How to convert Org mode file to ODT using a template and Pandoc? - org-mode

I have a file with following contents:
* Hello!
This is a test.
I want to convert it to LibreOffice (ODT) format using Pandoc so that it is formatted according to a template or draft-template.odt both of which are available here.
When I run
cat | \
pandoc -f org \
-t odt \
--template=draft-template.odt \
--log=plan.odt.log \
--fail-if-warnings \
-o plan.odt
I get the error
pandoc: Cannot decode byte '\xc6': Data.Text.Internal.Encoding.decodeUtf8: Invalid UTF-8 stream
The call
cat | \
pandoc -f org \
-t odt \
--reference-doc=draft-template.odt \
--log=plan.odt.log \
--fail-if-warnings \
-o plan.odt
does not generate any errors, but the resulting document plan.odt is not formatted according to draft-template.odt.
Same problem with
cat | \
pandoc -f org \
-t odt \ \
--log=plan.odt.log \
--fail-if-warnings \
-o plan.odt
How can I make sure that the resulting file plan.odt is using the fonts specified in or draft-template.odt?
I am using pandoc, compiled with pandoc-types 1.22, texmath, skylighting 0.10.2, citeproc, ipynb under MacOS BigSur 11.1.
Update 1: Adding
#+ODT_STYLES_FILE: "draft-template.odt" or
to did not solve the problem.
Update 2: I tried exporting the default template using pandoc -D odt > template.odt, then replacing Courier New with Courier Prime in template.odt and then generating the ODT file using
pandoc \
-f org \
-t odt \
--standalone \
--template=template.odt \
--log=plan.odt.log \
--fail-if-warnings \
-o plan.odt
Still no luck.
Update 3: file returns ASCII text
Update 4: The call
iconv -t utf-8 | \
pandoc \
-f org \
-t odt \
--standalone \
--template=template.odt \
--log=plan.odt.log \
--fail-if-warnings \
-o plan.odt
did not work (plan.odt does not have the formatting from template.odt).

iconv -t utf-8 | pandoc | iconv -f utf-8
(Sorry not to answer this question in a comment. I do not have 50 points)


How to convert STL to rotating GIF using OpenSCAD?

Given an STL file, how can you convert it to an animated gif using the command line (bash)?
I've discovered a few articles that vaguely describe how to do this through the GUI. I've been able to generate the following, however the animation is very rough and the shadows jump around.
for ((angle=0; angle <=360; angle+=5)); do
openscad /dev/null -o dump$angle.png -D "cube([2,3,4]);" --imgsize=250,250 --camera=0,0,0,45,0,$angle,25
ffmpeg \
-framerate 24 \
-pattern_type glob \
-i 'dump*.png' \
-r 8 \
-vf scale=512:-1 \
out.gif \
OpenScad has a built in --animation X parameter, however using that likely won't work when passing in the camera angle as a parameter.
Bash + Docker
Converting an STL to a GIF requires several steps
Center the STL at the origin
Convert the STL into a collection of .PNG files from different angles
Combine those PNG files into a .gif file
Assuming you have docker installed you can run the the following to convert an STL into an animated GIF
(Note: A more up to date version of this script is available at spuder/CAD-scripts/stl2gif
This depends on 3 docker containers
# 1. Use spuder/stl2origin:latest docker container to center the file at origin
# A file with the offsets will be saved to `${MYTMPDIR}/`
MYTMPDIR="$(mktemp -d)"
trap 'rm -rf -- "$MYTMPDIR"' EXIT
docker run \
-e OUTPUT_BASH_FILE=/output/ \
-v $(dirname "$file"):/input \
-v $MYTMPDIR:/output \
--rm spuder/stl2origin:latest \
"/input/$(basename "$file")"
cp "${file}" "$MYTMPDIR/foo.stl"
# 2. Read ${MYTMPDIR}/ and load the offset variables ($XTRANS, $XMID,$YTRANS,$YMID,$ZTRANS,$ZMID)
# Save the new centered STL to `$MYTMPDIR/foo-centered.stl`
source $MYTMPDIR/
docker run \
-v "$MYTMPDIR:/input" \
-v "$MYTMPDIR:/output" \
openscad/openscad:2021.01 openscad /dev/null -D "translate([$XTRANS-$XMID,$YTRANS-$YMID,$ZTRANS-$ZMID])import(\"/input/foo.stl\");" -o "/output/foo-centered.stl"
# 3. Convert the STL into 60 .PNG images with the camera rotating around the object. Note `$t` is a built in openscad variable that is automatically set based on time when --animate option is used
# OSX users will need to replace `openscad` with `/Applications/`
# Save all images to $MYTMPDIR/foo{0..60}.png
# This is not yet running in a docker container due to a bug:
openscad /dev/null \
-D '$vpr = [60, 0, 360 * $t];' \
-o "${MYTMPDIR}/foo.png" \
-D "import(\"${MYTMPDIR}/foo-centered.stl\");" \
--imgsize=600,600 \
--animate 60 \
--colorscheme "Tomorrow Night" \
--viewall --autocenter
# 4. Use ffmpeg to combine all images into a .GIF file
# Tune framerate (15) and -r (60) to produce a faster/slower/smoother image
yes | ffmpeg \
-framerate 15 \
-pattern_type glob \
-i "$MYTMPDIR/*.png" \
-r 60 \
-vf scale=512:-1 \
"${file}.gif" \
rm -rf -- "$MYTMPDIR"
STL File
Gif without centering
Gif with centering

