Office 365 Powershell - Formatting the output of a foreach-object loop - powershell

Good evening all,
Still pretty new to Powershell but I've been trying to get some scripts together to make some of the reporting easier for a lot of the information that we need to pull from our clients' Office 365 tenants.
The script already does what I need it to (grab the subscriptions from the tenant, grab the friendly name of the subscription from my CSV, then write to the console), however my question is about the formatting: I would like to format this output in a table with the column headers Subscriptions, Active, Suspended, Assigned.
$sku = Get-MsolAccountSku | select-object skupartnumber,ActiveUnits,suspendedUnits,ConsumedUnits | sort-object -property skupartnumber
$skudata = import-csv -Header friendlyname,skupartnumber "C:\PShell\SKUs.csv" | where-object {$sku.skupartnumber -eq $_.skupartnumber} | sort-object -property skupartnumber
$skudata | foreach-object {$n = 0}{write-host $skudata.friendlyname[$n], $sku.ActiveUnits[$n], $sku.SuspendedUnits[$n], $sku.ConsumedUnits[$n]; $n = $n + 1}
## Output:
POWER BI (FREE) 1000000 0 1
Here's the script and output, I'm using write-host right now because this formats the data in the same way that we already want it and I can easily copy it out of the console and in to our tickets. When I use write-output, however, it puts each cell on its own line and I can't seem to figure out how to pipe this in to format-table .
$skudata | foreach-object {$n = 0}{write-output $skudata.friendlyname[$n], $sku.ActiveUnits[$n], $sku.SuspendedUnits[$n], $sku.ConsumedUnits[$n]; $n = $n + 1}
# Output:
I'm already able to get everything I need using the below hash table and simple script, the only problem is that it can't pull the common subscription name and Microsoft's skupartnumber identifier is the best option which isn't always very descriptive. I'm sure there's some very simple solution I'm just missing, but if anyone could point me in the right direction for either solution I've tried it would be greatly appreciated!
$subs = #{Label="Subscription"; Expression={$_.skupartnumber}; Alignment = "right";}
$active = #{Label="Active"; Expression={$_.ActiveUnits}; Alignment = "right"}
$assigned = #{Label="Assigned"; Expression={$_.ConsumedUnits}; Alignment = "right"}
$suspended = #{Label="Suspended"; Expression={$_.SuspendedUnits}; Alignment = "right"}
Get-MsolAccountSku | Format-Table $subs, $active, $suspended, $assigned -autosize
# Output:
Subscription Active Suspended Assigned
------------ ------ --------- --------

PowerShell is an object oriented language and what you need is to gather the info you want in objects for further processing or output.
$result = for ($n = 0; $n -lt $skudata.Count; $n++) {
# output the data as PSObject that gets collected in variable $result
Subscription = $skudata.friendlyname[$n]
Active = $sku.ActiveUnits[$n]
Suspended = $sku.SuspendedUnits[$n]
Assigned = $sku.ConsumedUnits[$n]
# output on screen
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize
# output to CSV
$result | Export-Csv -Path "C:\PShell\SkuUsage.csv" -NoTypeInformation


