I encountered that my topic despite running and operating doesn't register events occuring in my MongoDB.
Everytime I insert/modify record I'm not getting anymore logs from kafka-console-consumer command.
Is there a way clear Kafka's cache/offset maybe?
Source and sink connection are up and running. Entire cluster is also healthy, thing is that everything worked as usual but every couple weeks I see this coming back or when I log into my Mongo cloud from other location.
--partition 0 parameter didn't help, changing retention_ms to 1 too.
I checked both connectors' status and got RUNNING:
curl localhost:8083/connectors | jq
curl localhost:8083/connectors/monit_people/status | jq
Running docker-compose logs connect I found:
WARN Failed to resume change stream: Resume of change stream was not possible, as the resume point may no longer be in the oplog. 286
If the resume token is no longer available then there is the potential for data loss.
Saved resume tokens are managed by Kafka and stored with the offset data.
When running Connect in standalone mode offsets are configured using the:
`offset.storage.file.filename` configuration.
When running Connect in distributed mode the offsets are stored in a topic.
Use the `kafka-consumer-groups.sh` tool with the `--reset-offsets` flag to reset offsets.
Resetting the offset will allow for the connector to be resume from the latest resume token.
Using `copy.existing=true` ensures that all data will be outputted by the connector but it will duplicate existing data.
Future releases will support a configurable `errors.tolerance` level for the source connector and make use of the `postBatchResumeToken
Issue requires more practice with Confluent Platform thus for now I re-built entire environment by removing entire container with:
docker system prune -a -f --volumes
docker container stop $(docker container ls -a -q -f "label=io.confluent.docker").
After running docker-compose up -d all is up and working.
I am running the confluent JDBC source connector to read from a DB table and publish to a Kafka Topic. The Connector is started by a Job-scheduler and I need to stop the connector after it has published all the rows from the DB table. Any idea how to stop it gracefully ?
You can use the REST API to pause (or delete) a connector
PUT /connectors/:name/pause
There is no "notification" to know if all records are loaded, though, so in the JDBC Source, you can also schedule the bulk mode with a long time delay (say a whole week), then schedule the connector deletion.
to pause it, run this from a command shell (that has CURL installed):
curl -X PUT <host>:8083/connectors/<connector_name>/pause
to resume back again you use:
curl -X PUT <host>:8083/connectors/<connector_name>/resume
to see whether it's paused or not, use:
curl <host>:8083/connectors/<connector_name>/status | jq
the "jq" part makes it more readable.
To date I have either used an existing professional installation for Hadoop with components running, or, installed Kafka and used the also-supplied Zookeeper in a native VM.
I am trying to get the mapR Community Edition Sandbox to run now.
There is a KAFKA library on mapR, but here is no kafka shown when using jps. Seems odd? I managed to get KAFKA to start once.
There is a Zookeeper service on mapR but it uses port 5181, not 2181.
Kafka uses port 9092.
The log.dirs for kafka was set to /tmp/kafka-logs, I changed that to /opt/kafka-logs
The dataDir was also set to /tmp/zookeeper, I changed that to /opt/zookeeper
I also changed the Zookeeper port to 5181 as that is what mapR uses.
It ran once, and then I re-started and I still get this type of error:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tmp/kafka-logs/.lock (Permission denied)
I have done chmod 777 where required I think, but I changed the paths to /opt/... from /tmp. So why is it picking /tmp up again?
I have the impression that it keeps on point to /tmp regardless of the updates to the configurations.
I also see a warning - although I do not think this is an issue:
[2019-01-14 13:26:46,355] WARN No meta.properties file under dir /tmp/kafka-logs/meta.properties (kafka.server.BrokerMetadataCheckpoint)
May be because of the mapR Streams I cannot influence it so as to run natively?
OK, I could delete the question as I solved it, but for those on mapR I deduced:
You need to update the port 2181 to 5181 on server.properties immediately. In this case we integrate with an existing zookeeper instance.
Likewise, update the log.dirs for Kafka from /tmp/kafka-logs asap to /opt/kafka-logs.
Likewise, update the dataDir from /tmp/zookeeper asap to /opt/zookeeper.
Trying to fix latterly otherwise leads to all sorts of issues. I ended up just re-installing and doing it right from scratch.
mapR has a faster version called mapR Streams which implements Kafka. I was not wanting to use that for what I was wanting to do, but mapR Sandbox has a lot of up-to-date items straight out of the box -certainly compared to Cloudera.
