Powershell Timeout After two Seconds - powershell

I'm new to powershell. I read some lines on www.powershell.com. Now I need your help to solve a problem. I want to read the UUID from clients in the Network. Therefore I created a document "pcs.txt" where all PCs are stored.
$pc = Get-Content pcs.txt #Read content of file
$cred = Get-Credential “domain\user”
for ($i=0; $i -lt $pc.length; $i++) {
$Result=test-connection -ComputerName $pc[$i] -Count 1 -Quiet
If ($Result -eq 'True')
$uuid = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct -ComputerName $pc[$i] -Credential $cred).UUID
$Ausgabe=$pc[$i] + ';'+$uuid
$Ausgabe=$pc[$i] + '; UUID nicht erhalten'
First I test if the ping works. When the ping works I try to get the uuid.
Sometimes I don't get the uuid even if the ping worked. So I would like to code a timeout, which say -> go to next pc when you don't have the uuid after 2 seconds.
Can you help me please?

Alas, there is no timeout parameter for Get-WmiObject commandlet. There is a feature request in MS Connect, but it is from 2011 and still open.
A workaround, which I haven't tested is available by using System.Management. I'll copy-and-paste it here in case the link goes dead. (And I hate SO answers that only contain links to resouces that may or may not exist...)
Function Get-WmiCustom([string]$computername,[string]$namespace,[string]$class,[int]$timeout=15){
$ConnectionOptions = new-object System.Management.ConnectionOptions
$EnumerationOptions = new-object System.Management.EnumerationOptions
$timeoutseconds = new-timespan -seconds $timeout
$assembledpath = "\\" + $computername + "\" + $namespace
#write-host $assembledpath -foregroundcolor yellow
$Scope = new-object System.Management.ManagementScope $assembledpath, $ConnectionOptions
$querystring = "SELECT * FROM " + $class
#write-host $querystring
$query = new-object System.Management.ObjectQuery $querystring
$searcher = new-object System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher
$searcher.Query = $querystring
$searcher.Scope = $Scope
trap { $_ } $result = $searcher.get()
return $result

I found a good workaround!
Here my working code:
$pc = Get-Content pcs.txt #FILE FROM THE HARDDISK
$cred = Get-Credential “DOMAIN\USER” #
for ($i=0; $i -lt $pc.length; $i++)
$Result=test-connection -ComputerName $pc[$i] -Count 1 -Quiet
If ($Result -eq 'True')
$WMIJob = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct -ComputerName $pc[$i] -Credential $cred -AsJob
$Timeout=Wait-Job -ID $WMIJob.ID -Timeout 1 # the Job times out after 1 seconds.
$uuid = Receive-Job $WMIJob.ID
if ($uuid -ne $null)
$Wert =$uuid.UUID
$Ausgabe=$pc[$i] + ';'+$Wert
<#$b = $error | select Exception
$E = $b -split (:)
$x = $E[1]
$Error.Clear() #>
$Ausgabe=$pc[$i] + '; got no uuid'
$Ausgabe='PC not reached through ping.'
I hope I can help somebody with that