Input validation/data filtering with Powershell

I've been working on this for a little while, basically all I'm doing is grabbing the licensing from our clients' Office 365 tenant and displaying it in a more readable manner since Office 365 Powershell doesn't output subscription names in a common name. This works perfectly when every subscription is in my CSV of subscription names, however on occasions where the SKU is not in my list (brand new or legacy offerings) the licensing table doesn't populate correctly because it can't find the friendlyname in my CSV (licensing quantities don't match the subscription name because of a blank record when it failed to find the SKU).
What I'm trying to have it do is display the skupartnumber in place of the friendlyname in the event that the subscription is not in my CSV instead of breaking the output. The first snippet below is my current working script that only works if the SKU is in my CSV, the one below it is the my best attempt at trying some input validation but I just can't get it to work. Everything displays correctly except the Subscription column which is blank (I also notice that it takes about 5x as long to run as normal), I would greatly appreciate any assistance offered; thanks!
Works as long as subscription is in my CSV:
$sku = Get-MsolAccountSku | select-object skupartnumber,ActiveUnits,suspendedUnits,ConsumedUnits | sort-object -property skupartnumber
$skudata = import-csv -Header friendlyname,skupartnumber "C:\PShell\cspcatalogalphabet.csv" | where-object {$sku.skupartnumber -eq $_.skupartnumber} | sort-object -property skupartnumber
$result = for ($n = 0; $n -lt #($skudata).Count; $n++) {
Subscription = #($skudata.friendlyname)[$n]
Active = $sku.ActiveUnits[$n]
Suspended = $sku.SuspendedUnits[$n]
Assigned = $sku.ConsumedUnits[$n]
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize
# Output:
Subscription Active Suspended Assigned
------------ ------ --------- --------
Microsoft Flow Free 10000 0 1
Power Bi (Free) 1000000 0 1
Microsoft Teams Exploratory 100 0 6
My best attempt at input validation which results in no data being read into $skulist.Subscription:
$sku = Get-MsolAccountSku | select-object skupartnumber,ActiveUnits,suspendedUnits,ConsumedUnits
$skulist = import-csv -Header friendlyname,skupartnumber "C:\PShell\cspcatalogalphabet.csv"
$skuname = for ($c = 0; $c -lt #($sku).count; $c++) {
if ($sku.skupartnumber[$c] -in $skulist.skupartnumber) {
Subscription = $skulist.friendlyname | where-object {$sku.skupartnumber[$c] -eq $skulist.skupartnumber}
else {
Subscription = #($sku.skupartnumber)[$c]
$table = for ($n = 0; $n -lt #($sku).Count; $n++) {
Subscription = #($skuname.Subscription)[$n]
Active = $sku.ActiveUnits[$n]
Suspended = $sku.SuspendedUnits[$n]
Assigned = $sku.ConsumedUnits[$n]
$table | format-table -AutoSize
# Output:
Subscription Active Suspended Assigned
------------ ------ --------- --------
10000 0 1
1000000 0 1
100 0 6
# An example of data I am grabbing from our clients' accounts:
$sku = Get-MsolAccountSku | select-object skupartnumber,ActiveUnits,suspendedUnits,ConsumedUnits
# Output:
SkuPartNumber ActiveUnits SuspendedUnits ConsumedUnits
------------- ----------- -------------- -------------
FLOW_FREE 10000 0 1
Instead of relying on the two arrays being aligned - that is, index $n in $sku must correspond to the item at index $n in $skulist for you code to work - you'll want to be able to resolve a value in $skulist based on the actual $SKU.SkuPartNumber value instead.
So how does one do that?!
Feed your $skulist into a [hashtable] instead:
$skulist = #{}
Import-Csv -Header friendlyname,skupartnumber "C:\PShell\cspcatalogalphabet.csv" |ForEach-Object {
$skulist[$_.skupartnumber] = $_.friendlyname
And then iterate over $skudata like this (notice there's no need for a for(;;) loop anymore, we don't need to care about array alignment!):
foreach($skuEntry in $sku){
Subscription = if($skuList.ContainsKey($skuEntry.SKUPartNumber){$skuList[$skuEntry.SKUPartNumber]}else{$skuEntry.SKUPartNumber})
Active = $skuEntry.ActiveUnits
Suspended = $skuEntry.SuspendedUnits
Assigned = $skuEntry.ConsumedUnits

