Lagom Kafka Unexpected Close Error - apache-kafka

In Lagom Dev Enviornment, after starting Kafka using lagomKafkaStart
sometimes it shows KafkaServer Closed Unexpectedly, after that i need to run clean command to again get it running.
Please suggest is this the expected behaviour.

This can happen if you forcibly shut down sbt and the ZooKeeper data becomes corrupted.
Other than running the clean command, you can manually delete the target/lagom-dynamic-projects/lagom-internal-meta-project-kafka/ directory.
This will clear your local data from Kafka, but not from any other database (Cassandra or RDBMS). If you are using Lagom's message broker API, it will automatically repopulate the Kafka topic from the source database when you restart your service.


Kafka connect-distributed mode fault tolerance not working

I have created kafka connect cluster with 3 EC2 machines and started 3 connectors ( debezium-postgres source) on each machine reading a different set of tables from postgres source. In one of the machines, I started the s3 sink connector as well. So the changed data from postgres is being moved to kafka broker via source connectors (3) and S3 sink connector consumes these messages and pushes them to S3 bucket.
The cluster is working fine and so are the connectors too. When I pause any of the connectors running on one of EC2 machine, I was expecting that its task should be taken by another connector (postgres-debezium) running on another machine. But that's not happening.
I installed kafdrop as well to monitor the brokers. I see 3 internal topics connect-offsets, connect-status and connect-configs are getting populated with necessary offsets, configs, and status too ( when I pause, status paus message appears).
But somehow connectors are not taking the task when I paused.
Let me know in what scenario connector takes the task of other failed one? Is pause is the right way? or we should produce some error on one of the connectors then it takes.
Please guide.
Sounds like it's working as expected.
Pausing has nothing to do with the fault tolerance settings and it'll completely stop the tasks. There's nothing to rebalance until unpaused.
The fault tolerance settings for dead letter queue, skip+log, or halt are for when there are actual runtime exception in the connector that you cannot control through the API. For example, a database or S3 network / authentication exception, or serialization error in the Kafka client

How to unlock ActiveMQ Artemis broker

I did something to lock my ActiveMQ Artemis 2.8.1 broker. I needed to run > ./artemis data exp to get data on my queue setup. It failed to run, giving an error saying that the broker was locked: /var/lib/[broker]/lock
So I stopped the broker and ran the data exp successfully, but now when I try to start the broker I get the same error, and I don't know how to stop whatever was started by data exp.
Error: There is another process using the server at /var/lib/broker1/lock. Cannot start the process!*
So how do I unlock the broker in this situation? I've tried using systemctl to restart Artemis all together, but that didn't do anything. And the Artemis tab is missing entirely from Console.
You should be able to simply remove the lock file at /var/lib/broker1/lock and then start the broker again.

mapR Kafka cannot start second time round

To date I have either used an existing professional installation for Hadoop with components running, or, installed Kafka and used the also-supplied Zookeeper in a native VM.
I am trying to get the mapR Community Edition Sandbox to run now.
There is a KAFKA library on mapR, but here is no kafka shown when using jps. Seems odd? I managed to get KAFKA to start once.
There is a Zookeeper service on mapR but it uses port 5181, not 2181.
Kafka uses port 9092.
The log.dirs for kafka was set to /tmp/kafka-logs, I changed that to /opt/kafka-logs
The dataDir was also set to /tmp/zookeeper, I changed that to /opt/zookeeper
I also changed the Zookeeper port to 5181 as that is what mapR uses.
It ran once, and then I re-started and I still get this type of error: /tmp/kafka-logs/.lock (Permission denied)
I have done chmod 777 where required I think, but I changed the paths to /opt/... from /tmp. So why is it picking /tmp up again?
I have the impression that it keeps on point to /tmp regardless of the updates to the configurations.
I also see a warning - although I do not think this is an issue:
[2019-01-14 13:26:46,355] WARN No file under dir /tmp/kafka-logs/ (kafka.server.BrokerMetadataCheckpoint)
May be because of the mapR Streams I cannot influence it so as to run natively?
OK, I could delete the question as I solved it, but for those on mapR I deduced:
You need to update the port 2181 to 5181 on immediately. In this case we integrate with an existing zookeeper instance.
Likewise, update the log.dirs for Kafka from /tmp/kafka-logs asap to /opt/kafka-logs.
Likewise, update the dataDir from /tmp/zookeeper asap to /opt/zookeeper.
Trying to fix latterly otherwise leads to all sorts of issues. I ended up just re-installing and doing it right from scratch.
mapR has a faster version called mapR Streams which implements Kafka. I was not wanting to use that for what I was wanting to do, but mapR Sandbox has a lot of up-to-date items straight out of the box -certainly compared to Cloudera.