Parallel run for this particular powershell script

I am in the process of re-writing the script below to be able to run in parallel, as can be seen in the code, an array of servers is passed to the script, and then it loads it onto a hash table, loops through each server at a time to do the deployment, for each server there are files to execute in a particular order (see array of files). Looking at the structure, I feel workspace is the way to go here but I could be wrong.
Where the performance gains can be seen in my opinion or having the code such that multiple servers can be executed at thesame time rather than waiting for each server to complete and move onto the next one. foreach parallel
I ran a test to call a function declared outside a workspace, it worked.Is this good practice to call a function declared outside a workspace ? I ask this because I would like to reuse some functions outside the workspace, or is it generally better to put all the code in the workspace even ones that are not intended for parallel workloads i.e one off calls to the code. ?
The below is the code I am testing with.
Function Check-Instance-Connection{
#Return extra useful info by using custom objects
$check_outcome = "" | Select-Object -Property log_date, stage, status, error_message
$check_outcome.log_date = (Get-Date)
$check_outcome.stage = 'Ping SQL instance for $sql_server'
#test connection for a sql instance
$connectionstring = "Data Source=$sql_server;Integrated Security =true;Initial Catalog=$db_name;Connect Timeout=5;"
$sqllconnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connectionstring
$check_outcome.status = $true
$check_outcome.error_message = ''
return $check_outcome
$check_outcome.status = $false
$check_outcome.error_message = $_.Exception.Message
return $check_outcome
$file_list = #("deployment_1.sql","deployment_2.sql","deployment_3.sql","deployment_4.sql","deployment_5.sql")
$x = (1,"Server1",3,1),(4,"Server2",6,2),(3,"Server3",4,3)
$k = 'serverid','servername','locationid','appid' # key names correspond to data positions in each array in $x
$h = #{}
For($i=0;$i -lt $x[0].length; $i++){
$x |
[array]$h.($k[$i]) += [string]$_[$i]
$folder = "F:\Files\"
$database_name = "Test"
foreach ($server_id in $all_server_ids)
$severid = $h["serverid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$servername = $h["servername"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$locationid = $h["locationid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$message = 'ServerID {0} has a servername of {1} and a location id of {2}' -f $server_id, $h["servername"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)],$h["locationid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
Write-Output $message
Write-Output "This $severid and this $servername and this $locationid"
foreach ($file in $file_list)
$is_instance_ok = Check-Instance-Connection $servername $database_name
if ($is_instance_ok.check_outcome -eq $true){
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$servername" -inputfile $folder$file -Database "$database_name" -Querytimeout 60 -OutputSqlErrors $true -ConnectionTimeout 10 -ErrorAction Continue -Errorvariable generated_error | Out-Null
Thanks, I did a lot more research and looked at a lot of examples on how workflows work. This is what I have come up with.
Workflow RunExecution
Function Check-Instance-Connection{
#Return extra useful info by using custom objects
$check_outcome = "" | Select-Object -Property log_date, stage, status, error_message
$check_outcome.log_date = (Get-Date)
$check_outcome.stage = 'Ping SQL instance for $sql_server'
#test connection for a sql instance
$connectionstring = "Data Source=$sql_server;Integrated Security =true;Initial Catalog=$db_name;Connect Timeout=5;"
$sqllconnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connectionstring
$check_outcome.status = $true
$check_outcome.error_message = ''
return $check_outcome
$check_outcome.status = $false
$check_outcome.error_message = $_.Exception.Message
return $check_outcome
$file_list = #("deployment_1.sql","deployment_2.sql","deployment_3.sql","deployment_4.sql","deployment_5.sql")
$x = (1,"server1\DEV3",3,1),(4,"serer1\DEV2",6,2),(3,"serer2\DEV1",4,3)
$k = 'serverid','servername','locationid','appid'
$h = #{}
For($i=0;$i -lt $x[0].length; $i++){
$x |
[array]$h.($k[$i]) += [string]$_[$i]
$folder = "C:\Temp\"
$database_name = "Test"
$all_server_ids = $h['serverid']
foreach -parallel ($server_id in $all_server_ids)
$severid = $h["serverid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$servername = $h["servername"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
$locationid = $h["locationid"][$all_server_ids.indexof($server_id)]
foreach ($file in $file_list)
# $check_fine = $is_instance_ok.check_outcome
# if ($check_fine = $true){
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$servername" -inputfile $folder$file -Database "$database_name" -Querytimeout 60 -OutputSqlErrors $true -ConnectionTimeout 10 -ErrorAction Continue
write-output "invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $servername -inputfile $folder$file -Database $database_name -Querytimeout 60 -OutputSqlErrors $true -ConnectionTimeout 10 -ErrorAction Continue "
# }

Coding with powershell

I'm new with powershell and i would like to use a loop to ping several Printers on my network.
My problem is : once i'm in the loop of pinging , i can't go out of the loop ...
I tried several things from google but without success ( start-stop , Timer ) . Does anybody have any idea?
Here is the code :
$BtnStartPingClicked = {
if ($LblFileSelectPing.Text -eq "*.txt") {
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore,PresentationFramework
$ButtonType = [System.Windows.MessageBoxButton]::OK
$MessageIcon = [System.Windows.MessageBoxImage]::Error
$MessageBody = "Please select a list of printer first"
$MessageTitle = "Error"
$Result = [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($MessageBody,$MessageTitle,$ButtonType,$MessageIcon)
Write-Host "Your choice is $Result"
else {
do {
$IPList = Get-Content ($LblFileSelectPing.Text)
$snmp = New-Object -ComObject olePrn.OleSNMP
$ping = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
$i = 11
$j = 1
foreach ($Printer in $IPList) {
try {
$result = $ping.Send($Printer)
} catch {
$result = $null
if ($result.Status -eq 'Success') {
$((Get-Variable -name ("GBMachine"+$j+"Ping")).value).Visible = $True
test-Connection -ComputerName $Printer -Count 1 -Quiet
$printerip = $result.Address.ToString()
$snmp.open($Printer, 'public', 2, 3000)
try {
$model = $snmp.Get('.')
} catch {
$model = $null
# Serial
try {
$serial = $snmp.Get('.').toupper()
} catch {
$Dns = $null
# progress
$TBMonitoringPing.SelectionColor = "green"
$TBMonitoringPing.AppendText("$Printer is Pinging")
$mac = (arp -a $Printer | Select-String '([0-9a-f]{2}-){5}[0-9a-f]{2}').Matches.Value
$((Get-Variable -name ('LblMach' + $i)).value).Text = "IP : $Printerip"
$((Get-Variable -name ('LblMach' + $i)).value).Text = "Model : $Model"
$((Get-Variable -name ('LblMach' + $i)).value).Text = "MAC : $mac"
$((Get-Variable -name ('LblMach' + $i)).value).Text = "Serial : $serial"
$TBAnswerMachine.AppendText("$Printer - $Serial")
Get-Content ($LblFileSelectPing.Text) | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch $Printer} | Set-Content ("C:\_canonsoftware\out.txt")
$i = $i+7
Start-Sleep -milliseconds 1000 # Take a breather!
else {
$TBMonitoringPing.selectioncolor = "red"
$TBMonitoringPing.AppendText("$Printer not pinging")
Start-Sleep -milliseconds 1000 # Take a breather!
$LblFileSelectPing.Text = "C:\_canonsoftware\out.txt"
} until($infinity)
thanks for your answers...
1 - part of my object are indeed not declared in the code because they are in my other PS1 file....
2 - I do a do until infinity because i don't want to stop the code before i decide it...
3 - I didn't explain my problem correctly ( excuse my poor english ) ... i would like to be able to go out of the loop do until at the moment i click on a stop button ... but apprently the windows doens't respond while in the loop ... i have to stop the script with powershell ... which is annoying because i'd like to make an executable with it ... and not have to go out of my program ...
thank you for your ideas

