.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$ID = "xxx#yyy"
while ($i -le 10) {
try {
Get-Mailbox $ID
catch {
Start-Sleep 10
As commented, to catch also non-terminating exceptions, you must use -ErrorAction Stop.
But why not simply do something like
$ID = "xxx#yyy"
for ($i = 0; $i -le 10; $i++) { # # loop 11 attempts maximum
$mbx = Get-Mailbox -Identity $ID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($mbx) {
Write-Host "Mailbox for '$ID' is found" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Mailbox for '$ID' not found.. Waiting 10 more seconds"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Or, if you want to use try{..} catch{..}
$ID = "xxx#yyy"
for ($i = 0; $i -le 10; $i++) { # loop 11 attempts maximum
try {
$mbx = Get-Mailbox -Identity $ID -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "Mailbox for '$ID' is found" -ForegroundColor Green
$i = 999 # exit the loop by setting the counter to a high value
catch {
Write-Host "Mailbox for '$ID' not found.. Waiting 10 more seconds"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10

Parallel run for this particular powershell script

I am in the process of re-writing the script below to be able to run in parallel, as can be seen in the code, an array of servers is passed to the script, and then it loads it onto a hash table, loops through each server at a time to do the deployment, for each server there are files to execute in a particular order (see array of files). Looking at the structure, I feel workspace is the way to go here but I could be wrong.
Where the performance gains can be seen in my opinion or having the code such that multiple servers can be executed at thesame time rather than waiting for each server to complete and move onto the next one. foreach parallel
I ran a test to call a function declared outside a workspace, it worked.Is this good practice to call a function declared outside a workspace ? I ask this because I would like to reuse some functions outside the workspace, or is it generally better to put all the code in the workspace even ones that are not intended for parallel workloads i.e one off calls to the code. ?
The below is the code I am testing with.
Function Check-Instance-Connection{
#Return extra useful info by using custom objects
$check_outcome = "" | Select-Object -Property log_date, stage, status, error_message
$check_outcome.log_date = (Get-Date)
$check_outcome.stage = 'Ping SQL instance for $sql_server'
#test connection for a sql instance
$connectionstring = "Data Source=$sql_server;Integrated Security =true;Initial Catalog=$db_name;Connect Timeout=5;"
$sqllconnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connectionstring
$check_outcome.status = $true
$check_outcome.error_message = ''
return $check_outcome
$check_outcome.status = $false
$check_outcome.error_message = $_.Exception.Message
return $check_outcome
$file_list = #("deployment_1.sql","deployment_2.sql","deployment_3.sql","deployment_4.sql","deployment_5.sql")
$x = (1,"Server1",3,1),(4,"Server2",6,2),(3,"Server3",4,3)
$k = 'serverid','servername','locationid','appid' # key names correspond to data positions in each array in $x
$h = #{}
For($i=0;$i -lt $x[0].length; $i++){
$x |
[array]$h.($k[$i]) += [string]$_[$i]
$folder = "F:\Files\"
$database_name = "Test"
foreach ($server_id in $all_server_ids)
$severid = $h["serverid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$servername = $h["servername"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$locationid = $h["locationid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$message = 'ServerID {0} has a servername of {1} and a location id of {2}' -f $server_id, $h["servername"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)],$h["locationid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
Write-Output $message
Write-Output "This $severid and this $servername and this $locationid"
foreach ($file in $file_list)
$is_instance_ok = Check-Instance-Connection $servername $database_name
if ($is_instance_ok.check_outcome -eq $true){
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$servername" -inputfile $folder$file -Database "$database_name" -Querytimeout 60 -OutputSqlErrors $true -ConnectionTimeout 10 -ErrorAction Continue -Errorvariable generated_error | Out-Null
Thanks, I did a lot more research and looked at a lot of examples on how workflows work. This is what I have come up with.
Workflow RunExecution
Function Check-Instance-Connection{
#Return extra useful info by using custom objects
$check_outcome = "" | Select-Object -Property log_date, stage, status, error_message
$check_outcome.log_date = (Get-Date)
$check_outcome.stage = 'Ping SQL instance for $sql_server'
#test connection for a sql instance
$connectionstring = "Data Source=$sql_server;Integrated Security =true;Initial Catalog=$db_name;Connect Timeout=5;"
$sqllconnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connectionstring
$check_outcome.status = $true
$check_outcome.error_message = ''
return $check_outcome
$check_outcome.status = $false
$check_outcome.error_message = $_.Exception.Message
return $check_outcome
$file_list = #("deployment_1.sql","deployment_2.sql","deployment_3.sql","deployment_4.sql","deployment_5.sql")
$x = (1,"server1\DEV3",3,1),(4,"serer1\DEV2",6,2),(3,"serer2\DEV1",4,3)
$k = 'serverid','servername','locationid','appid'
$h = #{}
For($i=0;$i -lt $x[0].length; $i++){
$x |
[array]$h.($k[$i]) += [string]$_[$i]
$folder = "C:\Temp\"
$database_name = "Test"
$all_server_ids = $h['serverid']
foreach -parallel ($server_id in $all_server_ids)
$severid = $h["serverid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$servername = $h["servername"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$locationid = $h["locationid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
foreach ($file in $file_list)
# $check_fine = $is_instance_ok.check_outcome
# if ($check_fine = $true){
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$servername" -inputfile $folder$file -Database "$database_name" -Querytimeout 60 -OutputSqlErrors $true -ConnectionTimeout 10 -ErrorAction Continue
write-output "invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $servername -inputfile $folder$file -Database $database_name -Querytimeout 60 -OutputSqlErrors $true -ConnectionTimeout 10 -ErrorAction Continue "
# }