Consume from Kafka 0.10.x topic using Storm 0.10.x (KafkaSpout)

I am not sure if this a right question to ask in this forum. We were consuming from a Kafka topic by Storm using the Storm KafkaSpout connector. It was working fine till now. Now we are supposed to connect to a new Kafka cluster having upgraded version 0.10.x from the same Storm env which is running on version 0.10.x.
From storm documentation ( I can see that storm 1.1.0 is compatible with Kafka 0.10.x onwards supporting the new Kafka consumer API. But in that case I won't be able to run the topology in my end (please correct me if I am wrong).
Is there any work around for this?
I have seen that even if the New Kafka Consumer API has removed ZooKeeper dependency but we can still consume message from it using the old by passing the --zookeeper flag instead of new –bootstrap-server flag (recommended). I run this command from using Kafka 0.9 and able to consume from a topic hosted on Kafka 0.10.x
When we are trying to connect getting the below exception:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /brokers/topics/mytopic/partitions
at storm.kafka.DynamicBrokersReader.getBrokerInfo( ~[stormjar.jar:?]
at storm.kafka.trident.ZkBrokerReader.<init>( ~[stormjar.jar:?]
But we are able to connect to the remote ZK server and validated that the path exists:
./ -server remoteZKServer:2181
[zk: remoteZKServer:2181(CONNECTED) 5] ls /brokers/topics/mytopic/partitions
[3, 2, 1, 0]
As we can see above that it's giving us expected output as the topic has 4 partitions in it.
At this point have the below questions:
1) Is it at all possible to connect to Kafka 0.10.x using Storm version 0.10.x ? Has one tried this ?
2) Even if we are able to consume, do we need to make any code change in order to retrieve the message offset in case of topology shutdown/restart. I am asking this as we will passing the Zk cluster details instead of the brokers info as supported in old KafkaSpout version.
Running out of options here, any pointers would be highly appreciated
We are able to connect and consume from the remote Kafka topic while running it locally using eclipse. To make sure storm does not uses the in-memory zk we have used the overloaded constructor LocalCluster("zkServer",port), it's working fine and we can see the data coming. This lead us to conclude that version compatibility might not be the issue here.
However still no luck when deployed the topology in cluster.
We have verified the connectivity from storm box to zkservers
The znode seems fine also ..
At this point really need some pointers here, what could possibly be wrong with this and how do we debug that? Never worked with Kafka 0.10x before so not sure what exactly are we missing.
Really appreciate some help and suggestions
Storm 0.10x is compatible with Kafka 0.10x . We can still uses the old KafkaSpout that depends on zookeeper based offset storage mechanism.
The connection loss exception was coming as we were trying to reach a remote Kafka cluster that does not allow/accept connection from our end. We need to open specific firewall port so that the connection can be established. It seems that while running topology is cluster mode all the supervisor nodes should be able to talk to the zookeeper, so the firewall should be open for each one of them.

How to create a durable topic in kafka

I am new to kafka and am still learning the basics of the same. I want to create a durable topic which is preserved even after the zoopkeeper and/or kafka server shutdown.
What I notice it this - I have a zookeeper and kafka server running on my local macbook. When I shutdown the zookeeper server and again bring it up quickly I can see the previously created topics. But If I restart the system and then restart the zookeeper server - I dont see the topic that I had created earlier.
I am running kafka_2.9.2- on my local system.
It happens because /tmp is getting cleaned after reboot resulting in loss of your data.
To fix this modify your Zookeeper dataDir property (in config/ and Kafka log.dirs (in config/ to be somewhere NOT in /tmp.