Create protocol mapper in Keycloak using

From Add protocol-mapper to keycloak using
Has anyone figured this out yet? I tried it the way Oscar suggested and it still does not work.
The lines that are not commented work perfectly.
The lines that are commented do not work. I get an error that says "./ 59 (or whatever line number that I have uncommented): -s: not found"
sudo docker exec $keycontainer /opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/ create \
clients/$cid/protocol-mappers/models \
-r myrealm \
-s name=roles \
-s protocol=openid-connect \
-s protocolMapper=oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper
#-s 'config."id.token.claim"=true' \
#-s \
#-s jsonType.label=String \
#-s multivalued=true \
#-s userinfo.token.claim=true \
#-s access.token.claim=true
I made this work by formatting as Oscar suggested and using -i after the docker exec command. It works perfectly now.
sudo docker exec -i $keycontainer /opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/ create \
clients/$cid/protocol-mappers/models \
-r testrealm \
-s name=testmap \
-s protocol=openid-connect \
-s protocolMapper=oidc-usermodel-realm-role-mapper \
-s 'config."id.token.claim"=true' \
-s 'config.""=testmap' \
-s 'config."jsonType.label"=String' \
-s 'config."multivalued"=true' \
-s 'config."userinfo.token.claim"=true' \
-s 'config."access.token.claim"=true'

Build all packages for an image

Is it possible to build all of the packages for a specific image? I know I can build packages individually, but ideally would like to build all of them at once, through a single command.
Alternatively, is there a way to prevent the do_rootfs task from being executed for a particular image.
Cheers, Donal
First make an image that contains a packagegroup (or just list your dependencies there).
$ cat sources/meta-custom/recipes-custom/images/
SUMMARY = "All dependencies no image"
version = "##DISTRO_VERSION##"
BB_SCHEDULER = "speed"
# option 1 - packagegroup, package list can be reused in real image
packagegroup_all-depends \
# option 2 - list deps here, package list can not be reused in real image
lshw \
systemd \
cronie \
glibc \
sqlite \
bash \
python3-dev \
python3-2to3 \
python3-misc \
python3-pyvenv \
python3-modules \
python3-pip \
wget \
apt \
pciutils \
file \
tree \
wpa-supplicant \
dhcpcd \
networkmanager \
curl-dev \
curl \
hostapd \
iw \
# remove the rootfs step
do_rootfs() {
Second make your packagegroup if you opted to reuse the list of packages
$ cat sources/meta-custom/recipes-custom/packagegroups/
inherit packagegroup
RDEPENDS_${PN} = " \
lshw \
systemd \
cronie \
glibc \
sqlite \
bash \
python3-dev \
python3-2to3 \
python3-misc \
python3-pyvenv \
python3-modules \
python3-pip \
wget \
apt \
pciutils \
file \
tree \
wpa-supplicant \
dhcpcd \
networkmanager \
curl-dev \
curl \
hostapd \
iw \
Finally build your new image placeholder
$ bitbake only-packages-image
In Yocto >=4.0 this is actually pretty easy to achieve. The packagegroup method did not work for me at all.
I don't know if this works in older versions though.
Create a new file in your custom layer, e.g. meta-custom/classes/norootfs.bbclass and put the following lines in there (as far as I noticed the order does not matter):
deltask do_deploy
deltask do_image
deltask do_rootfs
deltask do_image_complete
deltask do_image_setscene
then in your meta-custom/recipes-core/images/ add norootfs to your other inherit commands
e.g. the most basic one
inherit core-image norootfs
You will notice your number of tasks decreasing by a fair amount (mine from ~4700 to ~3000) and there is no complete rootfs image anymore in build/tmp/deploy/images, except for bzImage and modules, just the plain ipk files in build/tmp/deploy/ipk.
I got this information by looking at and .bbclass files in meta/classes where deltask is frequently used.

Curl error: option-less arguments found

I'm trying to import this example into postman
curl -s --user 'api:YOUR_API_KEY' \ \
-F from='Excited User <mailgun#YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME>' \
-F \
-F subject='Hello' \
-F text='Testing some Mailgun awesomness!'
Please help me understand the -s, --user, -F, what is that? And then when I try to import, I get this error: option-less arguments found. How can I fix this?
If you're trying to execute curl commands in Postman, select Import, then Paste Raw Text and then copy the command, but first remove all backslashes.

wget not saving images while --page-requisites is on

I try to save images from a site using wget. I have --page-requisites in the command line but it doesn't save the images. For the rest everything goes so fine, it even saves the extension.
wget \
--recursive \
--no-clobber \
--page-requisites \
--html-extension \
--convert-links \
--restrict-file-names=windows \
Why doesn't it get the images?