I want see all commands issued to my Zookeeper cluster, something like general log in MySQL or "monitor" command in Redis. How can this be done?
The intent is to see how Storm uses Zookeeper (for state management & ack-ing) and a good way to would be to run a sample topology and see all the commands issued to Zookeeper by Storm.
I tried enabling debug log for Zookeeper, but that is insufficient has a lot of noise. For example, issue a create /node prints
2018-02-27 18:05:34 ZooKeeperMain [DEBUG] Processing create
Here is what I've found till now.
Parse the Zookeeper transaction logs.
The best repo I've found to do this is https://github.com/alenca/zklogtool. It's feature packed. The only downside is that it won't record the read queries.
Enable debug logging and grep for Processing request::. This is a hit and miss. Sometimes the request paths are not captured and will need you enable debug logging which can be expensive on a production server.
In Lagom Dev Enviornment, after starting Kafka using lagomKafkaStart
sometimes it shows KafkaServer Closed Unexpectedly, after that i need to run clean command to again get it running.
Please suggest is this the expected behaviour.
This can happen if you forcibly shut down sbt and the ZooKeeper data becomes corrupted.
Other than running the clean command, you can manually delete the target/lagom-dynamic-projects/lagom-internal-meta-project-kafka/ directory.
This will clear your local data from Kafka, but not from any other database (Cassandra or RDBMS). If you are using Lagom's message broker API, it will automatically repopulate the Kafka topic from the source database when you restart your service.
I'm getting started with Confluent Platform which requires to run Zookeeper (zookeeper-server-start /etc/kafka/zookeeper.properties) and then Kafka (kafka-server-start /etc/kafka/server.properties). I am writing an Upstart script that should run both Kafka and Zookeeper. The issue is that Kafka should block until Zookeeper is ready (because it depends on it) but I can't find a reliable way to know when Zookeeper is ready. Here are some attempts in pseudo-code after running the Zookeeper server start:
Use a hardcoded block
sleep 5
Does not work reliably on slower computers and/or waits longer than needed.
Check when something (hopefully Zookeeper) is running on port 2181
wait until $(echo stat | nc localhost ${port}) is not none
This did not seem to work as it doesn't wait long enough for Zookeeper to accept a Kafka connection.
Check the logs
wait until specific string in zookeeper log is found
This is sketchy and there isn't even a string that cannot also be found on error too (e.g. "binding to port [...]").
Is there a reliable way to know when Zookeeper is ready to accept a Kafka connection? Otherwise, I will have to resort to a combination of 1 and 2.
I found that using a timer is not reliable. the second option (waiting for the port) worked for me:
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon config/zookeeper.properties && \
while ! nc -z localhost 2181; do sleep 0.1; done && \
bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon config/server.properties
The Kafka error message from your comment is definitely relevant:
FATAL [Kafka Server 0], Fatal error during KafkaServer startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServer) java.lang.RuntimeException: A broker is already registered on the path /brokers/ids/0. This probably indicates that you either have configured a brokerid that is already in use, or else you have shutdown this broker and restarted it faster than the zookeeper timeout so it appears to be re-registering.
This indicates that ZooKeeper is up and running, and Kafka was able to connect to it. As I would have expected, technique #2 was sufficient for verifying that ZooKeeper is ready to accept connections.
Instead, the problem appears to be on the Kafka side. It has registered a ZooKeeper ephemeral node to represent the starting Kafka broker. An ephemeral node is deleted automatically when the client's ZooKeeper session expires (e.g. the process terminates so it stops heartbeating to ZooKeeper). However, this is based on timeouts. If the Kafka broker restarts rapidly, then after restart, it sees that a znode representing that broker already exists. To the new process start, this looks like there is already a broker started and registered at that path. Since brokers are expected to have unique IDs, it aborts.
Waiting for a period of time past the ZooKeeper session expiration is an appropriate response to this problem. If necessary, you could potentially tune the session expiration to happen faster as discussed in the ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide. (See discussion of tickTime, minSessionTimeout and maxSessionTimeout.) However, tuning session expiration to something too rapid could cause clients to experience spurious session expirations during normal operations.
I have less knowledge on Kafka, but perhaps there is also something that can be done on the Kafka side. I know that some management tools like Apache Ambari take steps to guarantee assignment of a unique ID to each broker on provisioning.