Powershell progress bar for invoke-sqlcmd

So im trying to make a backup script that will download a csv from my mssql, then zip the file, then upload the backup to amazon S3.
The issue im having is the table is 20Million lines on average when i run the script daily. and it looks like it just lags forever untill it completes like 20 minutes later. I was wondering if there is a way to show a progress bar for the invoke-sqlcmd specificly. ive done some research and all the examples i could find is to make a progress bar on a for loop only, not for a single commands progress.
Here is my code:
ECHO "Starting Download"
Import-Module sqlps
#$SQLquery="SELECT * FROM dbo.$PREFIX$i"
$SQLquery="SELECT * FROM dbo.events"
ECHO "Executing query = $SQLquery"
$hostname = "."
$pass = "test"
$usern = "test"
$database = "theDB"
$result=invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $hostname -query $SQLquery -HostName $hostname -Password $pass -Username $usern -Database $database -verbose
#echo $result
$result |export-csv -path $CSVPATH -notypeinformation
ECHO "Starting Zip:"
Compress-Archive -LiteralPath $CSVPATH -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath $ZIPPATH
ECHO "Starting Delete: $CSVPATH "
del "$CSVPATH"
echo "Removed $CSVNAME"
aws s3 cp $ZIPPATH s3://test_$ZIPNAME
this script works but as i said i would like to add a progress bar to the invoke-sqlcmd so that it doesnt look like its frozen while it downloads the huge file.
this is what i could find so far but this only works for a loops progression
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
Write-Verbose "Test Message"
for ($a=1; $a -lt 100; $a++) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Working..." -PercentComplete $a -CurrentOperation "$a% complete" -Status "Please wait."
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
Considering your huge ~20 million record data set, it's probably a good idea to use some of the .NET classes in the System.Data.Common namespace. And I'm not sure about how Export-Csv is implemented, but System.IO.StreamWriter is very efficient for writing large files.
A simple tested/working example with inline comments:
# replace $tableName with yours
$sqlCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.$($tableName)";
$sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM dbo.$($tableName)";
$provider = [System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactories]::GetFactory('System.Data.SqlClient');
$connection = $provider.CreateConnection();
# replace $connectionString with yours, e.g.:
# "Data Source=$($INSTANCE-NAME);Initial Catalog=$($DATABASE-NAME);Integrated Security=True;";
$connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString;
$command = $connection.CreateCommand();
# get total record count for Write-Progress
$command.CommandText = $sqlCount;
$reader = $command.ExecuteReader();
$totalRecords = 0;
while ($reader.Read()) {
$totalRecords = $reader[0];
# select CSV data
$command.CommandText = $sqlSelect;
$reader = $command.ExecuteReader();
# get CSV field names
$columnNames = #();
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $reader.FieldCount; $i++) {
$columnNames += $reader.GetName($i);
# read and populate data one row at a time
$values = New-Object object[] $columnNames.Length;
$currentCount = 0;
# replace $CSVPATH with yours
$writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($CSVPATH);
$writer.WriteLine(($columnNames -join ','));
while ($reader.Read()) {
$null = $reader.GetValues($values);
$writer.WriteLine(($values -join ','));
if (++$currentCount % 1000 -eq 0) {
Write-Progress -Activity 'Reading data' `
-Status "Finished reading $currentCount out of $totalRecords records." `
-PercentComplete ($currentCount / $totalRecords * 100);