Merge two PSCustomObjects into one- PowerShell

I need help in PowerShell to combine two outputs or two PSCustomObjects into One.
For example,
$services = Get-Service | Select Name, Starttype,Status
$processes = Get-Process | Select ID
I need the output with the table headers
Name, Starttype, Status, ID
I have already tried creating CSV and joining them but the problem is Process ID starts when the entire output ends for the services. I need them to a parallel.
Second I have tried to create PSCustomObjects but no luck.
Please help me with the PowerShell code.
Actual code that I'm trying to achieve.
**$exclusionItems = #()
$OasHighItems = #()
foreach($item in $items){
$exclusionItems += [PSCustomObject]#{
foreach($oas in $oashigh){
$oashighItems += [PSCustomObject]#{
$Array = #()
$Array = $exclusionItems,$oashighItems
$Array | Update-FirstObjectProperties | Export-Excel $ExcelParams -TableName Table -Show**
I'm assuming you want to join the two objects by their names, i.e. match the Process-Name with the Service-Name. For this you can loop over all processes & services, keep only those where service-name equals process-name, and use a calculated property to merge the result into one object:
$services = Get-Service;
Get-Process | ForEach-Object {$p = $_; $services |
Where-Object{$p.ProcessName -eq $_.Name} |
Select-Object Name,StartType,Status,#{n='ID';e={$p.ID}}}
The output on my machine is:
Name StartType Status ID
---- --------- ------ --
CcmExec Automatic Running 14856
CmRcService Automatic Running 5748
FusionInventory-Agent Automatic Running 5996
IBMPMSVC Automatic Running 3540
IntelAudioService Automatic Running 6104
... and so on ...

Parsing multiple valus in multiple variables

I am trying to find a way to execute a command in powershell and put each line of the result in a different variable to use them later in my script. For example if i execute the below command:
C:\> Get-VMHost -Name hq-esxi-prod-01a.nsx.gss | Get-VM | select Name
I will get the below:
I want to have a script that will add each line in a different variable in a script (excluding the first which is name).
how can i do that.
Thank you for your help.
You can use Set-Variable in a loop to put each value in a separate variable:
$i = 0
... | Get-Vm | Select-Objet -Expand Name | ForEach-Object {
Set-Variable -Name "vm$i" -Value $_
However, that usually isn't good advice. It's more common to put all names in one (array) variable:
$vmList = ...| Get-Vm | Select-Object -Expand Name
so you can access individual names via $vmList[<index>], or (if you need access by some kind of name) in a hashtable:
$i = 0
$vmList = #{}
... | Get-Vm | Select-Objet -Expand Name | ForEach-Object {
$vmList["vm$i"] = $_
Best practice would depend on the particular scenario you need this for, though.
Thank you for your reply,
I have tried you answer but it seems that i am using PowerCLI for VMware it does not include Select-Object -Expand (not sure i had an exception), However your answer have mad me reach to a suitable answer for this.
I have used the below and it worked fine using foreach and adding the values in an array and then reading them as below:
$p1vmname = Get-VMHost -Name hq-esxi-prod-01a.nsx.gss | Get-VM | select Name
$p1vmlist = #()
foreach ($p1line in $p1vmname)
$p1vmlist += $p1line
$p1 = 0
do {
$x = $p1+1
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:Black -ForegroundColor:Yellow "vm number $x is "$p1vmlist[$p1]"."
until ($p1 -eq $p1vmc)
However when using this the names was not totally correct as they had some additional characters as below:
vm number 1 is #{Name=HQ-Web-01a}
vm number 2 is #{Name=HQ-LinServ-01a}
vm number 3 is #{Name=HQ-Win2012-01a}
so i used split and trim to get rid of these as below and worked fine.
$p1vmname = Get-VMHost -Name hq-esxi-prod-01a.nsx.gss | Get-VM | select Name
$p1vmlist = #()
foreach ($p1line in $p1vmname)
$p1vmlist += $p1line
$p1 = 0
do {
$x = $p1+1
$p1vmlist[$p1] = ($p1vmlist[$p1]) -split("=") | Select-Object -Last 1
$p1vmlist[$p1] = $p1vmlist[$p1].trimend("}")
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:Black -ForegroundColor:Yellow "vm number $x is "$p1vmlist[$p1]"."
until ($p1 -eq $p1vmc)
vm number 1 is HQ-Web-01a .
vm number 2 is HQ-LinServ-01a .
vm number 3 is HQ-Win2012-01a .
Thank you so much for your answer that helped me a lot.
I am really enjoying scripting now.