How to set timeout to a PowerShell function?

I have a script which is fetching the disk space information of many machines in a call center. However, sometimes this function takes too long. I need to create a time out for that function and have been unable to. I tried using start-job but to be honest, I don't fully understand it and so I am not getting the desired results.
try {
$timeoutSeconds = 30
$code = {
param($currentPCname, $activeDriveTypes)
// Function which takes computer name as input and outputs the ComputerName,DeviceID, Size, Freespace and DriveType (3 = local)
function get-FDS {
Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $hostName |
Where-object {$_.DriveType -in $activeDriveTypes} |
select-Object #{Name="ComputerName";Expression={$hostName}}, #{Name="Date";Expression={Get-Date}}, DeviceID, Size, Freespace, DriveType
get-FDS($currentPCname) -errorAction stop
$processTime = measure-command {
$j = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $code -Arg $currentPCname, $activeDriveTypes
if (Wait-Job $j -Timeout $timeoutSeconds) { $tempData = Receive-Job $j }
$jobState = $j.state
Remove-Job -force $j
if ($jobState -ne 'Completed') {
$pcTurnedOn = $false
$errorMessage = "ERROR talking to $currentPCname : Query timed-out"
$query = "CALL sp_fds_insert_log(" + $currentRunID + ", '" + $errorMessage + "', '" + $scriptName + "');"
$cmd = new-object mysql.data.mysqlclient.mysqlcommand($query, $conn)
} catch {
$pcTurnedOn = $false
$errorMessage = "ERROR talking to $currentPCname : $_"
$query = "CALL sp_fds_insert_log(" + $currentRunID + ", '" + $errorMessage + "', '" + $scriptName + "');"
$cmd = new-object mysql.data.mysqlclient.mysqlcommand($query, $conn)
The main point of the code above is that if the line below which is calling the $code segment
$processTime = measure-command {
$j = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $code -Arg $currentPCname, $activeDriveTypes
if (Wait-Job $j -Timeout $timeoutSeconds) { $tempData = Receive-Job $j }
$jobState = $j.state
Remove-Job -force $j
takes more than 30 seconds which is the $timeoutSeconds, the last IF statement would be called, if the line above does not work for some reason, the catch statement would be called and if it works in less than 30 seconds, nothing would be called.
If the job finished before the timeout is reached, Wait-Job will return the job itself - if the timeout is exceeded it won't return anything:
$timeout = 2
$job = Start-Job { Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 }
$done = $job |Wait-Job -TimeOut $timeout
# It returned within the timeout
else {
# Nothing was returned, job timed out