Powershell and System Center "You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression

I'm trying to create a script that runs on my clients computers and checks for a pending reboot. If there is a pending reboot it pops up a message that asks the user to reboot or defer. This works great when I try it on my local computer. However, once I put it into System Center and deploy it, it does not run and I get the error "Warning: You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression" Any ideas? Here is the script
# Adjusting ErrorActionPreference to stop on all errors, since using [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]
# does not have a native ErrorAction Parameter, this may need to be changed if used within another
# function.
$TempErrAct = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
}#End Begin Script Block
Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName)
# Setting pending values to false to cut down on the number of else statements
$PendFileRename,$Pending,$SCCM = $false,$false,$false
# Setting CBSRebootPend to null since not all versions of Windows has this value
$CBSRebootPend = $NULL
# Querying WMI for build version
$WMI_OS = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Property BuildNumber, CSName -ComputerName $Computer
# Making registry connection to the local/remote computer
$RegCon = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]"LocalMachine",$Computer)
# If Vista/2008 & Above query the CBS Reg Key
If ($WMI_OS.BuildNumber -ge 6001)
$RegSubKeysCBS = $RegCon.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\").GetSubKeyNames()
$CBSRebootPend = $RegSubKeysCBS -contains "RebootPending"
}#End If ($WMI_OS.BuildNumber -ge 6001)
# Query WUAU from the registry
$RegWUAU = $RegCon.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\")
$RegWUAURebootReq = $RegWUAU.GetSubKeyNames()
$WUAURebootReq = $RegWUAURebootReq -contains "RebootRequired"
# Closing registry connection
# Determine SCCM 2012 Client Reboot Pending Status
# To avoid nested 'if' statements and unneeded WMI calls to determine if the CCM_ClientUtilities class exist, setting EA = 0
$CCMClientSDK = $null
$CCMSplat = #{
$CCMClientSDK = Invoke-WmiMethod #CCMSplat
If ($CCMClientSDK)
If ($CCMClientSDK.ReturnValue -ne 0)
Write-Warning "Error: DetermineIfRebootPending returned error code $($CCMClientSDK.ReturnValue)"
}#End If ($CCMClientSDK -and $CCMClientSDK.ReturnValue -ne 0)
If ($CCMClientSDK.IsHardRebootPending -or $CCMClientSDK.RebootPending)
$SCCM = $true
}#End If ($CCMClientSDK.IsHardRebootPending -or $CCMClientSDK.RebootPending)
}#End If ($CCMClientSDK)
$SCCM = $null
# If any of the variables are true, set $Pending variable to $true
If ($CBSRebootPend -or $WUAURebootReq -or $SCCM)
$Pending = $true
}#End If ($CBS -or $WUAU)
If ($Pending = $CBSRebootPend -or $WUAURebootReq -or $SCCM)
$a = new-object -comobject wscript.shell
$b = $a.popup(“A Reboot is Pending, Press ""OK"" to reboot now or ""Cancel"" to reboot later.“,240,”CRISTA IT”,1)
if($b -eq 1) {
if($b -eq 2) {
#cancle was selected in the box. So should exit
}#End Try
Write-Warning "$Computer`: $_"
# If $ErrorLog, log the file to a user specified location/path
If ($ErrorLog)
Out-File -InputObject "$Computer`,$_" -FilePath $ErrorLog -Append
}#End If ($ErrorLog)
}#End Catch
}#End Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName)
}#End Process
# Resetting ErrorActionPref
$ErrorActionPreference = $TempErrAct
}#End End
PLEASE NOTE: I did not create this script fully but used different free scripts online to create this.

