Cannot find UIDocumentPickerViewController in scope - swift

I am completely new to iOS or Mac development, and I am trying to implement opening and reading files in an app for MacOS. By default I had my app use SwiftUI. Looking up how to implement such a functionality using SwiftUI I saw suggestions to use UIDocumentPickerViewController. However I cannot find a proper documentation as to how to use it in practice. Apple's documentation page is not informative at all -- it doesn't provide any information as of how to actually use this class.
Trying to follow some examples I found elsewhere on the Internet, I am now stuck with getting Cannot find UIDocumentPickerViewController in scope compilation error. I have tried importing UIKit, AppKit, CoreServices, MobileCoreServices, Cocoa but nothing seems to help -- extending the class as described in another StackOverflow answer just fails with the same compilation error.
How do I properly use UIDocumentPickerViewController, or how do I implement the same functionality using some other method if this one is wrong?

Apparently UIDocumentPickerViewController is not available when building for Mac OS X, and NSOpenPanel seems to be a way to get the necessary functionality.


Why doesn't SwiftyZeroMQ support epgm:// and pgm:// transport-classes?

We currently want a way to pass data between devices with sockets so we used ZeroMQ on our server-side with a python script and everything seems to be working. Our protocol address currently is epgm://, However, we need to communicate with the python script so we decided to use this Swift library. Currently, I'm directly using the library from this repository and it seems to be using ZeroMQ library version 4.2 with patch level .2. Then, using this function, I'm checking whether or not the library has the .pgm protocol which my app reports that there it doesn't support it.
Although the library has this function to check whether or not it supports a certain protocol, I'm unable to find ANYTHING on google regarding how I would get the library to support the pgm protocol.
After looking through the original swift library, I was able to find zmq.h which, from what I can tell is what the swift library is using as it's ZMQ library. So, after discovering this, I attempted to recompile libzmq with the "--with-pgm" build option that we used to fix the issue on PyZMQ. However, I haven't really had much luck with this and I'm not even sure this is how I'm supposed to proceed. I'm currently at a loss and any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Here's the Swift code that we're currently using:
import SwiftyZeroMQ5
class communicationClass{
var context: SwiftyZeroMQ.Context?;
var subscriber: SwiftyZeroMQ5.SwiftyZeroMQ.Socket?;
context = try SwiftyZeroMQ.Context();
subscriber = try context?.socket(.subscribe);
try subscriber?.connect("epgm://");
print("error - \(error)")
Here's the error that it outputs: error - Protocol not supported
Q : "Why doesn't SwiftyZeroMQ support epgm:// and pgm:// transport-classes?"
Documentation is clear & sound on this:The as-is package does explicitly state, it does not support epgm://-transport class as of 2020-10.
The next step:
Try using the pgm://-transport-class, instead of the epgm:// and if that fails, file an issue at the package maintainers' incident-management queue, as they claim it should work.
So, due to the lack of support of EPGM and PGM, we have decided to use raw UDP with ZeroMQ's dish/radio draft apis. These draft apis are supposed to replace EPGM and PGM but they're still in development. The apis work for our use case but it may vary depending on your use case.
So, there's a better answer to this question. The reason why SwiftyZeroMQ (at least my version) doesn't support the EPGM and PGM protocols is that you need to compile ZMQ yourself with the openpgm option.

Only factor methods can have swift_name attribute Mapbox

I'm using cocoa pods and map box was working fine but I installed an update and this message appeared:
Now I can't run my project. I'm using map box iOS sdk 3.3.4. What should I do to fix this issue?
According to apple documentation:
The Swift compiler automatically imports Objective-C code as conventional Swift code. There may be edge cases in your code that are not automatically handled. If you need to change the name imported by Swift of an Objective-C method, enumeration case, or option set value, you can use the NS_SWIFT_NAME macro to customize how a declaration is imported. See more.
So all what I did was delete the implementation of the NS_SWIFT_NAME and with that I was able to build the project. I don't know what made this error appear but this was the best solution I found.
From this:
- (instancetype)recordWithRPM:(NSUInteger)RPM NS_SWIFT_NAME(init(RPM:));
To this:
- (instancetype)recordWithRPM:(NSUInteger)RPM;

Problems getting OSVR to initialise the HMD Display with Oculus DK2

I am using a Oculus DK2 (v0.8) and OSVR SDK. I'm having a problem getting the HMD to run/display anything.
The Oculus samples and the OSVR samples do work however, so the osvr_server seems to run fine.
My application itself renders a test scene just fine when not using a HMD.
I tried two approaches:
First, just creating a osvr context and creating a DisplayConfig object. This seems to work, but DisplayConfig::checkStartup() fails (I do this in a loop, calling update on the context when the checkStartup call is failing). I used the OpenGLSample.cpp as a guide for this
Second, I tried using a RenderManager, but the call to createRenderManager results in a crash within the RenderManager.dll. I get the same crash wether I create the graphics lib object myself or if I let the library create it.
I am quite stuck now, since the demos and examples do work, I have no idea where to look for the error on my side. Creating the context works, querying interfaces as well, but the crash with createRenderManager is beyond me.
Does anyone have any hints or ideas what the problem could possibly be?
Regards and thanks in advance
RenderManager should not crash during open. There have been a couple of bug fixes recently to avoid that happening, and the latest RenderManager binaries, libraries and header files are available with the SDK download from along with updated copies of the example programs.
When something goes wrong in RenderManager, it usually reports that to standard error. We're moving that to a logging interface, but for now it should show up on the console. Posting an output of that as an issue at is a good way to let the developers know that there is a problem. Of course, providing the same sort of information you provided here will be helpful as well.

issue in openfeint when i call setHighScore function

I am integrating openfient SDK in my app.
When I want to submit user's score and called a function as below it is giving error
'OFDelegate' was not declared in this scope
[OFHighScoreService setHighScore:scores forLeaderboard:#"112033" onSuccess:OFDelegate() onFailure:OFDelegate()];
Please help me to shortout this issue.
This problem may occur when upgrading from an old version of open feint or reading an old post about Open Feint, as this method is no
longer available, yet still compiles and runs.
The following lines will probably be enough to solve this problem:
[OFHighScoreService setHighScore:scores forLeaderboard:#"112033"
onSuccessInvocation:[OFInvocation invocationForTarget:nil selector:nil]
onFailureInvocation:[OFInvocation invocationForTarget:nil selector:nil]];
Just don't forget to import:
#import "OFHighScoreService.h"
Make sure you have integrated OpenFeint SDK with your app. You may find this video useful:

Loading a private frameworks in MacRuby

I'm attempting to follow this tutorial 'Demystifying Plugins on Leopard' to build a plugin. Instead of using PyObjC I'm trying to use MacRuby. I've got MacRuby 0.6 loaded up and I've gotten to this step in the tutorial (PyObjC code):
MVMailBundle = objc.lookUpClass('MVMailBundle')
I've search the web a bit but can't seem to find any information about loading the private framework 'MVMailBundle' in MacRuby. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance - AYAL
I think the idea is that this plugin will be loaded into, which will already have loaded the private framework in question. So we just want to look up a class at runtime (which is what that Python snippet is doing — not loading a framework). The way to do this in MacRuby is MVMailBundle = NSClassFromString 'MVMailBundle'.
(You will need to include framework 'Cocoa' in order to get the NSClassFromString method, but I assume you'll have already done this.)
MacRuby uses garbage collection and Mail doesn't. You can't load a GC bundle into a non-GC app. So this is a dead-end.