Variable stuck in a "for" powershell

I am have been trying to get out, the variable $groupUsers (array) that is stuck in inside a for.
I have being researching about the scopes of the variables an I have found that a variable need to be global if I want it to be available in all the function.
I have tried putting the array outside the foreach, the if the for and even converting it to $global:groupUsers but it doesn't work.
function get-localadmins{
param( [string[]] $machineslist)
#split computers list
$separator = ","
$option = [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries
$computerSplit = $machineslist.Split($separator, 20000 ,$option)
#input credentials
$credential = Get-Credential kimo\admin0987
######## Create empty array to use in the for #####
$groupUsers = #()
foreach ($computer in $computerSplit)
$session = new-pssession -computername $computer -Credential $credential
If ($? -eq $false )
$alert = "La conexion remota de ""PSSRemoting""no pude ser establecida con este equipo porfavor verifica WinRM has been updated to receive requests. WinRM service type changed successfully. WinRM service started. WinRM has been updated for remote management. WinRM firewall exception enabled. que la politica de este activada o corre el commando asdfjsfda para habilitar powershell remoto "
new-pssession -computername $computer -Credential $credential
$admingroup2 = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock {
$group = get-wmiobject win32_group -ComputerName localhost -Filter "LocalAccount=True AND SID='S-1-5-32-544'"
$query = "GroupComponent = `"Win32_Group.Domain='$($group.domain)'`,Name='$($group.name)'`""
$list = Get-WmiObject win32_groupuser -ComputerName localhost -Filter $query
$admingroup = $list | select PartComponent # | % {$_.substring($_.lastindexof("Domain=") + 7).replace("`",Name=`"","\")}
$clean = $admingroup
for($i = 0; $i -lt $clean.length; $i += 1)
$string = $clean[$i] | Out-String
$domainPosition = $string.lastindexof('Domain=') + 7
$nextComma = $string.substring($domainPosition).indexOf(',')
$domain = $string.substring($domainPosition,$nextComma-1)
$namePosition = $string.lastindexof('Name="') + 6
$name = $string.substring($namePosition)
#####this is the variable that I can get outside the for ######
$groupUsers += $domain + "\" + $name
Write-Host $groupUsers "inside for"
Write-Host $groupUsers "outside for"
############### I need to get the variable here ###################
$groupUsers| ConvertTo-Html
Write-Host $groupUsers "out side the for-each "
$222 = get-localadmins localhost,machine1,machine2
It seems like the only problem you have here is that you aren't getting $groupUsers returned from the function. That's because you're never returning it!
Write-Host writes directly to the host application as a way of showing data without including it in the pipeline.
To return data, use Write-Object or just don't qualify it at all:
$groupUsers += $domain + "\" + $name
Write-Host $groupUsers "inside for"
Write-Host $groupUsers "outside for"
$groupUsers # this will return it
Then your $222 variable will contain the value.
You don't need $Global scope here.

Set Time limit for Get-process

Long story short, we are experiencing issues with some of our servers that cause crippling effects on them and I am looking for a way to monitor them, now I have a script that will check the RDP port to make sure that it is open and I am thinking that I want to use get-service and then I will return if it pulled any data or not.
Here is the issue I don't know how to limit the time it will wait for a response before returning false.
[bool](Get-process -ComputerName MYSERVER)
Although I like Ansgars answer with a time-limited job, I think a separate Runspace and async invocation fits this task better.
The major difference here being that a Runspace reuses the in-process thread pool, whereas the PSJob method launches a new process, with the overhead that that entails, such as OS/kernel resources spawning and managing a child process, serializing and deserializing data etc.
Something like this:
function Timeout-Statement {
$Runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$PS = [powershell]::Create()
$PS.Runspace = $Runspace
$PS = $PS.AddScript($ScriptBlock)
foreach($Arg in $ArgumentList){
$PS = $PS.AddArgument($Arg)
$IAR = $PS.BeginInvoke()
return $false
Then use that to do:
$ScriptBlock = {
Get-Process #PSBoundParameters
$Timeout = 2500 # 2 and a half seconds (2500 milliseconds)
Timeout-Statement $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList "mycomputer.fqdn" -Timeout $Timeout
You could run your check as a background job:
$sb = { Get-Process -ComputerName $args[0] }
$end = (Get-Date).AddSeconds(5)
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList 'MYSERVER'
do {
Start-Sleep 100
$finished = (Get-Job -Id $job.Id).State -eq 'Completed'
} until ($finished -or (Get-Date) -gt $end)
if (-not $finished) {
Stop-Job -Id $job.Id
Receive-Job $job.Id
Remove-Job $job.Id
This is a known issue: https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/645165/add-timeout-parameter-to-get-wmiobject
There is a workaround provided Here : https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/645165/add-timeout-parameter-to-get-wmiobject
Function Get-WmiCustom([string]$computername,[string]$namespace,[string]$class,[int]$timeout=15)
$ConnectionOptions = new-object System.Management.ConnectionOptions
$EnumerationOptions = new-object System.Management.EnumerationOptions
$timeoutseconds = new-timespan -seconds $timeout
$assembledpath = "\\" + $computername + "\" + $namespace
#write-host $assembledpath -foregroundcolor yellow
$Scope = new-object System.Management.ManagementScope $assembledpath, $ConnectionOptions
$querystring = "SELECT * FROM " + $class
#write-host $querystring
$query = new-object System.Management.ObjectQuery $querystring
$searcher = new-object System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher
$searcher.Query = $querystring
$searcher.Scope = $Scope
trap { $_ } $result = $searcher.get()
return $result
You can call the function like this:
get-wmicustom -class Win32_Process -namespace "root\cimv2" -computername MYSERVER –timeout 1