Powershell Timeout After two Seconds

I'm new to powershell. I read some lines on www.powershell.com. Now I need your help to solve a problem. I want to read the UUID from clients in the Network. Therefore I created a document "pcs.txt" where all PCs are stored.
$pc = Get-Content pcs.txt #Read content of file
$cred = Get-Credential “domain\user”
for ($i=0; $i -lt $pc.length; $i++) {
$Result=test-connection -ComputerName $pc[$i] -Count 1 -Quiet
If ($Result -eq 'True')
$uuid = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct -ComputerName $pc[$i] -Credential $cred).UUID
$Ausgabe=$pc[$i] + ';'+$uuid
$Ausgabe=$pc[$i] + '; UUID nicht erhalten'
First I test if the ping works. When the ping works I try to get the uuid.
Sometimes I don't get the uuid even if the ping worked. So I would like to code a timeout, which say -> go to next pc when you don't have the uuid after 2 seconds.
Can you help me please?
Alas, there is no timeout parameter for Get-WmiObject commandlet. There is a feature request in MS Connect, but it is from 2011 and still open.
A workaround, which I haven't tested is available by using System.Management. I'll copy-and-paste it here in case the link goes dead. (And I hate SO answers that only contain links to resouces that may or may not exist...)
Function Get-WmiCustom([string]$computername,[string]$namespace,[string]$class,[int]$timeout=15){
$ConnectionOptions = new-object System.Management.ConnectionOptions
$EnumerationOptions = new-object System.Management.EnumerationOptions
$timeoutseconds = new-timespan -seconds $timeout
$assembledpath = "\\" + $computername + "\" + $namespace
#write-host $assembledpath -foregroundcolor yellow
$Scope = new-object System.Management.ManagementScope $assembledpath, $ConnectionOptions
$querystring = "SELECT * FROM " + $class
#write-host $querystring
$query = new-object System.Management.ObjectQuery $querystring
$searcher = new-object System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher
$searcher.Query = $querystring
$searcher.Scope = $Scope
trap { $_ } $result = $searcher.get()
return $result
I found a good workaround!
Here my working code:
$pc = Get-Content pcs.txt #FILE FROM THE HARDDISK
$cred = Get-Credential “DOMAIN\USER” #
for ($i=0; $i -lt $pc.length; $i++)
$Result=test-connection -ComputerName $pc[$i] -Count 1 -Quiet
If ($Result -eq 'True')
$WMIJob = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct -ComputerName $pc[$i] -Credential $cred -AsJob
$Timeout=Wait-Job -ID $WMIJob.ID -Timeout 1 # the Job times out after 1 seconds.
$uuid = Receive-Job $WMIJob.ID
if ($uuid -ne $null)
$Wert =$uuid.UUID
$Ausgabe=$pc[$i] + ';'+$Wert
<#$b = $error | select Exception
$E = $b -split (:)
$x = $E[1]
$Error.Clear() #>
$Ausgabe=$pc[$i] + '; got no uuid'
$Ausgabe='PC not reached through ping.'
I hope I can help somebody with that