Powershell - Create new line for multiple array objects using Export-csv

I have an odd one that I haven't seen much writing on. Anyway, here goes.
I'm trying to build an array and export it to CSV. The problem is, if there is more than one result returned, I can't figure out how to add it to the CSV as a new line. I am currently using a -join to throw all the results into the same cell, but that's not optimal. What I'd really like to do is add a new row and throw the extra results underneath it in the same column. Does that make sense? Here's what I have now:
# Grab all VMs, put into variable
$vms = Get-VM
# Use to build report
foreach ($vm in $vms){
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
VMName = $vm.Name
UsedSpaceGB = $vm.UsedSpaceGB
StorageAllocatedGB = ($vm.HardDisks.capacitygb | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
NumberOfCPUs = $cm.NumCpu
MemoryGB = $vm.MemoryGB
Datastores = Get-Datastore -VM $vm
Application = ($vm | Get-Annotation -CustomAttribute Applications -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Value | select
} | select VMName,#{label="Application";expression={$_.Application -join ","}},UsedSpaceGB,StorageAllocatedGB,NumberOfCPUs,MemoryGB,#{l="Datastores";e={$_.Datastores -join ","}} | Export-Csv -Path C:\script\VMCapacityUsedByApp.csv -NoClobber -Append -NoTypeInformation
By the way, this is using VMware's PowerCLI snapin. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Ok, looks like datastores and applications are the only fields that are going to return arrays according to your previous code. Assuming that the $cm.NumCpu was supposed to be $vm.NumCpu the following code should do what you want. It will figure out if you have more datastores or applications, and then loop through expanding the arrays for those fields creating new records for the same VM listing additional datastores and applications until it runs out of records. I set it to only list all details of a VM on the first record, but I'm sure you can figure out how to alter that if needed. Try this code and see how it looks to you:
# Grab all VMs, put into variable
$vms = Get-VM
# Use to build report
foreach ($vm in $vms){
$TempVM = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
VMName = $vm.Name
UsedSpaceGB = $vm.UsedSpaceGB
StorageAllocatedGB = ($vm.HardDisks.capacitygb | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
NumberOfCPUs = $cm.NumCpu
MemoryGB = $vm.MemoryGB
Datastores = Get-Datastore -VM $vm
Application = ($vm | Get-Annotation -CustomAttribute Applications -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Value
$Records = if($TempVM.Application.count -gt $TempVM.Datastores.Count){$TempVM.Application.Count}else{$TempVM.Datastores.Count}
$ExpandedVM = #()
$ExpandedVM += $TempVM|select Name,UsedSpaceGB,StorageAllocatedGB,NumberOfCPUs,MemoryGB,#{l="Datastores";e={$TempVM.Datastores[0]}},#{l="Application";e={$TempVM.Application[0]}}
for($i=1;$i -lt $Records;$i++){$ExpandedVM += $TempVM|select Name,#{l="Datastores";e={$TempVM.Datastores[$i]}},#{l="Application";e={$TempVM.Application[$i]}}}
$ExpandedVM | Export-Csv -Path C:\script\VMCapacityUsedByApp.csv -NoClobber -Append -NoTypeInformation
There may be a more elegant way to do it, but that should be functional for you at the very least. I don't have VM machines to test against, or the plugin you use, so I made up data that should be in line with what you're feeding it (strings for all fields except datastores and application both of which have their own array of strings) and ended up with output like this:
Name UsedSpaceGB StorageAllo NumberOfCP MemoryGB Datastores Applicatio
catedGB Us n
---- ----------- ----------- ---------- -------- ---------- ----------
TestVM 250 500 4 16 Store1 Word
TestVM Store2 Excel
TestVM Store3 Access
TestVM Outlook
TestVM2 487 500 4 32 StoreA WoW
TestVM2 StoreB SC2
TestVM2 StoreC D3
TestVM2 StoreD
TestVM2 StoreE
That is what you were looking for I think.

compare columns in two csv files

With all of the examples out there you would think I could have found my solution. :-)
Anyway, I have two csv files; one with two columns, one with 4. I need to compare one column from each one using powershell. I thought I had it figured out but when I did a compare of my results, it comes back as false when I know it should be true. Here's what I have so far:
$newemp = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\newemp.csv" -Header login_id, lastname, firstname, other | Select-Object "login_id"
$ps = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\Emplid_LoginID.csv" | Select-Object "login id"
If ($newemp -eq $ps)
write-host "IDs match" -forgroundcolor green
write-host "Not all IDs match" -backgroundcolor yellow -foregroundcolor black
I had to specifiy headers for the first file because it doesn't have any. What's weird is that I can call each variable to see what it holds and they end up with the same info but for some reason still comes up as false. This occurs even if there is only one row (not counting the header row).
I started to parse them as arrays but wasn't quite sure that was the right thing. What's important is that I compare row1 of the first file with with row1 of the second file. I can't just do a simple -match or -contains.
EDIT: One annoying thing is that the variables seem to hold the header row as well. When I call each one, the header is shown. But if I call both variables, I only see one header but two rows.
I just added the following check but getting the same results (False for everything):
$results = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $newemp -DifferenceObject $ps -PassThru | ForEach-Object { $_.InputObject }
Using latkin's answer from here I think this would give you the result set you're looking for. As per latkin's comment, the property comparison is redundant for your purposes but I left it in as it's good to know. Additionally the header is specified even for the csv with headers to prevent the header row being included in the comparison.
$newemp = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\_sotemp\Book1.csv" -Header loginid |
Select-Object "loginid"
$ps = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\_sotemp\Book2.csv" -Header loginid |
Select-Object "loginid"
#get list of (imported) CSV properties
$props1 = $newemp | gm -MemberType NoteProperty | select -expand Name | sort
$props2 = $ps | gm -MemberType NoteProperty | select -expand Name | sort
#first check that properties match
#omit this step if you know for sure they will be
if(Compare-Object $props1 $props2){
throw "Properties are not the same! [$props1] [$props2]"
#pass properties list to Compare-Object
Compare-Object $newemp $ps -Property $props1
In the second line, I see there a space "login id" and the first line doesn't have it. Could that be an issue. Try having the same name for the headers in the .csv files itself. And it works for without providing header or select statements. Below is my experiment based upon your input.
loginid firstname lastname
abc123 John patel
zxy321 Kohn smith
sdf120 Maun scott
tiy123 Dham rye
k2340 Naam mason
lk10j5 Shaan kelso
303sk Doug smith
PS C:\>$newemp = Import-csv C:\scripts\emp.csv
PS C:\>$ps = Import-CSV C:\scripts\empids.csv
PS C:\>$results = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $newemp -DifferenceObject $ps | foreach { $_.InputObject}
Shows the difference objects that are not in $ps
loginid firstname lastname SideIndicator
------- --------- -------- -------------
k2340 Naam mason <=
lk10j5 Shaan kelso <=
303sk Doug smith <=
I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but i have used the PowerShell to do some CSV formatting for myself.
$test = Import-Csv .\Desktop\Vmtools-compare.csv
foreach ($i in $test) {
foreach ($n in $ {
foreach ($m in $test) {
$check = "yes"
if ($n -eq $ {
$check = "no"
if ($check -ne "no") {$n}
this is how my excel csv file looks like:
prod name
1 3
2 5
3 8
4 2
5 0
and script outputs this:
so basically script takes each number under Name column and then checks it against prod column. If the number is there then it won't display else it will display that number.
I have also done it the opposite way:
$test = Import-Csv c:\test.csv
foreach ($i in $test) {
foreach ($n in $ {
foreach ($m in $test) {
$check = "yes"
if ($n -eq $ {echo $n}
this is how my excel csv looks like:
prod name
1 3
2 5
3 8
4 2
5 0
and script outputs this:
so script shows the matching entries only.
You can play around with the code to look at different columns.